The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: my country 875. Arrest Ernst, Astronomy

“Who are you talking about? Ernst. Breem? God, is he really coming here! God, is he really as crazy as before?”

Although Mordel’s mouth is talking like this, everyone in the command can feel the excitement of the marshal. Even the chief of staff, General Hitzley, found that the marshal’s eyes were red.

Everyone knows the relationship between Marshal Moddle and Baron Alexson, and everyone knows that Marshal Moddle was once a member of the Skulls commando.

“Marshal, our plan is probably going to change,” Hitzley whispered.

“Yes, our plan changes immediately!” Marshal Modr said without hesitation: “The command, the 9Hohenheim Elite immediately moved closer to Aswan at full speed. Command, the command immediately moved closer to Aswan. Command, Defence Force 98 The 99 Infantry Division is moving closer to Aswan!”

The command of the road was issued from the mouth of Model, Ernst. Marshal Breem suddenly appeared here, making the situation on the entire battlefield extremely important.

Mordel desperately wanted to rush to Aswan now, so that he could finally meet the baron. As for the previous plan being disrupted, Moder did not care, he firmly believed that the Baron would be able to find a better solution to the problem.

Because he is a baron, no one can beat Baron Alexson. . . . . .

At this time, Aswan has completely become a mess. There are gunshots and explosions everywhere, and there are mourning and screams everywhere. However, the most dangerous place turned into a command for the US Army 172 Infantry Regiment.

The Americans never imagined that the Germans would actually appear here. And they also killed the US forces who defended the command outside the shortest time, and also captured a M60Tank.

Now, this Tank poses a huge threat to the US military.

Colonel Stem simply couldn’t think of this day. He and the Germans were also old rivals. After the US and Germans launched a war in North Africa, his 172 infantry regiment was the first to join the war. I have won the battle and lost, but I have never been passive like today.

After a shell of guns slammed into the “bang”, a fire position of the US military was completely blown up into the sky. The bodies that fell from the sky to the ground became a smash.

This has dealt a heavy blow to the confidence of the Americans. . . . . .

M60 – The former American’s main defensive firepower, at this moment in the hands of the German commandos played a huge power, turned into an American nightmare.

The German commandos accompanying the Tank are also very well trained. They follow the Tank’s unhurried advancement. Once they encounter resistance, they will quickly hide around the Tank and then solve it by Tank. Drop the resistance in front.

At this time, Wang Weizhen personally held the machine gun on the Tank. Like the screaming soul, he desperately spilled the bullet to the enemy opposite.

The chaos, the Americans here are completely chaotic. Under the double blow of Tank and the commandos, they simply could not organize an effective defense.

They gave up the resistance. . . . . .

A white flag fluttered desperately on the position of the US military. This seems to be a signal, and the German gunshots have stopped.

Wang Weizhen stopped the machine gun and looked at the Americans coldly on the gun.

This is just the beginning!

Colonel Stam, who was still hiding in the command, did not understand how such a failure would occur until the failure.

He originally organized a strict defense here and was able to wait until the reinforcements arrived. Everything is so perfect.

However, he is still inexplicable – he lost the victory of this war!

Colonel Stam also understands that in such circumstances, continue to resist, then there may only be one ending in the face of their own: death!

He was only 35 years old this year and he has become a colonel. According to famous people in the US military, he is likely to become a general before the age of forty-five.

His future is bright. Moreover, he has a wife and children. If you die like this, then he will no longer have anything.

He does not want to see this happen. . . . . .

Colonel Stam finally made his own choice: he raised the white flag in his hand like the surrendered soldiers.

Colonel Stam surrendered, and immediately after his command, the US military in Aswan finally put down the weapon in his hand, and the battle against Aswan ended in such a somewhat strange way. .

In fact, there is nothing to accuse Colonel Stam. He has done everything he can, but the sudden situation on the battlefield is completely out of his control.

Major Luderman is also very fortunate that he can meet Ernst at this time. Mr. Breem.

However, when he reported his good news to his superiors, his superiors gave him a command. The victory was insignificant and Ernst must be taken. Mr. Breem is closely guarded and does not allow him to take any further risks.

His superior was ordered from General Arthur and passed on to Major Luderman. But what makes people laugh is that Major Luderman completely misunderstood the meaning of the superior.

“The victory is insignificant, and Mr. Ernst. Breem must be closely guarded, and he is not allowed to take any further adventures!”

In the understanding of Major Luderman! In Ernst. Mr. Breem is definitely a counterfeit Baron Alexson, and his disrespectful Marshal Modal has probably offended the respectable Marshal? It is estimated that it will be subject to the most severe punishment.

Although he admired Ernst. Mr. Breem’s bravery in this battle, even had to admit if there was no Ernst. Mr. Breem’s words, now his commando is still fighting. But admire and admire, the superior order must be executed!

“I regret to inform you that you were captured, Mr. Ernst.” The faceless Luderman Major to Ernst. Mr. Breem issued the order: “Martin, you are responsible for monitoring him. Ah, don’t abuse him, he needs anything for him.”

Wang Weizhen smiled, this time he was really happy laughing.

In his memory, he has been “grabbed” three times and counted this time, without exception, he was caught by himself. The enemy has no way to do it, and his subordinates can successfully do it.

Martin also has some commands that don’t understand this. Is there any way? The order of the superior is absolutely not allowed to be violated for a loyal German soldier. . . . . .

A large number of German troops appeared in the Aswan SS and Defence Forces in the shortest possible time. What surprised the soldiers of the German advance troops was that a large number of officers also appeared.

At least some of the lieutenant colonels, colonels, and then the generals. Almost all of the generals that the North African Army can call out the name appeared.

God, what happened?

However, this is not finished. In the morning of the next morning, the commander-in-chief of the North African Army, Commander Mardel, also appeared in Aswan!

It’s really like a fake Marshal.

Those officers who arrived earlier were accompanied by Marshal Moddle. When Marshal Modr had no time to reward the German commandos who had made outstanding achievements, they could not wait to ask: “What about Mr. Ernst?”

“Oh, Marshal, he has been arrested according to Colonel Roman’s order!”

“Arrest?” The boss of Lord Mardel’s eyes: “You tell me again, Major, what happened to you?”

Major Luderman was confused, but he executed it exactly in accordance with the order: “Marshal, we have arrested Mr. Ernst. Breem!”

“Colonel Romance, is this your command?” Marshal Mordel’s face was gloomy.

“No, Marshal, I have never issued such an order.” Colonel Romane said quickly: “I just follow the orders of General Arthur to win them. I must take Mr. Ernst. Breem tightly and not allow him to do any more. adventure.”

“Where is he locked up now?” Marshal Mordel asked coldly.

“Ah, it’s there.” Major Luderman quickly pointed out: “I will let him see you right away.”

“No.” Marshal Modr raised his voice: “I will see him!”

After he finished, he hurriedly walked over with a bunch of generals in the direction of holding Ernst.

“Colonel, what’s wrong with this?” Major Luderman asked inexplicably.

Colonel Romane didn’t know what happened. General Arthur, who was in the end, probably heard their conversations come back and gave them a sinful look: “You have a big disaster. Do you know who is being held?”

Major Luderman shook his head in confusion. General Arthur said coldly: “He is Baron Alexson.”

For a moment, Colonel Roman and Major Luderman were thoroughly petrified there.

Major Luderman is stupid, he is completely stupid. God, what ridiculous things have you done, God, forgive your sins.

I actually arrested Baron Alexson. . . . . .

“Hey Martin, do you have any cigarettes?” Wang Weizhen, who was being held, asked his head.

Martin, who was standing at the door, hesitated and took the cigarette out of his pocket and handed it to him through the window.

“Thank you, Martin, I will give you the money of the three marks.” Wang Weizhen took the cigarette, returned to the place where he originally lived, and then handed it to the side: “Colonel Samm, smoke?”

“Ah, thank you.” Colonel Stan took a cigarette.

Probably neither of these two people thought that they were actually being held together. Not long ago, Wang Weizhen succeeded in forcing Colonel Stan to surrender, but in a blink of an eye he himself became a “captive.”

“Hey, Ernst, is this really your real name?” asked Stam with a cigarette.

“Yes. This is my real name, but I can say no.” Wang Weizhen said ambiguously: “However, according to the current situation, we are difficult friends. After I go out, I will definitely find a way to release you as soon as possible.” “”

“Thank you for your kindness, but I think you should consider yourself first.” Stam didn’t believe that the other person could do something like this: “I think you probably offended the Germans? It is reasonable to say You did quite well here, and the result was not only unreasonable, but was arrested. Hey, you said that you will be shot by them? Tell me, what have you done, let them treat a hero like this?”

“I don’t know, Colonel.” Wang Weizhen said with a smile: “It’s a strange thing. But I think they probably won’t shoot me. Colonel, what about you? Have you shot your hand?”

“No, no one has ever said very seriously. “One time I almost shot a soldier. It was when we arrived in North Africa. The soldiers who went to the battlefield for the first time were very weak, and they were German.” During the battle, several soldiers fled when they heard the gunshots and dropped the gun. To be honest, I really want to shoot them, but I am still patient. Their timid behavior naturally has the punishment that the military courts give them. ”

Wang Weizhen listened very carefully, then nodded. “Yes, I appreciate it more. Any soldier who has made a mistake should not be punished immediately, but give them a chance to appeal. I am This is not as good as you, Colonel.”

Sam’s interest was raised. It is not an easy task to let an enemy publicly admit it is not as good as it is.

“Hey, what I said is true.” Wang Weizhen performed very sincerely: “I hate those who are weak on the battlefield, and even I have shot many cowards. On the battlefield, I always think that this is a commander should I did, but I never thought that not everyone can be a hero, and timidity is the nature of mankind.”

“Listen to your words, you seem to have commanded a lot of troops?” Stam had some doubts.

Wang Weizhen nodded seriously: “Indeed, I have commanded thousands of horses.”

Samm smiled: “Oh, my good sir. If you really say it, your young mortal will not be held here. Ah, I noticed that your uniform Not even the ranks. I guess you are probably also a deserter?”

Wang Weizhen laughed involuntarily, but then became serious again: “You didn’t guess wrong. Colonel, really was a deserter.”

“Hey, I can say it.” Stem smiled smugly.

Sam probably wouldn’t think of the deserter in front of him, referring to the years he left Germany, and he has been blaming himself for this and has been trying to make up for it.

At this time, there was a loud noise on the outside, and then I heard a loud report from Martin.

Wang Weizhen smiled faintly because he knew who it was. . . . . .

The door “砰” was pushed open, and then a very familiar figure appeared at the door.

That was the commander-in-chief of the German North African Army, and the former Skulls commando team members:

Otto. Moritz. Walter. Moder!

Marshal of the German Empire Army – “Iron Wall” Moder!

Mordel finally saw the same familiar figure again twenty years later. Even in his dreams, he has seen this figure many times. Even if his memory is completely lost, he vowed never to forget this figure:

Ernst . Alexson . Feng. Breem!

The legend of the German Empire – Baron Skulls!

Modr stabilizes his body, he must try to control his emotions in order to stand up straight, and then his arms are raised high:

“Hey – Ernst!”

Then he put down his arm and said with a word and a word clearly: “Captain Ernst, Skulls Commando fourth assault squad leader Moddle reports to you!”

“Very good, Moder Captain, please report your situation now!” Wang Weizhen stood up, completely ignoring Stem’s incomparable eyes, and said slowly and calmly.

Modal’s voice is so loud: “Yes, during my time as the commander-in-chief of the North African Army, I was embarrassed, not able to defeat our enemies, and the reputation of the unspoken Skulls commando was shamed. I asked Your punishment!”

This is the words of a German Marshal of the Army!

There was no sound around, and all the generals were holding their breath. After a while, Wang Weizhen’s voice rang: “Marshal Modr, the plight of the North African Army, should not be borne by you.

The perpetrators have got the punishment they deserve, and you and Manstein are doing very well, I am very satisfied. Under such a predicament, you can still fully fight back and retain the elite of the North African Army, and this is the basis of our victory! ”

“Thank you, Marshal Ernst!” Moder’s voice began to tremble: “I didn’t expect to see you again when I was alive. Even if I let me die immediately, I have no regrets.” ”

“Don’t say it easily, Moder.” Wang Weizhen said with a smile: “Live, live well, there are many things to wait for you to do.”

Moder nodded hard, and the German generals standing behind him no longer hesitated. They raised their right arms and shouted in the most uniform voice:

“Hey – Ernst!”

Hey – Ernst! Saint-Ernst!

Any one of them, like Marshal Morr, did not dream of dreaming, they actually can still see Baron Alexson!

This magical baron, the legendary god of war, all the hopes of this German revival!

Now, he is standing here, so standing in front of everyone. So, what difficulties are they afraid of and what are they afraid of?

They know that the marshals will be able to lead them to victory, just like any one of the past!

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