The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is 945. Insider, floating astronomy

For Mr. Eliot’s friend, as one of the Russian tycoons, Frya is very respectful.

In the large and luxurious office, Frituvos met Mr. Moyol. What was unexpected was that Frituvos recognized another identity of Mr. Moyol:

“Mr. Peter Goff”!

“Hey, Mr. Peter Goff, I don’t always stay in the office all day.” Frituvos said easily: “I always pay special attention to Mr. Peter Goff, who is famous in Moscow.”

“Ah, nothing can make you, Mr. Frituvos.” Wang Weizhen said with a smile.

However, the words of Frituvos are not over yet: “What makes me curious is why don’t you see me directly in the name of Mr. Peter Goff? Let me guess, if my judgment is not wrong, Peter Goff must not be you. The real name. Ah, what do you want to drink?”

“Gin gin.” Wang Weizhen did not have the slightest tension.

“Your gin.” Frituvos handed the wine to Wang Weizhen: “You know, I like to guess the identity of others. If you guess, it will make me feel fulfilled. I know Mr. Eliot has been there for a long time. He told me a lot of things that others didn’t know. Ah, not his mouth is fast, but he trusted me. He once said to me that there are only three people in his life who are most respected, one is Mrs. Hermione. One is Countess Leoni. There is one, I think everyone in the world knows his name, Baron Alexson…”

In his eyes, he showed the old fox’s general look: “Without these three people, no one can order him, and no one can be his plenipotentiary. Ah, I have heard many things about the baron. He is always a ghost. Haunted in the heart of the enemy, and he also likes to use a name – Mr. Moyol.”

Speaking of this, he paused: “So, should I call you Mr. Moyol, Mr. Peter Goff, or Baron Alexson?”

Wang Weizhen smiled, and there was no fear of identity disclosure: “I think, you can call me Ernst.”

Once the guess was confirmed, Frituvos’s face was excited: “Oh, my dear baron, when I was very young, yes, it was the first world war, I have heard your heroism many times. Story. Like all people who worship heroes, my biggest wish is to be able to see you with my own eyes. I didn’t think that this wish was realized after so many years, but I have no regrets.”

Is this also an “old friend” who has never met before? Wang Weizhen thinks it’s really funny. . . . . .

“Tell me, Baron, why are you coming here this time?” Frituvos quickly put up a smile: “You can trust me, just as Mr. Eliot trusts me. I think if I am a dangerous person. Mr. Eliot will definitely warn you.”

Wang Weizhen said faintly: “I am here to ask for it.”

“In order to get a request from Gregory?” Frituvos blurted out: “I have heard of the grudges between you, and I also have an irreconcilable conflict with him. I can even say that I hate him more than you.” “”

“Oh, why is this?” Wang Weizhen was curious.

Frituvos took a sip of the wine: “I love this country and love this country deeply, just like you love Germany. Bolshevik took power and my family and I were forced into exile in the United States where we are It soon became a huge rich, but I was thinking about coming back all the time. I finally waited for this day… But when I returned to China, I found that this was not my ideal country…. .. Gregory holds everything, he does whatever he wants in this country, then tears up the covenant and launches a war against Germany… I never thought that Russia would win in this war, even if Germany The failure of Russia, Russia can not profit from it… Russia, but it is a shackle in the hands of the Americans…”

“Actually, I think I should bear the main responsibility.” Wang Weizhen sighed softly: “I have supported Gregory in my current position.”

“No, the Baron has nothing to do with you.” Frituvos said unexpectedly: “In fact, even if you have not left Germany, Gregory will launch this war. Over the years, the contradictions in Russia have reached an irreconcilable level, the economy. On the verge of collapse, the people cannot live. He must rely on war money to transfer domestic contradictions!”

Wang Weizhen nodded. “Thank you for being able to excuse me… then let’s talk about some business now… Actually, I have arranged a lot of things before, but I still lack A very important channel, I want the Russians to know what happened. I want the Russians to know what to do.”

Frituvos understood it: “Are you talking about the power of the media?”

“Yes, my friend.” Wang Weizhen said: “The power of the media that can be trusted and powerful enough to be trusted by the Russians!”

“You just said that I have it.” Frituvos smiled: “My resources will be completely driven by you, not only because of my personal respect for you, but for the country I love.” A normal track has its own TV station and its own newspaper, which will be a force that cannot be ignored…”

“So how do you deal with stress?” Wang Weizhen suddenly asked: “I don’t think Gregory will let you do whatever you want, even on the front line.”

The sly look reappears in the eyes of Frituvos: “Everyone has his own way, otherwise, I can’t live in Moscow for such a long time. At the side of Gregory, there are people like me, I have a lot of masters. The handle, Gregory also knows this. There is a strange tacit understanding between me and him. I don’t announce the secrets I have in my hands, and he can only acquiesce in our existence, even though there is no paper proof. ”

Wang Weizhen was completely relieved, and the last doubt in his heart had already been solved: why Gregory allowed a public presence of the media tycoon who was right with him.

Wang Weizhen, who had no worries anymore, quickly said all his plans.

The smile on Frituvos’ face was getting stronger. When the baron finished the whole plan, the Russian media tycoon finally couldn’t help but say: “I think the Grand Duke of Berstoka will be truly ruined.”

“But this thing can’t be yours,” Wang Weizhen said with a deep sigh: “You must also maintain the subtle relationship with Gregory.”

“Can’t you come out of me?” Frituvos didn’t know what the baron’s plan was.

“Boldorf, I think you should have heard of this person’s name…” Wang Weizhen quickly answered the ideal candidate.

“Boldorf?” Frituvos frowned. “Yes, this is a good candidate. Fearless, sticking to the professional conduct of the reporter, but he was arrested again, and it was yesterday.”

Wang Weizhen put down the glass in his hand: “I have sent someone to get him out. If everything goes well, I think he will be here soon.”

After the words were finished, the phone on the desk of Frituvos rang. Frituvos picked up the phone and listened for a while: “Okay, let Mr. Bordedorf come up.”

After a while, the honest journalist Bordorfov entered the office. Until now, he thought that it was Frituvos who saved himself.

But before he could express his gratitude, Frituvos had pointed to Wang Weizhen sitting there and said, “Mr. Moyol, he saved you.”

The strange “Mr. Moyol” gave Bordeaux a glimpse, but he immediately said: “Please accept my gratitude, Mr. Moyol, but please forgive me for taking the liberty, I never know you. Why are you willing to be me? Such a small person doing such a thing?”

“Please sit down, Mr. Bordedorf.” Wang Weizhen said with a smile: “In my eyes, you are not a small person. A reporter who dares to speak out, a fearless fighter. Please accept my respect, in the dark world. Bright warrior.”

Bordorfov became excited. . . . . . He is afraid of death without fear of death. He is not afraid of anything.

The only thing he pursues is the recognition of what others have done.

Wang Weizhen gave him such recognition!

In just a few minutes, Bordorff thought he had found a friend.

“I admire journalists like you.” Wang Weizhen began to bring to the topic: “So, I brought you some gifts.”

After that, he took out a document and placed it in front of Bordorf.

Bordeaux opened the document with doubt, but only took a look. His gaze could no longer be removed: “Oh, the most authentic scene of the Battle of Robinster, I know that Marshal Altuketski has escaped.. …. ah, the record is too detailed, just like the eyes of the eyes……. ah, the damn Chinese Altuketski, actually committed so many stupid mistakes, what else does he have? Qualifying that I have tried my best?”

This is all about the Battle of Robinster, more detailed than any battle report.

I have been watching for a long time, and Bordeaux’s eyes are reluctant to leave the document: “Thank you so much, Mr. Moyol, where did you get this information?”

“I have a lot of friends and there are many secret ways…” Wang Weizhen said faintly: “But the only problem, I need to find someone who dares to break the news!”

“I!” Bordeaux did not even hesitate for a second: “I am willing to be the first person to break the news, but only if I want to be a newspaper that is willing to publish articles. Ah, Mr. Frituvos, I can’t give you any more. Adding trouble.”

“Of course, I don’t want to trouble myself.” Frituvos smiled slightly: “Berdorf, do you know the ‘Moscow Herald,?”

“Of course, that is one of the few newspapers in Russia that dare to tell the truth…”

“So, now I can tell you the truth.” Frituvos said in a very casual tone: “I am the real owner of the Moscow Pioneer.”

Bordorfov glimpsed, but then he listened to Frituvos and continued: “Not many people know this secret, even Gregorian does not know, it is just a small newspaper, the readers are not many, the impact is not great, I can’t attract the attention of those big people. But now, I am going to hand this newspaper to you for your supervisor. Are you willing to accept it?”! Erdorf is completely stunned. He thinks that he can have a newspaper himself. Express your own opinions as you like, and now such an opportunity is put in front of you.

“Are you willing to accept this task?”

When Frituvos asked this question for the second time, Bordov said with enthusiasm: “I am willing, Mr. Frituvos, I am willing to accept such a challenge!”

“When you take over, you will become the nails of those big men. You will be arrested anytime, anywhere, and even more terrible things. Are you ready?”

“Yes, I am ready.”

“Congratulations, editor of Bordedorf.” Frituvos extended his hand: “I am very happy to hand over the ‘Moscow Vanguard’ from now on. I will do everything I can to assist you.”

“As for me.” Wang Weizhen stood up: “I will continue to provide you with a variety of insiders, including the shady scenes of the Grand Duke of Berstoka.”

Once again, Bordorfov was there. What kind of person is Mr. Moyol? Why can you master so many secret and terrible insiders?

However, he did not ask him because he knew that some things would not be answered even if he asked the other person. . . . . .

The last thing I should do is also done. Soon, Gregory will not be able to come back from the Ukrainian front, and when he returns to Moscow, he will find that everything has changed.

Moscow, no longer his Moscow. . . . . .

The biggest mistake he made was to betray Germany and betrayed the Baron Skulls. When he took the wrong step, he could no longer look back.

A huge tragedy is waiting for him. . . . . .

When I returned to the Imperial Hotel, Ivan and Tatyana brothers and sisters had already been waiting there. I saw Wang Weizhen coming back and Ivan Xing rushed to the ground: “We have been waiting for you for a long time, Mr. Peter Goff. Just I have been confirmed that the huge oil reserves in Armenia are completely unimaginable.”

“My intelligence never fails.” Wang Weizhen said faintly: “This is the beginning of our road to making money. Congratulations, Ivan.”

“No, it should be congratulations, Mr. Peter Goff.” Ivan said excitedly: “My father invited you to go to Armenia for a field survey.”

“Ah, I am afraid this time will not work, because I have to go back to the United States…”

When “Peter Goff” said this, Ivan and Tatyana were all there: “Why, are you going to the United States?”

“Don’t be nervous, my friends.” Wang Weizhen smiled and said: “I have to go back to report to Mr. Eliot on my trip to Moscow and prepare for development funds. Ah, Mr. Eliot must hear me personally. The report will be reassuring.”

This is perfectly reasonable. Ivan cautiously asked: “When will you come back?”

“It’s about two months away.” Wang Weizhen quickly told him: “In the meantime, our first development will come soon, and the sooner the oil field is developed, the better it will be for us. I know a lot of things. The development of the oil field is not a matter for the people of Migrosky. It must be allowed by the Duke of Bertoska. So I want to ask you to tell your father that you must persuade the Grand Duke as soon as possible. The oil field is being developed because the situation is too confusing.”

He sighed with a long sigh: “Please let me tell the truth, I am not optimistic about the future of Russia.

According to my intelligence, the front line of the war is not the propaganda of the Moscow government, the Russian army has encountered a lot of trouble. Moreover, there is now a rebellion in Ukraine, and in the event of any terrible things, all our investments will be lost. So even if we can develop one minute early, it is also beneficial for us. ”

Ivan nodded thoughtfully. . . . . . This is exactly what I and my father are worried about. . . . . .

“Can you do it? Can your father convince the Grand Duke?” Wang Weizhen asked.

“Of course, we will do our best.” Ivan returned from the sinking: “Please rest assured, when you come back, I believe that the development of the oilfield is already in operation.”

“Then I can leave with peace of mind.” Wang Weizhen looked very satisfied: “I have been very happy during this time in Moscow, especially to meet you, Miss Tatyana, if possible, I will invite you in the future. Going to the United States for a good time.”

Ivan was very interested in finding an excuse to leave.

Tatyana said at this time: “Can you fulfill your promise? Will you really take me to the US in the future? I always want to go there.”

This is the second woman in two days asking if she can fulfill her promise. Wang Weizhen smiled: “This is a promise, I will try to do it, but it depends on your father.”

At least until now, Tatyana did not understand the meaning of “Mr. Peter Goff”. But she will definitely understand in the near future.

Her destiny, the fate of her family, and even the fate of Russia are in the hands of this man!

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