The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: my country 855. Art Delier and Eliot, Astronomy

China, 1965 years. !

A few cows and sheep walked lazily on the grass. From time to time, they leaned down and licked a few mouthfuls of grass. Not far away, it was a long-standing trumpet temple.

Art Delier “Zaba” stood at the door and looked at the flock of cattle and sheep, as if something was touching him faintly.

His age is already great, but he is still only a first-time “Zaba”. To achieve “Lama”, he still has to go through many studies and tests.

“Art Delier, what did you see?” There was such a voice behind him.

That is the master of Art Delier, the more advanced Pasang “Tashi” than the “Lama.”

“Master.” One mouth, Art Delier’s Chinese words are very weird: “I saw the tranquility of life. These cattle and sheep, they can completely ignore the disputes of the human world. Their fate has been doomed from the beginning, but No one of them will pay attention to it, and in their limited life, they will always enjoy their lives.”

“You have learned a little, but you haven’t fully realized it.” Basan smiled and said: “They don’t want to pay attention to it, but they don’t have the capital to fight. They don’t even want to fight. This is completely different from human beings. Many people are destined to be fate in their lives, but some of them are not reconciled. They fight against fate. They use their own efforts to change the fate they have already been destined for. I think you know a lot of people like this. “”

“Yes, I recognize some of these people, masters.” Art Delier is somewhat ecstatic: “Some people are born in poverty, but they are always working hard. Their fate is completely changed by themselves. They can even master the lives and deaths of hundreds of millions of people. These, maybe their parents didn’t even think of it when they gave birth…”

His Chinese dialect is really weird, but Ba Sang “Tashi” has already been used to it: “” You came here for the first time, I asked why you came, you said to come to pursue the mystery of life. I said the only mystery of life, I have been searching for a long time but still can’t master it, but you insist on staying here. I agreed. Where are you from, your identity, I have never asked

But I know that you must have been a great person in the past. Art Delier, tell me, are you looking for the mystery of life? ”


“Yeah, no. Maybe no one can trace the true mystery of life.”

“No, Master.” Art Delier replied very firmly: “I know that one person has already pursued it, because I have seen it with one eye and it is a magical thing.”

“Ah, you are so lucky, I should probably look at that person too. But why are you looking for the mystery of life? Is it for the sake of immortality?”

“No, no.” Art Delier shook his head. “I don’t expect to live forever. In order to come here, I have studied the local language for many years. In order to come here, I gave up a lot of things. But I am not really For the sake of longevity. I just want to see the person again… He is my best friend, he is my most respectable brother… but he always leaves again and again I, I want to see him, I know that as long as I am alive, I will still see him. Master, this is the only purpose I came here… Maybe one day he will come here too… …”

Basan “Tashi” nodded silently. A person with a belief, no matter what his purpose, is always worthy of respect.

From the first day of Art Delier’s appearance here, Basan was a little surprised. The other party is a foreigner, and he is still young, but stubborn to stay here. Basang was finally moved by his sincerity and agreed to stay.

The longer he was in contact with him, the more Pasang felt that this person was great, he must have been a big man before. However, Ba Sang did not ask too much.

People always have secrets that they are not willing to say. . . . . .

It is almost isolated from the rest of the world. It is the best place to retreat. The mountains block all external forces that affect the practice. The lama’s necessities of life are brought back by the outside herders from the outside every six months.

A peaceful place.

“Master Tashi.” A herder came to pick up a few horses full of necessities: “I need you to bring it back from outside.”

“Ah, thank you, Labadava.” Pasang smiled and expressed his gratitude.

At the time of unloading, Labadava gave Art Delier a ceremony: “Art Delier, hello. You want me to bring you some newspapers to bring back, but I forgot, I am really sorry.”

“Nothing, La Badawa.” Art Delier didn’t care too much: “You have been a fan of newspapers since half a year. But what new things do you tell me?”

“Ah, I want to think about it.” Labadava chose a few things that he thought were interesting to tell the other side, but obviously La Badawa was not particularly interested in these. Labadava took a picture: “Ah, there are still some things, don’t know if you are willing to listen. The United States and Germany are fighting…”

“What? Is the United States and Germany fighting?” Art Delier’s voice raised and became a bit sharp: “Is this true?”

“Ah, I think it is true.” Rabadawa was shocked by the attitude of the other party: “I heard it on the radio, and there is a country called the United Kingdom. I surrendered to the United States and heard that many of them are headed by the United States. The army, already hit the first scream of Germany, what is it called?”

“Berlin!” Art Delier said to him in a gloomy look.

“Yes, Berlin, Art Delier, you know so much.” Rabadawa said with no pleasingness: “It seems that the country called Germany is over.”

“Impossible, impossible, the army? The powerful German army? They can’t fail.” Art Delier muttered: “The United States can’t beat Germany, impossible! Wrong, wrong, must be Wrong. No country can beat Germany!”

Labadava didn’t know what Art Delier had, and it slipped aside quietly. . . . . .

“Art Delier, are you leaving?” At this time, Pasang came to him again.

Art Delier smiled a little bit when he thought about it. “I always thought that I could put everything down, but there are still many things I can’t put down. Master, I want to pursue the mystery of life, but I found something better than The mystery of life is more important. Yes, I am leaving.”

“You didn’t belong here.” Basan still smiled like this: “Your world is much bigger than here. What you should do is more important than retreat here. If you can’t put it in your heart, don’t let go. Maybe In your own world, you can find the mystery of life. Go, do what you think you should do.”

“Thank you, Master.” Art Delier said with gratitude: “Maybe I will lose my life this time, but I have to go back. There are so many people waiting for me… and I always have a feeling, where I will see the person I have been looking for again…”

“The power of faith is always the most powerful.” Basan’s words were encouraged, and he said to La Badawa: “Labadawa. When you go back, bring Art Delier to Zaba.”

“Yes, Master Samba.”

Go back? What do you encounter when you go back? Will you meet that person again? Art Delier doesn’t know. The only thing he knows is that he has to go back.

As the master said, he may not really belong here. . . . . .

United States, 1965 year 12 month.

Eliot walked into the Morgan Building with ease.

For him, he is so familiar. He has come here many times, and has talked with the masters here numerous times – Gates. Morgan.

This is a member of the “New York Alliance”, the size of this alliance is unimaginable: the Morgan family, the Rockefeller family, and the Wittgenstein family!

Gates. Morgan and Lawrence. Rockefeller has been waiting here. When I saw Elliott coming in, Gates. Morgan didn’t have too much opening remarks: “Are our friends really coming back?”

“Yes, the Baron is really back.” Eliot nodded solemnly.

“It’s a magical baron.” Gates shrugged. “My father, Lawrence’s father, is a member of the interest alliance. But now they are no longer, but the baron is still there. I am really I want to ask how the Baron did it.

“When you see him, you will know.” Eliot looked serious: “Gentlemen, the situation has developed somewhat out of control. The war between the United States and Germany has caused great losses to our interests. Gentlemen, I think we should do something.”

“Mr. Elliot, I have to remind you.” Lawrence said: “We all know your relationship with the Baron and your feelings about Germany, but the New York Alliance is an interest group. War, it will make us rich.” Who wins and loses has nothing to do with us. We only care about what we can get from it.”

Obviously, Gates is the same idea. . . . . .

These people are more concerned with the benefits than their parents. They also have a more savvy mind than their parents, and they have no profit. They will never extend their own hands.

Even if they are profitable, they must judge how big the benefits are.

Eliot fully understands this: “Gentlemen, I agree with you, but please don’t forget that war money can really give us a lot of wealth, but is there any other way? Even let us have complete control over a country. Economy? I think you have all experienced the economic collapse that has swept across the United States…”

Yes, Gates and Lawrence nodded involuntarily. When the economic collapse swept the United States, no one thought that this was a good show for the “New York Alliance”. They have earned countless benefits in this financial crisis.

“The same thing we can do again.” Eliot has long been confident: “Opportunity, will not wait for us, or even die, I have a good idea, I hope you can listen….. .”

He said his entire plan, Gates and Lawrence nodded frequently, and when Eliot finished speaking, Gates could not help but admire: “The same technique, but not the same operation. Mr. Eliot, I admire Your wisdom, I think this will not only allow us to control the US economy once again, but also allow us to get more…”

“But it takes a long time…” Lawrence said! My inner worries: “To achieve our goals successfully, the prerequisite is whether you can stick to that time. Mr. Elliot. Let’s talk about it realistically. I know your purpose very well. Your starting point is to prepare for helping Germany. If there is sufficient interest, we don’t care about Germany or the United States, but can Germany adhere to your vision to our success? ”

“Must be sure.” Eliot nodded without hesitation: “Now Germany is being commanded by the Baron. Have you seen the magic of the Baron? I have seen it, I firmly believe that the Baron can succeed. But I think the Baron also needs our help. I can give them the most direct help, I think you know what it is.

“Army, a lot of arms.” Gates blurted out: “We are fully capable of doing it. With the power of the New York Union, we can fully support a country for a large war. Mr. Eliot, this will be our early stage. Investment, we also have the means to send these arms to Germany. But we need some commitment from Mr. Baron. You know, only the magical Baron Alexson promised to join the plan, we can be confident and bold.”

“Of course, but I have to wait for the situation in Berlin to settle down a bit.” Eliot is not sure if the Baron is likely to come to the United States, but he decided to do everything he can to help the Baron: “To ensure that Berlin defends the battle. Victory, we will begin to ship the first batch of arms. Of course, Germany still needs a lot of things, even airplanes and tanks.”

These seemingly difficult things are not difficult for the people present. Lawrence nodded. “I agree that Berlin’s situation is urgent. The sooner the first arms are shipped, the more they can be given. Germany is helping. Whether Germany can hold on to it will be the key to the success of our entire plan. Mr. Gates, you have a good relationship with the Deputy Minister of Defense. I think you can help us smoothly transport the arms to Berlin. ”

“Ah, no, I don’t need to use the Minister of Defense for the time being.” Gates said, “We have other methods, and the problem of transportation should be handed over to me. As for the Deputy Minister of Defense, I will use it in the future.” a lot of.”

Politics and money are always closely linked.

The big men who are high above are not really in the eyes of these big chaebols. They have the means to let them serve themselves anytime and anywhere.

It is exactly the same as “our group” and “hornet” organization.

“Mr. Elliot, I have a problem that I never understand.” After discussing the specific details, Lawrence asked: “President William is also coming out of the Wittgenstein family. It is reasonable to say that he should be very close to Germany. But what makes me wonder is why President William is so determined to launch a war against Germany?”

In fact, William himself is a German. . . . . Eliot sighed in his heart: “I can’t give you an accurate answer, and you know that it was with our help that William became the youngest president of the United States, but he betrayed Witt. The Genstein family betrayed us.”

Gates sighed: “I think you should find a chance to talk to President William, maybe there will be a turn.”

Eliot smiled a bit, and now William is not his own familiar William. When the war broke out, he had a fierce quarrel with William. After that time, when I was out, I found out that the FBI agents were tracking themselves.

Some secrets are not even known to William. Even at the top of the FBI, Eliot still has his own trustworthy relationship.

This made him have to use these relationships to successfully solve the trouble of being tracked.

But he and William have broken apart, at least in Elliot’s view. William launched the war, he betrayed his true motherland, and he betrayed his father, Baron Alexson!

On several occasions, Eliot wanted to talk to William again. He sent an invitation to William to Wittgenstein, but he did not get a reply from William. Even if Eliot asked to see the president, he was rejected by William for various reasons.

He is afraid to face himself and is afraid to face the Wittgenstein family! A person who betrayed his faith is always shameful!

But in the deepest part of Eliot’s heart, he still refuses to give up William. After all, this is his best friend who grew up together, the biological son of the baron and the baroness, who spent so much happiness together. Time.

If time can go back, Eliot vows that it will not let these things happen.

The return of the baron may be able to solve these problems.

Eliot sighed again: “Gentlemen, in our life, there are things that can be solved, but some things have to face the cruel reality, and this is the cruel reality. The president will not listen to any of us. One person, he has his own thoughts and judgments, and what we can do is to prove that his approach is wrong.”

“Thank you good luck, dear Mr. Elliot,” Gates and Lawrence said at the same time.

“I wish you all the best luck!”

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