The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: my country 866. Red Baron’s sky, floating astronomy

“When the British Army has been awakened, no one can stop the pace of Germany’s progress!”

Grand Marshal Ernst of the German Empire. Breem, 1965 12 month 22 day.

Now, the preparations for the counterattack are already in place, and all the German soldiers are waiting for the official arrival of the counterattack with a powerful and unbelievable high spirit.

The Skulls division, the Prince Eugen Mountain Division, the Nordland Fighting Corps, and all the German troops have been put into preparation before the counterattack.

The most elite legion of Germany, the Baron Guard, has already completed all preparations.

A moment of shocking people will be staged!

Everyone is waiting quietly, Germans, Americans, or allies of Americans. . . . . . The Germans wanted to see how the Baron led Germany to victory, and the Allies also wanted to see how the Baron used his way to accomplish his rhetoric:

Use counterattack to give the enemy a profound lesson!

At the strong request of Corret, Westmoreland, also threatened by the Baron, strengthened the bombing of Berlin. Thousand tons of tons of bombs landed in Berlin and landed on the German positions.

The Germans endured silently, waiting for the final arrival of the great counterattack, and they were also determined to believe that this moment is already in sight. . . . . .

The Germans completed their preparations, and Germany completed its preparations. The great German heroes who all recovered from the British Army also completed the preparations for the attack.

These people have been sleeping for too long, they can’t see the suffering of Germany in their sleep, but now that they have woke up, they will never allow these situations to spread again in Germany.

This is the promise they once made to Germany!

“The base is ready… The attack counts down… Waiting for The Drifter to finally order…” Xiaoling’s voice began to reach Wang Weizhen’s ear.

“23 Day 8, on time to counterattack!” Wang Weizhen coldly issued his order.

“Accept the order, 23 on the morning 8, on time to counterattack!”

On the front line, the German soldiers and the enemy planes were stubbornly resisting, while forcibly repairing the fortifications. And the German soldiers who are about to fight back are taking time to rest.

They must use the most abundant physical strength and the highest morale to invest in such a great counterattack. . . . . .

Kremvall . Rommel’s mood at this moment is undoubtedly the most exciting. He has been the captain of the Baron Guard for a long time. They are the most elite troops in Germany. We don’t want to join the battle all the time, but they don’t get orders, but at the moment Opportunities have already appeared in front of them.

Even more incredible is that they fought under the personal command of the Baron Skulls. And Kremvall, he couldn’t imagine that he would one day be able to fight side by side with his father.

When the father reappeared in front of him, he found that his father seemed to be much younger. He thought it was just his own illusion, but he soon discovered that it was true.

Ah, people who are probably with the baron will have such magic. . . . . .

“Nervous?” Elwin. Rommel’s voice rang behind him.

“Nervous.” In front of his father, Kremvall has nothing to hide: “I can hardly imagine the emergence of this scene today.”

“Nothing can be tense.” Rommel smiled faintly: “At our time, there was always a saying. What is war? The war started with the confrontation of two armies, and then the victory of the Baron Skulls. End.”

When I heard this, Kremvall couldn’t help but laugh. . . . . . In his small memory, his father was always incomparably majestic, and even laughed without laughing, but did not expect his father to say such things today.

“This is the same.” Rommel’s gaze looked into the distance: “When you first set foot on the battlefield, it will be very tense, but when the attacking horn sounds, everything will be forgotten. In your heart, you only need Remember one thing, that is victory, with a victory to welcome a new victory.”

“I understand. Father.” Kremvall nodded hard.

He suddenly became very relaxed, and the tensions that had existed before were disappeared without a trace. Fighting with his father side by side, fighting side by side with the baron. He no longer has any fear of worry.

At this time, the gunfire in the distance began to come faintly. . . . . .


The Allies have received reports that from the aerial reconnaissance, a large number of German troops have completed the assembly. But this did not cause the slightest concern of the Allied Command. The Germans are likely to carry out large-scale attacks.

Under the cover of air and ground artillery without absolute advantage, such a large-scale attack can only be sent to death.

The Germans were probably completely stunned by Ernst’s speech, completely ignoring their absolute downwind and rushing to commit a suicide attack.

Corret, who was commanded at the forefront, also thought that he simply issued an order to guard against enemy attacks. At the same time, he asked the Air Force and artillery to continue to strengthen the bombing on this day.

It was only at this moment that Corret didn’t even think about what kind of nightmare he would encounter. . . . . .

Time passed by in a minute, and Wang Weizhen, who was at the forefront, was waiting quietly. Beside him is a Leopard Tank, and if necessary, he is about to enter the first line of battle anytime, anywhere.

“The big Berlin central assault cluster is ready… Big Berlin left assault cluster is ready… Big Berlin right assault cluster is ready…”

One report after another passed to Wang Weizhen’s ear. . . . . .

“The base flight brigade is ready…” This is the voice of Richtofen. Then, Xiao Ling also said that Wang Weizhen was inspiring: “All the bases are ready to complete the attack…”

Let’s get started, let it all start. The enemy imposed the pain on Germany, so return the pain of ten times the hundred times to those enemies. . . . . .

He looked at the time. According to the usual practice, the enemy’s air force should appear: “Manfred, I know that you are infinitely eager to appear in the blue sky. Last time, you showed your skill in a small moment. Now, let the blue sky become your stage again. Bar, Red Baron!”

Let the blue sky be your stage again – Red Baron!

There was some trembling in Richtofen’s voice: “I am eager for the blue sky, thank you for giving me this opportunity. The Drifter! Base Flying Brigade, all take off, fight!”

Base flight brigade, all take off – meet!

The moment that the Allied Air Force will never forget is finally coming. . . . . .

The planes of the Allies appeared in the sky, and they had forgotten the lessons of the past. After the temporary silence of the base, they have not suffered a heavy blow for a long time. In their view, the German sky is their territory.

And they didn’t even know at the moment that a man who had frightened countless enemy planes in the first and second world wars had officially returned to his stage:

That is – Red Baron!

When the Allied Air Force appeared, the German soldiers watched the sky silently. Their eyes were angry, hateful, and dissatisfied, but they had no choice. They could only be bombarded by the enemy.

The former Air Force German Air Force has been disappearing for a long time. . . . . .

But things like today will never happen again. . . . . .

A large group of German fighters roared in the sky, the front of the long plane, all of them were red. . . . . .

Fire red fighter!

If dark black belongs to only the Baron Skulls, then the fire red also belongs to only one person – Red Baron!

That is the other person who exists in Germany!

Captain Kurt vowed that he would never forget this day.

As the Allied ace pilot, he took off a few times after the start of the Berlin battle. Perhaps only the people in the statistics department knew it. In the numerous take-offs, he also encountered danger, but every time he was able to save his life, he never looked at the German Air Force.

And, does Berlin have an air force? But at this moment, a large number of German planes appeared in front of him.

Captain Kurt was shocked. He really couldn’t figure out what kind of way the Germans hid these fighters. What kind of way was used to let these fighters escape the endless bombing of the Allies.

However, it is too late to let him think. . . . . .

As soon as these German warplanes appeared in the sky, they quickly rushed toward their own goals.

When Baron Skulls returned to Berlin, there was a magical team of German fighters in the sky, also led by the fire red fighter. They magically appeared and magically disappeared. According to the descriptions of the surviving Allied pilots, the performance of these German aircraft far exceeds that of the Allied aircraft.

This also makes the Allied Commands a big doubt. Since the Germans still have such powerful fighters, why have they only appeared once? Or are those survivors telling lies?

Captain Kurt can now prove that his companions are not lying, because at this time he is dealing with these terrible German fighters!

“A large number of German warplanes appeared… and repeated again, a large number of German warplanes appeared… Hell, Sergeant Mahler’s fighter was hit…God, he even parachuted There are no opportunities…”

Captain Kurt’s horrified cry continued to ring in the ground command. . . . . . Damn, those ghostly German fighters have appeared again. . . . . .

In front of this powerful German fleet, the Allied Air Force was beaten without any fuss, and there were constant shots of aircraft cups. What is even more terrifying is that many of the aircraft that were hit were disintegrated directly in the air.

Captain Kurt looked at him as if he had lost a frame of fighters and lost his comrades. . . . . .

Especially the red-hot fighter is simply a demon in the air. He ravaged the Allied forces and firmly ruled the sky.

Red Baron – that myth has once again appeared here!

“J003 is concentrated and the base is being recycled.”

When Xiao Ling’s words came to Wang Weizhen’s ears, the unbeaten God of War on this battlefield smiled. The enemy will never know that they are fighting a group of machines that don’t know the pain and don’t know the fear.

Even the “German” fleet in the sky will never have to worry about what to lose. . . . . .

The Richtofen fleet swept the sky, ruled the blue sky, and in a few minutes there were already 9 Allied aircraft cups shot down. And the rest of them except the horror! Hide, unable to fight back, no way to find a better way. !

“Retreat and immediately evacuate the battlefield!”

Captain Kurt finally waited for this order that relieved him. What happened here is not a battle at all. It is simply a one-sided slaughter!

He once hit a German fighter, but what surprised him was that the injured enemy plane actually evacuated the battlefield without any effort.

Damn, these German planes simply can’t be shot down!

Evacuation – there is no choice but to withdraw!

However, Captain Kurt was quickly targeted by an enemy plane. It was a fiery red fighter. . . . . .

The bullet spurted the fire tongue toward his plane, and Captain Kurt’s opportunity could not give him any substantial help.

After a short while, Captain Kurt’s fighter was wounded. At the moment, he did not know that the missile on the red fire fighter had already targeted him. . . . . .

At the moment Richtofen pressed the button, Captain Kurt made the most important and correct choice in his life:


In the case that his plane can continue to fight, Kurt made a decision to make this decision, and this decision undoubtedly saved his life.

He saw in the air his own fighters were torn into pieces by missiles. . . . . .

If you parachute a few seconds later. . . . . . Captain Kurt couldn’t imagine the consequences. . . . . .

He watched his squadron in the air being chased by the enemy and was massacred by the enemy. He saw his flight squadron shot down one after another. He even swore that he also saw the pilot in the red fire fighter.

Ah, maybe it is the illusion of myself in the air. . . . . .

Captain Kurt was lucky compared to his companions. He landed on his own side and was quickly rescued. But since this time of defeat, Captain Kurt lost the courage to continue fighting, he never went to the blue sky.

He was sent back to the country for psychological reasons and chose to retire in the following 6 months. A former US military ace pilot has fallen like this.

He continued to live for a long, long time. What happened to that war, Captain Kurt did not mention. On the day of his 70 birthday, Captain Kurt died of a heart attack. His children found a diary when they sorted out the relics, and they learned why the captain did what they did in the future.

“That was the day I could never forget in my life…” In the diary, the captain wrote: “We used to think that we had defeated the air power of Germany forever, but the facts tell us that we have not done it at all. The German plane is far more than us in terms of performance and in any aspect, and it is ridiculous that we know nothing about it and fall into the trap of the enemy… Sergeant Mahler, that is my best friend. He also died in the air battle that took place on 1965 12 Day in 23. The poor sergeant has not yet found his will. I know. No one can find it because the sergeant lost everything in the air, including his soul and body… I cursed our intelligence personnel, I cursed my superiors, if not because of their intelligence and Judging mistakes, we will not encounter this nightmare, and I will not become a despicable deserter…

After I was treated, I have lost all my courage. I don’t know what more terrible things will happen in the sky. I can’t take it anymore, even develop it, as soon as I close my eyes, I will be awakened. . . . . . Before that, the German baron had issued a counterattack declaration, but none of us took it seriously. Now, the Baron and his German Air Force have given us the most profound lessons. He told us that we have no Any way to win the home game. . . . . . General Corret was still dreaming there, General Garden was dreaming, and General Westmoreland was also dreaming. Now, these dreams are time to wake up, because Germany has woke up in advance. . . . . .

After the end of the air battle, I had a strong sense of fear in red, and I couldn’t get rid of the psychological obstacles that redness brought me. I later learned that driving the red fire fighter is really a small idol of all pilots, Red Baron! God, I have to be thankful for myself. I am probably the first person to survive the first confrontation with Red Baron. If this is the case, then what else can I regret? Then why should I fly to the sky again? It doesn’t belong to us, it belongs to only one person: Red Baron! I only hope that this scene will never appear again. I only hope that there will never be war in the world. . . . . . ”

This is the self-report of Captain Kurt, and let later people know what terrible things happened in the air that day. Who should take full responsibility for the tragedy.

Captain Kurt is not wrong. He is the best choice for him to leave the army.

Only including him, no one can know the truth that happened that day!

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