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Although the Earth Explosive Star did not absorb enough energy, the power exploded at this moment is still enough to destroy a small mountain guard array at the foot of the Heavenly Dragon Mountain.

After the white light shines, the ground fiercely trembles, and there are four dust smokes. When everyone looks up again, they can only see a huge hole appearing in the place where the Great Mountain Array was originally located.


The many guardian mountain discipline faces of the Heavenly Dragon mountain changed. Although this mountain guard Great Array is just an ordinary item at the foot of the mountain, it can also withstand the attack of a Nine Heavens Profound Immortal 5th layer expert. Now it has been destroyed so easily!

At first, I felt that Du Yuesheng was the young genius who came to courting death. He was also dumbfounded and did not dare to show the least look of ridicule.

“Who dares to find trouble in my Heavenly Dragon Mountain!” Coldly shouted suddenly uploaded from the mountain, although no silhouette, but the great power contained in the voice, after everyone heard this voice, they were all unable to bear Shivering, feeling dizzy and chest tight.

Cultivation base A little lower, one can’t bear to open his mouth to spit out a big mouthful of blood. Originally how many years the genius is still calm, but under this drunk, it suddenly became chaotic!

It’s just that the sound appears to have such great power. I can imagine how powerful this person’s cultivation base is. I’m afraid it already exists at the level of Encompassing Heaven Exalted Immortal.

In the fairy boat, everyone was not at all affected, but Ling Ji Princess’s complexion was a little nervous: “Heavenly Dragon Mountain is not so irritating, their expert, even the existence of Immortal Venerable level, You are undoubtedly bring about one’s own destruction!”

Wang Kaixuan and rabbit heartless looking around, it seems to be looking for the graveyard of Heavenly Dragon Mountain.

And Feng Ye slowly said, “If Ling Ji Princess is afraid, you can leave first!”

“I…I’m not afraid!” Ling Ji Princess frowned explained, “I just don’t want Du Yuesheng courting death!”

Speaking of Ling Ji Princess, she set her eyes on Du Yuesheng and found Du Yuesheng brows tightly knit. She could not help secretly said in one’s heart. I guess right, now Du Yuesheng is also worried about this problem…

But at this moment, Du Yuesheng suddenly said, “No, just an Encompassing Heaven Exalted Immortal. At least a few experts of Immortal Monarch Immortal Emperor level must be brought out to kill, so that Heavenly Dragon Mountain’s Insiders tell the truth.”

While speaking, Du Yuesheng directly opened the Wushuang Mall, without hesitation to pull the merchandise column to the bottom in one go, and to directly find the most powerful item.

You must know that at least Encompassing Heaven Exalted Immortal is the next thing you want to deal with, and even Immortal Monarch Immortal Emperor and even Immortal Venerable level experts appear later, but you can’t be stingy.

Ling Ji Princess stayed in place, she could not think of it, Du Yuesheng even wanted to provoke the existence of Immortal Monarch or even Immortal Emperor level.

What is the difference between courting and courting death?

Du Yuesheng, who was looking at Wushuang Mall, suddenly raised his frowning brows, and a flash of rays of light flashed in his eyes: “This gourd is a bit familiar… Ah? It is Purple Gold Red Gourd?”

Purple Gold Red Gourd, that’s the Magic Treasure of the Golden Horn and Silver Horn in Journey to the West, has made Sun Wukong the Great Sage Equal of Heaven all burnt, and didn’t expect Wushuang Mall also sell it, haha!

Seeing the product name on the product column, Du Yuesheng didn’t even bother to glance at the product information and bought it directly!

“Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player for successfully purchasing Purple Gold Red Gourd, it costs Unparalleled Value 3500 points, and currently Unparalleled Value has 100 points left!”

At the same time, the data of Purple Gold Red Gourd also appeared in Du Yuesheng’s eyes.

Product Name: Purple Gold Red Gourd (imitation)

Commodity type: Magic Treasure

Product description: Players hold Purple Gold Red Gourd, as long as they shout the enemy’s name, and the enemy responds, they will be immediately drawn into Purple Gold Red Gourd.

Product Remarks: This is a copy of Purple Gold Red Gourd. Inhaled opponents can only be closed for 2 or 1 hours, and can absorb Immortal Venerable level experts at the highest level, and cannot kill any opponents inhaled in the gourd. Please be careful use!

Seeing this, Du Yuesheng couldn’t help but corner of mouth twitching, it turned out to be just an imitation, not only only 2 hours of confinement time, but also was castrated to turn people into pus.

Fortunately, this Purple Gold Red Gourd can fit all the experts of Immortal Venerable level. For Du Yuesheng now, this can be considered a good Magic Treasure, and it can also be of great use right now.

On the outside world, on the Heavenly Dragon Mountain, a cultivation base has reached the level of the Encompassing Heaven Exalted Immortal deacon wearing 10,000 feet red clouds light, stepping on the void and falling down, the momentum is so great that people can’t bear to worship them.

After the deacon at the level of Encompassing Heaven Exalted Immortal came down, he completely ignored 10000 1000 and wanted to worship the genius discipline, standing proudly in the air, coldly looking at the fairy boat where Du Yuesheng is located, coldly said: “Who shot me at Heavenly Dragon Mountain Come on, let’s stand up, so many eyes are on you, you can’t deny it!”

When Lingji Princess saw that everyone had come to the door, she immediately became more nervous.

Du Yuesheng smiled slightly, body flashed, and appeared directly outside, his eyes swept away, and he said lightly, “who is the newcomer?”

“Huh? I didn’t ask for your name, but you asked for my name! Well, I’m not afraid to tell you, I am the deacon Qi Feng of Heavenly Dragon Mountain, who are you? Dare to give me Heavenly Dragon Mountain, I want to courting death ?”

Du Yuesheng laughed and shook his head and said, “Under Du Yuesheng, it is not courting death to come to Heavenly Dragon Mountain, but to come to the owner of Heavenly Dragon mountain sect? If you can introduce me, I ask him a few questions, and he honestly answers, Everyone is kind and nice.”

Qi Feng raised his eyebrows and sneered, saying: “The kid is really rampant, he dare to talk to us Sect Master nonsense, you don’t have to look at what you are doing… Hey…”

Halfway through the talk, Qi Feng felt awkward in his heart, and he discovered that he couldn’t even see Du Yuesheng’s cultivation base.

In many cases, even low-level cultivators can see through the cultivation base of the high-level cultivator, but he does not see through Du Yuesheng’s cultivation base. Doesn’t it mean that Du Yuesheng’s cultivation base is not only higher than him, but Far higher than him?

When Qi Feng played drums for a while, and wanted to explore Du Yuesheng’s details again, Du Yuesheng directly figured out the Purple Gold Red Gourd over there, pointed the gourd mouth at Qi Feng, and suddenly said: “Yes, you Call it Qi Feng.”

“Yes and how?” Qi Feng subconsciously replied.

As soon as he finished talking, he suddenly felt a great suction coming from the front, every part of his body up and down, as if there were 10,000 people pulling, making him impossible to move even a little bit, and still Involuntarily moved towards Du Yuesheng and flew past.

Qi Feng was shocked in his heart, and with a cry, he had no time to show it. He felt black before his eyes, and then he passed out.

Du Yuesheng covered it with a gourd cover, grinned, and said with a wide smile: “Is the effect okay.”

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