The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country 889. Hunting the Baron Skulls, floating astronomy

The war of Ebamaman is going on in the most tragic way, and each one sees it as a terrible hell.

Wang Weizhen likes this way.

He led a small commando in the Aldridge assault squad and fought with any ordinary German soldier from the beginning of the street battle.

He repeatedly refused to suggest that Colonel Dabinne ask himself to find a safe place to evade.

He has never been afraid of war, especially under such difficult and difficult things, he will not even abandon any German soldier.

This is his duty.

The most elite armed forces in the Allied Middle East theater, the US 9 armored division has been completely restrained by Fabaman, and now the Germans have to wait for the arrival of a large number of troops.

The gunshots sounded in every corner, and the whole Fabman completely became a war fortress – hell battlefield!

In fact, this is not bad, at least let Wang Weizhen see the enemy’s familiarity with urban warfare before the outbreak of the Berlin city war.

Or in a sense, the Battle of Faberman is just a foreplay of Berlin’s urban war.

“Where is that?” Wang Weizhen, who was hiding in the dark, pointed to the front.

“Ah, that’s the postal building.” Lieutenant Eric, who was in charge of the commando team, looked at it: “The Bulgarian army that arrived yesterday was ordered to retake the postal building, but in fact the Americans did not really occupy it. I heard that there are still a few German soldiers are doing the last thing there.”

A blast came and the voice was loud. Perhaps the offensive or defensive side of the soldiers used heavy weapons.

Wang Weizhen still has some interest in Bulgaria. This country was one of Germany’s allies during the Second World War, and Wang Weizhen also personally directed them to fight.

Because of this, Baron Alexson and Bulgaria also have great prestige. The Bulgarian veterans have witnessed how the Baron Skulls fought and witnessed the miracles created by the Skulls Baron.

Only no one thought that when Bulgaria once again fought under the command of the baron, it would be in such a battlefield, and it would be in such a form.

“Eric took two people to contact the Bulgarians and investigate the postal building by the way.” Wang Weizhen issued the order in the first place.

“Yes, Marshal.” Eric and his people soon disappeared into the darkness.

After about twenty minutes, Eric came to Wang Weizhen with the Bulgarian named Zaytsev. When the German officer in front of him heard that he was the Baron Skulls, Zaytsev could not believe that he could directly Here meet the legendary Baron.

“You don’t have to say anything polite.” Wang Weizhen quickly said: “I need to know how many people you have come from, how many Americans there are in the building. How the battle is going.”

“Yes, Marshal.” Zaytsev took a breath: “Captain Bondardev led us, we have more than 30 people. The situation of the Americans is unknown, probably thirty or forty. The battle is very intense, we Strive to seize the first and second floors of the postal building. But on the third floor, we encountered the most stubborn resistance of the enemy.

He carefully introduced the situation in the postal building to the baron. Wang Weizhen frowned and thought for a moment: “You go back and tell Captain Bondarev that we are about to enter the building. Let them not be accidentally injured.”

“Yes, Baron, I will go back and say to the captain, I think, Captain will be happy to see you.”

Wang Weizhen quietly entered the postal building with his commando.

He did not attack directly from the front with the Bulgarians, but instead found another channel. This is the fire exit of the postal building.

Eric and Fabaman have been very clear about everything here for a while. He told the Baron that the postal building was still helped by German engineers.

Did German engineers help to fix it? Wang Weizhen has some emotions. Now it is destroying the hands of the Germans.

The fire exit has been blocked by a variety of foreign bodies, and it takes a lot of effort to get through it. Fortunately, it is better to set up these roadblocks. The entire channel is blocked.

Quietly approaching the third floor, the gunshots became more and more clear.

Wang Weizhen made a gesture, and the Germans behind him quickly stopped moving.

He put his ear on the door and listened for a while. Then he kicked the door with a kick. No enemy has ever appeared. Until now, the Americans have not found a group of enemies behind themselves. They have put all their attention on the front.

When the second gesture was made, the commando gates all pulled out the grenade, and then pulled the insurance one. They quietly began to approach the American troops.

The Americans who are in the midst of a fierce battle have been seen, and the Americans are not aware that Death is approaching them.

Wang Weizhen threw the first thunder out. After that, all the commandos threw their own grenade ̈

“Boom – Boom – Boom”, the explosion followed by a bang.

In the midst of a smoke, the German commandos carrying the Sub Machine Gun appeared, and the Sub Machine Gun in his hand blew the muzzle and the tongue.

Fortunately, the US military, which was not killed by the grenade, once again suffered a tragic nightmare. In the marriage, they were killed without resistance. Some still want to escape, but they are chased by bullets.

Here, it became the location of the American nightmare.

The postal building has returned to the hands of the Germans.

“Hey, is there still alive?” Eric shouted in German, and he still remembers the life and death of the German soldiers who have been standing in the postal building.

“Who are you?” Surprisingly, such a voice rang from a room.

“The armed SS SS Aldridge first-level assault squad, I am a second lieutenant Eric. The Americans have been wiped out by us, come out,” Eric replied loudly.

There was no movement in the room, then the door was opened and three German soldiers came out from inside.

Three very, very young soldiers, the childishness on the face of the leader seems to have not been taken off. They came to Eric to pay a courtesy: “Less, I am First Class, Felice. We were trapped here by the Americans, and our bullets were all smashed. If not, you are coming. I think we have been killed.”

He didn’t notice the young man next to Eric Eric. He thought that this person is probably a lieutenant.

“First class Phillips, you are doing very well. Germany is proud of having a soldier like you.” Lieutenant Eric praised them and said with a serious expression: “Now please stand up.” I think today is your lucky day, because you met Marshal Ernst .Breem!”

“Who?” Phyllis and his companion’s threshold widened their eyes. They were very skeptical that their ears were broken in the fierce battle, so that they misunderstood the words.

“First class filis, please pay attention to the attitude of the marshal!”

Once again, Lieutenant Eric finally let the three German soldiers wake up. They hurriedly raised their arms: “Hey-Ernst!”

“Well, soldiers, Germany needs you brave people.” Wang Weizhen smiled and let them put down their arms: “I personally thank you for your efforts.”

At this time, those Bulgarian soldiers also came up. They looked at these Germans awkwardly, and they couldn’t believe that they could meet the legendary Baron Alexson here.

Under the leadership of Captain Bondariev, those Bulgarian soldiers stood by Wang Weizhen, and Captain Bondariev said loudly: “The Baron, it is our greatest honour to see you here.”

“Thank you for your firm standing on our side in Germany’s most difficult circumstances.” Wang Weizhen stared at the Bulgarian captain in front of him: “I promise that the war will end with our victory, all those who have helped us, Both will receive the most unselfish return in Germany.”

Captain Bondardev nodded hard.

The battle of Fabman has reached a stage of intense heat. And Ernst. Marshal Breem was again in France, and was accompanied by the news of the Germans fighting, and quickly spread throughout the Fama.

The pride of the German soldiers is difficult to describe in words, and the surprise in the hearts of the US military is also difficult to describe in words.

General Luo Shen, the commander of the 9 Armored Division of the US Army, also saw his brilliant future:

Defeat the Baron Skulles – killing the Baron Skulls is no better chance than this! That will make you a famous sensation in the world!

There are only a few Germans here. Once they missed such an opportunity, they can no longer have a second time.

This mission fell to Colonel Nesto. General Roschen trusts Colonel Nesco, and every time he confesses to the colonel, he can always accomplish it in the best way.

Colonel Nesco was very excited at this time. Like all people, he heard the name of Baron Skulls many times when he was very young. From the inside, he is the best way to respect Baron Alexson and respect one person, that is to beat him on the battlefield.

Colonel Nesko happily accepted the task assigned to him by General Roschen. Moreover, he decided to complete the task himself. What could be more exciting than seeing yourself beat the Skulls Baron?

The 200 American Army was brought together by Colonel Nesko and was divided into ten groups to start a quiet search.

Fabman is only so big, and the Baron Skulls must be somewhere in the city. At this moment, all corners of the city are in a fierce battle, and the Germans do not have so much power to guarantee the safety of the Baron Skulls.

This may be your best chance.

“Marshal, we just caught an American prisoner.” Eric soon appeared in front of Wang Weizhen, and his face was full of worries: “A new emergency situation, the US military has formed more than a dozen The assault squad is looking for you all over the city.”

“I am arresting me in the whole city.” Wang Weizhen smiled a little: “Less Eric, I have been surrounded by countless times, but I am still standing here, so there is nothing to worry about. “”

Speaking of this, he blinked his eyes: “Since the enemy can round me up, why can’t I round up and round them up?”

Eric was taken aback. Does the marshal mean to be a hunter in turn?

“Less, how many people do you have.” Wang Weizhen immediately asked.

“I have 28 personal.”

” Count me, we have 29! A good arm.”!

“Marshal.” Eric hurriedly said: “I object to your personal involvement in hunting. After all, a large number of enemies are full of Fabaman. We cannot afford to lose any terrible loss.”

Wang Weizhen smiled again: “Less, I am very grateful for your kindness, but even if I don’t participate in hunting, I am not necessarily safe. I think there is still a safe place here?”

Eric shook his head honestly.

Yeah, now there is any safe place in the whole of Fabman. His heart suddenly burned a raging fight, and the marshal was not afraid. What are you worried about? Can you participate in the hunting of Americans with the Marshal? Isn’t that what you dreamed of?

Thinking of this, Eric said aloud: “Marshal, please tell us what to do.”

Wang Weizhen thought for a moment: “The enemy is chasing after the hunt, we must concentrate our strength. The Americans think that they are hiding in the dark, in fact, we are the ones who really hide in the dark. Let the soldiers carry enough bullets. Also, I need the help of the Bulgarians. Tell the Captain Bondardev and try to make the enemy think that I am with them.”

Eric understood the purpose of the marshal. He has set a trap for the Americans, those who attempt to arrest him.

And now all they have to do is wait for the Americans to jump into the trap one by one.

“Masha Major, what did you find?” The gunshots continued to sound around, and these did not affect Colonel Nestor. His only concern was only one question:

The whereabouts of Baron Skulls!

The Russian-American Major Masha quickly replied: “The colonel, earlier today, we encountered a group of Bulgarian soldiers, ah, the one that was defeated at the train station. We caught a prisoner. What is certain is that Ernst .Breem is among the Bulgarians.”

Colonel Nesko’s eyes lit up. What is more exciting than this?

“Major, how many people are they?”

“Not a lot, dozens.”

“Catch them up right away!”

Colonel Nesco quickly issued the order: “Let us quickly get closer to the commando in the vicinity. Once they catch their tracks, they surround them in several directions. I believe they can’t run far.”

“Yes, Colonel, I will do it right away.”

Colonel Nesco has seen his glorious tomorrow.

“Captain Bondarev, Yaris was captured.”

Captain Bondardev nodded and then sighed softly.

Poor Alex, he probably has no way to come back. However, Captain Bondariev still had some luck. He received a secret order from the Germans, and released the wind to say Ernst. Marshal Breem is with them. And he also deliberately disclosed the news to his subordinates.

Now every Bulgarian soldier thinks Ernst. Marshal Breem is not far from them, their task is to protect this German legendary marshal.

The captured Yaris will certainly tell the Americans this news, because Captain Bondariev is sure that Yaris is not the kind of person who can be unyielding under the enemy’s trial.

Then, my task is also completed half of one.

“Captain, enemy!”

This loud call shocked Captain Bondardev. When he had not fully responded, the gunshots had already sounded in advance, and the two Bulgarian soldiers fell into a pool of blood.

“Respond, fight back!” Bundarev yelled, and the gunshots suddenly slammed.

More than 20 US troops have appeared nearby, although their number is only half that of Bulgarians, but the firepower configuration is completely unmatched by Bulgarians. The US military quickly suppressed these Bulgarian soldiers.

Someone has been falling in the attack of the US military, and some people have been wounded and sent a tragic cry. This made Captain Bondarev somewhat annoyed, with more hits, but the result is this situation?

The US military began to gradually oppress from several directions. In all fairness, these American troops are indeed the most elite of the Allies. Their combat quality far exceeds that of the Bulgarians, and even in the case of superiority, they are not so impatient, orderly. Control the battlefield.

Another Bulgarian soldier fell down and fell to the top of Captain Bondarev. The eyes of his eyes before his death could not be forgotten.

“Captain, can’t hold on.”

“Captain, we have to evacuate here.”

However, there are some delays in the evacuation now. The US military has cleverly blocked the route of the Bulgarian retreat. Captain Bondarev now has only one last hope:

Germans can appear here in time!

However, the shadow of the Germans has never appeared, which caused Captain Bondardev to have a doubt. Did the Germans not care about these people at all?

Or, these soldiers and these soldiers are just some poor victims!

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