The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My Country 865. Christmas Eve, floating astronomy

“Mr. Baron, Mr. Baron!”!

There was such a cry behind him, and Wang Weizhen and his companions glanced at each other and smiled, and someone still recognized the Baron.

Looking back, I saw the Hamm who had helped a lot in Schrodenburg. But at this time Graham had put on a military uniform, and by his side, there were two soldiers who were almost the same age as him.

At that time, after completing the mission in Schrodenburg, the local Germans all left there and headed for Berlin. I can’t know how much hard they have encountered on the road, but at least half of them have successfully entered Berlin, including Graham.

“Hey, Graham, is it a soldier?”

Graham looked at himself when he heard the baron, and Graham looked a little excited: “Yes, Mr. Baron, I am a soldier. Ah, Baron, I really didn’t think you were a baron. They are my companions, Jason. And Omi, we all came out of Schrodenburg and joined the SS youth division.”

“Congratulations, the loyal soldiers of the Empire!” Wang Weizhen corrected the military ceremony to them.

I probably didn’t think that the Baron would actually salute them. The three young people were so helpless that they quickly returned to a ceremony: “Thank you, Mr. Baron.”

“No, I should thank you.” Wang Weizhen smiled and said: “At your age, you should have been on the campus of the university, not a soldier. But we are very scarce now, and we have to set up a young division again. I can assure you that when the war is over, I will definitely let you return to school.”

The three young people became more excited when they heard that the Baron actually spoke to himself.

At the beginning, when they left Schrodenburg, they had gone through all the hardships. They were almost caught by the enemy several times. After finally entering Berlin, they quickly learned that Colonel Moyol was actually Baron Alexson. Graham repents every day to blame himself. Later, I learned that the SS and the National Defence Force were recruiting. He and his companions had almost no hesitation for a minute and then joined the army. Their purpose was only one, and they hoped to see Baron Alexson again.

Their wish was realized very quickly, so I saw the baron on the streets of Berlin long ago and even more unexpectedly the baron was as approachable as it was in Schrodenburg.

“Well, boy, I think you should officially enter the army when you have spent Christmas.” Wang Weizhen encouraged: “I hope to see you again next Christmas.”

“Yes, Mr. Baron, we promise you will see us on the next Christmas!” the three boys said cheerfully.

“Goodbye, young soldiers.”

“Goodbye Mr. Baron.”

Looking at the backs of the three boys, Wang Weizhen couldn’t help but smile again. What a mighty soldier, how young soldiers waited for them to go to the battlefield, and soon became a true, brave German soldier.

It is because of these Germans who have dedicated themselves that Wang Weizhen has the courage to carry out the war. . . . . .

“The Baron, in front of the Hohenzollern heirs Louis Ferdinand. Victor. Edward Albert Michal Hubertus.” At this time, the Vidlio butler pointed at the front Said a house.

It was a miraculously unspoiled house in the Allied Air Force’s numerous bombings, with a medieval style. Wang Weizhen frowned. “Don’t you let the Crown Prince live in the Empire State Building? It’s too dangerous here.”

“Ah, His Royal Highness insisted that he should live here.” Videleo butler was helpless: “He said that he is no longer the German Crown Prince, he can no longer live in the Empire State Building, and

He is willing to add too much trouble to you. ”

“The Emperor’s family is always respectable.” Wang Weizhen sorted out his clothes: “Would you like to visit the Crown Prince with me?”

When Michael and his wife, Cosfili, saw Baron Alexson and his companions actually come to visit, they were a little surprised.

Wang Weizhen and his companions were greeted.

Honestly, there are some simple furniture in the house that are very old, and even more rare is that it is useless for Michael and his wife to be a housekeeper and servant.

After they arrived in Berlin and were confirmed, Wang Weizhen took special care. The entire living expenses of the Crown Prince family were borne by the government. Of course, despite being away from the center of power for a long time, the Hohenzollern family still has a lot of financial resources, and they don’t have to worry about maintaining a luxurious life.

Probably seeing Baron Alexson’s doubts, Michael smiled and said: “Lord Baron, don’t worry about us. We are living in Berlin now, we are very satisfied.

Honestly, I don’t care much about asking someone who can serve us. I can afford it, but after careful consideration, my wife and I chose to give up. Berlin is suffering, as a former royal descendant, it should not let the luxury life cause dissatisfaction. ”

This is a real German, and Wang Weizhen and his companions think so.

Indeed, upon entering Berlin, Michael donated 200 million dollars and fulfilled his obligations as a German. If the donation is not enough to make Wang Weizhen touch, then the behavior of this neo-room couple is admirable.

“Coffee.” At this time, Cosfrey brought them coffee: “We brought it from the Netherlands, and it is not easy to find some pure coffee in Berlin now.”

“Thank you, ma’am.” Wang Weizhen took the coffee: “His Royal Highness, we have to admit that although we have won a counterattack, Berlin is not safe. Are you ready to stay here?”

“Yes, we know that Berlin is not safe.” Michael nodded. “But you must also know that we are pure Germans. Our dream is to be able to return to Germany. My grandfather, my father. You know each other and are very good friends with you. But in the years when they were alive, they were thinking about being able to return to Berlin all the time, but they were not able to fulfill their wishes, and I fulfilled this wish for them.”

Speaking of this, Michelle paused: “Since my wife and I have returned to Berlin, and Berlin is suffering, then I think I have to do something for the city. Lord Baron, My wife knows medicine. She can take care of the wounded.

And I, I have studied civil architecture, I think I can also make some contributions. . . . . . ”

Wang Weizhen nodded silently: “Please allow me to express my personal respect for you. At this time, I can test the resilience of a person and a nation… However, I think I am more important. I have to ask you to do something.”

“Of course, please let me know whatever I want.” Michael quickly replied.

“Tomorrow, I will give a Christmas speech to all the German people who are resisting.” Wang Weizhen quickly said his purpose: “Before this, I would like to ask you to first encourage the German people.”

“I?” Michelle looked a little surprised. After all, he was just a former Crown Prince who lost his power: “Lord Baron, do you really think I am suitable?”

“Of course.” Wang Weizhen replied without hesitation: “No one is more suitable than you… Although the Emperor’s Majesty abdicated under the threat of the enemy, the royal family still has a high reputation in the hearts of the German public. Prestige. At this time, a former royal family member can give encouragement to the German people. Such influence will be enormous in Germany and even in Europe. More importantly, you are still Hohenzollern. The leader of the tribe is extremely noble. Every word and every word you say can cause a sensation. I hope that you can accept my request…”

Michelle thought carefully: “Since you have given me such trust, I am willing to take on such a heavy responsibility.”

Wang Weizhen did not immediately express gratitude: “But I hope that you can understand some things. If you make such a speech, you will probably be retaliated by Americans.”

“I’m not afraid.” Michael didn’t worry about it at all: “How can they do to me? Abolish the position of my Hohenzollern heirs? They don’t have such power. Can I catch the concentration camp? Aha, I think I It is a different way of life.”

“You are very brave, Your Highness.” Leoni said at this time: “Be as brave as your grandfather and father. Thank you for everything you have done for Germany.”

“No, I should thank you.” Michelle looked at them deeply: “Maybe some things you don’t know. After my grandfather was abolished and exiled to the Netherlands, his heart never had Germany. There have been any dissatisfaction, he has always loved this country and is willing to sacrifice everything for this country. He has told us many times that he always feels that he is German, no matter where he is. Proud and proud…and my father is the same… In the Second World War, you and the Adolf heads led the brave German army to the most brilliant victory, my father. Say, this is the person that Germany really needs. We don’t have to go back to Berlin, because Germany has found the people they really need… And now, when Germany is in trouble, it is yours. Returning, leading Germany to rise from adversity… So, let me express my sincere gratitude to you, Baron Alexson!”

We have never resented Germany. . . . . . When this sentence is spoken from Michelle’s mouth, everyone’s mood is different.

They should resent this country. When William II took the German troops on the front line, his subjects betrayed him and forced him to go to the Netherlands. However, he did not have any slight resentment against his country. Even in the outbreak of the Second World War, he also made voluntary contributions to support Germany’s final victory in the war.

Now, in the most difficult time in Germany, their children returned to the country without any return. . . . . .

“The monarchy is not a system that violates the progress of human civilization.”

Returning to the Empire State Building, Leoni said when preparing for Christmas Eve dinner: “For example, the United Kingdom and some countries have always implemented the monarchy. The King is only a symbol, and it still has a certain meaning.”

“What do you want to tell me, Leoni?” Wang Weizhen smiled lightly: “Restoring the monarchy in Germany? Waiting for the restoration of the descendants of William II?”

“I can’t know what you think.” Leoni smiled: “Everything is in your hands. I want to be your great prestige, and even if you are quite emperor, there is very little opposition.”

“Ah, I have never done this dream before.” Wang Weizhen said with a smile: “Even if this temporary head of state is located, I am very reluctant to do it. I think the urgent task now is to find a real head of state as soon as possible. It would be great if Adolf was still there.”

Unfortunately, no one can know if Adolf is still alive in this world.

Wang Weizhen invited many people to attend his dinner. The marshal generals of the British Army, Queen Elizabeth II and her husband, Prince Philip, Sir Rosen even included Xiao Ling – Su Ling.

Xiao Ling and Sophie are a mixture of two people, and now they have always kept the same, and they no longer bicker every day, fighting for the ownership of the body. However, the two women still had serious differences on whether to attend the banquet.

Sophie is determined to go to participate, otherwise staying in the base will kill this former blonde. Xiao Ling has no interest in what party to leave the base. Two people disputed this issue for a few hours. Finally, under the repeated persuasion of Wang Weizhen, Leoni and Elena, Xiao Ling reluctantly agreed to leave the base for the first time.

“How lucky the baron.” At the banquet, always humorous Elizabeth II said: “There are always so many beautiful women around him, Leoni, Elena, Sophie, Tyrria, Sevia. Ah, I think My husband should regret it and marry me so early?”

“Yes, yes.” The same humorous Prince Philip was authentic: “I am still young now, maybe I should drink the Baron’s adventure to be the right choice. Maybe I will have so many affair with the Baron.”

The words of the Queen and the couple caused a burst of laughter.

Rommel took the lead in raising the cup: “Let us celebrate under the command of Ernst, we have once again achieved a brilliant victory. Everything for Germany, everything for Ernst!”

“Everything for the Germans is for Ernst!” All but the Elizabethan couple raised their cups.

Wang Weizhen knew too much about the Queen’s thoughts. He said with a cup: “All for the Germans to revive England!”

At this time, the Queen and the couple said with a smile: “Yes, I wish the friendship between Britain and Germany will last forever.”

After the toast, Gudrian quickly said: “The new troops are already armed. A large number of soldiers have entered the Constance base to learn the use of these new weapons. In order to ensure that the two countries can fight together, we have also recruited Some British officers believe that soon new weapons will be officially put into the battlefield. This will once again give the enemy a psychological shock…”

British guests looked at each other. Like the Allies, they are equally shocked by the secret power that Germany has shown. And they are also grateful that the Germans did not hide in front of Brittish, which would make the cooperation between the two armies in the future combat power more tacit.

What makes them feel incredible is, did Baron Alexson anticipate that such a situation would happen 20 years ago?

This doubt actually exists in the hearts of many people. . . . . .

“The learning and use of new weapons should be grasped and put into the battlefield as soon as possible.” Wang Weizhen said with a deep indulgence: “I am going to go to the Middle East and North Africa and Manstein and Riddle to meet with Riddle after Christmas, commanding them to make a big enemies. The counterattack on the scale, when I left, did you assume the responsibility of defending Berlin and guard against the retaliatory counterattack of the Allies…”

The British guests were taken aback. Rosen hurriedly asked: “Lord Baron, are you leaving Berlin?”


“That is a very distant road. No one on the road can know what will happen.” Rosen worried and said: “Don’t you be afraid of encountering the Allies?”

Wang Weizhen laughed, his British friend will never know that he can reach any corner of the world anytime, anywhere: “Rosen, my dear friend, please don’t worry about me, the enemy can’t catch me, this I can guarantee it at all. Of course, I will be careful on the road to make sure that I don’t have any problems. This time I went to North Africa and the Middle East, not purely for adventure, but where we still have millions of It is a pity that the army is not fully utilized by such a huge force… I will be back soon, and the situation in Germany is bound to change again on this scale.

Rosen still wants to say something, but found that these Germans are not worried at all, may they have to worry about it? It’s just that he can’t figure it out anyway. Where is the baron so big? Does he have any way to pass the blockade of the enemy without knowing it?

Some secrets they will never know!

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