The irritated Qin Xiaoyou, immediately online.

“Catch my man with Qin Xiaoyou, one or two afraid that I don’t know why the flowers are so red!”

Angry Qin Xiaoyou, wash your face quickly, then open the livestream on your computer.

It doesn’t matter what rest and rest, you have to look at Su Nan.

I decided in my heart for a moment, and I have to rest with Su Nan for a day.

If you are not in a day, this harem will be in chaos.

A group of pretty and flirtatious sluts have done things, making people uneasy.

“Fuck, Qin Xiaoyou, how are you online?”

“No, Qin Xiaoyou is not a break today. How did it start again?”

“I don’t know, I am confused by this operation.”

“I know, definitely because of Su Nan, so Qin Xiaoyou came up to catch Su Nan.”

“I drip, then this time is really exciting.”

“Everyone rushed to Su Nan for three minutes.”

“Three minutes, you are too high to see Su Nan, who is short and weak. I think it only takes three seconds.”

“It makes sense. Three seconds is enough for a man.”


Qin Xiaoyou after online, without saying anything, directly one has beaten the past, let others know that her Qin Xiaoyou is coming, other demons and ghosts, have given up the old lady!

“fuck, how come again?!”

Su Nan’s patience is limited, and today’s refusal has already numbed him.

If there is a wheat in the beginning, he will still be connected, and say a few words to the opposite side.

But gradually found that some people stink shameless, that is, they are not willing to hang up, making Su Nan seem to have to chat with her, so Su Nan will not pick up.

When I saw Lian Mai, I didn’t notice that this was Qin Xiaoyou’s, and I hung up.



“When it’s over, the major event is out.”

“Su Nan, do you know what you did, but Qin Xiaoyou.”

“I picked up and didn’t even care for my wife~”

“Is this not intended to be mixed? Regardless of the law and of natural morality?”

“Su Nan this time, I am afraid that I will lick the durian, and I will mourn for three minutes.”



Angry Qin Xiaoyou, once again let the innocent computer desk bad luck.

Fortunately, the quality of this computer desk is quite good, and the ability to fight is not the power of same.

Being beaten so many times, still standing still, this spirit is worth learning.

“It seems that Sister Xiaoyou is looking for you.”

Zhou Keke, who has been watching the barrage, suddenly said.


Su Nan took a moment and found out that it was Qin Xiaoyou, so she went to YY, where she voiced her voice and asked strangely: “What is it, are you not resting today?”

“hehe …”

It was sneer to meet Su Nan, only to listen to Qin Xiaoyou. She sneered twice, and said: “Su Nan, when I am resting, you seem to be very cool.”


Su Nan was in a hurry and frankly said: “How is it possible, there is nothing, when you are not there, I am not motivated to play the game, it feels like losing something important in life.”


“On shameless, or you Su Nan is amazing.”

“fuck, the thickness of this face, I admire.”

“Su Nan, can you tell me about your exercise? Where are the exercises?”

“Wait a minute, I remember when I started broadcasting, who said that there is no Qin Xiaoyou day, happy and happy?”

“That person is definitely not Su Nan.”

“Yes, how could Su Nan say that, the brothers livestream video arrangement.”

“Reporting with Qin Xiaoyou, uncovering the true face of Su Nan.”


Su Nan’s words made the barrage start to spit, can you still fake it?

Qin Xiaoyou also knows that Su Nan is talking about nonsense, but I don’t know why, listening to these words, I feel very happy.

Just listen to her and said: “I still don’t admit it, but I heard that you are happy to play with Female Streamer. If I don’t get online, I am afraid that no one is there.”

“I don’t exist, I Su Nan swears to God, I am not that kind of person.”

“Hey, wait a minute, why do I have to guarantee with her.”

After Su Nan made an oath, I felt that something was wrong. I don’t mind with her Qin Xiaoyou. Why should I?

Still just too panicked, there is a feeling of being caught in bed in the vague.

It’s not too late to react now.

After Qin Xiaoyou online, it is equivalent to Zhenggong. The other Female Streamer, who is bold, doesn’t dare to start on Qin Xiaoyou.

Offended Qin Xiaoyou’s words, afraid to be cool, Qin Xiaoyou, but even the Battlefish Admin is not a bird’s awesome character, who dares to offend her.

For a time, World was quiet, and Su Nan was very good with Qin Xiaoyou.

At least she is not the same, can be a shield of the Effect, there is her, those pretty and flirtatious slut really dare not mess.

Su Nan took Qin Xiaoyou a few times and took a few chickens in the middle of the night.

“The wonderful time is always so short. You guys, today’s livestream is coming to an end. Everyone has to rest early. Don’t stay up late, or just go all night. After all, staying up late is not good for your health.”

Su Nan is still arranging the viewers, and now everyone is quite familiar.

Just as everyone spit Su Nan and saw him again, suddenly there was a golden light on the screen.

I went there, someone sent Super Rocket, and it was still at the end of the livestream. What does this mean, let Su Nan work overtime?

Take a closer look at Vanilla Milkshake, this big shot is coming again.

“The milkshake you haven’t slept yet, thank you for the Super Rocket, I am ready to broadcast, and you have to rest early.”

“Big Brother Su Nan, don’t worry, send me your WeChat number private letter, I have something to tell you.”

Vanilla Milkshake heard that Su Nan was coming down, and said quickly.

Su Nan thought that she hadn’t added the water friend’s WeChat yet, but like this big shot, it is definitely worth adding, this is beyond doubt.

So Su Nan directly confessed to Vanilla Milkshake, and then broadcast it.

The computer was closed, and a friend invited it to send it. The avatar is a cute little rabbit. It should look like a soft girl.

After passing the application, Su Nan took the initiative to say hello, “How do you think of adding me to WeChat at night?”

“Big Brother Su Nan, are you?”

“pu …”

Seeing the words from Vanilla Milkshake, Su Nan was a little bit unbearable, and a lemonade was sprayed directly from his mouth.

Are the girls now so direct?

“What happened to Su Nan, is it too sour?” Zhou Keke asked strangely.

“No, I read the novel a bit funny.”


(Today’s first, Monday, I got a ticket and asked for a subscription.)

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