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This time it wasn’t that Du Yuesheng was worried that his wife would fight at home. He simply felt that Fengye’s motives for following him were impure, so he refused directly.

So after he finished speaking, there was no trace of nostalgia, directly body moved, moved towards the next place.

He still remembers that when he was exploring the surroundings in the system, there was at least 500 days to gather in a place called Longming Mountain. If he can catch these geniuses to catch everything in one net, the gains will certainly be not small.

When flying to in midair, Du Yuesheng smiled in the heart and said: “system, open Wushuang Mall, let me see what else I can use now.”

With a crisp sound of ding, the dazzling Wushuang Mall appeared in front of Du Yuesheng again.

Du Yuesheng smiled and looked at the dazzling array of products in the mall, and directly pulled the item column to the bottom without hesitation.

The previous EXP told him that if he wants to earn more Unparalleled Value, then he can never afford to invest in the more the better.

Of course, the reason why he no longer uses the celestial bead this time is very simple. He never wants to sit in an Array and be a coward for an hour anymore. This time must be killed in a thunderous force. A genius at 500 Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace Kill ten in ten out of ten, which is refreshing enough!

“Huh? The last heavenly materials and earthly treasures turned out to be a medicine pill?” Du Yuesheng licked his skin. Medicine pill has always been the least category in Wushuang Mall, but the general effect is not bad.

A medicine pill worth more than 500 Unparalleled Value, I’m afraid it can be brought back to life.

Du Yuesheng thought about it, and also started this medicine pill introduction. At first glance, he was dumbfounded:

Product Name: Xiao Huan Soul Pill

Commodity type: medicine pill

Commodity price: 500 70 Unparalleled Value

Product description: There is a 10% chance that the cultivator that died within 3 hours will be resurrected.

“There really is such a medicine pill that can resurrect people…” Du Yuesheng unable to bear murmured to himself: “Unfortunately, the success rate is too low, it is only 10%. If it is bad luck, maybe you have to buy ten It’s too expensive to save a person.”

Du Yuesheng sighed for a while, then his eyes moved upwards, and at that moment, his eyes suddenly solidified on the penultimate commodity column.

I only saw a golden light circulating golden mountain thing in the commodity column, it should be a Magic Treasure.

Du Yuesheng unable to bear opened the information of this product, and then his eyes suddenly lit up:

Product name: 10000 Jinshan

Product Type: One-time Magic Treasure

Commodity price: 500 Unparalleled Value

Product description: Once this Magic Treasure is shot, it will rise in the wind and become incomparable gigantic, with immense potential, as long as the player’s enemies do not exceed Nine Heavens Profound Immortal 5th layer cultivation base, and are all in the player’s field of vision, this Jinshan is It can be directly suppressed and killed, as long as the player does not take it back, it can be used for up to one month.

Seeing this, Du Yuesheng is nodded for a while. The formidable power is definitely strong enough. Although it is a one-off, it can be used for a month as long as it is not recovered. It is enough for him to sweep the entire Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace in the virtual God World. Genius.

“Okay, then buy 10000 Jinshan this time!” Thinking of this, Du Yuesheng said in the heart without hesitation: “System, buy 10000 Jinshan!”

“Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player for consuming 500 Unparalleled Value and get a one-time Magic Treasure 10000 Kingsoft. The player currently has two outstanding Unparalleled Value!”

To spend 500 Unparalleled Value in one breath, Du Yuesheng was also in pain, but when he thought that relying on the 10000 gold mountain to sweep the remaining 1500 Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace geniuses in the Virtual God World, Du Yuesheng was relieved.

After successfully purchasing 10000 Jinshan, Du Yuesheng speeded up and moved towards the next genius gathering point and rushed past.

Longming Mountain is just an ordinary green mountain, and it does not look like a dragon, but whenever it rains, there will be a burst of dragon roar, which is why it is named Longming Mountain.

Legend has it that in Longming Mountain, there are dragon god bones, and dragon deep sea bones, but many geniuses of Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace have tried their best to search for it without results, and then gradually gave up.

But this time so many geniuses have arrived here, I am afraid they have a clue.

Du Yuesheng didn’t worry about it at all, or even ignored it. Even if they found all the heavenly materials earthly treasures of the virtual God World, Du Yuesheng would kill them all in one breath, and the first one would naturally only be him.

And this way of winning is ten times 100 times more than looking for a companion to find heavenly materials and earthly treasures real value.

Soon, Du Yuesheng came to the outskirts of Longming Mountain. To his surprise, until Du Yuesheng approached the main peak of Longming Mountain, there was no genius of Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace. In fact, there should be a lot of people standing guard near the main peak to prevent others from coming here to take the opportunity to snatch the heavenly materials and earthly treasures of Longming Mountain.

With full of doubts, Du Yuesheng ascended one of the second peaks of Longming Mountain, raised his eyes and looked in the direction of moving towards main peak, and immediately became happy.

I thought it would be great to have at most 500 people here, but now, at a glance, the Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace geniuses gathered here have 1000 three-four hundred people.

In other words, most of the Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace geniuses have arrived here, and the remaining more than 100 people must be just a few stragglers, not to be afraid.

More than 1000 geniuses of Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace are now concentrated in front of the main peak of Longming Mountain, and the positions they occupy have certain rules. Upon closer inspection, Du Yuesheng discovered this 1000 3 4 Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace The geniuses have formed a huge array of combined attacks.

Just when Du Yuesheng was about to take a closer look, a system prompt sounded in his ears: “Ding, system prompt. It was detected that there are materials used to upgrade the 9 Xiao suit, please go and collect it!”

At the same time, the prompt of the system appeared in Du Yuesheng’s eyes. Upon closer inspection, Du Yuesheng’s eyes immediately glared round, because the upgrade material detected by the system turned out to be inside the main peak of Longmingshan.

In other words, if you want to get the materials inside, you have to break through the Array of more than 1000 people, and then split the Longming Mountain.

But at this moment, a loud shout suddenly sounded in the valley:

“Tiansha Vermilion Bird formation is ready!”

“The land shortage Profound Martial formation is ready to be completed!”

“Shenru Azure Dragon Formation is ready to complete!”

“People King White Tiger formation is ready to complete!”

With this loud cry, you can easily see the Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace in the valley divided into 4 combo Great Arrays, but among the 4 combo Great Arrays, you have me, me In you.

Under these circumstances, Array formidable power has increased greatly. Even if an expert of Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Peak wants to break through, I am afraid it will be difficult to succeed!

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