The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My Country 957. “Feittle the Great”, floating astronomy

1966年3月23日,美军第2装甲骑兵师师长Corret 中将遭到德军伏击,于中午12点30分阵亡。

The death of Lieutenant Corret made the war come to an end.

The corpse of Lieutenant General was well buried, and Marshal St Ernst Breem personally issued the order.

Although Lieutenant General Crain has been quite rude and arrogant, from a military point of view, he has no place to blame.

The enemies in the film put down the weapons, and they have no meaning to continue fighting.

3 month 23 afternoon 15::00, German Empire Marshal Ernst .Breem announced the end of the second Berlin counterattack!

In this battle, the US 2 armored cavalry division was devastated, and the rest of the Allied forces suffered heavy losses.

The failure of the Allies this time far exceeded the loss of the first Berlin offensive and defensive. In the post-war Allied Commander, Westmoreland, had to say sadly:

“This failure has brought us too much damage. It is so big that we can’t afford it… In the long years ahead, we have no power to launch a third attack. We must face the enemy. The attack of the army has to face the enduring rebellion of the occupied strata. I think that the allies in Germany’s hardest years have arrived…or we will be driven out of here soon…”

This was a far-reaching war, and Berlin succeeded in getting rid of the biggest crisis, even though they still had no advantage over the enemy. But they know that it is not far from leaving their enemies out of their land.

The goddess of victory returned to Germany!

Cheering on the battlefield. The city of Berlin is cheering. They are cheering their heroes and cheering for this great victory. It is also cheering the legendary hero of Germany:

Ernst Alexson von Breem – Baron Skulls!

Wherever he is, there will always be miracles…

“This is just the beginning…” Faced with all the heroic and fearless German soldiers, facing all German citizens and their allies, Wang Weizhen said:

“I am delighted with this victory. My mood is as excited as everyone else, but I tell myself that I must remain calm, because in our land, the enemy still exists. As long as there is another enemy in our land. On the war, the war will never end… Soldiers, nationals, German nationals in every occupied place, I ask you to launch a full-line counterattack for our ultimate victory. For the great glory of the great German! I used to I have left you, but this time I assure you that even if I have won the final victory, I will never leave you again!”

The cry of madness sounded inside and outside Berlin… Baron Alexson would never leave them again…

“Germany will return to normal order and the world will return to normal order.” Wang Weizhen’s voice continued to sound: “And this requires the efforts of all of us. We will restore the status of a great power. Just like in the past, because, Germany I am following the right path. I am grateful to every soldier or ordinary person who fought for Germany. I am also grateful to our allies, the United Kingdom. It is well known that Germany and the United Kingdom have had unpleasant experiences in history. But now it’s all gone. Both Germany and the UK have a common goal: freedom! Yes. Nothing is more precious than these two words. I swear, after winning in Germany, our powerful army and The same powerful army in Britain will personally escort the true British monarch to London. It is the respected Queen Elizabeth….”

The fanatical cheers ring again…

Elizabeth II and his husband, Prince Philip, and all Brittish in Berlin heard the Baron’s declaration. At this moment, they were in tears.

They had no hope of returning to London, because their final body, Berlin, was also in jeopardy. But the miracle finally appeared when all of them were desperate.

That is the miracle brought by Baron Alexson!

There is nothing in this world that is impossible to do, as long as your heart is filled with hope forever…


“Congratulations, Baron, you can always bring us everything we need when we need you most.” In the Empire State Building, Adolf.Hitler is also difficult to conceal the excitement: “Look at God’s face, tell me, we Really triumphed?”

“Yes, the head of state, we really won,” Rommel said.

“No, we are still far from victory.” Wang Weizhen said: “The enemy is still in Berlin, where we can see it. Even though we succeeded in guarding Berlin for the second time, it gave the enemy a major kill. But our own strength has also suffered a lot.”

Hitler shrugged. “Maybe, but who cares? We have Baron Alexson, but the enemy doesn’t.”

The words of the head of the head made everyone smile on their faces, even Wang Weizhen is no exception…

“Well, let go of the joy of victory.” Wang Weizhen regained his calm: “There are still many things to do, Fells, tell me your progress.”

“Yes, I will report it to you.” Fells quickly said: “In those occupied cities, we armed a large number of resistance organizations and guerrillas, marshals, this will be our completely trustworthy power. After the start of this battle, without the assistance of these resistance organizations, I think we will not achieve such a result… The Allies have suffered a lot of losses, their strength is not endless, I have issued orders, Ordering resistance organizations from all over the world to seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to continue organizing armed uprisings everywhere, and not let the enemy get a respite for a moment…”

“Very good!” Wang Weizhen nodded. “This failure will confuse our enemies. At the same time, their own internal contradictions will be unstoppable because of failure. I think our pace should be accelerated. …Bunkerley. What’s the situation there?”

“The new secret supplies will arrive before the end of this month.” Bunkerley quickly replied: “Marshal, we must thank the secret allies for their efforts. Without their help, I think we can’t win today. I still want I will become very busy.”

“They are not unconditional aid…” Wang Weizhen grinned with a smile.

The relaunch of the “New York Alliance” is more important than any victory on the battlefield.

“What about the Ukrainian side?”

“The troops commanded by Marshal Carcorochk have repeatedly defeated several attacks by the Russians. At the beginning of the Berlin counterattack. Our reinforcements have entered Ukraine and are now fighting the Ukrainian insurgents. I believe the Russians have nothing at the moment. Power to deal with us…”

“Everything is going along the good side…” Wang Weizhen murmured, then he raised his voice: “Marshal Manstein and Marshal Moddle, also launched a counterattack in North Africa and the Middle East, and I achieved a lot of results. I decided to hold the whole line in the 1966 month of 6! Before 10 months, all the enemies will be driven out of our land!”

The crowd is uplifting, even though the German marshals and generals don’t know why Baron Alexson is so sure…

But what one of his things proved to be not correct…


The second Berlin defended the victory, but Berlin suffered a huge trauma.

This capital of Germany, which is also the largest city in Germany, has never suffered such a trauma in history. The trauma of war will be smoothed sooner or later, but the trauma of the mind may last for a long time.

Those hovering all over the sky. The enemy planes that brought countless pains to the city were gone, and the Germans got a rare peace.

The resilience and strength of the Germanic nation are the greatest manifestation here. They worked hard on the ruins. Everyone of them knows that war is not over, and everyone in them knows that they can’t stop their work.

But they are not afraid, because they have already seen the smile of the goddess of victory…

Wang Weizhen saw the strength of the Germans…

A priest is mumbling for a deceased, and the deceased’s relatives stand quietly. Wait until the priest’s prayer is over. They buried the bodies of their loved ones.

“Poor man,” Wang Weizhen whispered.

“I ** naked in this world should also leave like this…” The priest did not know who the person standing in front of him was: “Do you know who said this? I think this sentence is useful now. of.”

“Fatrey’s father, old Frederick William.” Wang Weizhen quickly replied: “This was said before he died, but you didn’t finish it. Father. After he finished this sentence, Then I struggled and sat up and said, ‘No, I have to wear at least my military uniform to die.’ And I think this is the most important thing.”

“Yeah, you are very clear about the history of Germany.” The priest nodded. “Then, Frederick hurried back to Berlin, the successor king, Frederick II. It is the future of Frederick the Great. But you Do you know the boyhood of this great monarch?”

Wang Weizhen shook his head, and the priest smiled and said: “He is a stubborn child, a future heir to the father’s headache. Frederick William set the rules for the court teacher, ‘I don’t want Frederick His mind is full of useless things. He can only teach his modern German history, political economy, military strategy, mathematics, German and French. He does not need to learn any history before the 16 century, and then only the Germanic history of Germany. Not allowed to teach him Latin, absolutely not needed! ‘However, the young Frederick is far from satisfying the course that his strict father gave him. Just after 8’s Fritley, he asked his teacher to learn Latin. The teacher was hesitant at first, but in the stalker of Frederick, the compromise finally began to secretly teach him Latin, and at the same time began to teach those knowledge that was forbidden by Frederick William, such as literature and music. The secret was discovered by the old Frederick-William. Indiscriminately, the teacher yelled at the teacher, ‘You are teaching my son what bird language!’ Waving crutches chasing However, Fredrick never give up learning this knowledge. He himself secretly buy literature and philosophy books, and quietly to learn the music, trying to blow the flute Minato …… “

“This is probably the place where Frederick the Great is different.” Wang Weizhen sighed softly: “If he did exactly what his father said, he might never be a great monarch.”

The priest fully agrees with the other side’s opinion: “Yes, I think so. But do you know what Frederick the Great’s greatest contribution to Germany is? Not his great victory in the military, but his commitment to German prosperity. Contribution.”

Wang Weizhen was curious. The priest said as he walked forward: “When the Moritz battle, although the generals had begun to take advantage, but Frederick was so scared by the fierce and brutal battlefield that he was right. General Shen Molin said, ‘The war made me feel dizzy. I will hand over the command to you. I need to take a break now.’ Finally, the general infantry launched a counterattack under the command of the handsome, forcing the Austrian army to retreat and finally win. To say that such a monarch cannot be called great. Then he became the most remarkable figure in German history…”

The priest paused a little: “After several successful wars, Prussia ushered in a peaceful time for more than a decade. And Frederick began to turn his attention to domestic construction. Under his auspices, the Berlin Academy was established. He himself became an honorary member, and Frederick also began to allocate a royal fee as a science scholarship to encourage the development and progress of science and technology. On the other hand, it is the reform of basic education, he requires all nobles. All children must go to school, and the male children must also enter the military school and serve in the military for at least 5 years. For the education of civilians, he also adopts the policy of universal compulsory education. He strives to improve the education and quality of the nationals of the whole country. On the one hand, Frederick also opened up Prussian freedom of speech and publication, broke the newspaper’s press ban, and even allowed Berlin’s bookstore to publicly smash his cartoons. In his own words, ‘I and my people reached The agreement, I do what I want to do, and the people say what they want to say ‘…”

Wang Weizhen slightly nodded, which was a great achievement for a monarch of the year.

The priest seems to have a very good understanding of Frederick the Great: “Of course, the construction of the army will not be ignored by Frederick. He has invested a lot of money for it. But Frederick does not want to be due to the increase in military spending. The influence and even the destruction of the economic system of the whole country. So he adopted a relatively unique means. Because Frederick as the king himself is the largest landlord of Prussia, he sits on the entire Prussian aristocratic land income of three-thirds. First, and Frederick puts 80% of its income into the construction of the national army and tries not to deduct it from the national government’s budget as a military expense. As a result, the policy of building a strong army and the existence of the government will not be capitalist. Development has brought too much negative impact. On the contrary, these factors have led to the special power of leadership when Germany entered capitalism…”

“So you see, war can make a person a great person, but it may not be called great.” The priest suddenly turned his head: “The real great man is leading his country to continuous military victory, but also Timely let the country recover from the trauma of war, let the people no longer worry about poverty, and let the people have a strong sense of belonging and pride for their country.”

Wang Weizhen’s eyebrows beat: “Do you know who I am?”

“Of course, Baron Alexson.” The priest smiled and said: “From the first minute you appeared, I knew who you are? But since you are not willing to reveal your identity, why should I say it?”

“So now?” Wang Weizhen also asked with a smile.

“I think, I told you so many things about Frederick the Great, you can think of something from it.” The priest said faintly: “I firmly believe that Germany will win under your leadership, but after victory What? Will you carry out fierce revenge? Ah, you may. But I still have to advise you to lead Germany out of the trauma of war as soon as possible.”

“Do you suggest that I don’t retaliate?” Wang Weizhen squinted.

“I am the servant of God, and kindness is what we must obey.” The priest had no fear at all: “But I want to ask you, after we lost the victory of the First World War, what forces led Germany to rise again? Suffering, endless suffering. However, the current society is different from the original. The people are willing to follow you, but only if they have a stable and prosperous country. I don’t think you will ignore this.”

Wang Weizhen nodded slightly, although he did not fully agree with the priest’s opinion, but some of the truths were that he was willing to think carefully.

“Thank you, Father, I have told some stories for me today and gave me some inspiration. I think I will think about it carefully.” Wang Weizhen sorted out the clothes: “Are you really just a priest?”

“Yes, I am only God’s most faithful servant!” The priest’s voice is not very big.

Wang Weizhen smiled and said: “So, I hope I can see you again soon!”

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