Su Nan’s sigh was immediately heard by others. Actually, the voice was not big. Who knows that they all heard it.

It may be that in a lot of cheers, suddenly a sigh came, it is too maverick.

Originally, Su Nan didn’t mean anything. It was just a feeling of emotion. This group of people really did not meet the identity of their rich second generation.

Don’t go to pick up the girl, but also say that he is a rich second generation, like a little child, playing magic here all day?

But listening to someone else’s ear is not the case, especially Si Yuan, which makes him a little unhappy.

The magic that I worked so hard to prepare, I also practiced for a few days. Everyone saw more and said good, and kept applauding, and you sighed.

What does this mean, can’t I see my magic?

“Don’t misunderstand, I just got a little sleepy, so sighed, you continue.”

Su Nan looked at other people’s eyes and realized that something was wrong. He quickly explained the wave. He didn’t want to offend people.

It is not the protagonist of the novel. Wherever the hatred is full, it is targeted by people and then face again.

He didn’t explain it, but with such an explanation, it was even worse.

Everyone is very energetic, but you want to sleep, what does this mean, isn’t it that I think the magic of my performance is not good?

Si Yuan’s heart is already very upset.

It was a bit inconspicuous with Su Nan, but it didn’t make him embarrassed, but it was only in the face of Chen Xiaotian. This does not mean that he would consider Su Nan as a friend.

Su Nan did this, and he seemed to feel that he was being mocked, proud and arrogant, and naturally he couldn’t stand it.

Just listening to him, he said, “Oh, it seems that you guys, do you have some research on magic? Even the magic that I perform can’t be your eyes.”

In this case, there is a meaning of ignition medicinal smell.

There was a bit of excitement in the eyes of the people next to him, and it seemed that I was waiting to watch the show.

Everyone thinks that Si Yuan’s temper is still very good. When he encounters this kind of jumping clown, he must give him some color to see it, but he can’t let him go.

You said that you have a soft meal, usually low-key point is not enough, non-special on this occasion is acting cool, you think who you are, there is no point in the heart.

Su Nan is also silent for a while, and my heart is about your magic, and Laozi is not going to give you a favor.

Besides, it’s good to see, this has anything to do with whether I have studied magic. I am even an ordinary viewer and have the power to evaluate.

“congratulations to the host, successfully triggering Hidden Mission [Magic Suppression]”

[Magic Suppression]

Requirements: Host has encountered a lot of ridicule of rich second generation, the current hate value has been full, please Host to change a magic, suppress the magic of this rich second generation, so the audience shocked.

Reward : 180,000 experience points , 350,000 Yuan .

Su Nan : “???”

After reading this sudden mission, Su Nan is a bit aggressive, what a ghost.

He didn’t touch the magic thing at all, you let him change, how did it change, isn’t it a joke?

This thing is not something you can say casually. It does require a certain amount of practice, and you have to prepare props and the like.

There is indeed a simple magic, just look at it, but the magic that is too simple, you will see it at a glance, and people can see what is going on at a glance.

No effect, it is estimated that it has to be ridiculed, become a joke of sensationalism, not to mention anything like Magic Suppression.

The magic of Si Yuan just now is quite ok, at least it seems that the effect is quite good.

Want to change the magic of awesome than his, this is definitely not the mouth to talk about it, Su Nan feels unrealistic.

This mission of system, is not engaged in him, has never changed the magic of people, let him do this, it seems not very good, completely do not see the hope of completing the mission.

Learning now, still have time?

I don’t have to think about it, it’s definitely too late. How can people give him the opportunity to continue studying now? There is no such thing.

You took out your mobile phone at the scene and watched the magic teaching video. Doesn’t that person treat you as a fool?

Potholes, this mission is a pothole.

Fortunately, Su Nan is already used to the urine of the system. If it doesn’t work, this mission can only be abandoned.

In a short time, it is impossible to learn to perform magical tricks, not to mention that he is eating, and he has no time to learn.

Even if you learn how to do it, magic needs props, even if it is a simple kind of playing card magic, those playing cards are actually props.

Su Nan doesn’t have any cockroaches now, it’s a blank piece of paper, or forget it, it can’t be changed.

This mission, it seems that it can only give up.

Nor is he trying to give up, there is really no way.

“Host, please move your mind?”

Perhaps I feel that Su Nan has no enthusiasm, and I already have the idea of ​​giving up, and the system speaks.


Su Nan’s head is a question mark, and the heart says system. What do you mean by this? Is this something that you can do with your mind? Do you know how to perform magical tricks? Not very likely.

You can insult me, but you must not insult my IQ.

System did not say with a good breath: “You don’t want to think, system is not giving you a Level 1 Backpack, you can take advantage of it.”


A word awakens the dreamer.

System, to say this, it really makes Su Nan all the people have a flash of light, have an idea.

Level 1 Backpack is used for perform magical tricks, of course not, so awesome things, perform magical tricks waste.

But if you really want to, you can use it.

Level 1 Backpack is a storage space where you can put real-life items at will, and others look at them, just like things suddenly disappear.

In the presence of others, Su Nan is definitely not afraid to use such a thing, and he is afraid of any problems.

It can be different here, you can use the name of perform magical tricks, magic is not to do something that makes everyone feel magical.

Think carefully, it seems to be a bit of a head.

Su Nan is excited and feels anxious about her IQ.

There has been a certain landslide, and I have never thought of this move. It is still system smart.

In this case, isn’t there a way to act cool?

Hehe Hey, thought of it, Su Nan was excited.

Sure enough, with the system, wherever it shines, people will not dare to ignore it.

You dare to mess with me, so sorry, I immediately show you cool.

(The second is today!)

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