The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: my country eight hundred and forty-five. Catching Kilmer (below), floating astronomy

“Buschman hasn’t returned yet?” Some annoyed Kilmer walked back and forth.

“Ah, I haven’t come back yet, but I believe that Buschman can take Earnesti out.” Wolf comforted his “heads”: “In any case, at least, Berlin must have become a mess, we still have a chance.” Can go out.”

Kilmer’s face was so ugly that he was really unwilling to get to the extreme, everything he had gained so many years, and the result was that he suddenly lost all of it because of a person’s sudden appearance.

And he, now, is hiding in Tibet with a dog that falls into the water.

He vowed that he would be able to leave Berlin, and one day he would be able to come back and regain his power.

He was able to make a very clear judgment, and under the powerful attack of the Allies, Berlin could not last long, even if there were any barons who commanded Berlin’s soldiers and civilians here.

At that time, the Allies needed a person to maintain order in Germany, and they would be the most suitable candidates.

Of course, the premise of these things is that you must escape from Berlin!

“No, I can’t stay here for a long time.” Kilmer seemed to smell something dangerous: “Earnesti has been away for too long, we are always exposed, and leave here immediately.”

“But if they succeed, what can we do if we can’t find us back?” Wolff hesitated.

His words made Kilmer hesitate again. He thought about it for a long time before saying: “Then wait for them for the last hour!”

Kilmer still has a lot of confidence in the return of Buschmann.

Time passed by in a minute, and the uneasiness in Kilmer’s heart was even stronger. The radio had no news like Buschman, and the Allied Command seemed to have been interrupted. This damn thing, why didn’t the Allies send a message to themselves?

“Leave here, leave here.” Kilmer finally decided to stop waiting.

“The head of state, there are a large number of armed personnel nearby.” Commander William, who is in charge of the Kilmer Guard, hurried over.

Kilmer suddenly became pale, and the more he was afraid, the more he came. Those who arrested themselves still appeared!

“Fast, order the soldiers to stop them!” Kilmer decided to break the boat.

“The head of state, please leave here immediately. I will be responsible for blocking the enemy for you.” William has still maintained his loyalty to Kilmer.

“William, everything is up to you,” Kilmer said with some gratitude.

The battle is almost instantaneous. Here, William can command only a hundred people, while the other side has a strength and firepower far greater than theirs.

In order to get as much time as possible for Kilmer, William is almost desperate there. . . . . .

He desperately directed his soldiers to shoot, and even shot a man who tried to escape. For him, his life is already the least important thing.

He chose to stand firmly on the side of Kilmer, no matter whether the choice is right or wrong, at least he is a respectable officer.

However, the firepower of the pursuers was so fierce that the soldiers who could continue to fight around Williams were less and less, and even William himself was injured.

But William’s heart was a long sigh of relief, and he insisted that it took nearly ten minutes to give the Kilmer heads ample time.

Suddenly, a grenade exploded near him, and then William fainted.

When he was awake with cold water, he and his surviving subordinates had become captives.

Then he saw the face of a German officer.

“I am a Hart temporary major.”

Hart temporary major? Do you have such a position in a German military officer?

Hart didn’t care about what the other person was thinking: “Mr. Colonel, I was ordered to arrest Kilmer, and according to our information, Kilmer is hiding here, but unfortunately we have not seen him now. Mr. Colonel, you can tell Where did he go where he went?”

“I don’t know.” William smiled. “I really don’t know. I didn’t ask where the Yuan first went. Because I know that once I fall into your hands, I can’t stand your confession and all the tricks.” Come out. So when I really don’t know, no matter how you torture me, I can’t give you a satisfactory answer. Do you say Mr. Temporary Major?”

Hart believes that what he said is true, which is probably the most effective way to hide secrets.

He shrugged: “Bring the colonel to General Fells.”

At this time, Hasler, who was in charge of searching around, returned to Hart’s side: “Nothing found, Kilmer must find the way to escape in advance.”

“We have to catch him.” Hart’s answer did not hesitate: “It is not that if I can’t catch him, I will be reduced to a lieutenant, but because this is the task that the Baron gave me.”

Hassler nodded, and he certainly understood what Hart meant.

Hart had been in it for a long time: “Haasler, where do you say Kilmer can go now?”

“I’m not particularly sure.” Hasler carefully thought about it for a while: “The whole Berlin is already under the control of the Baron, and he basically has no place to hide.”

“Yeah, he is the most desperate moment now…” Hart said: “When a person is desperate, what place do they choose?”

He suddenly made up his mind: “Give me a call from General Fells.”

The phone was quickly connected: “General General Fells, the enemy’s resistance is very tenacious, we haven’t caught Kilmer yet. Ah, don’t worry, I will bring Kilmer to you….. But I have a small request and I want to talk directly to Marshal Ernst…”

“What, you have to talk directly to Marshal Ernst?” Fells at the end of the phone was obviously scared.

Hart said with a hard scalp: “Yes, this is very important. Please believe me, I need to know something, which is very helpful for catching Kilmer.”

“Well, I try my best to help you try.” Fells probably made a lot of determination: “But I hope you know what you are doing there.”

“Yes, I know exactly what I am doing.”

“Wait for the phone, Hart.”

The phone hangs up, and Hart puts down the phone. He glances at Hassler’s face and smiles. Hart smiled a bit: “If I catch Kilmer, I think I will be finished.”

Waiting for a few minutes in anxiety, the phone finally rang. Hart hurriedly grabbed the phone, a voice that was not so majestic: “Hart Temporary Major?”

“It’s me, are you?” Hart, although he guessed who he was, asked with respect and respect.

“I am Ernst .Breem.”

“Marshal, hello!” Hart’s heart screamed wildly, and he couldn’t dream of it. The baron really gave himself a call and he was really talking to the baron.

“Major, tell me what you need me to do.”

“Ah, yes Marshal, we are arresting Kilmer, but he has escaped. I know that he is the son of the former head of the intelligence service, Nikolai. The old Nikolai is your friend. You know what he has in Berlin. Old house?”

“Major, you are really smart.” Marshal Ernst at the other end of the phone understood the meaning of the subordinates: “In the southeast of the city, near Miguel Lake, there is a house in the old Nikolai, Nikola often in Monforta. And I said that almost no one knows his secret location, he always goes there when he is upset.”

“Thank you, Marshal Ernst, I think I know where to go.”

“You are doing very well in the majors. You have been very impressed with me whether you can succeed. Feels actually invented the position of temporary major, then I can tell you now that you are already a German army. A formal major, I wish you good luck, major.”

Hart almost trembled and hung up the phone until this time, and he found his heart still beating wildly there.

Haast swallowed a sip: “Do you really talk to Marshal Ernst?”

“Oh yes, I really talked to Marshal Ernst.” Hart himself didn’t seem to believe what had happened. It took him a long time to regain his calm: “I think we will have something near Miguel Lake in the southeast of the city. Haast, can you believe it, Marshal Ernst just wished me good luck.”

Hast’s infinite jealousy gave his friend a glance. . . . . .

“This is the place I used to live in my childhood.” Looking at the familiar things, Kilmer sighed with a sigh: “I never thought that I would return here one day.”

Now, there is only one Wolf left around him, and the officials who followed him from the Empire State Building were either caught or missing.

I must thank the loyal William, or I can’t even escape myself. Kilmer thinks in my heart.

Here, the father always likes to bring himself to the place where he was when he was a child, and became the last hiding place that Kilmer could think of.

Can you think of it? An imperial head of state, who used to be a stalwart, is now hiding in Tibet like a family dog.

“I think they will catch up with it in a few moments.” Wolf was a bit frustrated.

“But at least we can stay safe for a few days here, no one knows it.” Kilmer found some disappointment: “Wolf, have you heard of the story of Ferdinand VII?”

Wolfe stunned and then shook his head.

Kilmer is ecstatic: “In the Bourbon dynasty’s many Spanish monarchs, Charles III was one of the most popular among historians. Charles III felt the many abuses caused by the church’s internal affairs, and it was effective in the interior of the empire with an unprecedented iron fist. Reform.

He ordered the expulsion of the Jesuits, banned the activities of the monks, disbanded them and confiscated their property. The famous action that Charles III was most welcomed by the people and most hated by the church ended the terror caused by religious courts and torture. Compared with his father, Charles IV, the son of Charles III, was criticized by the historian. Charles IV reused Jonson Manuel. Godoy, this person served as the chief minister of state and prime minister of the dynasty, holding the president of the government for 25 years. Under the instigation of Godoy, Charles IV and the new European capital Napoleon allied, this mistake in decision-making led to one of the biggest failures in Spanish history.

In the famous Battle of Trafalgar, the British fleet led by Admiral Nelson almost completely annihilated the Fassian Fleet, and the Spanish Invincible Fleet has since become a rather ironic historical term. The Spanish people rioted against the autocratic rule of Godoy, and Godoy fled in the last moment to seek French asylum. Napoleon hosted the former ally in a dark, damp cell. Charles IV was a sinister, and abdicated, giving way to his son Ferdinand VII. Napoleon saw a bad situation – and led the troops into Spain. Ferdinand had not yet become a king, and he was first captured as a prisoner. Napoleon appointed his brother Joseph. Bonaparte is the new king. The Spaniards fought back and launched a so-called guerrilla war against the French invasion. In 1812, representatives of the various peoples of Spain gathered in Cadiz and adopted a new constitution, which defined the boundaries between royal power and church power. This moment has a historic significance because it marks the birth of the first constitutional monarchy in Spanish history.

Napoleon defeated the mainland and was exiled overseas. Ferdinand also returned to power in 1814. Although he accepted the new constitution jointly drafted by the 1812 people’s representatives, at the same time, this monarchy, who is easy to change for others, overthrew many of the reform measures of his predecessor, Charles III. • Monks, religious courts and The torture was returned to Spain. ”

The story that Kilmer suddenly said, quickly made Wolf understand what.

The overthrown German head of state – although he did not want to admit it – still wants to be like Ferdinand VII, one day he can return to Berlin, take over the power again, and recapture everything that belongs to him!

But he probably did not think of one thing. Now, his biggest enemy is Baron Alexson! The baron is definitely not so easy to hand over the power in his hand.

Kilmer didn’t even think about it. He seemed to be talking in the daydreamingly: “Wolf, only you are with me at this time. And your loyalty will get my return. When I am in the league With the help of the army, I will return to Berlin. I will give you generously no matter where you need it.”

Wolfe smiled a bit.

Now, what he is thinking about is not what to return to Berlin as a senior official. The only thing he wants is how to keep his life.

“I am a little tired. I need to take a break.” The constant escape made Kilmer’s physical strength overdraft. He yawned: “Please help me to pay attention to everything nearby, Wolf.”

“Okay, heads of arms.” Wolf agreed to respectfully.

But at the moment Kilmer turned around, the gunshot rang. . . . . . Kilmer leaned forward and barely stood still. He had a hard time going back. He saw the muzzle in Wolf’s hand smouldering.

“Wolf, Wolf.” Blood is flowing out of the wound. Kilmer said painfully: “Why are you betraying me? Why?”

“I want to live, heads.” Wolfe stepped back nervously: “We can’t take back anything from the baron. We can’t even leave Berlin. That’s the reality we have to face. It’s over. , the head of state, everything is over. I know that you are not willing and will not surrender, I can only take such an extreme way.”

Kilmer smirked: “Wolf, is this your reward for me? Do you think that if you kill me, can you exchange your freedom?”

“I don’t know, I don’t know.” Wolf couldn’t help but step back: “But at least, with your body, maybe I can have a chance.”

Kilmer wants to rush, but he loses all his strength, and he falls softly to the ground.

As his life gradually left him, he seemed to be back in China, where he first saw the real Baron Skulls. . . . . .

Kilmer suddenly said loudly: “Wait, Mr. Major.”

When he stood up, his body seemed to tremble slightly, step by step to the front of the thing, pick it up, and then asked in a trembling voice: “Mr. Major, where did you come from?”

This is a Skulls badge!

From the father’s mouth, the three Kilmers are too familiar with the Skulls badge. They have seen such badges numerous times in their fathers, and they know that this is the sign of the Skulls commando.

And their father once said that the Skulls Baron is different. His badge is black with white Skulls, while the other players are white with black Skulls.

No one dares to use the black and white Skulls badge – except for the Skulls Baron Ernst. Breem!

At that time, he was so admired by the Baron, but he did not think of it anyway, he would one day become a life and death enemy with the Baron, and he eventually lost to the Baron.

It’s weird, it’s a strange life. . . . . .

Kilmer . Nikolai is dead. This former German head of state, who deceived countless Germans, died.

He died in the hands of his most cronies.

Maybe God has already destined everyone’s destiny.

Wolf checked Kilmer’s body and slowly walked out after he determined that the person on the ground had not caused any threat to himself.

When he went out, he found that a large number of German soldiers had appeared outside.

Wolf quickly raised his hands:

“I am Wolf, Kilmer is dead, his body is inside.”

The German soldiers slowly leaned on.

Kilmer died like this.

A once-in-a-lifetime man has completely fallen into the curtain of his life!

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