The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is 692. Patriot, floating astronomy

Tiltini is very clear about what Dinkale is doing. !

With the power of the city of Turin, it is difficult to withstand the full attack of the 8 Group Army. They must come up with some ways to solve the current difficulties, and they are obviously their breakthrough.

He is not unwilling to help the insurgents, but he also has family members, and his family are in Rome.

“Mani, my friend.” Upon seeing General Tiltiny, Dinakhale greeted the spring breeze and hugged the general: “I think you must know the purpose of my visit.”

“Yes, my friend.” Tiltini smiled and said: “Are you ready to surrender? Ah, standing on the side of a friend, I can guarantee your life.”

“Hey, where do you want to go.” Dinakhale also smiled there: “The uprising has just begun, the Republic of Turin has just been established. Do you think we will surrender? No, on the contrary, I am here to advise you. To the party of the revolutionary…”

Tiltini laughed out loudly: “You are really humorous, friend. My Tank can crush the vulnerable positions at any time, my cannon can destroy Turin. But why didn’t I do that? Because I My heart tells me that I can’t slaughter my compatriots… But I have to tell you that Commander Donani of the 8 Army has given me a death order, and if you still refuse to surrender tomorrow, I Have to execute the command of the commander to completely occupy your city.”

“Then you will be the biggest sinner in Italy…” Dinhales was not scared by the other side: “You will be ruined, you have to admit it. You will be spoiled by everyone in Italy.” General, you must also acknowledge this. Your family will be blinded by all the Italians and then live their lives in shame… Are you really willing to do this?”

Tiltiny was silent. . . . . . As he said, he is not willing to turn himself into a hangman. . . . . .

“Oh, our disagreement is on the attitude towards this matter.” The change in the general’s expression has never concealed Dinkale: “I know your attitude, I know that you are an upright person, you will not Allow your hands to be stained with the blood of your compatriots. Today will not be tomorrow, not forever. Mani, my loyal friend, please join us. We are more urgent than ever to join you… ”

Pism gave them wine and interjected: “It’s too easy for you to say, Mr. Dinakale. The family of the generals are all in Rome. Can he give them up? You fight for freedom, me and The generals sympathize with you, but such sympathy is not based on sacrificing their own family…”

“Yes, we don’t want to sacrifice anyone.” Dinhale quickly said: “So

Our allies have already rescued your family. If all goes well, they will have arrived in a safe place at this time tomorrow. ”

“What?” Tiltiny was shocked and couldn’t believe what he heard: “You are saving my family? Your allies? Who?”

“That is a group of great people with great wealth and power…” Dinakhale said faintly: “Do you really think that we will rise up without preparation? Or you think we have no The possibility of success? I think your judgment has a big problem. I can tell you honestly that we are not alone, we can fulfill our dreams. Moreover, we need weapons and ammunition, and our allies are also very fast. Will be shipped to Turin…”

Tiltini shook his head and he couldn’t believe what the other said. . . . . . Judging from all the intelligence, the Turin Uprising is a more accidental event. If they really have a strong alliance as they say, the situation should not be what it is.

Dinakhale can fully understand the other side’s doubts: “I don’t have to hide anything from you any more. Have you seen the bombing of the Air Force? Old-fashioned aircraft can’t be so purposelessly bombed, maybe the big one in Rome. The dictator knows nothing, but what do you think of as a professional soldier?”

Lieutenant General Tiltini was silent. . . . . . Yes, as a professional soldier, he has long discovered the pussy of the Air Force. General Anishe of Manis Air Force Base is a veteran soldier. He participated in the Second World War. He could not make a mistake even if he didn’t even hit a bomb.

Vittorio. Mussolini didn’t understand the military and didn’t understand it at all. It was a simple matter to fool him, but the real soldiers could not be fooled.

Was General Anishe bought by these insurgents? No, the insurgents don’t have that much power or the powerful allies they say really exist.

If this is the case, then things start to get complicated. . . . . .

“I can let the plane bomb your military camp tomorrow…” Dinakhale started his own intimidation: “We are not alone, there will be more and more true patriots joining us. In the ranks.

and you? Are you a true patriot? Are you willing to accept the bombing? ”

“No, I don’t want to see this happening.” Tiltini’s face was gloomy: “What do you need me to do?”

“I have already said it! Enter us.” Dinkale repeated his words again: “For the sake of life, it is also for the future of Italy. You can’t both ends, Donani will not let go of your dimension.” Torio won’t let you go. You have to have your own choice…”

Tiltiny picked up his own pipe, lit it, and took a deep breath.

This is not a trivial matter, but a betrayal. If the revolution can succeed, then he will be a feat. But what if the revolution failed?

He and his family will be forced to become exiles. . . . . .

At this time, Pism said, “General, I have followed you for a long time. I know that you and I are as sympathetic to the insurgents and know what you are worried about. However, just as we have just talked about, Why did Italy become what it is now? How much do we have to let our country fall to the ground? Can we really not change this? Donani is Vittorio’s running dog, but why didn’t he come personally? On the battlefield, we have to order us to attack? Because he is not willing to take responsibility. The willful slaughter, even if it succeeds, will make us bear the shame that eternal life can’t be washed. The real executioner can go unpunished, and the responsibility is all up to you. People take it. I think we can make a choice. But I can assure you that no matter what choice you make, I am firmly on your side…”

Tiltina’s gaze fell on his best friend: “Do you agree with me to join their team?”

Pism nodded without hesitation. . . . . .

“I hope that you can guarantee the safety of my family.” Tiltini quickly put forward his request, and after receiving a positive answer, the lieutenant put down his own pipe: “If the revolution fails, I am really forced. If you go to the gallows, then I think I am laughing and leaving the world…”

“Thank you, Mani, my friend.” Dinhale was overjoyed. He didn’t think he was really successful.

The knocking of the 82 armored division will greatly change the passive situation of Turin.

The dawn of the revolutionary victory may not be far away. . . . . .

1966 3 30 Day, after the outbreak of the Turin Uprising, was carried out in the 8 Group Army, which was ordered to perform the repression task.

On the morning of the day, the 82 Armored Division commander Lieutenant General Tiltini made a speech to the nation.

“I am a patriot. I used to be, and now, my loyalty to the country is beyond anyone’s imagination. The extent to which I love this country is also unmatched by anyone…” Lieutenant General said with such an opening statement:

“In the land of our country, some major changes are taking place, such as the Republic of Turin. I received orders from the leader, Mr. Vittorio Mussolini, and the commander-in-chief of the 8 Group Army, General Donani, who Commanding me to brutally suppress the insurgents. However, I found many real things on the front line… Turin’s insurgents, they are not traitors, they are just like me. Patriots! They love this country very much, they worry about the future of this country. They are poor and they want to go through the procession to survive for their survival, but our government has rejected their reasonable demands. Instead, the first time a crackdown order was issued… I believe that no one will give up the full force of their own survival, and the big uprising is erupting under such circumstances.

Should we slaughter our compatriots, should we listen to their sufferings? Should we let our hands be covered with blood, or should we let our people live? Should we concentrate our wealth in the hands of a few people, or should we let every Italian citizen live with dignity? I think anyone who is upright and ethical will make the right choice. . . . . .

As an Italian general. As an Italian, I will not aim the muzzle at my compatriots. So I decided to lead my army, join the ranks of the insurgents, and contribute everything to this country! I will receive accusations. I will even be sentenced to death by a military court, but I don’t regret it because I know exactly what I am doing. . . . . . Like all the insurgents, I am not a traitor. I, Tiltini, will be the biggest patriot! ”

I, Tiltini, will be the biggest patriot!

Lieutenant General Tiltini, and the battlefield of the 82 armored division, shocked the whole of Italy!

This is a rare scene in the history of Italy, this is a shocking scene!

A whole armored division has been rebellious!

The insurgents cheered their victory as if they had just achieved a great victory on the battlefield. The commander-in-chief of the 8 Group Army, Donani, almost collapsed.

Half an hour after Lieutenant General Tiltini’s speech, Donani came from Vittorio. Mussolini’s most severe reprimand, the leader took him for a few minutes, and then ordered the 8 Army to leave the attack and completely annihilate the traitors and rioters.

Donani is caught in a dilemma. . . . . . After the 82 armored division rebelled, the 8 Army had only one 19 infantry division and a motorized brigade. With such power, it is impossible to compete with Turin.

He has to face countless insurgents, the 82 armored division, and of course, the Itagu Infantry Division stationed in Turin! !

Even when the power is equal, he can’t guarantee that he will win, not to mention that their current strength is far from the disadvantage.

Donani was the leader who was hand-picked. He thanked the leader for his knowledge of his own, but now he has to consider his future.

When he received the suppression order, he never worried about it. In his opinion, the time of these riots could be calmed for a long time. However, now he is in such a dilemma.

The rioters – ah, no, calling them revolutionaries may be more appropriate. The power of these revolutionaries is fast and powerful, and the flames of revolution will soon spread throughout Italy, and no one can deny this. . . . . .

Can Vittorio still sit on his throne safely? If he falls down, what should he do?

Revolutionaries who seize power will certainly not let go of their own.

Maybe, think about retreating for yourself. . . . . . Like Tiltini, becoming a “patriot” or a very good choice. . . . . .

Driven by such a state of mind, Donani did not immediately attack the Turin. Instead, he explored the movements of Rome and secretly contacted the Republic of Turin.

Who is not thinking more about their future?

The news from Rome quickly came, and the wave of large-scale protests and solidarity with the Republic of Turin was spreading uncontrollably in Italy. It is the most worrying aspect that the Allied side has not made any statement on the situation in Italy.

If you get full support from the Allies, especially the United States, Donani will certainly continue to stand on this side of the Italian leader without hesitation.

But now the attitude of the United States is too embarrassing. . . . . .

Donnani is fully aware of what this is because. Italy’s poor performance on the battlefield has long caused serious dissatisfaction among Americans. Together with the demise of the US 2 armored cavalry division, Americans have felt the anger. The secret investigation of Italy has already begun.

The great dictator Vittorio. Mussolini’s status is already at stake.

Even he is the same, can he still guarantee his future?

Donani was completely shaken. . . . . .

The connection with the “Republic of Turin” has been quite smooth. Turin still sent Dinakale as a negotiator. In the negotiations, Dinakale represents Turin, welcomes the uprising of General Donani and promises Arrange for him the location that suits him in the Republic and guarantee that he will become an Italian feat after the success of the revolution.

At the same time, the gift for Donani included a check for $500,000.

Listening to the conditions put forward by the other party, looking at the check in front of him, Donnani took a deep breath.

These are the leaders who can’t give themselves. . . . . .

“I am a patriot?” Donnani asked the question he most wanted to know.

“Yes, there is no doubt that you are a great patriot.” Dinakhale said with great certainty: “And the country knows that you are a great patriot. The revolution needs your arrival, Marshal Donani!”

“What do you call me?” Donani was a little surprised.

“Marshal Donani!” Dinhale is very sure of his name: “After the research and decision of the Supreme Council of the Republic, you will be awarded the title of Marshal of the Republic!”

Donani was satisfied, and Donani was completely relieved.


The President of the Republic of Turin, Catadona, immediately announced that Donani was a patriot, awarded the title of Marshal of the Republic and appointed him as the Chief of Staff of the newly established Staff Headquarters.

Another “patriot” was born.

In the newly established Ministry of Defence and Staff Headquarters, Marshal Congeo was supposed to be hungry for the Minister of Defence, and the position of the Chief of Staff was stolen by speculator Donanie.

As for the real uprising actor Manusia and his comrades, he was ruthlessly abandoned.

What is a revolution? This is the so-called revolution.

No one cares about what Manusia and his comrades think. Even the insurgents think that it is more appropriate for people like Catadona to lead the Republic of Turin, rather than civilians with no political experience. Manusia.

There are countless revolutions in history. So the real winner is not a revolutionary like Manusia, but a “patriot” like Catadona or Donani:

A group of speculative politicians!

When the uprising is truly successful, Mannesia and his companions will soon be forgotten, and perhaps they will be killed. Then, Catadona and his speculative friends can enjoy the enthusiasm of the people. They will be loaded into history forever like any great man in history.

It is not the sorrow that the revolution will fail. What is sad is the unspeakable thing behind the success of the revolution.

The Italian revolution has seen the dawn of “victory”!

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