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Xiao Wusheng had just used thunder light to generate thunder and lightning, and all of you could be scared witless, and Du Yuesheng’s shot even summoned such a thundercloud.

High judgment!

Seeing this scene, Xiao Wusheng was also aura stagnation. He could hardly believe his eyes. As Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace number one genius, cultivation base was high on the one hand, spell tyranny was the most important.

But now he is playing 2 tricks in a row, and he is completely suppressed. It is really unbelievable.

But soon, Xiao Wusheng shouted loudly: “hmph, but the Dharma Idol of spell is a bit scary. The spell is for killing, not for scaring, come die for me!”

While speaking, Xiao Wusheng yelled, sword light moved towards Du Yuesheng with the jumping electric light.

“Such insignificant ability dare to show ugliness in front of this Heavenly Emperor, destroy for me!”

Du Yuesheng shouted, and the Executing Immortal Sword in his hand pointed at a distance, and suddenly the sky thunder intertwined into a huge power grid, descending from the sky with unrivaled power, illuminating the World into a blazing white.

Xiao Wusheng’s charged sword light was thoroughly bombarded after a while, while the rest of the electro-optic power remained undiminished, and moved towards Xiao Wusheng’s past.

hong long long, after a burst of electric light flashes, World restored to sobriety and calmness, and although Xiao Wusheng still stood on the spot, he did indeed shine with layers of dazzling light.

“Oh? Shanghai-Shenzhen Magic Treasure?” Du Yuesheng’s eyes narrowed. Xiao Wusheng, as an important genius of the Xiao nationality, would be too strange if he didn’t have a few decent body protection Magic Treasures on his body.

“Boy, I was planning to use spell to kill you directly, but you really surprised me!” Xiao Wusheng gritted his teeth and said bitterly: “Magic Treasure is a manifestation of cultivator true strength. Now, I want to see how many Magic Treasure you can compare with me!”

As a Nine Heavens Profound Immortal-level expert, Xiao Wusheng was defeated by Du Yuesheng 3 times and 5 times with spell. His self-esteem was almost put on the soles of his feet.

So at this moment, he did not want to give Du Yuesheng another chance, but directly took out Magic Treasure.

I saw a 7-color rays of light spread out, and Xiao Wusheng directly drew out a disk with 7-color rays of light directly from the storage bag. The disc was inscribed with extremely complicated patterns and runes, exuding The horrible aura of palpitations.

Seeing this formation, I am calm and quiet, all of which are slightly frowned by eyebrows.

Fengye took Xianji’s expression in the entire scene, and asked Unable to Bear: “Xianji Senior, is Magic Treasure very difficult to deal with Xiao Wusheng?”

“Naturally, it is an imitation of the Race Protecting Treasure of the Xiao Race. Although it is only an imitation, it also has at least 1% of the formidable power of this Venerable. Although it does not seem to be much, it is actually extremely powerful and wants to destroy It’s easy to kill a Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Peak expert!”

Fengye frowned, his brows tightened: “What Magic Treasure did Senior give to Heavenly Emperor?”

After Xian Ji was paused, he said, “I feel that this kid has a lot of trump cards, so I gave him nothing, except the Immortal Technique!”

On the court, Du Yuesheng saw the 7-color make-up disk appearing, and raised his eyebrows. Rao is now so powerful that when he saw this make-up disk, he still had an ominous feeling in his heart.

But soon, he was forced to suppress the ominous heart, shouted in a low voice: “Xue Jian Ge!”

In an instant, the sky was filled with snow.

But he hadn’t meant to stop, shouted in a low voice: “Jianhuo Liantian!”

In an instant, the Executing Immortal Sword in his hand became red, and a hot aura swept away directly from the Executing Immortal Sword.

“This is your method? Not enough!” Xiao Wusheng laughed at Du Yuesheng and said, like a cat playing with a dead mouse.

Du Yuesheng disdainful smile, said: “If this Heavenly Emperor has only these methods, it is still your turn to kill? One sword…Zhu Xian!”

There was a hum of sword cry, Executing Immortal Sword slightly trembled, the sword glow suddenly soared to more than 100 feet long, and the terrifying aura slowly diffused from the sword glow.

This imposing manner in an instant Du Yuesheng has only become a little bit worse than Xiao Wusheng!

“What!” Xiao Wusheng face changed, knowing that he was careless just now, he didn’t expect Du Yuesheng’s trump card to be so much, he sinked in his heart, and shouted quickly: “hmph, I don’t like you, I am now I will cut you!”

His voice hasn’t fallen yet, and one after another 7-colored red clouds light has emerged on the sky-filling plate, which draws an arc, just like one after another Hongqiao, directly moved towards Du Yuesheng and fell down.

Du Yuesheng disdainful smile, said: “If you are afraid, say afraid, why bother? But there are indeed a lot of trump cards for the Heavenly Emperor… and there is another trick that has never been used before-Immortal Technique!”

Killing the Immortal Technique 3 words and exiting, the complexion of all the Elders in the Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace changed dramatically.

And Du Yuesheng’s body is also from the inside out, suddenly emitting a ray of milk-white brilliance, a closer look at his skin is also a little bit more rays of light like a starlight.

At a glance, his whole person seemed to have come to the world, noble, gorgeous, and insurmountable.

When the red clouds light moved towards like a rainbow bridge fell, Du Yuesheng didn’t change his color at all. With a direct wave of the sword, the 100 feet long sword glow slashed towards a streak of light bridge.

“No matter what spell you use, this Hongqiao is not something you can cut!” Xiao Wusheng was also taken aback by Du Yuesheng’s changes, but he quickly said with a disdainful smile.

Ka-cha !

Just when he tone barely fell, Du Yuesheng’s sword fell on the Hongqiao Bridge, but in an instant, the a streak of light bridge was cut directly, and instantly shattered into seven-color fragments in the sky.

“What?” Xiao Wusheng was stunned in place, unable to believe that Great Encompassing Golden Immortal could cut off the attack from the Sky Plate.

And Du Yuesheng’s sword glow was still falling on the press forward, and in a blink of an eye I ran into the 2nd Hongqiao, ka-cha, and after a crisp sound, the 2nd Hongqiao was broken directly, followed by the 3rd road, the 4th…

When the seventh Hongqiao came to a place 7 feet away from Du Yuesheng, Du Yuesheng’s sword was also cut to the top of Hongqiao, and the huge Hongqiao was cut directly at this moment.

“Impossible…” Xiao Wusheng looked at all this in a daze, and stepped back feebly, unable to believe his eyes. The Tianpan in his hand is an imitation of the family Race Protecting Treasure. Why is it even a Great Encompassing Golden? Immortal can’t even kill?

Du Yuesheng raised his brows, looking at the 7-color fragments flying in the sky, muttered: “It seems that Immortal Technique increases the spell attack by ten times, it’s no joke!”

After speaking, his eyes flashed slightly, and he locked on Xiao Wusheng directly, and a sneer suddenly sounded: “If there is no means to use it, please do it as soon as possible, because if you don’t struggle anymore…you are about to die under this Heavenly Emperor sword. !”

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