The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is 937. Surrender, surrender! Floating astronomy

“Marshal, in Ukraine, after the hard battle we defeated the main force of Russia’s 1 group army, and it is continuing to advance. If all goes well, we will complete the meeting with the main force of Ukraine tomorrow.”

“Very good, the progress is quite satisfactory.” Wang Weizhen nodded. “If Carcorochk who rushed to the front line can continue to withstand the Russian attack, it will be crucial to help us defeat the main force of the Russian army!”

Kremvall. Rommel, who is responsible for directing all German troops in Ukraine, showed some proud smiles on his face.

Although there were some problems in the process of entering the army, and suffered from the fierce resistance of the Russian army, it suffered losses, but overall he accomplished the task well.

Russia’s 1 Group Army is the main force of the trust of the Grand Duke of Berstoka, Gregory, and the most well-equipped unit of the Russian army. However, such a force also has no German troops capable of blocking the momentum.

It’s only a step away from victory…

Wang Weizhen came out from the temporary headquarters and saw all the German soldiers busy. A large number of tanks and assault guns that rushed to the battlefield made a roar, and the heads were not passing over several planes.

The Germans have invested a large part of their power in Ukraine.

First, because of the victory of the second Berlin attack and defense, the Germans were able to draw some troops. The second is that Ukraine is too important for the victory of Germany.

The capture of Ukraine means that Germany has taken a big step forward!

In fact, since the Second World War, Germany has laid a very good foundation in Ukraine. All the big offenses started from Ukraine. The local Ukrainians also have a good impression of Germany, and the pro-German forces are quite active in Ukraine.

Getting local support is also a very crucial condition for winning…

1966 4 Month 17 Day. With the arrival of Marshal Ernst .Breem, the Germans took the Baron Guard as the main force and launched a general assault on the Russian army’s 21 armored army.

This is the last Russian army to stop the German army…

After the outbreak of the fighting, German air support forces quickly appeared in the sky. Compared with Germany, although the Russian Air Force has a large number of fighters, but the model is backward, the aircraft crew’s combat quality is poor. And the German Air Force is completely out of a grade.

Every time in the sky, you can see such a scene, a large number of Russian aircraft appear imposing, but in the face of a much smaller number than their German Air Force. Russian flying formations are often quickly defeated.

The Russian pilots have actually tried their best… but they have not been able to get military support for years, and even used the old aircraft of the early World War II.

The current war, the quantity is completely unable to win in the face of quality…

On the day after the war, the German Air Force had obtained air superiority. The Russian Air Force, which has been continuously shot down. I am not very daring to continue to appear in the sky.

This is a frustrating scene.

With the support of the German Air Force. The Germans quickly moved in the direction of the Belthota.

Defended here is the Russian 21 armored army commanded by General Nestasrov, a Russian general who is loyal to the Grand Duke of Berstoka.

The order he received was that he had to resist the German attack on at least 20 days in Belceta. At least it seems that this is a very difficult task.

Some people say that General Nestasrov is a reckless guy who often does not go through the brain, but at this moment, Gregory needs such a commander.

He does not need the ability to think independently. The only thing he needs is his unconditional and faithful accomplishment of his mission.

Nestasrov opened his entire force in Belsotta in one go. There is a posture of a deadly battle.

The leading force that arrived in Beltota made contact with Nestasrov in an attempt to induce the Russian general to surrender, but was quickly rejected by Nestasrov.

He didn’t even want to see the German messengers…

“It’s worthy of respect, is it?” Wang Weizhen, who arrived in Beltota, said with a relaxed expression: “This kind of person is always worthy of respect from the opponents…”

However, respect is on the one hand, Wang Weizhen is not prepared to stop the pace of marching for even a minute…

1966 4 Month 19 Day, the Belceta attack began.

This will be the most crucial battle for Germany to fully join the Ukrainian army…

And here, Marshal St Ernst Breem – Baron Alexson!

The plane appeared in the air above the Belce Tower and launched a bombardment of the city. Countless bombs and incendiary bombs fell into the city or on the positions of the Russian army. Everything was submerged in smoke and fire.

The bombing continued for a whole day. 4 month 20 day, the German main force all arrived.

Nestasrov understood the passive situation he faced, and he called Air Force support numerous times during the day on 19 Day. However, the Russian pilots who were really afraid of the German Air Force always turned around in the circle of Belsota. They are not willing to have a positive confrontation with the German Air Force…

When the German Baron Guard arrived, the Belso Tower attack and defense war officially opened the curtain!

A large number of German tanks and assault guns launched shelling at the Russian army in Besota. Although the strength of the German army suffered a great loss under the attack of the Allies, the strength of the elite Baron Guard was unmatched by the Russian army.

The Russian 21 armored army was only equipped with a small number of new tanks, and most of them were still using old-fashioned weapons like their Air Force.

As for their officers, probably their mastery of the dance is far better than the command of the war…

The war money has just begun, and the phone call for help has been continually hit the command of General Nestasrov. All the telephones are without exception to tell the generals of General Nestasrov how fierce the attack. The heavy casualties of the soldiers also made General Nestasrov’s brains hurt.

What can you do? How can you solve the problem? Where the Russians’ fighting qualities are clearly defined, it is not something that you can solve immediately.

There is only one command that General Nestasrov can give:

The top of the dead is there. No more let the Germans go further!

It’s very easy to get the order, but it’s obviously very difficult to do it…

In the attack of the shells, Tank began to take a heavy step and launched a terrible assault with the infantry.

The Russians did not collapse immediately, and they were able to organize some resistance. This is probably due to the character of General Nestasrov.

General Nestasrov never heard anyone complain, and he had only one way to fight. Either complete your own orders or be shot.

I have to admit that such a method is rude and simple. But sometimes it can still make a big difference.

In the case of complete backwardness in equipment and combat quality, these Russian troops actually carried out crazy resistance without fear of death.

An old-fashioned Tank appeared on the battlefield, and there was actually the t-34Tank of the Soviet era.

At that moment, the German commanders almost doubted whether they saw it or not…

After the Bolshevik regime was overthrown. Russia has accepted a large number of legacy of the former Soviet Union. Like a nouveau riche-style Russian regime, it is like a miser who guards his own property. Perhaps they think they have everything.

They are no longer willing to spend more money on upgrading their weapons and equipment. When major countries are equipped with new aircraft and new Tanks, the Russians still use a lot of equipment left over from World War II.

For example t-34Tank.

Such a tank is simply a toy in front of the sophisticated “Leopard 9” or “Destroyer 3” type. Even in the Second World War, t-34 is far from being a leopard or tiger-like opponent, and how many years have passed?

So on the battlefield you can see a one-sided Tank battle.

Countless t-34 have not yet reached their range. It has already been destroyed by the German Tank. And those “Mordel assaults” that helped the battle also played a terrible power. A single shell of artillery shells constantly destroyed the tank of a Russian.

The Russian officials of the 21 Panzer Corps have never felt so powerless…

Their weapons can deal with civilians, but they can also deal with the Ukrainian insurgents, but they are definitely not opponents of German equipment.

In less than an hour after the Tank battle, the Russian army lost a lot of chariots, and the death and injury were even worse.

“I seem to have returned to the Second World War…” Wang Weizhen put down the telescope: “At that time, in the Tank battle, we always had an absolute advantage. After so many years, the Russians not only did not make any progress, but actually Still spinning in place.”

The Kremvall interface said: “Not only this, but also the Russian officials who were captured by our team, they also learned that they are not serious, and the Russians’ enthusiasm for fighting is not high. Except for a small number of troops, many Russian troops often only With a simple resistance, it was quickly defeated.”

Wang Weizhen smiled and said: “I already know this situation. The United States has made a lot of financial assistance to Russia. Unfortunately, this money has not been used in the construction of Russia or in the upgrading of the military. Without exception, it is full. The private pockets of the big bureaucrats, such as the Grand Duke of Berstoka.”

“It’s a pity.” Kremvall suddenly sighed: “Russia’s territory is so big, there are so many people. If you can develop fully, not only Germany, but even the most powerful opponent in the United States, but they have gotten such a A government.”

Wang Weizhen nodded silently… Yes, Russia is fully capable of becoming a superpower… The more you can, the more you can’t let it develop smoothly.

Otherwise, this will still become a big worry for Germany…

In the full day of the 20 attack, the Russian army’s 21 armored army suffered huge losses. Most of their positions fell into the hands of the Germans, and now they can be protected. There is only one Bel Sota.

Although General Nestasrov knew that his troops were definitely not German opponents, the failure to do so quickly made him unimaginable.

The loyal and almost blind general Nestas Rove, don’t think about other factors. He shot two officers who gave up their positions on the night and told everyone: Belthetta must hold, no one can Take a step back. The imperial order of the Grand Duke of Berstoka stuck to 20 days here and there was no room for bargaining for this order.

The stubborn General Nestasrov is almost maddening. Anyone with some mind can see it. Belthota does not have the conditions to continue to persist. If this is the case, the 21 armored army will be destroyed here.

But the battlefield shots made these Russian commanders fear, and they worried that General Nestasrov’s bullets would ruthlessly shoot through his body.

Resistance is death. Not resisting is also dead. Then there is only the last way out:

Engage with the Germans and surrender to the Germans!

No one is really not afraid of death, no one is there. If they can keep their lives, they are willing to make some attempts.

The first step was the colonel of the 330 Infantry Regiment, Colonel Heylaf.

He has a beautiful wife. Have lovely children. He does not want to let his life be buried here. So driven by such a state of mind, Colonel Heylaf secretly contacted the Germans that night.

This is already in the expectation of Wang Weizhen.

Wang Weizhen personally connected the phone of Colonel Heylaf, on the phone he promised all the conditions proposed by Colonel Heylaf and promoted him to Major General on the spot.


A sudden situation. Let the 47 armored group become a mess, and Colonel Tori Masf, who commanded this unit, immediately made a decision that was crucial to his future:


Since Colonel Heylaf can surrender, why can’t he surrender? Who wants to keep his life here?

In just a few hours, two Russian troops surrendered at the same time!

When the news reached the ears of General Nestasrov, the Russian lieutenant would almost collapse! What he can’t think of is why under such harsh battlefield discipline, why is this happening? What he even more puzzled is that those officers who surrendered did not respect the honor of the military.

Yesterday his troops had suffered heavy casualties during the day, and two relatively complete troops surrendered at night. General Nestasrov has felt the coming of failure…

While he did his best to organize the defense, he quickly reported to the Grand Duke of Berstoka that there was a serious situation in the Belce Tower.

But in the face of his own embarrassment, the Grand Duke of Berstoka issued only one order:

“I need Belsota, I need you to resist the German attack!”

Then the phone was ruthlessly hung up…

General Nestasrov sighed deeply, and he knew what the Grand Duke meant.

I have no choices…

The sunshine of 21 Day has been spread in the Bel Sota, and the German troops have fully entered the Belce Tower.

A large number of Russians have also chosen to surrender. They are not willing to bury their lives here, they have to consider for their future.

So, there is no suspense in the war…

When the sound of guns was heard in the city, Nestasov wrote the last letter of his life, which was written to his family:

“The war has failed. I can’t stop the enemy’s offensive… I love this country. I like to be a soldier, but the greatest frustration of the soldiers is that I cannot save the fate of this country. I know what I should do, I Knowing how to maintain the honor of a decent soldier, so I will be my last last words… We are completely backward, no matter in the quality of weapons, soldiers or officers, with such an army, we can’t stop it. The enemy’s attack, even if I can command a million troops at the moment, is the same. Perhaps, the nightmare of more than 20 years ago will soon be re-enacted, the Germans will once again seize our Moscow… my children should not When a soldier is, it should never be… here, we can’t get anything except shame…”

This is the words of General Nestasrov, and it is also a final warning to Russia.


In less than two hours after his suicide, most of the remaining Russian troops chose to lay down their weapons. They were unwilling to continue fighting and were unwilling to shed blood in such a meaningless way. Everyone’s life is precious, and everyone’s life is worthy of respect.

Goodbye, weapon! Goodbye, war!

Being alive is more important than anything else.

Wang Weizhen, who entered Besota, ordered the burial of Nestas Rove’s body, just like any enemy who fought to the last moment. Such a commander is worthy of respect.

Now, it is now possible to launch the most fierce attack on the main force of the Russian army! (To be continued.)

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