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A cold sensation came from his wrist. Meng Gu didn’t feel any pain at all. He only saw a thin red line on his wrist. Then his proud fist fell, just like 2 pieces of useless. Like a stone, it fell on the ground and splashed a dust!

After stunned for a while, Meng Gucai suddenly recovered, staring blankly at his bare wrist and screamed: “You even… cut my hand!”

“So what?” Du Yuesheng waved the Executing Immortal Sword in his hand again. He directly used Berserk’s Zhuxian, and he was not prepared to give Meng Gu the slightest idea of ​​alive.

The sword light flashed across Meng Gu like flowing water, and the rays of light in Meng Gu’s double pupils instantly dimmed.

Afterwards, he fell down like a piece of broken wood and moved towards the ground.

“Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng for killing Meng Gu and gaining immortal dao points of 40,000 7000 6,000,000 20 points!”

“Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng for killing Meng Gu and earning Unparalleled Value 60 points!”

“Ding, system tips, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng’s level upgrade, the current level, Nine Heavens Profound Immortal 6th-layer!”

The level increase Du Yuesheng is not happy, because killing an Encompassing Heaven Exalted Immortal actually has only 60 Unparalleled Value.

He couldn’t bear to sigh for a while, EXP is easy to get, but Unparalleled Value is not so easy. It seems that if you want to get Unparalleled Value on a large scale, you can only kill as many enemies as possible, but now the time comes.

After killing Meng Gu, Du Yuesheng’s eyes were placed on Ke Qi’s body, and he said, “Are you coming to die by yourself, or will Heavenly Emperor give you a ride?”

“The cultivation base of trifling Nine Heavens Profound Immortal 5th layer can kill Menggu Senior, which really surprised me…”

Ke Qi slowly put away the chessboard in his hand, turned around, and grinned at Du Yuesheng, saying: “But I’m afraid it’s almost like you want to kill me!”

“Want to escape?”

Du Yuesheng frowned, thoughts move, sword light vented at first glance, just like a torrential flood, directly moved towards Meng ancient attack and killed in the past.

hong long long, a wave of the mountain shook, four dust and smoke covered half of the sky. After the dust and smoke dispersed, the crowd found that this sword passed, Du Yuesheng even straightened the top of the balcony mountain.

But Du Yuesheng not at all heard the system prompt, he narrowed his eyes, looked towards where Ke Qi stood, only to see the sword marks pulled by sword light from all over him.

But Ke Qi’s body was not at all blood flowed out, and at first glance, only some internal organs were creeping in his within the body, strange and extreme!

“It turned out to be a puppet?” Du Yuesheng’s eyes narrowed and his eyes fell on the chessboard in his hand. This chessboard was also very powerful. It was clamped under his arm, but the chess piece on it was still stuck on the motionless, and this chess board had just been carried. Du Yuesheng’s sword light.

“My Burning Incense Valley is the best at Puppet Technique.” Ke Qi smiled.

The wound on the body of the opening is like a fish mouth on the shore. It is very horrible: “But Sire let me see the young hero. If Sire can let me go with this puppet, I will be grateful in the future! “

Du Yuesheng hearing this just said with a smile: “As long as you tell me, you deceive the ancient demon Elder what they do to stay in Soul Valley to do, I am not unable to let go of your puppet.”

“We discovered the secret of Soul Valley, but if we want to enter Soul Valley, we must use Race Clansman, a demon who is proficient in Array.

Originally, I wanted to discuss with the ancient demon, but they did not want to. We had to do something to threaten the ancient demon with the clansman of the ancient demon. It is a pity…”

The helplessness of 10,000 points in Ke Qi’s eyes said that it seemed that the clansman who killed the demon Race was not what he wanted.

Du Yuesheng’s eyes narrowed and said, “You have that Primal Chaos board that can disturb the Five Elements control Array, why would you want Elder breaking the formation?”

“Because the Array in the Soul Valley is not the Five Elements Array of today, but the Heavenly Dao Great Array, it is useless to disturb the Five Elements. It is only necessary to disturb the Heavenly Dao, but is the Heavenly Dao Union chaotic?

Now that I have said everything I know, can Sire let me go puppets away, I love this puppet very much and I don’t want to ruin it. “

Du Yuesheng laughed: “Well, you go.”

Ke Qi turned around immediately, Du Yuesheng also raised the sword in an instant, and then the sword fell down again. The sword light of this time was not powerful, but it was extremely dense. Only when he heard a loud sound, Ke Qi was completely covered by the sword light.

After the word light dissipated, Ke Qi’s entire body was directly transformed into a piece of meat, and the chess board in his hand also landed with a jingle.

Only then Du Yuesheng said with a lip: “I lied to you.”

But the strange thing is that after the chessboard hits the ground, it sinks directly into the ground as if it fell into the water.

Wang Kaixuan looked anxiously, jumping up with a Heaven Opening shovel, digging a small half of the mountain down, but didn’t even see one.

He couldn’t help being anxious: “Boss, the Primal Chaos board is a big treasure, why is it gone!”

Du Yuesheng shook his head and said: “People have already portrayed a teleport Array on the reverse side of the Primal Chaos board. As long as the Primal Chaos board leaves Ke Qi’s puppet’s hand, it will be launched. Otherwise, do you think I will not take the shot?”

Wang Kaixuan lost his temper as soon as he heard it. Since others were ready early, he certainly knew he had no hope to start.

Du Yuesheng said: “Treasure is not good, let’s go to the Valley of Souls first and rescue the ancient demon Elder!”

“I’m going too!” Ling Ji is not stupid. She heard Du Yuesheng’s tone not saying her, and she said quickly.

Du Yuesheng shook his head for a while, and said, “No, you have to go back and lead your clansman to fight. Now your Array can be used, but if the demon Race does not have a leader, it is still very dangerous!”

Ling Ji froze, glanced back at the Array launch, but the city was still stuck in the battle situation, could not help clenches the teeth, turned around and moved towards city rushed back.

“Boss …you are willing to let such a beautiful woman go back to fight with those cultivators of Wangtianmeng alone?” Wang Kaixuan said with a frown.

Du Yuesheng whispered for a while: “These cultivators of Wangtianmeng are not elites. Are the true elites all in the Soul Valley?

And Lingji has Array can be used, it is easy to kill the cultivator of Wangwangmeng, let her follow us to stay in Soul Valley is the trouble. “

According to Ke Qi, there are Heavenly Dao Great Array in the Soul Valley, which shows that there are probably many good things in the Soul Valley, so you have to be careful.

Afterwards, the 2 people immediately boarded the Immortal Shadow Boat, preparing to move towards the Soul Valley.

Who knew that Nine Heavens Xuan Ling Rabbit was brows tightly knit, hugged Du Yuesheng’s thigh and said: “Boss, it is very difficult for people entering the Soul Valley to come out, even if the ancient demon are proficient in Array.

They must die inside, let’s not die! “


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