The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is 934. Grand Duke, Astronomical

It is a romantic evening that deserves to be. !

All the places are scattered clothes, and it seems to be telling what happened here not long ago.

The wild enthusiasm of Tatyana has made Wang Weizhen have something to eat. It seems that this Russian beauty has completely regarded Mr. Peter Goff as what he can rely on.

It’s no wonder that many young and handsome, brave people like “Peter Goff”, how many women would not like it?

Naked snuggling on Wang Weizhen’s equally naked body, Tatyana’s eyes are somewhat blurred: “Dear, will you leave me?”

“I don’t know about this.” Wang Weizhen replied faintly: “This is not my home.”

He said that there is nothing wrong with it. Although his identity tells others that he is a “Russian” American, he does not have any relationship with Russia.

Even he is coming to destroy this country.

A trace of resentment flashed through Tajyanana’s eyes, but she is a clever girl, knowing that people like “Peter Goff” can’t stay with you all the time.

“My father is in contact with the powerful people in Moscow…” Tatyana decided to remind her lover: “The man is really powerful and very greedy. Under the great interest, he may I will move my mind. Dear, I hope that you can be prepared…”

Wang Weizhen nodded silently, he knew who he was facing the biggest opponent:

Duke of Bertoska!

“Is it the Duke of Bertoska?” Wang Weizhen suddenly asked.

“Yes, how do you know?”

“Everyone in Moscow knows.”

Bertoska, he has too much relationship with him, and the Marquis of Berstoka, Mr. Gregory, gave himself everything he wanted now, and at this moment, he is depriving it of all this. .

Of course, he and his son Ilya, the eldest daughter Natalya also recognized that he could not forget his little daughter, Ronova, but also had a love.

Even now, Wang Weizhen can imagine the perfect body of Ronanova. .

“I think, the life of the Duke of Berstoka must be very happy now?” Wang Weizhen asked.

“No, it’s not happy at all.” Tatyana’s answer was unexpected: “His eldest son died more than a decade ago. The Duke now only trusts his other son, Ilya, who has spent most of his business and power. I gave it to Ilya. As for his two daughters and son-in-law, he only gave them a manor and the title of the Marquis, but they did not let them participate in their own affairs. I heard that his two Nvwa complained very much about this, especially the husband of his eldest daughter, the Marquis of Andyak, Milosevic, who even had a fierce dispute with the Duke. Almost all the Duke deprived him of everything, if not his daughter Natalie. Asia tried to discourage, maybe there is no Marquis of Andyak now…”

This information is not mastered by Wang Weizhen and Xiao Ling. . . . . . Wang Weizhen came to the interest: “So what about his little daughter and son-in-law?”

“His little daughter is the Marquis of Mardi, Ronalova, and the son-in-law is Khimeletzski, the Marquis of Pereas…” Tatyana clearly understood the Duke’s family: “The Duke used to love this little daughter very much.” But then I don’t know because something has gradually begun to alienate…”

Wang Weizhen now has a general understanding of the Gregory family. Maybe this is a breakthrough for yourself.

For traitors, there is never a need for kindness.

At this time, Tatyana’s hand began to move up and down Wang Weizhen, one by one, one inch and one inch. Then, Tatyana’s gasping began to become urgent.

Wang Weizhen smiled and pressed Tajyanana under his body again. . . . . .

“Mr. Grand Duke! This is the case.” Migrose said with respect and respect: “I have carefully investigated the identity of Peter Goff. It is indeed no problem. He was influenced by the Wittgenstein family, the Morgan family and The discretion of the three major families of the Rockefeller family.”

The Grand Duke of Berstoka, Gregory was smoking a pipe there, and he did not say anything. His attitude also made Mage Roschi a little nervous.

“We need money now, a lot of money.” Gregory finally said: “War needs money, and the domestic economy needs money. What do Americans promise to give us? Where is aid?”

Most of the aid went into your private pocket. . . . . . Miguelsky thought so in his heart, but how dare he say it in his mouth?

Yes, before and after the outbreak of the war, the United States assisted Russia with a huge sum of money. However, the huge part of this huge sum was divided up by the Grand Bureau of the Grand Duke of Berstoka.

Especially the Grand Duke of Berstoka, he had transferred most of its property to the United States. MiGroskey is too aware of these things, because it is exactly what he helped the Grand Duke to handle.

The Grand Duke has purchased a large amount of US stocks and housing contracts from these deposits. According to the current madness of the US economy, the Grand Duke has already become the richest person in Russia. . . . . .

However, human greed is never ending. . . . . . The more wealthy people want to make their wealth grow in geometry! . . . . . !

“The government has been under a lot of pressure.” Gregory eased his tone: “So, we decided to reopen those oil fields. The US government negotiated with us and was willing to provide money and technology to develop with us, but At that time, belonging to the property of Russia, I will never let the Americans dye their hands… MiGroskey, if Peter Goff’s identity is no problem, I think this is a good opportunity for us!”

“Mr. Grand Duke, I can guarantee that Mr. Peter Goff’s identity is no problem. I personally called Mr. Eliot, the head of the Wittgenstein family, to verify it.”

“Is the phone that Mr. Eliot personally received?”

“Yes, I promise.”

Gregory finally got a little relieved: “So, I think I can start some cooperation with Mr. Peter Goff… But you have to tell him, given the current economic situation in Russia, the development costs, we Can only bear 30%, and the benefits we receive will be 70%…”

It was too greedy, and Miguelsky thought so. . . . . . However, when it was a word, it became: “Yes, Mr. Grand Duke, I will do what you say.”

“Migrose, you are my best assistant…” The Grand Duke’s tone became more cordial: “Actually, I can tell you the truth, the terrible Baron Alexson is back, are we? It is also possible to win the war, and no one is sure.

I have seen the horror of Baron Alexson, who has a mysterious power to make the war as he imagined. The Americans are not his opponents, and we are not his opponents. . . . . . Therefore, we have to think more about our future. . . . . . ”

He will never tell others the relationship between himself and Baron Alexson. . . . . . He wouldn’t even say that if he didn’t have the 10,000 dollar of the baron, he might starve to death. . . . . .

Everything is given by Baron Alexson, but at the moment he betrayed the baron. What is even more troublesome is that the baron actually came back magically. . . . . .

He was born with a fear of being deep-rooted and unable to get rid of the baron. He was afraid to face the baron and even feared to hear the news that the baron had returned. . . . . .

MiGroskey didn’t quite understand the meaning of the Grand Duke’s words. At this time, Gregory sighed: “Migrose, we have to imagine what should happen if the war fails. Maybe the United States is good for us. Choice, but in the United States, you can’t move even without money. The oil field can make a poor boy who has become a famous person become a huge rich man in an instant. You must find ways to maximize our interests. Now you understand? ”

Miguelsky fully understood that the Grand Duke was going to turn the oil field into his own. But the Grand Duke did not want to think about it. Can the three big families allow such things to happen?

But he did not dare to argue with the Grand Duke: “Yes, I will try my best to do it.”

“Well, I am tired, you should go out first. Ah, remember to entertain Mr. Peter Goff, but don’t bring me in. Don’t negotiate as soon as possible.” The Grand Duke pressed himself. The pipe was ordered to go down.

When Migrose was left, the Grand Duke was silent there: “What do you think of this, Ilya?”

His son Ilya came out of the study. At this time, he was no longer the little gangster on the American street: “I think this is our chance to make a fortune. Father. In the United States, we listened more than once. I have said those families, but we are not qualified to see them at all, but now they are sent to our door…”

“Yeah, they sent it to the door.” Gregory thought thoughtfully: “Working with them, we don’t have to worry about funding and technology anymore, but these families are actually some vampires, working with them, both Let us make a fortune, but it is actually a very dangerous thing. Every step we take must be cautious and cautious…”

Ilya knows that she doesn’t have any skills at all. Everything must rely on her father. No matter what he says, he only needs to do it.

“Send someone to monitor Mr. Peter Goff…” Gregory indulged: “Of course, watch Miguelsky closely!”

Ilya glimpsed: “Why don’t you trust Miguelsky? He can always be loyal.”

“I don’t trust anyone, of course, except you, my dear child.” Gregory said with a gloomy face: “Who will be tempted in the face of huge financial benefits, including MiGroskey… …”

“Yes, I understand, my father.” Ilya nodded and said: “We just got a financial report from the United States. Our income in the securities market and housing increased by 6% yesterday…. ..”

The face of the Grand Duke finally showed some smiles. The growing wealth is what he most likes to see: “Children, only the United States is the most reassuring. There is gold everywhere, rich people will be there. More money. This time is the most insane stage of US economic growth, and we must not let go of such an opportunity. Ilya, increase investment in the United States.”

Ilya is slightly worried! Most of our money has been invested in the US securities and housing market, and silver deposits are running out.

“All of them are taken out.” Gregory thought without thinking: “I remember that we also got a low-interest loan of $100 million from the United States?”

“Yes father, but that was used to strengthen our air force, and to pay the frontline soldiers who have been in arrears for a few months.” Ilya was shocked.

If the funds are used, if the situation cannot be recovered, the consequences will be unimaginable. . . . . .

However, Gregory does not seem to care at all: “Children, my dear Ilya, the Air Force does not need to strengthen, the service of the military for the state is their duty, wages can be used to find an excuse to continue to owe. But the opportunity of the United States It is really too rare.”

Ilya trusted her father and he nodded quickly.

“My, all will be yours in the future.” Gregory’s relatives took a picture of his son’s shoulder: “Do it safely and wait until the oil field is built. A lot of money will flow into our pockets, even if it is If you don’t want this big duke, we can live a rich life in the United States…”

Thinking of the luxury of American high society, Ilya’s kidney hormones have been stimulated.

“The Grand Duke, the Marquis of Andyak, the Marquis of Pereas asked for it.” This time came a voice outside.

When I heard that my eldest daughter and my little daughter asked for advice, Gregory’s brow could not help but wrinkle: “I think they probably came to ask for money again.”

“These greedy guys!” Ilya twitched her nose with disdain.

In his view, the father’s money will all be his own in the future, and no one should give a share, even if the other party is against his own sister and sister.

“Let them come in.” Gregory said reluctantly.

The Marquis of Andyak, Milosevic, the Marquis of the Marquis of Nahlia, the Marquis of Ruhlia, Khaireletzski, the Marquis of the Caldish, came in together, and they followed their father according to the rules. .

“It is my greatest pleasure to see my children.” Despite not waiting to see her daughter-in-law, the Grand Duke of Berstoka said with a false statement: “So, what are you doing to see me today?”

As the eldest granddaughter’s eldest daughter, Natalya said: “My benevolent father, the majestic Russian Regent, sees that your body is still so healthy. This is our luck. We pray daily to God for your blessing. ”

These compliments are not interested in Gregory: “Don’t say these words, tell me your purpose.”

The Marquis of Mardith, Ronova, is far from being like her sister: “Father, as the Marquis and the Marquis, we have only such a title but we dare not complain about it. However, we should The obtained title subsidy has not been received for half a year.

To this end, we have delayed the wages of the manor workers, they have expressed considerable dissatisfaction, not to mention, we still have children to raise. This time we come, you are pleading for generosity and you can urge the granting of subsidies. ”

“Those despicable workers? They always like to complain about this complaint. If you meet them once, then they will ask for more rudeness.” Gregory snorted and then let his face There are some smiles on the rise: “As for your subsidies, I have asked many times, and I know that you are totally dependent on these subsidies. But you must understand the difficulties of the country, the war is still going on, and funds are needed everywhere. I am not even afraid to tell you that even the wages of frontline soldiers have been delayed for a few months. Compared with you, they are the first to get.”

His daughter and the son-in-law looked at each other. Khimeletzski reluctantly suppressed the dissatisfaction in his heart and said in the most respectful tone: “Father, I know your difficulties, but can you bear to watch us starve to death? Your Grandchildren and granddaughters are crying all day to have some delicious food…”

“Oh, my poor grandson and granddaughter.” Gregory sighed and said: “We can no longer add trouble to the country, at least until the end of the war. But I can’t watch you suffer. So, I just took I should give it to you a few months ago, I will give it to you. Ilya.”

“Yes, father.”

Gregory said very generously: “Give them one million imperial rubles. Children, this is all my money.”

The anger of his daughter and son-in-law at the moment is completely incapable of being expressed in words. 100,000 Imperial Rubles? What can the money do? According to the ratio of one to one thousand dollars, but only a thousand dollars, is the Grand Duke really treating them as fools?

Is the Grand Duke really do not know how much assets he has overseas? Did the Grand Duke really do not know, he gave all his property to his son Ilya? Is the Grand Duke really not knowing how much money he has blacked out?

Why is the same child, the Grand Duke wants to take a different approach!

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