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Feng Ye’s eyes were full of surprised looks, and she didn’t expect Du Yuesheng to help her at this time.

After all, Du Yuesheng just prevented her from entering Array, and almost killed her.

Du Yuesheng waved his hand, indicating that this is not a major event. Originally, this Motionless As Mountains Great Array was enough to accommodate more than 100 people. He did not let Fengye come in before, and he just thought that Fengye was a person of Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace. .

But from what Feng Ye just said, this person is worth saving.

And Liu Ze is sneaked, no longer caring about anything. He raised his hand and said, “Kill, even if Fengye kills it, it’s okay. Anyway, she won’t die with this Venerable. I will let her know when the time comes. Betray me.”

“Liu Ze Senior Brother can rest assured that we will definitely bring Du Yuesheng, a fanatic and Feng Ye, a cheap woman, to Senior Brother!”

While speaking, 3 cultivators rushed out directly, raising their hands, one after another Huaguang directly hiding the sky and covering the earth moved towards Motionless As Mountains Great Array.

Immediately afterwards, a loud bang of hong long long sounded. After Huaguang attacked the Motionless As Mountains Great Array, one after another gorgeous light wave broke out, as if the sky collided, and burst out again. spark.

But when the light and sparks dissipated, a surprising scene appeared. The earth-yellow light waves on the Motionless As Mountains Great Array turned out to be completely motionless, and the earth-yellow brilliance above was completely undamaged.


The 3 5 Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace geniuses that were shot were even dumbfounded. Know that they are also the Great Encompassing Golden Immortal 8 heavy cultivation base, and their own strength is also hiding in the presence of the Great Encompassing Golden Immortal 8 heavy cultivation base genius. ranked upper middle

But when they joined forces, they couldn’t break the seemingly weak earth-yellow light curtain!

“Hmph!” Liu Ze also coldly snorted expressing his dissatisfaction upon seeing this.

The 3 5 cultivators quickly retreated, but then there were 5 geniuses who came out. The aura of these 5 people was obviously several times stronger than the one who shot before, and at a glance, it was Great Encompassing Golden Immortal 9 Layer Genius.

When these geniuses stood out, looked towards Du Yuesheng still had only contempt in his eyes: “Do you want to block us from a position? Dream!”

While speaking, 5 people were body flashed, and even formed a small array of Five Elements. Between the 5 people raising their hands and throwing their hands, there was a feeling of being in line with Heavenly Dao. At a glance, they knew that 5 people were not general.

“Five Elements leave the fire, go!”

Suddenly, 5 people shouted together, raised their hands and waved, one after another firelight was rushing out of their robes, and after flying to in midair, 5 firelights gathered together and formed an unprecedented tyranny Flare.

This fire light directly caused the surrounding air to be instantly scorched to produce a wave of air. Above the ground at least 10 feet away, the stones became red.

And the geniuses of Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace are all unable to bear back a few 100 feet. Only when Liu Ze waved his hand to protect himself with a light curtain, he did not back down.

But Fengye stood in the Array, but couldn’t feel the terrifying temperature emitted by the fire.

“Still holding on?”

Five people glanced at Feng Ye, and sneered at Unable to bear all their lives, and immediately raised their hands in Du Yuesheng’s direction at the same time.

With a whirr, the fire light flew directly, and one end hit the earth-yellow light curtain.

In an instant, the earth-yellow light curtain turned into red at the speed visible to naked eye, and the gravel on the ground was so close that it even melted directly into lava flowing gurglingly.

“Sure enough, the Senior Brother will do it!” After everyone saw this scene, the disabled to bear was amazed, thinking that the earth-yellow light curtain would soon be pierced after it turned red.

However, ten seconds later, the light curtain was still the same as before, not at all signs of being burned through.

After one minute, the situation remains unchanged.

After 30%, the five Great Encompassing Golden Immortal 5 Layer Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace geniuses are already brow beaded with sweat, within the body spirit strength, but Du Yuesheng and Feng Ye are still sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai!

“Useless things!” Seeing this scene, Liu Ze eyelids twitched and coldly snorted.

After hearing Liu Ze’s words, the five people were even more ashamed, and quickly squeezed out the last bit of spirit strength within the body, wanting to make the last fight.

But Liu Ze waved his hand and said, “All the Great Encompassing Golden Immortal 9 Layer experts will take action!”


Suddenly, more than 40 geniuses of Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace flew directly out of the crowd, raising their hands each and everyone’s tyrannical spell and powerful Magic Treasure, all moved towards Motionless As Mountains Great Array and flew over.

When the jaw-dropping scene appeared, no matter how powerful spell and Magic Treasure were used by these cultivators, the light curtain of Motionless As Mountains Great Array still stood in place and motionless.


Seeing this scene, Unable to bear let out a chuckle. Originally, she said to rely on Du Yuesheng, but she just found someone to irritate Liu Ze.

What she could not think of was that a backer she was looking for at random this time was so tyrannical. Only one formation blocked the attack of dozens of Great Encompassing Golden Immortal 9 Layer experts.

The most important thing is that Du Yuesheng has already held the black bead that he took out for one hour for one hour, but he hasn’t activated it yet. Once activated, it must be heaven shaking earth shattering!

Hearing Liu Ze’s laughter, the genius of each and everyone Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace looked more ugly, but couldn’t say a word.

They just said that Du Yuesheng was just an arrogant arrogant.

But now they can’t even break Du Yuesheng’s random array, and they can’t even touch the corners of Du Yuesheng’s clothes. If Du Yuesheng is a squandered generation, then what are they?

For a moment, these geniuses of Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace were unable to bear withdraw their hands and stood behind Liu Ze with their heads down, afraid to say a word!

Seeing this, Liu Ze sneered non-stop: “Well, well, it really is a bit of a trick, no wonder you dare to be so arrogant, but I don’t believe that even I can’t break your trifling formation!”

“If you don’t believe it, you have to believe it. If you could easily break the array of the Heavenly Emperor, that Heavenly Emperor would have died 108,000 times.” Du Yuesheng said with a slight smile.

In fact, at first, he didn’t have much confidence in this Motionless As Mountains Great Array, but now, looking at this situation, he is “unable to bear”. I admire that the products produced by Wushuang Mall must be boutique!

“Okay! Then let you know how good my Liu Ze is!”

While speaking, Liu Ze stretched out his hand and shook it, a flash of brilliant light flashed in his hand, and a thin long knife appeared directly.

A ray of light emitted from the handle of the long knife, sliding along the spine to the tip of the knife, and finally disappeared, but as this brilliance disappeared, a ray of Blade Qi on the long knife burst forth suddenly, with a The blade glow rushed straight out for more than 30 feet before it could stop!

At this moment, Liu Ze held the 30-foot long knife made up of Blade Qi blade glow, and said word by word: “One knife! I only need one knife!”

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