Su Nan for a moment, thinking that he was wrong, playing Squad.

Duos, how can there be a picture of four people standing together, this… can’t say it.

Isn’t this game the kind of crazy fight after seeing the enemy?

Su Nan was messy, he asked: “Xiaoyou, when I started the game, I ordered Duos or Squad, I can’t remember.”

“You are not nonsense, you must be Duos, we are not at least two people on the road, how can there be four people team.”

Su Nan thought about it too. He understood it in an instant. He had no problem. The problem was the four people opposite.

The most confusing thing is that these four people are obviously not a team. They wear the same clothes. They are all blood red tops that look very recognizable.

“Look at the opposite people!” Su Nan said.

“I go…”

Qin Xiaoyou also stunned, a little doubtful about his eyes.

What does this mean? Is it possible for the two teams to form an alliance in this game? It’s too abnormal.

“rumble -“

The goods like the four clothes are obviously staring at them. If nothing else, a grenade will be thrown up and the fire will emerge.

Unfortunately, this accuracy is not good, and the shock wave of the explosion did not affect Su Nan and Qin Xiaoyou.

“Fuck, I still have a face on my nose!”

If it weren’t for the huge sound of the grenade explosion, it was estimated that Su Nan himself had a reaction but what he should do.

In such an exposed situation, there is a ghost without hitting you. Su Nan went up and shot, directly splitting, and Kar98k took a shot.

Among the four people, some people were knocked down.

The people who let Su Nan wonder, the remaining three people seem to have given up the guy.

If you can save it, you can still save it. As long as you retract it, Su Nan will not be able to help them.

The three of them were together, and Su Nan didn’t dare to rush.

But the three remaining guys seem to have already planned well, and the dead people are not directly involved, so they rushed over to Su Nan.

“Fuck, too, look down on us?”

Qin Xiaoyou didn’t use Su Nan to say that the M416 in his hand had already been hit, but she couldn’t get enough of it, and she didn’t even knock down.

But these three exposed people, for Su Nan, are the living targets that can be played casually.


Using Kar98k is another shot, hit on the body, failed to knock down, it is estimated how to get a small half of the blood.

Su Nan cut the gun in an instant, the main weapon AKM appeared in the hand, this time with sniper rifle is obviously not as good as Rifle.

Starting the sweep, for Su Nan, killing these three people is not a big problem.

Will these goods have problems with their heads? Su Nan is considering this problem. Anyway, it seems that it is really not normal. Can normal people do this kind of operation?

“da da da !”

Suddenly Su Nan’s bloodline began to drop. His first reaction knew that it was not good. Someone was in sneak attack.

Behind them, someone touched it secretly, which made people feel incredible. Su Nan didn’t even notice when he heard the voice.

Just now his attention was positively pinned by the three guys, and he was a bit too nervous.


This is Su Nan’s final ranking and it was finally eliminated.

At the end, it was too late to react. He and Qin Xiaoyou fell in the rain of bullets. In this case, you didn’t even have room for operation, only one died.

“Fuck, how come three people come up behind?”

Qin Xiaoyou patted his own keyboard, and the sound of a oh la la.

a mechanical keyboard HP-10000

It’s rare that she played this match so well, and I feel that I can kill a few more people.

Even she has already thought about it. When she waits for the Successful Chicken Dinner, she can also blow it up, saying that she succeeded in bringing Su Nan PUBG instead of lying all day.

It can be counterproductive. If you haven’t reached the final circle, you will be killed.

Su Nan listened to Qin Xiaoyou and said that it was too strange. It was really three people behind.

And the three of them are also the same bloody tops.

This situation is obviously not normal. Seven people seem to be organized. Just come to him alone. What is the situation?

Did you encounter the abnormality of the group heating?

In the previous World, the name of the red-clothed suit was very large, of course, it was not a good reputation.

Is this group of people a replica?

“Fuck, is this Duos? How come so many people come together?”

“I don’t know, Su Nan’s hate value is so high, can you let everyone work together?”

“I feel this thing, it looks very abnormal. Brothers check the IDs of those people to see their competition records, what is the the hell.”

“If I am not mistaken, this should be a legendary Blood Sniper?”

“What is Blood Sniper?”

“Blood Sniper, haven’t you heard of it? A very famous Guild, who specializes in attacking others, will help you attack the person you specify if you spend money.”

“That’s true, there is such an operation, no wonder I see these people are not normal.”

“If you say this, Su Nan is arranged by people. It is really shameless, for Su Nan.”

“I seem to have heard this. I used to have a Streamer that I like to watch, called Little Carp. I was arranged by this Guild person, and my mind was directly exploding.”


Su Nan didn’t think there was anything, but when he looked at the barrage, he probably saw the eyebrows. Someone paid for this Blood Sniper Guild to attack him?

“congratulations to the host , successfully triggered Hidden Mission [Hunting Snipers]”

[Hunting Snipers]

Requirements: Host is currently targeted, has been targeted by the people of Blood Sniper Guild, then they will send a large number of people to attack Host, want to let Host mentality explode, and affect the livestream content.

Please Host to kill a hundred members of the Blood Sniper Guild and complete the mission.

Note: In order to help Host complete the mission, system in the game, will host the Hunting Light Ring innate talent, a brief level up, let the Host accurately control the location of the Sniper.

Mission Progress: 0/100

Mission reward : 200,000 experience points , 450,000 Yuan .

Su Nan looked at the contents of the barrage, and there was still some doubts about it. Now he is completely convinced, well, it turns out that someone is actually arranging him.

I don’t know who it is, Su Nan doesn’t need to know, as long as I break your hand, it will make you feel uncomfortable.

In the last game, I was confused that the situation was overcast. This time, with the blessing of the system, it is much easier to help you control the position.

Su Nan suddenly showed a smile, who is hunter, who is prey, please make it clear.

(Today’s fifth, add more to the “Yu Wen” book friends, and there is a sixth more later. Don’t worry, support a lot ~)

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