The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country 804. Fabman’s counterattack, floating astronomy

The reinforcements are finally here!

When the sound of the cannons sounded and it was learned that this was the artillery fire of the recruiters, an astonishing cheer broke out in the officers and men of the entire Fabman battlefield.

Waiting hard, waiting hard, everyone is working hard for this moment.

Fabaman – will inevitably become a battlefield that everyone can never forget!

Wang Weizhen shot all the bullets in the magazine and smiled at the battlefield full of cheers. He knew that the equally invincible German hero Manstein had once again succeeded.

1966 1 month, after the fate of the Famaman German army, the XIUX Northern Mountain Division of the SS took the lead to reach the battlefield. Subsequently, a large number of German troops arrived.

There was almost no delay, and all the Germans who arrived at the Battle of Fabman immediately plunged into the general attack.

The US 9 armored division had no preparation at all, and they were still on the offensive side a minute ago and quickly became the defending party.

The Germans who had reinforced their support to Fabman, the German soldiers and Bulgarian soldiers who insisted on resisting in Fabman, launched a comprehensive counterattack throughout the city.

The long-lost Manstein and his German Middle East Army finally no longer have to hide any strength. The sky, a large number of German aircraft formations suddenly appeared; the ground is the German revenge of the gunfire; the battlefield is the German steel torrent.

This is a day that Americans can’t forget for a lifetime… On this day, the counterattack codenamed “The Vengeful Goddess” opened a grand curtain in Fabman…

The first to suffer was the 9 Infantry Regiment of the 9 Armored Division.

The luck of this infantry regiment was not so good. Not long ago, their head, Colonel Nessko, was unlucky and killed by the Germans. General Luo Shen had not had time to appoint a new head of the team, and the German reinforcements arrived.

Directly facing them, is the SS6 Northern Mountain Division ss Aldridge level assault brigade.

When the members of the Aldridge Commando learned that their Northern Mountain Division had first entered Fabman, their inner excitement was difficult to express in words.

They decided to take the lead in counterattacks and come to the beautiful arrival of their companions.

In the smoldering fire, a large number of German soldiers appeared from hiding places. The weapon in his hand spewed a fire tongue, and a string of bullets sprayed at the opposite enemy.

A small group of American troops were trapped in a broken building. They owned a Tank as a steel fortress, and the Germans in the attack had no way.

At this time, a “Leopard 7” suddenly appeared, and even without the request of the infantry, this “Leopard 7” was actively put into the attack.

“Boom-Boom–” two sounds, the shells flew out of the cannon.

This is not the old-fashioned Tank in the former Fabman, but the most advanced “Leopard 7”, which far exceeds the “Leopard 1” of the US m7Tank in various performances!

In the face of power, it may not be “Leopard 7 style”. The m1, which covered the US military recruits, lost its fighting power…

The German soldiers cheered again… and the “Leopard 7-style” muzzle patrolled the majesty, and the machine gun spread the powerful fire net over the entire battlefield.

The American soldiers hiding there uttered their whine, and they fell one after another… Some people wanted to escape, but under such a blow. Where can they go?

This is a tragic day for this group of American soldiers…

In just a few minutes, there is no American who is still alive…

Colonel Dabinne could finally relax with a sigh of relief. You know, his responsibility is not simple, except to drag the Americans here, and he must also guarantee the safety of Alex.

If the baron has any problems, he will become a sinner of Germany…

Fortunately, such a terrible situation will not happen!

Colonel Dabinne and all the troops he commanded were on the offensive… the battle was so wonderful. They were still the ones who insisted on it, but when they saw their eyes, they became the side of the counterattack.

The Germans are elated, but the Americans are not happy anyway. When the German reinforcements arrived. The US military suffered a total repression and the sequence of attacks was completely disrupted.

In the case of Fabman, the Germans in the counterattack can be seen everywhere. The calls for help are called one after another, and General Rosen is set up in the headquarters of a basement.

General Roshen discovered a terrible problem: he was surrounded, and if he could not get help, he even had the possibility of becoming a German prisoner.

reinforce? Those subordinates actually need reinforcements? No, they are crazy, and the people who need reinforcements the most are themselves!

Damn, even in the basement. General Roschen was still able to clearly hear the terrible guns and gunshots. He can still hear the shouts of the Germans.

“General Carofei, I need to be the general commander of the Allied Middle East Command, General Carofei!” yelling at the phone, Rosin yelled: “General Carofei? Yes, we are given by the enemy. Surrounded… ah. I don’t know where the 9 Infantry Regiment is… The 9 Armored Regiment? No, I don’t know where they are damn… I am passive now, very passive, the enemy is in my Fighting around… I need reinforcements, I need the plane to pick me up from this damn place… What? On-site defense, waiting for reinforcements? Well, I can stick to it for two days, maybe only one day. Ah, no, I don’t know if I will surrender…”

Luo Shen put down the phone in frustration. In fact, he is also very clear that the reinforcements could not be reached in a short period of time. What exactly did the intelligence personnel do? Why are there so many news before so many enemies? No, he suddenly remembered, not without news. He once said that a German army was quickly moving closer to Fabaman. The commander only sent the French and Arab troops to intercept. They did not Too much attention.

Therefore, such evil consequences can only let them taste it themselves.

“General, the status of the 9 Infantry Regiment is rapidly deteriorating.” Chief of Staff Henry hurried in: “They must get our support before they can persist.”

“Tell them, I can’t transfer them to the reinforcements.” Luo Shen, who couldn’t get reinforcements, screamed: “Let them block, don’t let the defeat! Let Nesko personally command!”

“General, Colonel Nesco has been killed…”

“Ah. He is already dead…” Roshen reacted, and his most powerful subordinate, Nesko, was killed by the Germans before the German troops arrived.

He sighed deeply, but didn’t know what to do…

Henry hesitated: “General, you should make some preparations. You have to know that according to the situation we have at present, the Germans have at least two divisions and more troops into the Fabman, and there may be more in the future. Due to the raids and the counterattacks of the former Fabama German troops, our situation is very difficult, and there may even be attacks by the enemy. I suggest you evacuate here early…”

Luo Shen nodded involuntarily, but then shook his head again: “No, Henry, I can’t leave. General Carofei let me continue to insist here. Wait until the reinforcements arrive…”

“General, don’t have to listen to him.” Henry was anxious: “These people will only stay in the comfortable headquarters and release some boring orders. They simply don’t know what happened on the front line, and they finally finish the meeting. Decided to send troops. When those reinforcements came late, we had already become prisoners of the Germans!”

Luo Shen was lying there, and he thought that the Chief of Staff was not unreasonable.

There is only one US in the Middle East, the French and the Arabs. They tend to argue for a small problem for a long time. It is often because of this that the initiative to fight is lost.

If you continue to insist here as General Carofei said, chances are that he will really become a prisoner…

“Henry, you are going to prepare for the retreat, now the Germans have not completely surrounded us.” Roshen made a determination: “Let all the troops block the enemy as much as possible and tell them that reinforcements will soon Arrived!”

Luo Shen has made up his mind to leave this terrible place…

The owners of the 9 Armored Division, who are still in the midst of hard battles, do not know that they have been abandoned by their commanders. Despite the difficult situation, they still struggled to persist.

This is the most elite arm of the Allies in the Middle East, both in terms of equipment and in the combat quality of the soldiers. Manstein chose this unit as his own target of annihilation. It is to use this way to completely attack the morale and confidence of the enemy.

At this moment, the 9 armored division of the US military continues to resist, but what kind of mood would it be if they learned the news of their abandonment?

Maybe they will be defeated in the shortest time…


“Marshal Ernst. I am Ludendorff of the 6 Northern Mountain Division ss panzergrenadier 11 group of the Armed SS. I was ordered to enter Fabman to protect your safety!”

When he saw Marshal Ernst. Breem, Ludendorff seemed a little nervous.

“Ludendorff, I am very kind to this name.” Wang Weizhen smiled slightly: “When I was a junior officer during the First World War, I saw the Marshal Hindenburg and Ludendorff with my own eyes. General. Ah, what I saw with me was Marshal Manstein. Colonel Ludendorff, where is Marshal Manstein?”

It was only afterwards, but I didn’t think that Ludendorff’s answer surprised him. Ludendorf looked around and said, “The Marshal Manstein is about to arrive at Fabaman.”

Wang Weizhen stunned, Manstein is about to arrive at Fabman?

“This is a top secret, for the safety of Marshal Manstein…” Ludendorff’s voice is still very low: “But there is nothing in front of you to hide.”

Wang Weizhen nodded and smiled. Manstein probably can’t wait to see his old friend who has been separated for 20 years. Soon, in Fabaman there will be two German marshals coming together.

“Marshal Ernst, we were attacked by the enemy.” At this time, the commander of the Bulgarian, Colonel Antonov, hurriedly ran over: “The enemy’s attack was very fierce, the firepower was extremely strong, and my 81 infantry regiment was broken by them. Now Dabinne has corrected the arming with the troops himself. But the colonel’s situation is also very passive. He estimates that this is not a general enemy, so he requested immediate support.”

“Colonel Ludendorff. Come with me with yours.” Wang Weizhen said without hesitation.

When they arrived at the battlefield, they felt for the first time that once the enemy had concentrated all the firepower, it was very shocking.

Tank, armored vehicles, heavy machine guns, the US military has almost used all the weapons that can be used. They launched an impulsive impact on the German temporary positions. If it wasn’t for Wang Weizhen, he would arrive in a large number of German troops in time, only to fear that this German army would be washed away like the Bulgarian position.

“Marshal, those Americans are crazy.” Colonel Dabinne saw the marshal appear here, and gave a long breath: “20 minutes, only 20 minutes, they launched 3 attacks!”

Wang Weizhen looked at the camera with a telescope and quickly ordered Colonel Ludendorff to bring his people into the battle. Then people brought a map of Fabman: “Where did they come from?”

“Here.” Colonel Dabinne quickly pointed to a point on the map.

“Is there any fortifications here?” Wang Weizhen asked with a frown.

Colonel Dabinne blurted out: “There is a basement, very strong, but since it is not our main defensive target, we did not arrange many people after the street fighting broke out. Soon it fell into the hands of the Americans.”

“There is a basement there…” Wang Weizhen muttered. “If I were the commander of the Americans, where would I put the command after I entered Fabman? Colonel Dabinne, what about you?”

Colonel Dabinne stunned and had not had time to answer. Marshal Ernst had stopped: “I will also set my own headquarters in the basement. Is there anything safer than there?”

Colonel Dabinne understood it: “You mean, is the headquarters of the US 9 armored division? Is the American commanding breakout?”

“I can’t say this well.” Wang Weizhen smiled and said: “Maybe. Maybe not. But no matter what, we can’t let them escape from our eyes. Colonel, are you familiar with the situation here?” ”

“Of course, I am familiar with the grass and trees here!” Colonel Dabinne said loudly.

Wang Weizhen’s gaze fell back on the map: “This is handed over to Colonel Ludendorff’s defense. You take your people and the Bulgarians of Colonel Antonov, flank the flank and attack after the Americans! ”

“Okay, no problem.” Colonel Dabinne became excited…


Wang Weizhen did not make a mistake. This crazy breakout unit officially commanded the command of General Xunxie, the 9 armored division commander.

Their first assault rushed to the Bulgarian position, which also gave them confidence in the successful breakout, but they quickly became strongly resisted.

The fighting power of those German soldiers is far from being comparable to that of Bulgarians. In the case of their numbers and weapons behind. They are still standing there like a wall of iron. There are no ways for Americans to make numerous surprises.

Soon, the German reinforcements arrived, and the already precarious positions became stable.

General Luo Shen violently thundered. Colonel Klaus, who was in charge of commanding the charge, was reprimanded several times before he called him. At least one of Luo Shen is clear, time is life. Every time they are delayed for a minute, they are in danger of getting one more point.

Colonel Klaus’s fourth offensive began.

When Luo Shen was anxious, he picked up the telescope and put it down again. At this time, his heart was no longer in Fabman.

“General, need to be temporarily withdrawn? The Germans are very tough.” Henry asked with anxiety: “At least the basement has a strong defense.”

“No, never!” Luo Shen did not want to go back to the dark and damp place: “Let the nearby troops immediately move closer to me, immediately, I need their support!”

“General, please think about it.” Henry hurriedly said, but his voice was very low: “The news of our retreat, the soldiers who are still fighting, do not know, if they know, it will cause some unnecessary The consequences and troubles. So I think it is better for us to break through for the time being.”

Luo Shen sighed, in fact, this time he has been chaotic.

If they continue to persist and do not rush out, they can still stick to a lot of time, and may even insist on the arrival of the reinforcements. However, under such circumstances, Luo Shen chose to break through in advance.

This cannot be said to be a wrong choice, but it is far from being the right choice.

This is true of many things on the battlefield. The outcome of a battle is often between the commander’s thoughts. An idea, a choice can often determine the fate of a unit.

For example, General Roschen and his 9 armored division are exactly the same.

Since Roshen has gone this way, there is no other choice. He must persist in the end. Even if this decision proves to be completely wrong, he will never turn back.

Thus, the fate of the Americans has turned a corner in this battlefield!

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