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“Ding, system prompts, congratulations to the player for killing Ge Sheng, and get immortal dao points 2 1000 721 points!”

“Ding, system prompts, congratulations to the player for killing Ge Sheng, and get Unparalleled Value 5 points!”

Du Yuesheng smiled slightly, although the Expert EXP to kill Great Encompassing Golden Immortal is not much, but it is better than nothing.

Feng Ye saw this scene, but unable to bear raised a brow, murmured: “Impossible, Ge Sheng’s strength is still above Xiao Wusheng, why did you kill Ge Sheng so easily?”

Du Yuesheng hearing this laughed, said: “First, Ge Sheng’s battle method happened to be restrained by me, and second, my cultivation base is already much higher than before!”

Suddenly, Feng Ye felt Du Yuesheng’s aura quickly. It was found that Du Yuesheng’s cultivation base was much higher than before, and she was even more puzzled. Du Yuesheng only a few days ago. Great Encompassing Golden Immortal. Why? So much improvement in a few days!

2 people continued to move forward. In the next 5-6 days, Du Yuesheng and the others stopped and killed many cultivators who did not know how to pursue Liu Yiyi, and their ranks were all upgraded to Great Encompassing Golden Immortal 9 Layer. Finally arrived at the first Great City outside of Peerless Martial Sect where Liu Yiyi is located-Luoyan City!

The name of this city is also related to Peerless Martial Sect. The beauty of Peerless Martial Sect is described as clouds, and the wild geese flying here are unwilling to leave.

Du Yuesheng also stopped here. He didn’t want to stand here to drool at Peerless Martial Sect, just because the past few days of continuous fighting made Feng Ye extremely tired, so he wanted to be here After a night of rest, early in the morning on the 2nd day, I will challenge Liu Yiyi again.

But just after Du Yuesheng entered the city, he found that he had been followed by no less than 30 cultivators, but the level of cultivator that followed him was not very high, it seemed to be just a spy.

That is to say, there are a lot of real Sir things in Peerless City, and they are preparing to give Liu Yiyi a final blow before seeing Liu Yiyi, and then get a pitiful feeling in front of Liu Yiyi.

Du Yuesheng ignored the spies behind him and took Liu Yiyi directly to one of Peerless City’s most luxurious restaurants. The restaurant guy immediately said with a smile on his face: “This guest, the shop is full today.”

Du Yuesheng raised his eyebrows and glanced at the hall. He seemed to be drinking and eating meat. In fact, his eyes were constantly glancing at his many cultivators. He smiled slightly and said, “I’m Du Yuesheng, who made me a room, I Just fight him first.”


Hearing this sentence, the cultivator sitting in the hall was unable to sit up immediately. It was not that the words Du Yuesheng shocked them, but the first place to fight Du Yuesheng!

This is a good opportunity to show his face in front of Liu Yiyi!

Immediately a cultivator stood up and said, “In Xiawutan, I would like to give Du Yuesheng Fellow Daoist a room, Du Yuesheng Fellow Daoist just remember my name!”

“Che, Wutan, your room is just the worst room with a font size, Du Yuesheng Fellow Daoist, I have a room with a font size!”

“What kind of room is the ground size, I have Heaven-class!”

For a time, the nerves of many cultivators present were extremely tight, and they were arguing with each other. Du Yuesheng stood with a smile on the side and watched the group of cultivators pinch themselves.

But just as many cultivators were preparing for a victory or defeat, a voice rang out coldly: “hmph, tomorrow I will challenge you first, I think who dares to grab!”

Hearing this sound, everyone looked to the source of the sound from the source, and at a glance they saw a mighty young man dressed in a yellow robe with an Azure Dragon embroidered on his chest came in from the outside.

Du Yuesheng grinned and said, “Are you a Tamron Young Master?”

“Hmph, you still know me, which means that you are a bit knowledgeable.” Tamron Young Master said coldly that Du Yuesheng actually knew him and he was very proud.

I didn’t think of Du Yuesheng but smiled slightly and shook my head and said, “Sorry, I just heard a few people talk about Tenglong Young Master on a broken restaurant. It’s coming to me for trouble. I think of your clothes. I don’t know who it is.”

In an instant, Tenglong Young Master’s original expression from pride turned into a black face: “You are courting death!”

Du Yuesheng reached into his arms and found out the useless heterodimensional space bomb. The faint blue light shone on his face, making his expression abnormal: “You said I courting death?”

“This is…” Tamron Young Master face changed, and unable to bear took two steps back.

And the other guests in the restaurant saw this scene, and their face changed suddenly.

A whisper of whispering sounded: “This…is Du Yuesheng killing Treasure Magic Treasure?”

“I heard that Lei Ming was killed in just a blink of an eye, and it doesn’t exist. The Dragon Young Master is much stronger than Lei Ming, but…”

“Du Yuesheng even took out such a treasure directly, it seems that it is also a killing…”

Tamron Young Master’s complexion became more and more ugly. After a long time, he calmly and slowly said, “Du Yuesheng, don’t think I’m afraid of Magic Treasure in your hands, I’m much stronger than Thunder.”

Du Yuesheng smiled slightly and said lightly: “I’m not afraid to come and try. It’s just right. Your room is definitely good. Waiter. Come and give me this Tamron Young Master’s room. If he doesn’t agree, I’ll kill you. he.”

Tamron Young Master’s face was so ugly to the extreme: “You don’t bully intolerably!”

Du Yuesheng paused, silenced for a moment, and suddenly lifts the head said: “Laozi is bullying you, what’s wrong? Don’t be convinced to fight!”

“You!” Tenglong Young Master’s pupil fiercely shrank. If he had his temper, he would kill Du Yuesheng’s whole family based on this sentence.

But it doesn’t work now. The legend of the different-dimensional space bomb in Du Yuesheng’s hands is too great. Before the didn’t expect method, it is absolutely impossible to act blindly without thinking.

After the teeth were bitten for a while, Tamron Young Master heavily snorted and said, “Very well, my room is for you. I will be the first to fight you tomorrow. I just wanted to scrap your cultivation base. But now I must kill you tomorrow!”

Speaking of which, Tamron Young Master directly turned around and walked away.

Du Yuesheng grinned, put away the space bomb shells of different dimensions, glanced at the waiter and said, “Go clean up the room.”

Feng Ye was unable to bear and stared deeply at Du Yuesheng 2 eyes. She knew that Du Yuesheng actually didn’t need a room, everything was done for her.

At the same time, on another restaurant not far away, Tamron Young Master panting with rage walked into a room on the highest floor, sitting without a word at a table, looking at the Du Yuesheng restaurant. Towards, the killing intent flashes constantly.

“What’s wrong? Is there anything else that can make our Tamron Young Master angry like this?” a young man on the table asked laughedly.

Another young man said with a grin: “I just saw some people being driven out of Duyan’s largest restaurant in Luoyan City!”

Hearing this, Tenglong narrowed his eyes and said: “hmph, Gusha Prince, Xiaofei Young Master, and Du Yuesheng’s Magic Treasure, don’t say you are not afraid!”

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