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Qiao Ziliang’s face changed abruptly. He suddenly forgot the medicine pill on the World.

With Du Yuesheng’s cultivation base, the medicine pill that wants the people present to eat after only ten days of killing can’t be easier.

The group of cultivators that followed Qiao Ziliang changed dramatically. After glancing at each other, he immediately fell to his knees and cried to the ground, crying: “Don’t kill us, don’t kill us, our Array is not as good as Qiao Ziliang, and cultivation base is even worse. He, we are coerced by him!”

Qiao Ziliang hearing this looks more and more bitter, everyone abandons him, but this also blame others, if he does not make his head for his bad luck big brother, maybe he will have reached the 5th floor long ago, and he will not fall into such a field!

So he opened his mouth and said: “Since the skill is not as good as I am, I won’t say much, just beg you to bypass my companions’ life!”

Du Yuesheng smiled slightly and said, “If you want to destroy my cultivation base, I will naturally not let you go, and these people are all people who sell friends and seek prosperity, and I have no idea to let them go!”

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and all the medicine pill in the bottle flew out, and a grain of medicine pill flew into everyone’s mouth with great accuracy, and immediately fell into the stomach.

In an instant, everyone was dumbfounded, but they were so angry that they didn’t dare to vent Du Yuesheng, and some people even ran to Du Yuesheng and asked for mercy.

However, Du Yuesheng raised his hand and broke the formation directly under the prompt of the system. A white light fell, pulling him up to the 5th floor.

At the same time, in the palace of the outside Fairy Race, after the Clansman in a crystal mirror saw this scene, several older Fairy Race Elder suddenly nodded again and again.

“It is a good youngster to kill decisively!”

“The mind is also very good, even if we will drill holes in our rules, we are not allowed to kill directly in the 9-sapphire blue glass tower, he is killing people with Poison Pill who will not kill immediately!”

“This child’s attainment along the way of Array is also quite high. The former 4-Layer’s Array was broken almost instantly!”

Several Elders are extremely satisfied with Du Yuesheng, but a beautiful lady, Race, who sits under the Elders is a tightly knit woman. He said: “Isn’t Elders too biased to kill or just kill?” , That kid is wrong as long as he kills!”

Hearing the woman’s words, several Elders turned their heads to look at her, sighed, and said, “Ling Ji Princess, I’ll wait until you know you’ve fallen in love with another human race cultivator, but you don’t have to belittle others. !”

Ling Ji Princess hearing this, the more beautiful the wrinkle, the tighter, said: “Elders don’t think about it, I just talk about things, and then there is the Array of the 5th floor. Let’s see, Brother Lin has entered the 5th floor Array for a long time. I don’t believe this kid can surpass Brother Lin!”

After that, she set her eyes on the crystal mirror.

At this moment, Du Yuesheng has come to the 5th floor. The 5th floor is unexpectedly narrow, with only a dozen square feet. The ground and surrounding decorations are mostly ordinary blue glass floors. If you look closely, there is a door up ahead. It seems that you can go out by pushing the door.

In front of the gate, there was a human youth cultivator sitting cross-legged, looking at the gate in contemplation.

Du Yuesheng suddenly appeared and alarmed the human youth cultivator. The human youth cultivator looked back and saw Du Yuesheng suddenly frowned with a trace of disgust in his eyes, coldly snorted: “A toad came.”

After he finished, he turned back and continued to look at the door and meditate.

Du Yuesheng felt that he was unfathomable mystery. He came here according to the rules of breaking the formation. He was called toad for no reason, what are you?

sneered, Du Yuesheng called the system directly in his heart, and explored the Array here clearly. It turns out that the gate is where the Array is. As long as the gate is pushed open, you can successfully walk out of the 9 Sapphire Blue Glass Tower and get the one on the top of the tower 9 sapphire blue glass beads, married Ling Ji Princess as the wife.

However, Du Yuesheng is not interested in Ling Ji Princess and only wants 9 sapphire blue glass beads.

After exploring the Array clearly, Du Yuesheng raised his feet and stepped forward, wanting to break the formation and take the beads.

I never thought that he had just walked beside the human youth cultivator. The young man suddenly extended the hand and reached out to stop Du Yuesheng’s path, coldly shouted, “What do you want to do?”

Du Yuesheng’s eyes narrowed, and he asked, “I stepped forward, besides breaking the formation and taking beads, what else can I do?”

“You just arrived here, you can break the formation? Idiot said dreams, don’t think I don’t know your thoughts, you just want to stop my sight and stop me from breaking the formation!” The young cultivator sneered again and again, a pair has seen everything through Looks like.

Du Yuesheng hearing this could not help but sneer: “The heart of a villain is the belly of a gentleman.”

“You said my Lin Chuan is a villain?” When the youth cultivator heard this, his face was flushed with anger, and he said, unable to bear gritted his teeth:

“Hmph, you must observe the formation before breaking the formation. You can’t see the complete Array one step further. How to observe the formation? You are not trying to stop me from observing the formation. You are the most abominable person, you can’t get it yourself. , Let others not get it! Don’t tell me that you can really break the formation after a few breaths here!”

“Then keep your eyes open to see how I am breaking the formation.” Du Yuesheng patted Fei Linchuan’s hand and walked forward, without any breaking the formation technique at all, and directly reached out and pushed the door.

Lin Chuan sneered even more when he saw this: “It didn’t stop me from breaking the formation. This array is so subtle, there are 9 9 80 10,000 changes. If you can open the door directly by pushing the door, I might as well die… …”

Before he finished speaking, he heard a harsh creaking sound. The gate of 9 9 80 10,000 changes in Lin Chuan’s mouth was actually pushed open so directly.

At this moment, Du Yuesheng turned his head and grinned and said: “Sorry, the Array I saw has 80 10,000 zero changes, and the extra change is that you can break the formation directly by pushing the door. Now… Go to hell.”

“Wh… what!” Lin Chuan was already stunned. He sat here and deduced one hour before deducing less than 10% of the changes. It was even more distant to come up with the method of breaking the formation.

And Du Yuesheng came just a few breaths, and actually broke the array and go out directly, and… still such a simple method of breaking the formation.

In an instant, Lin Chuan really had the thought of death, how could he be defeated so thoroughly?

And in the palace of Yaoji Race, when everyone saw Du Yuesheng walking up to the ground with a brave hand, all Elder’s eyes lit up.

The big Elder, who usually has the deepest thoughts, broke out in an instant, stood up with a shudder, and shouted again and again regardless of his image: “Go, hurry up, my demon girl Race 1,000,000-year opportunity has arrived!”

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