The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country 888. The gangster godfather, floating astronomy

“The tragedy caused by the Dutch tulip incident is no less than any stock market disaster in the United States. Many people have lost their blood because they bought tulips at high prices. They jumped into the river and committed suicide. Some people from the rich have become impoverished overnight and begged along the streets. This kind of paradise falls from heaven. The turning point of hell gave the Netherlands a big blow. The Dutch financial industry is rapidly languishing and the business economy is beginning to decline.”

“Some people are really idiots. If you change me, you will never do this!” Alisya said with a smile.

“Yeah, each of us thinks we are smart people, and we will never do these stupid things. But when these things happen again, we will jump in without hesitation.” Wang Weizhen smiled: ” For example, in New York, where are the house contracts that you have in your hands, is there anything different from tulips?”

Alisya finally understood the meaning of “Mr. Moyol”. He is telling himself that the nature of the house contract and the tulip is exactly the same, and it will collapse like the Dutch tulip market sooner or later.

But Alisya didn’t even think about it: “No, sir, impossible, everyone is buying, everyone is watching these things worth a day. The house contract is not a tulip, the United States is not New York. ”

The head of the person in the middle of the road was willing to withdraw, and the words of Wang Weizhen were confirmed again.

He didn’t think about Alisya. He just pity the little girl Alice, so he decided to give Alisya another chance: “You spent 26000 dollars, and I now give you 30000 dollars, put your one Transfer the house contract to me. Are you willing, Alisya?”

He wants to save Alisya. He doesn’t want to watch the moment when the financial collapse comes. Alice, who has no father, has lost his present.

But I didn’t think of it. Alisya once again misunderstood the meaning of Wang Weizhen. She laughed ridiculously: “Mr. Moyol, I finally understand what you want to do. Do you think that a meal and what you call a tulip story would like to Do I defraud the house contract? No, this is impossible!”

After that, she pulled up her daughter and stood up, leaving her head without returning…

Looking at their backs, Wang Weizhen sighed deeply. he knows. Alisya fell into these whirlpools and was no longer able to pull out. There are many others who are the same as them…

He paid the money and then left the restaurant, but when he went out, a guy with a burly head greeted him, and he looked very fiercely in front of him: “You damn little white face, you know who I am.” ?”

Wang Weizhen didn’t recognize this person at all: “Sorry, sir, I don’t know who you are. And I am not interested in knowing who you are!”

“I am ** sand!” The voice of this guy is even bigger.

“I know **Sha Sub Gun, used by the Soviet army in the past.” Wang Weizhen smiled: “I think, you probably have nothing to do with Sub Machine Gun?”

**Sha is probably a simple-minded guy. He didn’t understand the sarcasm in his voice: “Listen, boy, you have to know some, Alisya is my girlfriend, you can’t take advantage of her.”

Wang Weizhen finally understood that probably the other party misunderstood his relationship with Alisya. But he didn’t want to explain anything: “** sand. Suppose you are really Alisya’s boyfriend, I think what you should do most is to discourage her from doing stupid things. Instead of standing in front of me and saying these boring words.”

**The sand was completely irritated, and he suddenly waved his fist. But when he rolled his fist halfway, he stopped again because he saw a pistol aimed at his head.

“Hey. I personally think that the fist can’t be shot fast.” Wang Weizhen said with a smile: “Of course, I don’t mind if you want to try.”

Under the threat of the muzzle, the sand station stood there and did not dare to move…

“Now tell me, you are just a small role right?”

** Sha Hao nodded and Wang Weizhen was quite satisfied with his attitude: “Do you recognize Cassanovich?”

“Ah, Mr. Casanović, of course I know him.”

“Can you show me to see him?”

“Oh, no.” ** Sand became frustrated: “I can’t see Mr. Casanović. He can’t see it, but I think Mr. Banby can see it.”

“Mr. Bambi?”

“Yes, he is responsible for the protection of all Italians and French in this area. He is very trusted by Mr. Casanović.”

“Can you see Mr. Bambi?”

“I think this is ok.”

Wang Weizhen put away the gun and took a hundred dollars from his pocket to the sand: “Listen, you go to find Mr. Bambi, then let him tell Cassanov, and say that Mr. Moyol wants See him, the location is in the corner of the coffee shop, this hundred dollars is for you.”

**Sad is a bit worried. He doesn’t know who the self-proclaimed “Mr. Moyol” is. He wants to let Cassanovovic come to see him. Doesn’t he know if he offends Mr. Casanović? Will you be shot dead on the street everywhere?

However, this hundred dollars in his hand can be in his own hands…


Sitting in the corner, enjoying the afternoon sun in New York, and enjoying a cup of freshly brewed coffee, this is probably a pleasant life.

The war is far from here, and it is also far away from Wang Weizhen.

There aren’t a lot of guests in the cafe, and busy people would rather put more energy on how to make money than spend a whole day here.

Wang Weizhen would rather enjoy this rare calm.

After a short while, a group of fierce and sinister guys rushed in. When they saw them as gangsters, the gangsters rushed out all the guests except Wang Weizhen.

Wang Weizhen looked out of the window and found that there were two policemen not far away, but the police were indifferent to everything that happened here.

The guests were gone. Even the boss and the waiter were driven out. Then, a car was opened outside, and the gangsters also retired.

Cassanovich came in, even after so many years. Wang Weizhen still recognized Casanovich at a glance.

He is blessed, and it seems that he has mixed quite well these years.

Now, there are two people left in the coffee tube, Wang Weizhen and Casanovich, and Casanovich step by step toward Wang Weizhen, slow and heavy. When he came to Wang Weizhen, he could see the tears in the eyes of the King of New York: “Mr. Moyol, how are you?”

“I am fine, you are doing well too. Mr. Casanović.”

Cassanovich took a deep breath: “Yes, I have a very good life. All these gangsters have been driven away by me more than ten years ago. I am the gangster godfather in New York. I control everything. Unlawful business, the police and the FBI’s top have my own people, no one dares to resist my authority. However, I have never forgotten that I was just a poor boy who was not famous for more than 20 years ago. I also know who brought it all to me.”

The voice of Cassanovich became trembling: “It’s you. Mr. Baron.”

Wang Weizhen smiled and said: “Are you still loyal to me?”

“Casanović will always be loyal to you.” Kasnović’s answer did not hesitate: “I am the king of the New York gang in front of others, but in front of you, I will always be your most despicable. servant.”

“No, we are friends.” Wang Weizhen smiled faintly: “I gave you everything, you have not forgotten, I am very happy. You still continue to be your King of New York, I am not very interested in this position. Please sit down now, Casanović.”

Probably no one can think of a single Kasnović in New York. There is actually this way.

Casanovich sat down like a schoolboy: “Mr. Baron. I know that you are back, there is such a message everywhere. I want to do my best to help you. But I don’t know what to do, so I sent people to collect a large number of medicines and sent them quietly to Berlin. You know that people like me have their own way.”

“Very good, this is the beginning of your return.” Wang Weizhen is like a sower. He planted seeds many years ago, and now it’s the season of harvest: “And, you made some for me. whats the matter?”

“I also helped Mr. Pippundu to detain the Italian lover and illegitimate child of the Italian Prime Minister, Bethrull. I don’t know why Pippendu wants to do this, but I know that he is your good friend.”

“Oh, the old guy Pippendu is still alive?” Wang Weizhen smiled. “Probably he wants to threaten what Bertrour did for him. This old thing, I think he is there to help me.” You are in charge of picking up Pippendu and telling him that I am in New York now, let him come to see me immediately.”

“Yes, Mr. Baron, I will do it right away.”

“What else? Who are you connected with?”

“Mr. Elliot.” Cassanovovic quickly replied: “Mr. Elliot is now the leader of the Wittgenstein family. Everything I have now, except for your kindness, Mr. Eliot’s care for me is also Very big. Ah, he is in New York now, need me to inform him to come to see you?”

“He is in New York now?” Wang Weizhen seemed to faintly understand the crazy sources of happening in New York and the whole United States.

Maybe Eliot is the black hand behind the scenes… It can’t be done with the power of a Wittgenstein family, maybe he started the New York League…

Wang Weizhen is not particularly certain: “I don’t need it for the time being, I think I will go see him. Ah, Kasnović, which house contract do you buy?”

“I originally wanted to buy it, but Mr. Elliot called me and told me not to intervene in these places.” Cassanovovic quickly replied: “He told me that this is dangerous and very dangerous.”

Wang Weizhen has basically been able to determine who did this thing.

In the last financial turmoil, Eliot was his best assistant. He learned a lot from himself. If he started the New York League, he was fully capable of doing these things.

Wang Weizhen thought about it there: “Who is the most powerful brokerage company that runs these housing contracts?”

“Frost’s ‘Froster Agency’.”

“I need to see him. Tell him that there is a big business to do for him.”


“Yes, now.”

“Okay, I will arrange it for you right away.”

“Wait, Casanovich. Do you want to make a fortune?”

“Of course, Mr. Baron, who would be too much money?” Cassanovich laughed.

Wang Weizhen also smiled: “So, give me all your house contracts, if you believe me. Of course, I must see your house contract before Mr. Frost arrives.”

“Oh, okay, if I don’t believe you, who can I still believe?” Cassanovich’s answer was not hesitant.

Wang Weizhen took a sip of coffee and he felt that he had to earn a vote in New York…

When Casanović left. He opened a communication with Xiao Ling: “I remember that I bought a lot of properties in New York for more than 20 years?”

“Yes, when the financial crisis broke out, these properties were previously run by Hermione.”

“Hermione, Hermione, my friend, unfortunately I will never see her again.” Wang Weizhen sighed: “You can help me with the documents of those homeowners, ah, those so-called contracts immediately Send it to me?”

“Yes, are you still having a bad brain?”

Wang Weizhen smiled and smiled very happyly: “No. The bad guys are not me, but Eliot and his friends. Those crazy speculators probably won’t think that they have fallen from the beginning. In a trap.”

“You are not only not ready to stop, but are you ready to help?”

“Elliot is helping me, helping me and Germany in a very special way, and he is doing so well, why should I stop him? Not to mention, I have tried it.” Wang Weizhen sighed “Not long ago, I persuaded a poor woman. But they are completely mad. No one will listen to me.”

Xiao Ling is no longer talking.

In fact, this is a very simple truth, you can never stop a group of people into the dream of making money. And people who have become extremely crazy and can’t listen to any negative opinions…


Casanović brought all his house contracts and the Frost.

Frost listened to Mr. Casanovich to let him see a big man, but he never thought that the so-called big man was actually such a young man.

“sit down.”

In the words of the young man “Mr. Moyol”. Frost sat down.

Wang Weizhen looked at the contracts brought by Cassanovich and put them in front of Frost: “Look, can you sell a good price according to the current market value?”

Frost simply looked at it and quickly said: “Of course, of course, oh, this will be a huge number, and I promise that as soon as it appears in my brokerage company, soon It will be robbed.”

Wang Weizhen nodded. “Help me throw it all.”

Frost was amazed. He fell on his face to Kasnović: “Mr. Casanović, have you really decided to do this?”

“Everything listens to Mr. Moyol.” Kasnovovic said with a blank expression.

Now, Frost has been stunned by Mr. Moyol. This young man can actually let the gang of the New York gangs take orders from him.

“So, within two days I will be able to help you all…”

Frost thought that nothing happened, but then Wang Weizhen took out a thick stack of documents from a bag: “What? Do you think they are worth?”

Frost took it cautiously, only to look at a few eyes and then involuntarily exclaimed: “God, Manhattan Fifth Avenue, ah, this, this is Times Square… God, you are in Brooklyn District and Queens District actually have so many properties… Ah, you used to be the king of the United States…”

Frost has been doing business for so many years, and he has never seen a person with so many properties. Now, he no longer dares to despise the young Mr. Moyol.

“All throw it out for me.” Wang Weizhen said faintly.

Frost had a hard time swallowing a sip: “You, are you sure you want to throw it all?”

“Yes, Mr. Frost, throw away all the same things.” Wang Weizhen said in such a light tone: “As long as the price can be reasonable, or if someone buys more, it can be a little bit cheaper. Of course. I can give all the furniture in the house for free.”

“No one cares about what’s in the house, they don’t even look at it.” Frost’s voice revealed tension: “I have never done such a huge business, Mr. Moyol, I will try my best to be satisfied with you.”

“You have to be satisfied with Mr. Moyol.” Cassanovich said coldly: “If you have done something wrong, or if Mr. Moyol has any dissatisfaction, I promise that your body will soon be there. The streets of New York are discovered, do you want me to do this?”

“Ah, no, no, I certainly don’t want to, I promise to do well.” Frost was shocked, and these gangsters were absolutely offended.

“So let’s do it, Mr. Frost.”

“Goodbye, Mr. Moyol, goodbye, Mr. Casanović.”

Watching Frost go out, Wang Weizhen’s face once again showed a smile: “Be patient, Cassanovich, and soon you will become a monopoly.”

“Mr. Baron, everything to me is yours!”

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