The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My Country 859. “Skulls Baron” in the spy world, floating astronomy

“On the battlefield, your arms or legs are blown up. I can put a fake limb for you. If your soul is broken, I have no way. The soul cannot be attached to a prosthetic.”

―Ernst. Breem, 1965, 12, Berlin.

Anne Marie confessed everything and made an “old boy.” She insisted that she is not an “old boy” and she does not know who the “old boy” is.

Both Wang Weizhen and Fells know that Anne Marie can’t lie in such a situation, but it is confusing. Who is the “old boy”?

From the account of Anne Marie, her spy identity is very high, and it is very important for the Allied forces. Is it in Berlin that there is another Allied spy who is higher than her identity?

Anne Marie’s butler, Ghent, also didn’t know that they knew the existence of the “old boy” but never seen him.

“It will soon be dawning, and soon I will return to the battlefield.” Wang Weizhen fell into meditation: “But when I think of a spy behind me that has such a deep hidden enemy, I will I feel so cold.

You, Fells, are you afraid? ”

“I am afraid.” Fells knew the seriousness of the situation, and he nodded and said.

However, the clue to Anne Marie is completely broken here. . . . . .

“General, the new document is here.” At this time a bunch of new files were sent in, and Firth Hiroshi put the documents here.

The documents piled up on the desk in front of Wang Weizhen, and Wang Weizhen’s eyes swept over the pile of documents, and suddenly something caused his curiosity.

That is the corner of a pink envelope.

He took the letter out of the pile of documents, took it apart, and smiled at first glance: “Fells, our old friend wrote again.”

The letter was still typed out, still a pink envelope. When Fairs saw the letter, Anne Marie and Ghent were captured. So now?

Who wrote these two letters? Who is the person who wrote the letter?

This time, the content written in the letter is very simple: “Check out Prunne’s guests at the dinner party… Baron Alexson ・ As your loyal friend, I will continue to accompany you to fight.”

No, nothing but these two words.

Baron Alexson, as your loyal friend, I will continue to fight with you!

who is it? Who is this person? Baron Alexson’s friend? But why didn’t he dare to show up, why should he contact Wang Weizhen in this way?

Wang Weizhen can’t guess who this person is. But this is no longer important. The important thing is that this “friend” has provided him with a new clue. . . . . .

“The guests of that day, in addition to General Prunne, Andrey. Krupp.” Anne Marie’s new interrogation, no more concealment: “Inviting Prunne alone, may cause suspicion, if you invite another identity The status of the guests can greatly reduce such doubts. It seems that Andrey is also my friend.”

In Anne Marie’s description, Andrey doesn’t have any doubts. His only shortcoming is probably that he is somewhat absent-minded about his work. And, more importantly, he is the future heir to the Krupp family. A Krupp family that has made a huge contribution to Germany and has never changed its loyal faith!

People from such a family cannot have any connection with a spy.

Fells was a little disappointed, and the clues were broken again. . . . . . .

“Andrey .Krupp ?” Wang Weizhen suddenly came to the interest: “The only heir to the Krupp family?”

“Yes, it is him, I don’t think he has something to doubt.”

“No, General Fells, on the contrary, I think it should be secretly controlled by Andrey.”

Wang Weizhen suddenly thought of something.

The Krupp family has a long history and its vast roots make it seem that nothing can destroy Krupp. Except for the next heir.

In particular, there is a heir to the ancestors of the number.

Andrey, the eldest son of Alfred. Krupp is destined to be a person who will disappoint every Krupp. Andrey has never shown any talent or inclination to prove his ability to be the sixth generation of Krupp’s head. In an interview, Andrey’s performance is not like a Krupp: he told a magazine reporter: “Krupp has consumed the happiness of my family for generations;” he told a magazine reporter. “I don’t like my father. He can dedicate his life to a certain cause or industry, and he doesn’t even consider whether it is worthwhile.” When he saw the third reporter, he said: “If I take my father. If the performance is converted into working hours, he will work longer than his life. I don’t want to live like this. I don’t want to overdraw the future.” When asked about his own ambitions, he said that from now on he will Have a “carefree life.”

Someone once commented: “The heirs of this number of ancestors have not brought any benefits to the family, but his expenses are no match in the family. The ancestors of hard work have finally learned how to spend money.”

Wang Weizhen knows that these people don’t know, it happened in history, but nothing happened with the appearance of “The Drifter”.

He knows Andrey. Krupp this person!

“Bring all the leaked information before,” Wang Weizhen said faintly.

The information was sent to him in front of him. Wang Weizhen chose a few of them to look at it carefully. After about half an hour, his head was lifted again: “Krupp made secretly for the military. The cannon was quickly bombed on the way to the front line… The secret factory set up by Krupp was bombarded by the Allied Air Force the next day… Fels, in a few In the case of serious leaks, Krupp has a relationship without exception… I don’t believe Andrey .Krupp, arrest him!”

Arrest him!

Although the evidence is very inadequate, Wang Weizhen is not willing to wait any longer. He must use the means of thunder to eliminate all possible hidden dangers.

Anyone who is doubtful!

Andrey . Krupp was secretly arrested, and in order to dispel doubts about the Krupp family, which has made tremendous contributions to Germany, Wang Weizhen also sent someone to bring Andrey’s father, Alfred, together.

The look on Alfred and Andrey are panicking, but the panic looks completely different. . . . . .

“Marshal Ernst, I don’t understand what we did wrong.” Alfred said in a mouthful: “We work hard to defend Berlin, but why should we arrest us?”

“Mr. Alfred Krupp, if you are causing any unhappiness to you, I sincerely apologize to you, but this matter has nothing to do with you.” Wang Weizhen said politely, then looked away. It fell to Andrey: “Andrey .Krupp, the next heir to the Krupp family. Do you have anything to say?”

“Ah, I don’t understand what you mean, Marshal.” Andrey tried to hide his panic.

“Hey, I really hope that you can understand.” Wang Weizhen said faintly: “Anne Marie thinks that you are a piece that she can use, but she will never think of it, in fact, you are deliberately used by her. Without you Secretly assisted, many of her intelligence is simply not available. And she is actually just a piece you use, right? Andrey .Krupp. Ah, I want to call you this is not accurate / or should call you ‘old boy ,?”

“What the hell is going on, Andrey?” Alfred listened to the fog.

Andrey was even more alarmed: “Marshal, I really don’t know what you mean by these words.”

Wang Weizhen said with a smile: “Mr. Andrey .Krupp, I don’t think we have to go round again. You haven’t been trained by Americans, just willingly work for our enemies. So I firmly believe that you can’t survive those terrible things. Interrogation. I personally suggest that you still voluntarily confess, if the details are honest, plus the Krupp family’s contribution to Germany, I can guarantee to leave your life.”

Sweat flowed down Andrey’s forehead. The shocked, stunned Alfred yelled out, “God, Andrey, what have you done?”

“It was they who forced me, and Kilmer forced me.” Andrey did not have any relationship with the word “strong”. He quickly gave up any form of resistance: “They made me act as an American spy. No, you won’t believe it at all. When I heard this, I also said it from Kilmer’s mouth. How shocked I was. A German head of state actually mobilized me as a US spy. I am afraid they will kill me. I promised them. Ah, yes, I am

‘Old boy, I have provided a lot of information to the Americans. I have such convenient conditions. . . . . . ”

Andrey confessed all of them. . . . . .

Starting with 1962, Andrey. Krupp, the only heir to the Krupp family, became an American spy. In three years, he has provided more than 6000 information to the United States, including more than 2000.

This has brought enormous losses that are irreparable to Germany.

He has many favorable conditions to get close to the core secrets of Germany, especially the new weapons that are being manufactured, so that the Allies can deal with them in a targeted manner.

This is a disaster in Germany and a disaster for the Krupp family.

“I, I am really sorry for you…” Alfred seems to have been killed. When the Krupp family struggled for Germany to win the war, his son was betrayed Germany. No matter how much the Krupp family has contributed, it cannot offset this shame.

“You are probably looking for a new heir for yourself.” Wang Weizhen sighed: “I won’t be involved in the Krupp family because of this. You can do it with confidence. Alfried. Mr. Krupp, thank you and your factory for your great contribution to Germany.”

The case of the “old boy” was detected in such a special way. In the investigation of this case, Ernst. Marshal Breem personally supervised and personally interrogated. And one of them has played a particularly good role:

Baron Alexson’s “Old Friends.”

Wang Weizhen does not know who this “old friend” is.

“Marshal, your call.” Just as Wang Weizhen was about to leave the office, General Fells walked in a wheelchair: “I think you have to listen.”

When I picked up the phone, there was a hoarse old voice on the head: “Ernst, I know you will come back, how, I give you a gift?”!

Can directly call Wang Weizhen “Ernst”, only his friend, Wang Weizhen feels that this voice is very familiar but can’t remember where he heard it: “Yes, Anne Marie and Andrey are two gifts, I am very Satisfied. Ah, you are a very capable person, and you can send me the information in front of me.”

“Hey, Ernst, I am always a man of skill…”

When this sentence is said, Wang Weizhen suddenly remembers who this person is! God, he is still not dead! He actually ran to Berlin, a place that was overwhelmed by war!

He is indeed his “friend” – or more accurately, he is not the kind of “friend” in the true sense.

“Are you still alive?” Wang Weizhen’s mouth showed a smile.

“Of course, if you live, of course I have to live, lose me, you will lose a lot of fun. Of course, the most important thing is that with the current intelligence, I think you probably need my assistance very much.”

“Yes, I need your help, and I urgently need your assistance.”

“So, there is a black car outside, are you willing to come to the car to see me?”

“I will arrive after 20 minutes.”

“Okay, I am waiting for you.”

The phone was hung up.

Wang Weizhen put down the phone: “I want to go out and let no one follow me.”

“What? What if it is a trap?” Fells asked worriedly.

“No, there won’t be anything.”

Wang Weizhen sorted out his clothes: “If Feels is threatened, you will not aim the gun at me, even if you fall into the hands of the enemy. This is also true of this person. Not to mention the world except I, no one can catch this guy.”

Fells didn’t understand who the guy in the mouth of Marshal Ernst said. .

The black cars are quietly parked on the side of the road. Two people are working nearby. Wang Weizhen only knows that this is the bodyguard that protects the person in the car.

A German temporary head of state, Grand Marshal, did not want any defense to come out, this is probably only Wang Weizhen can do it. He pulled the door open without any hesitation. When he saw the face of the man in the car, he smiled and said:

“Really you, Sidney. Riley!”

Sidney. Riley – a legendary spy active in every country from the First World War to the Second World War!

His name is in the spy world and Ernst. Breem is as full of magic. His story is with Ernst. Breem is full of all sorts of incredible miracles.

Not many people have seen his true face, he is very sultry, and he is willing to eradicate anyone close to him when necessary. His six parents do not recognize that you can betray you anytime, anywhere. And his life was only lost to a person, and since then has become the most powerful assistant of this person on another front:

That is Baron Alexson!

“Ernst .Breem, your damn guy is still not dead!” Sidney. When Riley said this, he couldn’t hide his excitement. He and Ernst. Breem hugged in the car: “Damn, I thought I could get rid of you from now on, and you are back.”

“Riley, don’t dream, you can’t get rid of me as long as you live.” Wang Weizhen smiled, but the feelings that came out of his heart probably only he knew.

In the First World War, he caught Riley and placed a tracker in his body. When the Second World War broke out, Wang Weizhen quickly found Riley and set up the Sidney Death Squad.

This death squad is active in Moscow, the heart of the enemy, whenever Ernst. When Marshal Breem needed them, they always appeared in the first place and faithfully completed Ernst. Marshal Breem handed them the task.

Wang Weizhen and Sidney. Riley is a relationship of employment, but it is also a relationship of friends. Of course, the boundaries of the latter relationship seem to be somewhat ambiguous.

“Your death squad?” Wang Weizhen refrained from asking his own emotions.

“Ah, they are all dead.” Riley sighed. “After the end of the Second World War, we continued to be active in various countries. Some of them were killed and some died. I am still alive. However, I have re-established a much larger intelligence network over the years.”

Over the years I have organized a much larger intelligence network.

When I heard this, Wang Weizhen’s eyes lit up. Now what he needs most is this. Due to Kilmer’s reasons, the German intelligence agencies suffered the most serious damage. It was impossible to rely on the power of Fells alone to restore the normal work of the intelligence system in a short period of time.

The appearance of Riley is just a timely rain, no one is richer than his experience. His numerous battles have been carried out in the enemy’s heart forces, and countless times have been dug into incredible work. He is the “Skulls Baron” in the spy world. When he got his help, everything will soon be on the right track.

Wang Weizhen took a deep breath: “Tell me why you are in Berlin!”

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