The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country 879. Reinforcement, floating astronomy

“All personnel enter the first-level combat state! Hurry up! Are you big yellow flowers? Can’t you move faster?? Faster and faster.”

A senior officer sat in his command car and ran through the crowd, and issued the final pre-war command: “You listened well, this mission must be taken seriously! We must complete the mission in the shortest possible time. All for the freedom and honor of Germany!”

“Yes! All for the freedom and honor of Germany!” All the people shouted to shake the mountains and rivers, it is not difficult to hear that the morale is high enough for the German soldiers to destroy the enemy in an instant.

“When you have gloriously completed your mission, I will cook here and wait for your stupid son to come home to eat!” The senior officer was obviously very satisfied with the morale of all, so he began to laugh.

The effect is very remarkable. When the words come out, everyone’s laughter rings. If you don’t know, they will be a group of students at school, because the laughter is still cute and simple. To be honest, although the Slater Lieutenant who followed this force together cleared his words, the purpose of this sentence was to make the officers and soldiers better, and to make the troops easier to control and command, but after listening to it, it really emerged in the heart. A kind of warm friendship, this is a kind of thought and spiritual dependence on the hometown. After all, to maintain morale, it is necessary to give the soldiers a spiritual sustenance, which is very important for the ability of the German army.

Hearing the sound of the tank and the truck’s engine getting louder and louder, Slater understood that it was the performance of the gears of the war machine. Looking at the people around me, the soldiers were armed and stood by in the same place. This day finally came. Slat can even feel the appearance of a few hundred miles in the front, and feel that there is a group of lambs in front. Step on the road to death step by step.


Slater heard the sound and found a familiar face, and he was the same batch of classmates who graduated from the military academy, Dowlinger = Hunter. At this time, he was riding with his commander, this guy. I want to take it myself, and he is like this when he was at the military academy.

“Ha ha ha, I haven’t seen you for a long time, Harvey.” This is his exaggerated signature laughter. As for Harvey, many of the friends I met with Slater at the military academy were called Slats.

“Ah, Dowlinger, your kid hasn’t seen Ye for a long time. Where have you been for a long time?” For a friend who hadn’t seen each other for a long time before going to the battlefield, or to have a joke, Slat is very with pleasure.

“Haha, after we separated, Slat was assigned to the cavalry division.”

“Oh, it’s not hard to see, where did you get the car from here? Are you ready to charge?”

“Oh, your kid, yes, where are you now?” He looked at the heavily armed soldier behind Slat and smiled.

“Hey, you don’t want to see most of us walking again. If you don’t wait until the charge, your speed will not necessarily be faster. We are fast infantry regiments, right?!” In the last sentence, Slat turned and looked at the soldiers. Seeing that they are fully armed, yes, they are a group of warriors!

“Yes!” The shouts of the soldiers even shocked the horses of Douglinger.

“Hey–haha, OK, Harvey, is your subordinate really a group of brave little tigers? Haha.” Dowlinger was really exaggerated: “Okay, I wish you good luck, Harvey, hope.” Your fast infantry corps can fully perform the mission of our German national renaissance!”

“Well, I wish you good luck Hunt, all for the will of Germany!” Slater smiled. Dollinger and Slater smiled and turned and left.

Looking at the back of his classmates, Slater felt a very strange feeling. After all, there were only a few hours left in the flames. One. Looking at people like Slater, Slater was very excited at this time.

1966 year 1 month 12 day 300.

The truck was moving at full speed. The German soldiers were shaking in the car. No one spoke. I didn’t know how long the truck was exercising. It suddenly stopped. The German soldiers knew that the German soldiers had got off the bus. After a short while, the German soldiers marched quickly along with the Tank.

“Listen! Our offensive target is Natoff’s outpost train station! The speed is fast. We must clear the way for the Tank!” Slater quickly rushed while repeating the mission.


Finally, Slat finally heard it and heard the first real cannon.

The German soldiers quickly rushed to the target train station, but the ridiculous thing was that after the full outbreak of the war, Natf had almost no defense! The German soldiers quickly took over the train station in less than KO minutes and caught one. Forehead. Less than 5 French prisoners. It didn’t take long for the Tank forces to send good news over there. Haha, it seems that the victory of the war is only a matter of time. The fall of the Tef may be in a few days or so, and it may be shorter.

The next day, the German soldiers continued to follow other forces. Slat really felt strange along the way. Slater barely saw a few French troops. The advancement of the morning could be called a speedy exaggeration. In analogy, the speed at which the Tank advances can be achieved with the speed reached by a flying takeoff, which should have been caused by the obstruction of the French army. The speed-deficient focus on the defensive section, the German soldiers can maintain the speed of the rapid advancement, or the French army is dead, or it is one. One of the commanders of the Allies. Is a group of idiots! There is no movement in the promotion of such a large area of ​​German soldiers.

When Slater felt that the Allied Command was ridiculous, suddenly there was a loud bang in front of it, and there was a deafening noise. Only the troops in front were in chaos. Slat quickly spread the soldiers to avoid being attacked by the enemy. Play as a target.

“D even! You and F went to the right wing to check the situation!” The battalion commanders of the German soldiers quickly issued operational orders against Slat.

Slater quickly let the soldiers disperse and follow the F company to advance, but it seems that all the French troops have come out at this time, the gunshots are everywhere, and the front-line F company’s vanguards piled down.


Another loud noise, the Tank behind Slater was destroyed, the entire barrel was beaten, and Slater squeaked because of the power of the explosion.

“We were ambushed! They have anti-Tank guns! And not only 1 doors! There are so many!” This is the shout of a scout in F Company, but when his words just fell, with another loud noise People are flying into the air.

“D even! Pay attention to concealment! Use blind fire to suppress the enemy!” This is the best way to counterattack the current form: “Try to find out the specific location of their guns! Can’t be passively beaten!”

The soldiers reacted very quickly and quickly spread out in a group of 2 individuals to move forward blindly and move forward quickly. Slater also quickly followed their pace, and Slater ran forward about 20 meters, and suddenly there was a muffled sound. Slat turned his head and looked at it! It was a rocket-cylinder shell that was hit by a soldier beside Slater. He was blown up with blood and blood, and blood donated on Slater. Slater could even feel some minced meat in the middle. Hit the face of Slater. The distance between Slat and the soldier is about 78 meters. I can imagine how powerful the rocket is.

The German soldiers took a small step forward and came to the woods. God’s infantry might have a battalion. They quickly suppressed the German soldiers. Slat is very angry now. That damn Where is F going? ? Their own task should be to support them, but now they have become the main force of the charge. What is even more irritating is that they actually rushed to the other side and completely separated from the troops they commanded. That is to say, the current form is I have to face a camp alone! ?

The suppression of the other side caused the German soldiers to rush to the front of the soldiers to become the standard human flesh target, and instantly fell! Others were blown up by the other’s grenade and completed the dream of human flying. One

Seeing the situation, my own troops have already distanced themselves from the big forces. Now there is a situation that may be surrounded by the French. It’s very distressing to see the soldiers being blown up like sausages or being beaten into a shuttle. But now they are in an empty land in front of the woods. There is no way to counter the enemy’s attacks. Being beaten as a target, but if you enter the woods, Slater is now uncertain about the number of enemy Slats. Even if Slater guessed it, he only guessed that the number of enemies is much higher than the troops he commanded. There is only one dead road into the woods. It is impossible to retreat. If you step back, your troops will enter the range of enemy artillery. Now it is really a dilemma.

How can you match this with the enemy for the first time? No, it won’t take long for you to go through this way. Your D-connected person will be lighted.

“Two rows! Wrap from the left wing! A row from the right wing! Three rows with my fire suppression cover a row and two rows to complete the package mission!” Slater loudly issued an offensive command. Hope to separate the soldiers can distract some of the enemy’s firepower Although this will cost a lot of money to his troops, this is the only offensive line that may work now.

Slatantly, without Slater’s expectation, when the two rows and one row were separated from the German soldiers, the firepower received by the middle road was suppressed a lot, and the three rows of Slater quickly took out the firepower. In the lot, there was no way. Slater rushed into the woods with three rows. At this time, the enemy’s firepower began to pounce in the direction of Slater. The German soldiers quickly hid behind the branches. At this time, Slater looked back, and the second row also successfully rushed out of the beaten area and entered the woods. The left wing of the German soldiers and the friendly army would, but the row was still trapped in the edge of the woods and could not enter for a long time. forest. Moreover, the enemy’s suppression of them seems to be very strong. When Slat sees a row, it is necessary to be destroyed. Immediately, the second row and the Slater are quickly rushed into the enemy group. The advantage of the firearms in the woods is completely gone, of course. The same is true of the German soldiers.

So Slater let all the soldiers put on the bayonet and rushed to the enemy after a group of enemies. In fact, this is really a stupid decision. There are more enemies than the Germans, and the enemy ambushes the Germans in this forest, indicating that they I have been in this wood for a long time, and they are waiting for the work. The situation is not good for the Germans. But in order to reduce the pressure in a row, Slater had to choose this way.

However, this time the effect is not very significant, the enemy seems completely clear! White lk special meaning, only the group of enemies who have been entangled with the German army are fighting the Germans, and the rest do not come to support.

It seems that this time it is really impossible to keep a row, but at this moment, Slater heard a very familiar voice, and the voice has been in the ear of Slater from the beginning until now! That is the unique engine sound of the German “Leopard Yin” type Tank! Slater pushed the body of the last enemy who was pressing on Slater. When he looked back at Slatton, he was excited. There was an 5 “Leopard” Tank to support himself! The soldiers also saw the arrival of the Tank, and the morale was greatly increased! The fight is even more brave, and even the enemy does not even have a quantitative advantage over the German soldiers. Slater rushed forward and slammed an enemy who seemed to be an official, and stabbed him to the heart with a bayonet. The sound of the blood spurting was always so charming, especially at this time. Here, in this real war.

The current battlefield form has apparently reversed. The enemy is afraid of the arrival of the Tank. In addition, the German soldiers at this time slaughtered their morale like madmen. It didn’t take long for the enemy to show signs of defeat.

But at this moment, Slater vaguely heard a voice, God!

“Enemy artillery! Quickly concealed!” Yes, Slater heard the sound of the enemy’s long-range gunfire. The shell should arrive here after 3 seconds. 1 seconds. 3 seconds!

Slater counted and counted down to hide around.

“Boom!” The arrival time of the shells and the count of Slater are almost not much different, but the ridiculous thing is that Slat originally thought that the shells were directed at the tanks of the German soldiers. But I never thought that this A high-killing armor-piercing project actually targeted the German infantry! Please. That is not a field gun and the like. Slat really wondered if there were cute goldfish babies in the brains of the French artillery. . And the most ridiculous thing is that these shells did not hurt the soldiers of the Germans at all. Instead, they all hit their own people’s residences, and a heartbreaking painful roar with the explosion of the shells. One after another, one after another.

I really didn’t think that the Frenchman used his own cannon to beat his infantry? Haha is really helping Germany. It was thought that the bombing of the cannon would last for a while, but it would be no longer moving after the last shell fell.

I saw a signal flare flying from the place where the shells were hit. Haha, it seems that the soldiers of the German army have taken the artillery array, and it’s good!

Slat immediately stood up and said, “Brothers! I rush! Use their blood donation to avenge the brothers who died in Germany!” Slat shouted, and the gun rushed over to the enemy. The Tank behind the Germans also The soldiers who quickly cooperated with the Germans drove to both sides of the woods and blocked all the remaining forces of the enemy in the woods.

The German army was so powerful that the enemy had not yet had time to react from the bombardment of the bombardment. Many of the enemy soldiers were crying and crying by the German soldiers.

Haha, finally arrived at the German fast infantry regiment! The defeat of the enemy has become a reality. Many enemy troops fled in the chasing of the German army. Soon the Germans chased them from the other side of the forest. The outside were all Germans. Those who lost their souls looked at the enemy. By the time they have been heavily surrounded, they have left their weapons and fell to the ground. Yes, the group of France chose to surrender.

After the group of surrendered Frenchmen were taken away, the Germans re-entered the woods to clean the battlefield. How do you say that you may have killed your head just now, and did not notice that the place you just ran was so bloody. The thick bloody smell sprinted the head of Slater. The French soldiers who had just been hit by their own shells were horrible, some arms and hands were blown out, and some of the internal organs were blown up. And even one. The whole person has only one upper body. At the time, Slater did not mention how uncomfortable it was. Although there were similar exercises in the military academy, they used cows, sheep and the like. But the situation with the present is not at all a level. It’s really awkward!

Slater saw that the death of this group of French people really did not want to have dinner. Because yesterday’s dinner was a mashed potato with tomato sauce. I only hope that dinner tonight is not this one.

However, when Slater saw the body under his body, his heart was another feeling. It was really distressing. Yesterday, he also sang a military song to win the train station. Today, the Frenchman ambushed here. . As soon as I watched some soldiers who were labeled as shuttles, Slater’s nose only felt sour. At this time, Slater heard a soldier crying at the side and said, “Kaqiu! Isn’t your kid a big life? Ah! Why did you fall down at the first stop?”

Upon hearing the soldier’s words, Slater suddenly felt that the next name should be remembered in the following days, because Slater was sour in this nose.

Compared with his name called comrade-in-arms, I don’t feel fake and stupid!

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