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Hearing the words of many cultivators, Du Yuesheng was just cold-eyed.

There are currently no fewer than 2 100 cultivators here, about half of the people below the Great Encompassing Golden Immortal 9 Layer, and the rest are Nine Heavens Profound Immortal, but Nine Heavens Profound Immortal, the highest cultivation base, is only Nine Heavens Profound Immortal 3rd-layer cultivation base.

Du Yuesheng sighed helplessly, his cultivation base has reached the level of Nine Heavens Profound Immortal, so at present these Great Encompassing Golden Immortal for him, EXP is already extremely low, and there is no Unparalleled Value anymore.

The EXP and Unparalleled Value of Nine Heavens Profound Immortal are probably not so high.

After thinking for a while, Du Yuesheng simply sat in place and was motionless.

Di Ya saw that Du Yuesheng was motionless, and was immediately anxious: “Du Xiaoyou, you can’t wait any longer, lest these cultivator call friends, when the time comes too many experts, it will be troublesome!”

Feng Ye is just shook the head and said: “I am afraid that he feels that these cultivators are not worth the shots, but waiting for a higher level of existence.”

Du Yuesheng hearing this unable to bear will smile, although Feng Ye has not been with him for a long time, but he already knows him very well.

Du Yuesheng really felt that the cultivators in front of him had no need to shoot, just wait for them to come a little more, when the time comes to kill them in one breath, and get enough EXP and Unparalleled Value.

Of course, at this time, he also started to check the products in the Unparalleled Value store. The problems that can be solved by Wushuang store, it is best not to personally.

“Experts under this Heaven Nine Heavens Profound Immortal 100rd-layer can only get up to 3 2 Unparalleled Value at this time, so the cost should be controlled within 1000 Unparalleled Value.”

Du Yuesheng looked at the products in the mall with a value below 1000 Unparalleled Value with a smile. Suddenly, his eyes fell slightly and fell on one of the products he had bought before-bite fairy beads!

It’s just that there is no original discount and the price has been increased. The current price is 800 Unparalleled Value!

Du Yuesheng unable to bear in the heart for a while defamation Wushuang Mall, but also bought a fairy bite without hesitation.

“Ding, system reminds, congratulations players to spend 800 Unparalleled Value to buy a fairy bite, there are currently 1000 6,000,000 zero 4 points!”

The Unparalleled Value earned in the virtual God World is almost exhausted, but this time, Du Yuesheng has to make up for the previous expenses in one go.

After eating the fairy beads, Du Yuesheng did not hesitate to use it. Suddenly, the sound of quarrels rang again:

“Hey, Sword Demon old ghost, last time you went out, this time I should go out!”

“Sword Demon, it can’t be said like this. Although I was out last time, Du Xiaoyou and I were getting along very well, so this time should still go out with me. After all, Du Xiaoyou also uses a sword!”

“Che, I still need to use weapons to deal with such a group of Nine Heavens Profound Immortal? Just a finger, bastard. If you rob me again, the old man will kill you even if you fight this life!”

Du Yuesheng waited silently for a quarrel between 2 people.

Outside of Array, many cultivators have already turned upside down. When Du Yuesheng first appeared, they were still a little bit dazed.

However, as Du Yuesheng disappeared, their courage gradually grew, but because of Array’s delay in breaking through, they started to call friends.

For a time, a flowing light kept flying from all over the sky, blocking the outside of Di Village.

In just one hour, the number of Nine Heavens Profound Immortal outside has reached 300, and the highest level also has the presence of Nine Heavens Profound Immortal 5th layer.

It is not difficult for such a number of experts to break through the Array. Fortunately, at this moment, the quarrel inside the Xianzhu has ended, and the arrogant laughter of the sword demon rang in Du Yuesheng’s ear:

“Haha, Du Xiaoyou, these people will all be killed.”

Du Yuesheng nodded: “Nature…”

“Everyone in the Array must kill it.”

Du Yuesheng has a black thread: “I’ll kill you first.”

“Hehe, make a joke, when the time comes My power is completely under your control, you want to kill who kill who!” As he said, Du Yuesheng felt a huge force of power pouring into himself within The body, but also with an extremely tyrannical killing intent, let him wish to immediately shot to kill everyone on the scene thoroughly.

And at this time, the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal outside were also unable to bear and laughed: “haha, kid, now we have so many people, I see how you can sit on the Diaoyutai!”

“Cannot tell good from bad boy, dare to fight against us, today I will let you know that you are wrong!”

While speaking, the leading Nine Heavens Profound Immortal 5th layer expert is a storage bag around the waist, ready to teach Du Yuesheng to be a human being.

But at this moment, Du Yuesheng stood up first, raised his hand and waved, Array’s protection was directly removed by him.

Seeing this scene, Di Ya was so frightened that he couldn’t control it, but it was obvious that only Du Yuesheng could control the situation, so he didn’t say a word.

Instead, the Expert of Nine Heavens Profound Immortal 5th layer looked at Du Yuesheng with a sneer, indifferently said: “Now I know to withdraw Array? Unfortunately, I will still kill you because you are too slow to withdraw Array…”

Suddenly, the voice of Nine Heavens Profound Immortal came to an abrupt halt. Under the gaze of many cultivators, his body shook in in midair, his eyes closed, and he fell straight from the air, hitting the ground with a loud bang. in this brief moment, cut off instantly!

“Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player for killing a Nine Heavens Profound Immortal 5th layer expert and get immortal dao points 10,000 zero 700 20 points!”

“Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the players for killing the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal 5th layer expert and getting Unparalleled Value 20 points!”

“what happened?”

Seeing this scene, the surrounding cultivators were stunned. Everyone didn’t see Du Yuesheng’s move. Why did one of them die first, and he was still the strongest one!

Du Yuesheng took a cold look at everyone present, and his gaze swept across the Great Encompassing Golden Immortal: “Great Encompassing Golden Immortal also dared to come over, all go die for me!”

The ability to see the killing was launched instantly. Those Great Encompassing Golden Immortal that Du Yuesheng looked at had no chance to even say it. The instant aura was cut off, and 7 8 1 fell off the sky.

In an instant, the sky that was full of people was immediately empty.

“Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player for killing 102 people of Great Encompassing Golden Immortal, and get immortal dao points of 20,000 points!”

“Ding, system reminder, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng’s level increase, the current level is Nine Heavens Profound Immortal 2!”

The rest was Nine Heavens Profound Immortal, but when they saw the scene in front of them, there was also a burst of fear in their hearts.

“What’s going on! What’s going on!”

“Dead? Why are you dead?”

“It must be what the kid used secretly, everyone, come on, kill this kid and it’s safe!”

These cultivators were scared to the extreme, and each and everyone was like a chicken blood, carrying the spell and Magic Treasure, roaring and moving towards Du Yuesheng and rushed over.

Seeing this, Du Yuesheng unable to bear curled his lips for a while and murmured: “moth flies into the flame!”

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