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Hearing this low-level threat from Xiao Wuwei, Du Yuesheng grinned immediately and said, “You have to try it before you know it.”

“Okay!” Xiao Wufan squinted his eyes and looked at Du Yuesheng, saying every word:

“I will try with you, but I want to make a bet even more with you. You were led into my Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace by Xianji Senior. Presumably she also gave you a lot of benefits. Not equal to me, just use Magic Treasure. There are ten chances to decide the victory or defeat. If your Magic Treasure is great, I will turn around and leave and ignore you. If my Magic Treasure is great, please hand over the Dragon God bones, okay?”

“Oh?” Du Yuesheng raised his brows and looked towards Xiao Wufan. He also saw that Xiao Wufan valued the dragon god’s bones very much. Nodded smiled and said, “Yes, no matter what Magic Treasure you use. When playing, I only use one Magic Treasure…”

When talking, Du Yuesheng raised his hand and pointed to the 10000 Jinshan still floating in the air!

There are more than 1000 people in front of me, and at a glance, even Nine Heavens Profound Immortal level experts have 7. If it is really messy, it will be time-consuming and laborious. It is better to take advantage of the gambling time, first use these Nine Heavens Profound Immortal is cleaned up, and the remaining Great Encompassing Golden Immortal will be solved more easily.

After many Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace geniuses heard Du Yuesheng’s words, their complexions changed slightly. After a long time, a loud laugh suddenly rang from the crowd.

“Haha, this kid doesn’t know where he dug a golden mountain and he wants to fight us Magic Treasure?”

“Although I only have the Great Encompassing Golden Immortal 8-weight cultivation base, I feel that I can still smash his golden mountain into a golden cake with my ancient pocket!”

“Xiao Wudou Senior Brother, please let me play and give this arrogant boy a blow!”

Almost none of the geniuses who went to 1000 Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace saw Du Yuesheng in their eyes, and those Nine Heavens Profound Immortal level geniuses put their hands around their chests, their gazes floated upwards, and they didn’t mean to put Du Yuesheng in their eyes at all. .

It seems that they feel let them take action, even if they dirty their hands and Magic Treasure.

Xiao Wufan took a close look at Du Yuesheng and the 10000 Jinshan floating in the air. Unable to bear said, “You won’t regret it.”

“Is this Heavenly Emperor going back with you?” Du Yuesheng sneered, and asked, “Will you go back?”

Xiao Wulan said with pride in his face: “I Xiao clansman never say anything!”

“Very good, then let’s go!” Du Yuesheng said with a smile, regarding the current situation and Xiao Wu’s state, I am afraid unless you slowly kill all the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal level geniuses, otherwise, Xiao Innocence is remorseless.

Xiao Wufan saw the eagerness on Du Yuesheng’s face. After thinking about it, he said, “Yu Wu, you go!”

As soon as Yu Wu heard this, his expression of unwillingness immediately appeared on his face. He is an expert of Nine Heavens Profound Immortal. He is also a person with a face and a face at Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace. Now let him deal with someone who only has Great Encompassing Golden Immortal 4. The a nobody is really embarrassing.

But at this moment, a secret sound transmission sounded in his ear suddenly:

“Hold Du Yuesheng, don’t use all your strength to kill him. After you concentrate all of his attention on the process of fighting Magic Treasure, I will stop it with lightning speed and regain the dragon god bones. , This is the reason I proposed the Magic Treasure duel, so your mission is very important, understand?”

Hearing this, Yu Wu was awe-inspiring, and cast a clear look at Xiao Wufan, then his gaze turned and fell on Du Yuesheng, opened the mouth and said:

“I didn’t want to humiliate you as such a waste, but since you are inviting humiliation to oneself, don’t blame me for being ruthless!”

While speaking, Yu Wu raised his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, only to hear a splitting the air sound coming out, only to see an inch-long Huaguang flying into the sky, and then hovering in the air. motionless, it turned out to be a flying shuttle!

This shuttle seems to be plain, with many notches on it, and the edges are not very sharp.

But as long as people look at it, they can feel the strong baleful aura from the shuttle and the sharp imposing manner. It seems that even if it breaks, it can pierce the same imposing manner of the day.

Numerous Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace geniuses raised their brows, and someone even directly exclaimed: “It turned out to be Yu Senior Brother Wu’s Tissot. Legend has it that this Tissot has existed for over 10,000 years and killed countless experts during this period. ‘t expect was passed by the Elders to Yu Senior Brother Wu!”

“Hey, with this Tissot, Du Yuesheng’s square-shaped golden mountain can block a breath, it’s not bad!”

Du Yuesheng looked at Po Tiansuo, smiled slightly, and then waved his hand. 10000 Jinshan moved extremely awkwardly towards Po Tiansuo, seemingly wanting to smash it.

Yu Wu Jiang saw all this in his eyes, and he was even more speechless. He also thought of Xiao Wuwei’s sound transmission. He could only be sighed. He raised his hand a little, and Tissot pierced the air with a whirr, and moved towards 10000 Jinshan flew past. .


After the blink of an eye, the muffled sound of the Jinshi clash came out, and the scene that everyone was expecting to break the Tiansuo directly pierced 10000 Jinshan did not appear.

And Yu Wu predicted that Tissot was completely pierced into the 10000 Jinshan scene, not at all, after that muffled sound, Tissot was like a brittle steel plate hit by a sledgehammer fiercely, and there was a ka-cha. Inches shattered and turned into sky fragments moved towards the ground and fell.

“What!” After Yu Wu felt that the connection of Po Tissot disappeared from his heart, he turned pale with fright, he didn’t expect anyhow, 10000 Jinshan unexpectedly smashed his Po Tissot directly!

And at the moment he lost his senses, 10000 Jinshan was press forward and moved towards Yu Wu flew over.

At this time, Yu Wu felt that the imposing manner of the 10000 Jinshan was magnificent, as if it were the universe, and he was like a trivial ant in front of the 10000 Jinshan, and the seemingly slow speed was only due to the illusion that 10000 Jinshan was huge. all.

Just when Yu Wu gave birth to this idea, 10000 Jinshan crashed and hit his body. In an instant, Yu Wu felt his body seemed to be run over by 10,000 war chariots, and his whole body Explode directly.

“Ding, system prompts, congratulations to the player to kill Yu Wu on a special map and get 20 points of Unparalleled Value!”

Yu Wu directly became a blushing flesh and blood on the 10000 Jinshan, and then turned into a white light and lifted off from the virtual God World.

At this moment, the countless Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace geniuses present were all dumbfounded. They couldn’t imagine that the Yu Wu of Nine Heavens Profound Immortal was killed in this way.

Even the geniuses at the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal level were stunned, and couldn’t believe that Du Yuesheng could defeat Yu Wu.

While Du Yuesheng was under the weird gazes of everyone, lifts the head to look towards Xiao Wufan, with a sorry smile, and said: “Sorry, it takes a short time to get this Magic Treasure, the control is not fine enough, I just wanted to hit Breaking his broken day shuttle, didn’t expect even hit him together, this is not a foul!”

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