The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My Country 970. Air support, floating astronomy

Hey, familiar sound! !

The main firepower of the Russians, Nochl, wanted more than the two raging Marks, whose firepower was enough to make the grenadiers give up the idea of ​​counterattack. However, they are exposed. If Nochl does not order to knock them off, he thinks that the grenadiers will curse their “098” to death, although Nociel does not know how they evaluate the group of people behind them. Guys!

The projectile was filled, the first target, the first machine gun. The shells roared out, precise and neat, and the high earthen walls rose from the ground. The Russian soldiers who operated the machine guns were smashed together with their machine guns. Nociel had already applauded in his heart for the excellent shooting of his “098” team. Many of the grenadiers saw the machine guns that pushed them up and could not be reimbursed. And they are far from satisfied with only taking off the heavy firepower of a Russian, the artillery is ready, and shooting at will! Target to correct. The previous scene will reappear!

The entire “098” began to shake sharply, and their crew members almost fell from their respective positions.

what happened?

They are fortunate, the Russian anti-Tank still did not hit them, although the placement of the shells is very close! They have no choice but to reverse! If their “098” is destroyed and they are all killed, the responsibility is in Nociel!

Nocier focused his attention on the heavy machine guns of the Russians that were not linked to him, not the anti-Tank guns that were enough for them. Nozil thought that they didn’t have enough time and conditions to The door has been adjusted to the muzzle of the Russian anti-Tank shot!

Now, even reversing has become a luxury. Nochl found the position of the anti-Tank! He even saw that the black hole of the muzzle was rushing to himself, and it almost only needed a shot!

They can’t reversing faster than the shells they fire!

Nozil didn’t speak without ordering, just waiting for the moment to come, Bodilla looked up and looked at Nociel: “How…reversely!”

Nochl shook his head. . . . . .

The Tanks behind them are still not supporting their intentions.

The muzzle of the anti-Tank is slowly lowered, and even Nozil can see that its chance of shooting this gun is very small! The size of the “Destroyer 3” type Tank can be really hard to hit! It has shot a lot of guns. Nozil is thinking, maybe even luck, it should be taken care of, and it will be able to blow up its own tank in the next second.

Boom! call out. . . . . . Nochl closed his eyes! Just don’t want to look directly at death!

boom! Boom!

how? Chain explosion? Deafening, not the whole earth is shaking! Bodilla and Ramel each took care of the handrails they could grip. Nociel was shocked and he did not die! A violent explosion can happen at this moment! Nochl looked from the periscope in the forward direction! He saw that the position of the anti-Tank was covered by smoke and violent explosions! Then, Nochl’s hearing became sharp! Nochell heard the roar of the engine! But this is not like the engine sound of Tank! very familiar! This sound. . . . . . Correct! It seems that old friends are coming!

All German soldiers are cheering! They look at the sky! One after another of the German fighter cards that dive into the bombs excites them. The accurate and accurate bombshells will almost all have the Russian land plowed, and the powerful bombs will lift the entire soil. The dive bomber is capable of accurately projecting bombs. They are the most favorite air war hawks of the German army! Because they are for the German army!

The Russians are not going to give up the victory that is already at their fingertips! They are still shocking! And those, in Noch’s opinion, are committing suicide!

Above the sky, a eagle that had already turned the nose slowly sagged until the muzzle of the two machine guns on its wing rushed to the Russian soldiers who came to the Germans. . . . . . Hey. . . . . .

Nociel watched almost all the Russians shattered their bodies and limbs with large-caliber bullets. The fighters made a perfect sweep. Then they lifted their noses and disappeared into the clouds. This is not finished, the formation of the Russians is chaotic, the second fighter is coming one after another, the ass sinks, and a bomb falls into the Russian army accurately.

A loud noise screamed at the fire, and a raging fire rose from the ground, the clods of the sky and the broken limbs of the Russians. They have completely lost the chance to win this battle! Their casualties, even Nociel can not bear to estimate.

The German warplanes circled and swooped, swung, and then pulled up. This way back and forth two or three times, in front of the Germans, there were only the bodies of Russian soldiers in the mountains. It’s hard to imagine. They even lost the chance to retreat because the sky belongs to the German Air Force! And those air athletes, look at every corner of the place.

Nochl was stunned and his eyes were blurred. Not only is Nochl, Bodira and Ramel are the same, they look at this unsuspecting massacre! The Russian army changed from stable to almost complete in an instant.

Bodilla looked at Nochl and wanted to say nothing! Nozil was pleasantly surprised that the German team and his “098” survived this battle! They are not dead yet!

The Russians are retreating! They have already rushed far enough! Their counterattacks have once again become a complete defeat.

On the sky behind their “098”, a German fighter rushed! The bird’s machine gun fired fiercely! The raindrop-like bullets tilted on the route of the Russian retreat. The soil columns were lined up in two long lines, and countless Russians were torn by the bullets to the chest and head. The bulky planting could no longer climb.

Now, it is the moment of the German army!

Nociel found that Nociel’s trust and love for the German Air Force has deepened, and that the whistling gods can always provide the most valuable support in the most dangerous moments of the German armored forces.

The blockbusters fell one after another to the heads of the Russian soldiers who had retreated. They couldn’t afford to dodge, they could only take all of them to smash this fierce bombing.

If the Russians only retreat, then the Germans still do not have the factors and conditions for stability, because the Germans do not lose less than the Russians. Nociel is thinking, if these fighters are coming later, their own “098” “The car group, as well as the entire attack group, will not be really tightly packed by Russians like dumplings, and then eat clean.”

The German army’s reinforcements arrived at this time! An infantry battalion!

The Germans have the ability to continue their attacks, and the Russians have already fully collapsed! The bodies they left when they retreated were almost the total number of German offensive forces!

Behind the “098”, the armored elites who had been watching for a long time finally got the action. Klaus’s “Leopard” Tank and the other two “Burst” Tanks also began to attack forward!

Mother! I will really pick the time!

Their “098” is an armored support tank! However, Nochl issued an order to attack forward! at least! Nociel didn’t want to wipe his ass for Klaus! His ass, let him look at it!

“Lammer! Start Tank! We start attacking!”

All three except Bodilla stared at Nochel with amazement.

Ramel kindly reminded: “This does not seem to be our task! We are responsible for the cover…”

Nochl slammed his fist on the side of the device, despite the sharp pain in his fingers: “screening? Covering the fart! Who is the cover?”

Ramel was not questioning, he pulled the joystick, the body of the “098” swayed violently, and the track 360 rotated at high speed! Yes, they are going to chase after victory! They are not taking care of the damn Klaus’s life and death!

Klaus’s “Leopard” and the two “Bursts” are still on the side of “098”. Bodilla’s radio received a burst of clamour from Claus: “098, damn it! Go back to me! Who is covering us?

Nociel’s heart is dark, idiot! cover? Look at the Russians now, what are their capabilities to counterattack! Who is the cover? Can you hit the air with a cannonball?

Bodilla took off the headset and shrugged at Nozil. He also knew what to do!

“098” continues to move forward! They are speeding at full speed just a little faster than the Russians running away! So they always have a goal worth attacking!

Hans madly pulled the trigger of the MG62 machine gun! The violent and intensively shot of the highly lethal bullets knocked out the backward Russians who gave their ass to them one by one. They have nowhere to hide! More powerless to fight back! The sky is the German dive fighter group, the ground is the German armor steel flow! Followed by a large number of infantry clusters! The Russians do not have the power to return to heaven! They lost!

“098” is rarely fired because their shells are limited! Hans did not control the fire, and even the bullets of MG62 were all empty! If it is really coincidental, then on the side of their “098” car body, a motorcycle flies past, but fortunately the road is bumpy ‘it can’t run very far! “098” stopped on the spot, Hans jumped out of the car and stopped the motorcycle! The two IDF soldiers on the motorcycle looked at him strangely. What? Now is the time to chase!

Hans cried: “Give us some of your machine gun bullets!”

Two IDF soldiers shook their heads! The motorbike gunner of the MG62 machine gun on the motorcycle patted the machine gun butt: “Man! Your iron guy – there is no gun! The machine gun will not be used!”

Hans looked ugly, he couldn’t find any excuses to get those bullets!

Klaus’s “Leopard” and the two “Bursts” have already surpassed their “098”!

Nochel found that Hans was wasting his tongue! Nociel made a look at Bodilla, and Bodilla knew what Nokier wanted. • Pulled a Sub Machine Gun from the weapon storage box on the side and threw it to Nochl: “Take some! Also hurts!”

Nochl pulled the Sub Machine Gun’s gun file and made a loud noise. Nocier rushed Bodilla and the other two nodded, meaning rest assured, I have my own size!

Nocier certainly has a measure! He still doesn’t want to go to the military court!

The top of the turret was opened by Hans, so Nociel slid out of the top and found half of the body. The Sub Machine Gun was not very heavy until Nocier raised its short gun body. At that time, the two motorbikes were aware of what was unpleasant to happen! The main driver of the motorbike stepped on the foot and prepared to sprint.

Hey. . . . . . Nociel is only a short time! The Sub Machine Gun collapsed the soil in front of the motorcycle.

The two motorbies were not moving.

Nozil smiled: “Hans! Take enough to give them some!”

Hans grinned at Nozil, and then stepped over to the no-action motorcycle, and he almost searched their storage ammunition! It seems to have only left a trip. Hans took the searched machine guns back into the cabin, only to find that Nochl and Bodilla were scanning his body with a different look. He asked them in a strange way: “Is it… take it… is it less?”

They are already behind, and even many infantrymen are ahead of them, although “098” can quickly overtake them, but there are things that hinder the speed of “098” – the corpses of Russian soldiers.

They didn’t go around, although they felt the bumps in the car, but they could only choose to do that. If they chose not to crush the bodies, the Germans would have to travel at least three times longer than they are now. Moreover, Klaus and the two “breakers” have already run over these bodies!

Those dead bodies that are intact are now a plasma paste, and they don’t have to worry about anything.

The body of the Russian soldier, who has been completely frustrated, was violently rolled into the Tank crawler. With the rapidly rotating track, the black and scented plasma and rotten meat flowed from the joint of the steel wheel and the track.

Fortunately, they are in the cabin, don’t have to look at this terrible scene! Nochell thought it would be a nightmare for the rest of his life!

The battle is not over yet! The Russian army has suffered heavy losses! However, their previous fronts still existed, and the Russian soldiers who retreated to their original positions hurriedly built the front line. These soldiers were mostly their reserve teams! Almost a newcomer.

They have no support, but they are still reluctant to give up their positions. Maybe they know their situation and the consequences after the retreat! Nochel thought! Even if they are not caught up in the German army to kill or capture them, they will be killed by the military court! They are really performing, this desperate and unscientific basis for stupid orders! What the Russians simply don’t understand is the preservation of strength!

No one will doubt that Russia will lose its top in this war!

Air support is over! After all, the consumption of aviation fuel is far faster than the diesel of the German armored vehicles, and it is also more expensive.

The most important thing is that the belly of the “whistling god” is not very spacious! Although they have always been powerful air support weapons, they are unable to mount enough bombs for continuous bombing.

The fleet returns! They need to be replenished! And they have given the German the biggest and most timely support! Those Russians have collapsed in this wave of indiscriminate bombing, whether it is will or spirit!

But there is a class of troops fighting in despair! This is the case with the Russians. Although there is no hope of winning, they can also fight for it! I don’t know why there is a different feeling in the heart of Nochl! Nociel seems to admire something that does not exist, but that feeling is real.

Their “098” is moving forward, and they have already surpassed the infantry who went ahead of them when they were stranded! Nociel saw the two “breakers” who were parked at a safe distance and constantly fired high-explosive grenades at the Russian positions.

That’s right, the infantry support Tank doesn’t have to be too rushing! The German armor support Tank is now surpassing them.

Klaus’s “Leopard” is at the forefront of the entire attack queue! Nociel saw the bullets that had no threat to it violently hitting its thick body, flying without any suspense.

And the “Leopard” every time it shakes its huge and robust body from the muzzle, the shells will take away the soil and several Russian soldiers from the Russian position!

Nociel is thinking, how should the Russians face such an almost invincible super tank?

The Russian gave Nochl the answer! An 45 millimeter anti-Tank armor-piercing projectile hits the “Leopard” front armor and then hits the glass like a bouncy ball. A glimmer of sparks and 45 shells flew to the side of the mound, and the dust that burst in an instant only hindered the sight of the grenadiers in the attack!

The “Leopard” front armor was only recessed into a small area. Nocier looked at the expressions of the members of the Nociel team. In addition to envy, there was an incredible feeling in it! That is a good Tank!

Klaus’s “Leopard” turned the muzzle, aiming at the 45 millimeter anti-Tank gun of the Russian who tried to destroy it but could do nothing!

They even have it! Nochel thought that the previous one was their last anti-armor power!

The “Leopard” fire control system does not seem to be generally good. Nozil estimates from the periscope that Klaus’s “Leopard” is at least six hundred meters away from the anti-Tank gun! That distance! The goal is extremely inconspicuous, very small!

Klaus’s “Leopard” failed to destroy it, but the three Russian gunners who fired the guns flew!

“Leopard” continues to move forward! Nochl felt bad for him -! Did he continue to move forward with peace of mind?

Bodilla wants to call Klaus. Nociel knows what he wants to say to the mixed ball. Yes, the anti-Tank cannon is completely destroyed! Instead of killing their gunners! Governing the symptoms is not a cure, right?

Nociel prevented Bodilla from doing that.

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