The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: my country eight hundred and forty-three. Brother and sister, floating astronomy

The snow has begun to fall outside the window in the morning. This winter, it is very cold. The wind on the 1 pedestrians pulled the coat on the body and tried to avoid the bitingness caused by the cold wind. Hart still felt the whole body even in the warm house. It is cold.

A glorious soldier of the Hart German Empire, the current third infantry division 807 group 1 camp A company commander.

The war was going very badly. The enemy was desperately attacking Berlin, and a large number of spies were also on the battlefield. For Hart, it was the most important thing for Hart to catch those spies.

After eating breakfast, Hart went out and called the guards to the defense area.

“How is the mission going?” Hart looked at the many bodies on the streets of the city and asked the soldiers behind him.

“Reporting Chief, the mission has been completed by 70%.”

“Hey, I finished 70% in a week? I am very curious about how the efficiency of A company is getting lower and lower. Please give me a reasonable reason!” Hart deliberately increased his tone when he said the last sentence.

“Sir, we have all invested 120% to complete the task.”

“Then, can you tell me why the spy on the list with 120% left after a week has not been cleared since I used 30% energy?”

“Sir, you don’t know. These spies are too fine. When they hear the wind, they are all scattered. There is no way to catch them.”

After listening to Hart, he thought about it. The spy’s fineness is notorious. This is indeed true. “So, has anyone escaped from the jurisdiction?”

“Impossible, sir, we have blocked all the outbound intersections in the area as you requested after receiving the mission. Even our own people need to go to the military to apply before they can leave, so no one can escape. Out of our jurisdiction.”

Hart finally got some psychological comfort when he heard this. “That is, the rest of the spies are trapped in the jurisdiction?”

“Absolutely!” The soldier’s answer is firmer than all previous words.

“Reporting Officer!” Just as Hart quietly thought, a soldier hurried to Hart’s front. Hart saw him in a hurry and nodded Hiroshi. He continued.

“Sir, I am a sentinel on the West Bank of the jurisdiction. I just had a car stopped by us. It seems to be the driver of the Kilmer Head of the Guards. I rushed over to ask if it was released? Or….. forcibly check?” In the tone of the sentinel, Hart is not difficult to hear. The power of this commander is not as high as usual.

Hart bowed his head and thought about it, Kilmer’s army. . . . . amount. . . . . . It is also the Guards, the dog of the Kilmer heads, commonly known as Hart. This group of people not only did not really go to the battlefield during the war, but even the enemy would be scared to tremble. . . . . .

check! Of course you have to check! I heard that Baron Alexson has returned, and if he has colluded with a spy, he must be charged with him! When I think of Hart, I don’t want to say that the sentry will lead the way together. At the same time, all the soldiers will be on the bullets. If necessary, they will kill the shit commander.

When he arrived at the post, Hart finally saw the dog commander who was once proud of the head of Kilmer. What kind of character was originally thought to be a good old man with a white hair? Hart got off and went to him. The window smiled and said: “Hey, isn’t this the commander of the Guards? You are so hurry to see who you are going to see?”

“Nothing, go out and do something, you know who I am, don’t you ask your soldiers to let me go?”

“I am really embarrassed, dear commander, I can’t just let you go out during this extraordinary period. I have to know that if a spy is mixed with us and you are out with the city, it will be difficult to do it. My soldiers can’t eat and walk, so, do you have trouble with us to perform the task?” Hart still smiles and looks at him.

When he saw that Hart did not release his intentional tone, he began to rush: “You are just a little Lieutenant. Dare to stop me from going to a general. I will contact your military minister and ask him to bring you and your group of pigs. The same soldiers are all sent to the military court!”

“Don’t be excited, Commander, I am just doing the task. You said that you called our military minister, that’s just right. You can apply for your out of town procedures. If he approves, I will be yours right away.” I’m going to let you go, and I’m sure that no one will dare to stop your way, and I can arrange for the guards to escort you all the way. What do you think?”

At this moment, Hart heard a little bit of confusion in the trunk and the current atmosphere. It seems that someone was having difficulty breathing because of being in the trunk for a long time, so Hart turned and asked the sentinel to come to him. How long has the road been, the sentinel told Hart that 30 has been used for more than a minute, and it is absolutely impossible, there is someone in the trunk, the guy has reached the limit.

Apparently, the commander also heard this discordant voice, urging Hart in a more urgent tone than before: “Hey, hello, yes, I am in a hurry, let me go!”

Seeing that he was so anxious, Hart was happy, you want me to let you go soon? I will not listen to you! Hart then said to him with a smile: “I am very sorry, you want to go out of the city soon, it is not good for you. So, let me check your trunk, as long as I am sure, I will You will clear the way, I will kiss you later! Apologize from the door, can you?”

As soon as this statement came out, the old guy’s head was sweating and his hand was tight on the steering wheel. In the middle of your arms, Hart smirked, and turned and whispered to ask the soldiers to all slam the bullets, asking them to keep an eye on the old guy, as for himself? Of course, I continue to play the game of cat and mouse with this old guy.

“His commander, please let me check your trunk.” Hart repeated the request for inspection again, but the old guy was like a soul, and he hadn’t moved for a long time. So Hart repeated it again. This time the old guy snorted and said to Hart: “No! It is an important secret, it can only be seen by your superiors!”

Is this old guy crazy? Now Hart is more certain that there must be a spy inside, but think about it carefully, it will not be a small role for you to help the old guy, it should be an important person. Hart soon said: “His commander, in my impression, your Guards have not performed the task for a long time? How now… I hope you understand my curiosity.”

“I also received the secret order of the head of the family! I am a spy list in this trunk!”

“Oh? Well, since you have received the secret order, I am sorry to bother you.” Hart suddenly turned and yelled at the soldiers behind him: “How can you be a idiot for the Guardian Commander for so long! Still not let go!”

Of course, this is of course only a play, Hart has made a look to the soldiers, they are very clever to give way. The old guy said nothing but driving, and Hart’s hand waved. Countless gunshots broke through the silence of the morning. His tires were all broken. Suddenly the trunk opened and a middle-aged man jumped out with a pistol. Hart fired two shots in the direction, and fell a soldier next to him. Then the middle-aged man ran out of Hart and took a rifle from a soldier nearby to interrupt the middle-aged man’s legs. The old guy shouted: “Damn! I am going to the military court to sue you!”

“Put the man up, it must not be a small role to send this old guy! Then grab the old one!” Hart shouted and gave orders to the soldiers to order the soldiers quickly, all of a sudden The two men were sent to Hart.

“Damn! You dare to catch me!” The old immortal like a mad dog continues to scream: “I want to sue you!”

“You are guilty of sin! You want to sue me? Now I not only want to catch you, I want to kill you!” Then Hart took out the pistol and confronted the head of the old guy. The guard suddenly held Hart’s hand: “Sir, don’t be impulsive! Not worth it!”

Hart put his hand tight and put the gun down. When the old man didn’t die, Hart didn’t dare to kill him. He suddenly smashed up: “Damn! You just can’t bear it! Kill me! Kill me!”

Hart yelled at the other hand and raised his other hand to interrupt his nose. “Give me the spy to the division!” Then Hart looked at the old guy: “I don’t die, see you on the execution ground.”

The soldiers took the two away. Just as Hart was about to leave the land of right and wrong, Hart suddenly saw a soldier running in the direction of Hart. He looked at his medal and should be the subordinate of Hassler next door. At this moment, seeing his men, Hart’s heart has an ominous premonition. . . . . .

I saw that the soldier ran to Hart’s breathless “hugging, calling” gasping, and Hart saw him in a hurry and couldn’t help but he was nervous. He saw Hart staring at him. I quickly adjusted my breathing and said, “Lieutenant, I am the commander of Hastel Lieutenant. The chief said that there is an urgent matter for you to go.”

“What happened? Is it so anxious?” In Hart’s image, Hassler was a very calm person. If it wasn’t for him, it would be impossible for him to call his commander so urgently to find himself. Thinking of it, Hart’s mood is getting more and more tense.

“I heard that I caught a spy, that…the amount…it seems to be yours…your sister.” The commander vomited and replied that Hart was obviously doing this. It’s really hard to say it.

When Hart listened to him, he was blinded at the time. His head was like a sniper like Tank pressed from Hart’s head. My own sister? ! God, this world is crazy, how can it be like this? 4. My brother is obliging to catch the spy. . . . . . And sister. . . . . . Is it a spy? !

Hart was still in a dizzy state of dizziness. The commander saw Hart moving again and said: “Sir? Chief? Could it be a misunderstanding? Should we look at it now?”

Hearing the words of the commander, Hart woke up, looked at him, nodded and jumped into the car to rush to Hassler’s defense office at full speed. Hart was really hopeful that the facts were like the commander. In general, what if it is a misunderstanding? Yes, my sister should now have a class at her school. How can it be related to spies? After the car just stopped, Hart jumped out of the car and rushed to Hassler’s office.

“Hasler, I heard that you caught a spy here?” Hart asked Hassler with a tentative accent.

“Lieutenant, long time no see. Do you want coffee or tea?” It is clear that Hassler wants Hart not to be nervous, but the more he does, the more he will explain one thing. . . . . . That spy. . . . . . Really Hart sister!

“Forget it, Hassler, you know that I only drink coffee, then what tea you still keep yourself, hurry, let’s get into the theme?” When Hart guessed this fact, Hart’s brain was orange. The state of rapid death, I have no strength to think about what I said. !

Haasler saw Hart’s face dying and smiled twice. He shook his head and said, “Okay, friend, how do I call you not to be nervous? The more nervous you are? Nothing. Your loyalty to Germany is everyone. I saw it, so it’s okay, do you know?” Hasler smiled and took a document from the drawer and said it in front of Hart. “Look, this person… Muslin=Hart … is your sister right?”

God, even if you don’t look at it, you know it’s absolutely. . . . . . At this moment, Hart only wants to find a place to hide. Why is this happening to him? But there is no way, Hart can only face the reality. Look at the photos in the documents. The look is cute and cute. Hart really can’t connect such a pure face with the word spy. But really. . . . . . It was this face, Hart, who watched her grow up. Hart and his father took care of the owner of this face. Now, the owner of this face is waiting for her fate in the prison of Hassler. . . . . .

“Amount…Yes.” Hart didn’t even have the strength to answer Hasler.

“Okay, nothing, Yam, this is just a misunderstanding, now you will pick her up.” Then put the documents in Hart’s pocket, smiled and turned away.

Hart knew that Hassler had deliberately let them go because he knew that if the matter was reported, not only Hart’s head would be insured, but even Hart’s family would be in danger. Of course, Hart knew . . . . . . Looking at the back of Hassler’s departure, Hart couldn’t help but feel how upright it was. He didn’t need Hart’s things to promote his fortune, but he let himself go easily.

Now count it down, and I have known Haasler for almost a few years. Before they were busy with their own business, no one has ever noticed who, and through this matter, no matter what attitude he is, anyway, Hart is I noticed him and respected him.

Hart stood up and walked outside the house, standing at the door and waiting for the girl to come. . . . . . It didn’t take long for the two guards to take her out. She was scared when she saw Hart. “Brother…? You… are you here?”

Hart looked at her, still a pure and lovely face, big eyes could not look straight at Hart. “Get on the bus.” Hart just opened the door and opened Hiroshi to let her in.

The hoe on the way didn’t dare to look up at Hart. I don’t know how long it took. Hart finally couldn’t help but anger the heart and went to Muslin: “What the hell are you doing?!”

“Brother…Hart…” She still didn’t dare to look up at Hart’s eyes and whispered her head and said, “Brother… listen to me.” Unfortunately, her second sentence, Hart, did not hear it at all. The voice was small like a mosquito.

“When did you become a spy?” Hart almost used every word.

“I have never been a spy, I was just there against the Kilmer government.”

“Damn, that’s not something you should manage!”

“But, are you not the same?”

“I am not the same as you!”

“What’s the difference?”

In the face of a reluctant sister, Hart didn’t know what to say for a while. He silenced and lowered his voice: “Now the situation in Berlin is very confusing. Some people say that Kilmer has already run. Some people say Baron Alexson. All the rights of Germany have been regained, but these have not been confirmed. Muslin, any rash action will bring disaster to us, do you understand?”

“But the Baron is really back!” Muslin said without hesitation: “Don’t we do something for the Baron at this time? Brother, I know that you are very dissatisfied with the Kilmer heads and hope that the Baron will continue to lead you. Combat, this is the best chance!”

Hart’s voice was lower: “Let me tell you, innocent girl, I got the news, the baron is preparing to seize power in a bloodless way, but I don’t believe those guys in the Empire State Building, we Already ready, once the baron fails, then we will be in the front line, change to Berlin, help the baron!”

Muslin’s eyes were awkward, and she didn’t think that her brother, who seemed to be a little sloppy, would be planning such a big thing.

“What clears the spy is nothing more than an excuse.” Hart told his sister all the truth: “This will allow us to get in and out of Berlin easily, but you can’t bother me any more.” I can’t take care of you.”

“Brother, thank you for telling me this.” Muslin seemed to have some tears in his eyes: “But, will you die? What if you fail?”

“I may die, but what does it matter if I fail? At least we died for Germany.” Hart said with a smile: “Everyone is ready!”

Every German is ready!

Of course, until now, military personnel like Hart still don’t know that the Baron has already regained his power!

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