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After Du Yuesheng said this sentence, there was still a bit of noisy all around, and suddenly it became silent.

Almost everyone recalled this sentence in their minds several times.

After a long time, someone reacted, corner of mouth twitching, and muttered: “It’s amazing, someone said that Liu Yiyi!”

“Liu Yiyi is a peerless genius, and her appearance is even more devastatingly beautiful. She herself has a high self-esteem. Didn’t expect Du Yuesheng to say so in front of so many people today!”

“This Du Yuesheng is really courageous!”

And when everyone was muttering, Tamron Young Master also shouted: “Yiyi, leave us alone, I can hold on, just kill this kid! But be careful of the blue Magic Treasure in his hand! “

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng unable to bear grinned and took out the shell of the different-dimensional space bomb directly from his arms, and said: “You said this?”

As he said, he threw it to the ground. However, the scene of heaven shaking earth shattering did not appear in everyone’s imagination. Instead, when the shell fell on the ground, because the opposite side was really hard, the shell broke directly into 2 half.


When the three ancient Tsars saw this scene, they almost wanted to slap themselves in the face. It turned out to be just a rubbish. They were so scared that they borrowed the Suotian Formation, abandoned Martial Arts, and were then spelled by Du Yuesheng who was tyrannical. 3 All hit the ground.

For a while, regret, anger, shame and all kinds of complex thoughts all rise in the mind, so that they, who had already vomited a few large mouthfuls of blood, were able to bear a mouthful of blood.

And Du Yuesheng looked towards Tamron Young Master with a smile, and said: “Just now you said you can hold it, the Heavenly Emperor now has to see if you can hold it!”

While speaking, Du Yuesheng thoughts move, the suction force of the earth burst into the sky and the stars were fully activated. Before Tamron Young Master opened his mouth, the whole person was directly sucked into the sky burst.

“Ding, system prompts, congratulations to the player for killing Tamron Young Master and getting immortal dao points 2 10000 8,000 300 22 points!”

“Ding, system prompts, congratulations to players for killing Tamron Young Master and getting 50 Unparalleled Value points!”

“Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the players for killing the ancient Tsar and getting immortal dao points 2 10000 9000 212 points!”

“Ding, system prompts, congratulations to the player for killing the ancient Tsar and getting 50 Unparalleled Value points!”

“Ding, system prompts, congratulations to the player for killing Xiaofei Young Master and getting immortal dao points, 2 10000 7000 700 3 16!”

“Ding, system prompts, congratulations to the players for killing Xiaofei Young Master and getting 50 Unparalleled Value points!”

“Ding, system prompts, congratulations to the player for getting a character lottery card!”

“Ding, system prompt, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng’s level increase, the current Level: Great Encompassing Golden Immortal Peak!”

“Ding, system reminder, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng for leveling up. The current Level: Nine Heavens Profound Immortal is the first!”

“Ding, system reminder, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng for leveling up, the current Level: Nine Heavens Profound Immortal 2!”

A series of system prompts rang, causing Du Yuesheng’s brows to be raised, and a smile was raised at the corners of his mouth, and he raised Level 3 in one breath. Not counting, he even got a character lottery card. , The 500 Unparalleled Value spent by Lingxizhi before is nothing.

Liu Yiyi, who wanted to help Tamron Young Master before, was still standing there with a smile on his face. He didn’t seem to be angry at all. Du Yuesheng killed three Tamron Young Masters regardless of her face, and didn’t care that Du Yuesheng belittled her in public. .

“The first female genius of Peerless Martial Sect, come on, let this Heavenly Emperor try your level!” Du Yuesheng smiled upon seeing this scene.

Unexpectedly, Liu Yiyi shook the head, and said lightly: “It seems that you still haven’t understood one problem, that is, who I Liu Yiyi wants to kill. I rarely do it myself.”


Du Yuesheng raised his brows, turned his eyes, and looked all around, and he saw a flowing light constantly flying from a distance.

At the same time, a shouted shout came from the streamer: “Sword Spirit Mountain, come and punish the thief!”

“Kunlun Faction is here to punish the thief!”

“The Tree Heart Clan is here to punish the thief!”

In Peerless Martial Sect, there was also a loud laugh from the woman: “hehe, so many Fellow Daoists have come to punish thieves. Then I, Peerless Martial Sect, won’t just ignore these things. Peerless Martial Sect will also punish me. thief!”

In a blink of an eye, Du Yuesheng looked up and found that he had been surrounded by 100 experts whose aura was no weaker than the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal 5th layer.

Seeing this, Liu Yiyi’s smile became brighter and brighter: “I have to admit that your strength is indeed terrifying. You can kill 3 Tamron Young Master by the strength of oneself, but unfortunately, you still have to die.”

The surrounding cultivator was shocked by so many experts.

But when they figured out that these people were all here to kill Du Yuesheng, they immediately relaxed and whispered their companions to discuss: “Peerless Martial Sect is indeed the Great Sect of Immortal World, which is one of the best diplomats in Immortal World. So many experts help out!”

“Moreover, these sects and forces have enemies with Du Yuesheng, so we can’t say that they interfered in the 10000th genius war!”

“so that’s how it is !”

But to everyone’s surprise, Du Yuesheng still stood in place with a smile even when surrounded by powerful enemies, without any fear at all.

“This guy is really bold!”

“Hey, I think he is just acting, but he is already looking for a way to escape!”

While many cultivators were talking about it, Du Yuesheng also said: “Originally, you and I only need to decide the outcome, but you have brought three Tamron Young Masters to fight with me. Then you and I will fight. I have to kill you, but didn’t expect you to find so many Sects to besiege the Heavenly Emperor, then your battle with me is not something that can be solved by simply killing you…”

Having said that, Du Yuesheng raised his hand and pointed at Peerless Martial Sect, and said: “In this case, there is no need for your Peerless Martial Sect to exist!”

“What? You said you want to destroy my Peerless Martial Sect?” Liu Yiyi deliberately showed a very frightened and weak look. Yan Ranmei said with a smile: “But, I can’t scare others.”

The experts around who rushed to kill Du Yuesheng heard this as if they had heard some joke: “This kid, are we scared stupid…”

“Although his cultivation base is a little higher than the legendary, it is only one level of Nine Heavens Profound Immortal. Even if he is a master of mystery, don’t want to survive in the hands of so many of us, and want to destroy Peerless Martial Sect? It’s really funny. !”

A group of female cultivators of Peerless Martial Sect are even more eloquent: “Smelly man, smelly mouth, is my Peerless Martial Sect what you can say? Later, you guys don’t kill this kid, must leave him a breath, we Peerless Martial Sect recently There are a lot of new inventions to torture people, I want to try it on him!”

“it is good!”

“Follow the Fairy’s orders!”

“Hehe, that’s natural.”

A group of experts laughed again and again, it seems that Du Yuesheng is really a puppet they can play with at will!

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