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Nine Heavens Xuan Ling Tu was quite dissatisfied with Du Yuesheng in his heart, and wanted to tease Du Yuesheng.

But when he saw Du Yuesheng’s murderous aura, his whole body trembled, and he quickly said: “If you have something to say, fighting is not a rabbit guy, isn’t it just a Heavenly Palace? I know! “

“Specific direction!”

Du Yuesheng raised his hand to the void and grabbed the Nine Heavens Profound Spirit Rabbit directly in his hand. Coldly asked that he had space to transfer the talisman, and he could rush over quickly without flying slowly.

“At 1,000,000 li to the north, it is said that there is an abyss in the north, where the abyss is broken, and Heavenly Palace is the part that stabilizes Heaven and Earth. A great power, boy, I advise you to proceed carefully, then Heavenly Palace is extremely not to be Trifled with, Immortal World Peak forces can no longer describe their power. It should be said that they are Super Influences who maintain the stability of Immortal World!”

“Hmph, what about Super Influence?” Du Yuesheng sneered again and again, the empress is his woman, dare to attack her, even the entire Immortal World Du Yuesheng will not take it seriously, even more how a small Heavenly Palace!

After Du Yuesheng finished talking, he put the Nine Heavens Xuan Ling Rabbit directly in his sleeve, turned around and grabbed Feng Ye’s hand, and drew out the space transfer symbol, facing north, thoughts move. After 3 seconds, the space transfer symbol went straight launch.

Du Yuesheng only felt the rapid changes in the foreground of his eyes, and after a blink of an eye, he appeared outside 9 100,000 li.

“Wow! So fast!” Nine Heavens Xuanling Rabbit poked his head out of Du Yuesheng’s sleeves and looked at the surrounding scenery. It was startled, and immediately surprised: “Boy, Master Rabbit looked down upon you, didn’t expect Your method is okay, here is only 100,000 li from the Heavenly Palace!”

Du Yuesheng nodded, thoughts move, directly shouted in the heart: “system, I want to buy a space transfer symbol!”

“Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the players for successfully purchasing the Space Transfer Charm, which costs 800 Unparalleled Value points. Currently, there are 4000 900 63 Unparalleled Value points left!”

Du Yuesheng didn’t bother to care how much Unparalleled Value was left in his hand, and took out a new space transfer charm, thoughts move, the new space transfer charm immediately emitted waves of space fluctuations.

At this moment, on Du Yuesheng side Fengye, she felt Du Yuesheng’s anxiety at the moment and the almost irrepressible killing intent in her heart, and she asked, “Who is deciding Heavenly Palace?”

Du Yuesheng was taken aback for a moment, then he remembered that Feng Ye was also going to follow his own woman, he couldn’t help showing a helpless expression, and then he said, “My woman.”

Fengye trembled when she heard this. She had actually thought that such a tyrannical figure, Du Yuesheng, was impossible, and there must be a woman beside her, and she herself was prepared for this.

But now, when she saw Du Yuesheng running so frantically for one of the women, she had a sour heart in her heart. She didn’t know if Du Yuesheng would run for her like this if she fell into the enemy.

Three seconds came quickly, and under the pull of the space transfer charm, the two people suddenly disappeared in place.

And at this moment, in a great hall deep in the Heavenly Palace, the Heavenly Palace Young Palace Lord is setting Heavenly Palace, smiling at a completely closed peach petal in front of him, and smilingly said, “Are you called the Empress?” “

No sound came out of the peach blossom petals.

Instead, a fatty who was tied up by 5 Huada and couldn’t move at all yelled: “Boy, don’t be arrogant, you can also know the name of the emperor?”

“Oh, then you seem to be called the Empress.” After Ding Tianxing finished speaking, he smiled at Wang Kaixuan and said, “Many thanks!”

Wang Kaixuan corner of mouth twitching, immediately said: “Don’t, you set my words, you will regret it, wait for my Boss to come, don’t say you set Heavenly Palace, even if you fucking can’t survive!”

When Ding Tianxing heard this, he burst into laughter: “Hahaha, let’s not say who your boss is, just say this entire Immortal World, who can compete with my Heavenly Palace, you can count with one hand. Come out, and those people are super monsters who have never been born. How could there be a brother like you, so don’t try to scare me!”

Wang Kaixuan gritted his teeth bitterly and said: “Then you are wrong. My Boss is not the kind of old monster that is not born, but there is no way for any old monster to take him. I advise you to release the empress quickly, otherwise If the time comes, when the time comes, it’s too late for you to cry!”

“Hehe… let the empress?” Ding Tianxing turned back and sat on his Young Palace Lord’s throne, grinning slightly and said, “I have been lonely for more than 300 years of cultivation, not that I cannot find a woman. It’s that those vulgar fans can’t enter my eyes!”

With that said, Ding Tianxing’s gaze fell on the completely closed peach blossom and murmured: “But now it’s different. The empress has won my heart and is the lover of my life, so I will get it anyway. She! Speaking of which, you must also thank him, otherwise, I am afraid I would have killed you long ago!”

“Cut! I have already sounded the Boss. It won’t be long before my Boss will be here. You regret it when the time comes!” Wang Kaixuan hummed and stopped talking.

Instead, Ding Tianxing became more and more interested: “Is it? I want to see who dares to make Heavenly Palace trouble. I guess, your Boss knows that the Empress is setting Heavenly Palace in me. Maybe you have to come over and bless me personally, hahahaha…”

Just when Ding Tianxing laughed arrogantly, a shouted shout suddenly decided that Heavenly Palace was rumored to come in: “Hand over the Empress, I will let you set Heavenly Palace as a horse, otherwise, even chicken and dog doesn’t remain!”

This shouted voice is not particularly loud, but it is extremely penetrating, like a sharp blade, it directly penetrates the entire Ding Heavenly Palace, and the sound is transmitted to almost all places of Ding Heavenly Palace.

And Ding Tianxing naturally also heard this loud drink, Wang Kaixuan immediately eyes shined, and laughed: “haha, my Boss is here, you are dead, now give you a way to live, obediently send me and the empress, You can survive!”

At the same time, the peach petals that had always wrapped the emperor slowly bloomed, and the emperor who opened her knees and closed her eyes slowly opened her eyes slowly, revealing a devastatingly beautiful smile.

If it were in the past, Ding Tianxing would definitely be excited when he saw this smile, but now, the empress smile is for Du Yuesheng.

In an instant, Ding Tianxing felt a great sense of frustration in his heart: “Do you also think that the unknown person outside can save you? Huh, today I am going to kill him in front of you, I think How do you deal with yourself!”

At this moment, outside Ding Heavenly Palace, when Feng Ye saw the 100-mile-long palace complex of Ding Heavenly Palace, he was amazed by the impossible to bear.

But there is only one word in Du Yuesheng’s eyes, that is, kill!

Nine Heavens Xuanling Rabbit looked at Heavenly Palace and couldn’t help being muttered: “Boy, I said, you just offended Heavenly Palace. If you still want to live, you should run away.”

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