The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: my country eight hundred and forty-one. Never give up the oath, floating astronomy

The time to decide the fate of Germany has arrived! !

Everyone will make a choice, no one can be an exception.

Wang Weizhen walked slowly out of his temporary headquarters, and when he walked outside, he was suddenly shocked by the scene that appeared in front of him:

Countless German civilians are standing calmly on both sides of the road, waiting for the appearance of Baron Alexson.

They did not carry any weapons in their hands, they used their bodies to protect the Baron from entering the Empire State Building!

This is the most special moment. When the Baron decides to end Berlin’s civil strife in a bloodless way, the German nationals have chosen this way!

No matter who, no matter where the enemy is hiding, when a bullet comes in, someone will use his life to block the bullet for the baron!

The retired veterans were at the forefront, and the German civilians were protected by the baron, step by step toward the Empire State Building.

At this moment, the soldiers even felt that they were superfluous. . . . . .

This is a powerful force, and it is the same powerful belief that supports such a powerful force!

More and more Germans have joined the ranks, and when they are close to the Empire State Building, the ranks have become enormous. The soldiers are responsible for the safety around them, and it is this group of soldiers who really protect Baron Alexson.

Opposite, it was a machine gun position temporarily set up, and several Tank and armored vehicles were also ready for shooting. However, these German soldiers responsible for protecting the Empire State Building apparently did not expect to have such a scene.

They were at a loss, and their commanders loudly ordered not to shoot!

It is countless civilians, and once they shoot, no one can afford such responsibility. However, these commanders have no idea what to do.

Shooting, will become a sinner in Germany, what should I do if I don’t shoot the order issued by the head of Kilmer?

“Don’t shoot, don’t shoot!”

Looking towards this voice, it was Miller. Major General Lemde, the most trusted assistant of General Bach. The Major General came over: “No one is allowed to shoot, let go of the weapon. This is the order of General Bach!”

Then he solved his weapon and walked towards the German people.

When he came to the public, he stood up straight: “I asked to see Marshal Ernst. Breem!”

The crowd was divided, and Wang Weizhen, wearing the Imperial Marshal’s uniform, appeared in front of Lemd. Lemde stood up again, and then his right arm was straight: “嘿-Ernst!”

“The general told me the choice of Lieutenant General Bach.” Wang Weizhen asked majestically.

“Yes, Marshal, General Bach has made the choice that he will be loyal to Germany and loyal to you. He will never forsake his promise – all for Germany!”

“Let me tell me where to choose General Bach!”

“General Bach will never betray Germany, but General Bach can’t turn his back on the trust that Kilmer’s head of state has for him!” Lemd replied loudly: “In this case, he has only one choice. The Homelander will subordinate his loyalty to Your command, and General Bach himself, only use the final method to fully loyalty to the Kilmer heads.”

Everyone knows what happened. . . . . .

For Lieutenant General Bach, this may be the most painful choice in his life. He handed over the National Storm Master to Marshal Ernst to complete his loyalty to Germany. And he chose to commit suicide to complete his loyalty to Kilmer.

“He shouldn’t do this.” Wang Weizhen sighed softly: “In fact, he should have a better choice.”

All the officers and men of the Netherland Earth Storm Division put down their weapons, which is also a relief for them. Who can shoot at their compatriots? Who can shoot Baron Alexson?

Shortly after the National Stormtrooper laid down the weapons, the commander of the Empire State Building Guard, the second-level Admiral, also appeared in Ernst with all his officers. In front of Marshal Breem.

Like General Bach, General Wip also knows when he should make the right choice.

The Empire State Building does not belong to Kilmer. There is only one owner of the Empire State Building. That is Ernst. Marshal Breem! Now, since the marshal has returned, a true German soldier knows exactly what to do.

German soldiers, the German people broke out with a tidal wave of cheers that had been prepared for the bloodshed did not happen.

Berlin – no bloodshed!

General Vip raised his hand in a respectful manner and performed a standard military ceremony: “Marshal Ernst welcomes home!”

Marshal Ernst – welcome home!

Wang Weizhen has been away from here for too long, and now he has gone home!

Here, it is the place where German dreams began. Here, Wang Weizhen, Hitler, Manstein and all the people led Germany to the glory of the empire!

Wang Weizhen is also leaving here. . . . . . Now, he is back, and when Germany needs him most, he is back!

With the dreams of countless Germans, with the promise to renew Germany’s strength, it is back. . . . . .

In the Empire State Building, Ernst is hanging. Breem, Adolf. Hitler’s huge portrait, when Wang Weizhen walked in, everything was as familiar and unfamiliar. !

He walked into the office of the head of state again, and on the wall there was also a huge Ernst hanging. Breem and Adolf. A huge portrait of Hitler. Only, the former owner has escaped.

“Kilmer and Wolfe have already run away. I am fully organizing the arrest.” Fells, who followed Wang Weizhen back to the Empire State Building, said: “There are several secret escape channels in the Empire State Building. We are still working. looking for.”

“I can tell you where the secret passages are.” Wang Weizhen said faintly: “When designing the Empire State Building, the designers have made some of the worst possible scenarios, so they designed these emergency escape routes. But I didn’t expect it to be used by Kilmer.”

He said, his face is correct: “The whole city arrested Kilmer and his accomplices, and they will be captured in the shortest time, and no one will be allowed to slip through the net. General Fels, you will be responsible for this.”

“Yes, Marshal.”

“Paul. Marshal Hauser, General Ludwig.” Wang Weizhen’s gaze fell on them: “I need you back to the front line, commanding the troops in combat, resisting the enemy’s offense, before Christmas. You can’t let Berlin suffer a direct attack from the enemy Tank. Can you do that?”

“Yes, Marshal, we can do it!” Paul. Marshal Hausser and Ludwig replied loudly.

Now, Ernst. Marshal Breem has taken over Berlin and took over the whole of Germany. From now on, he will become the highest leader in Germany!

He will lead Germany through this most difficult period. . . . . .

Wang Weizhen took a look at the time: “I will make a public speech two hours later. But before that, bring Oliver in.”

“Bring it here?”

“Yes, bring it here.” Wang Weizhen looked dignified: “Generals, I ordered you to return to your position and complete your mission.”

“Yes, Marshal!”

Oliver was brought in. Although he had expected possible failures, he failed so quickly, but they did not think of it.

They still underestimated Ernst’s great prestige. . . . . .

Oliver was a little nervous, which was never before, and only people were nervous in front of him.

Wang Weizhen looked at him calmly. After a long time, he slowly said: “Just a few hours ago, I think Kilmer is still sitting here. Actually, this position does not belong to him. Oliver, I think you have questioned many times. People, including Colonel Kiess?”

“Yes, this includes Colonel Kiess.” Oliver felt that it didn’t make sense to hide it.

“So where is Colonel Kiess now? Is Kilmer ordering you to arrest him?”

“Colonel Kiess has committed suicide. We searched all of his body and found that he was hiding poison.” Oliver smiled a bit: “This is of course the order from Kilmer.”

Wang Weizhen sighed softly. Kiess has tried his best to show his loyalty to Germany. However, he did not have the opportunity to see the arrival of victory.

“Oliver, I don’t think you know anything.” Wang Weizhen said faintly: “I heard people say that you have many means of interrogation, including physical injuries. Many annoying people collapse under such interrogation, but you I have never seen my interrogation skills and skills. Would you like to try it?”

Oliver shook his head. He once saw in the intelligence bureau’s file how Marshal Ernst interrogated his original rival Saad. The marshal did not even use torture.

Oliver carefully thought about it. If you were in the environment of Sade, you couldn’t stand it for a few days. What he believes even more is that the marshal should have more terrible interrogation skills and he is not willing to try.

“So, we have a good start.” Wang Weizhen said with satisfaction: “Tell me what you know, I don’t want to ask you a question or a question.”

“Yes, Marshal.” At this time, Oliver had completely abandoned the resistance: “In the beginning, I was only a low-level staff member of the Intelligence Bureau. I had a chance. I met Kilmer and quickly gained his trust. At that time, Kilmer’s power was not very big, but he was responsible for some peripheral intelligence work. In order to get the trust of Hitler’s head, he and I carefully planned an assassination, and I came forward to contact some assassins. Before the assassination is about to happen, Kilmer secretly reported the matter to the head of state and quickly detected the group of assassins who attempted to assassinate the head of the class. Therefore, Kilmer began to gain the trust of the Hitler heads.”

“Are these assassins, have they been solved?” Wang Weizhen has already guessed the results of those assassins.

“Yes, one after the other died at the time of the trial.” Oliver did not deny: “In the future, Kilmer used the same technique twice, and each time he first discovered these plots against Hitler’s heads. Also every It was up to me to do these things once. Once again, Kilmer even blocked the body and shot the bullets at the head of the head. Of course, the assassin was also killed and successfully extinguished.”

Because of this, Kilmer succeeded in securing Hitler’s trust.

Of course, using the body to block bullets can only prove his “loyalty”, and it is not enough to prove that Kilmer is eligible to become Hitler’s successor. After that, Kilmer carefully served at Hitler’s side, from time to time ● Out of politics The “talent”, gradually, Hitler began to hand over some important things to him, including the relationship with the United States.

“Kilmer actually went to the US many times before…”

Oliver’s words made Wang Weizhen very curious. Does Feels say that Kilmer was the head of state before he visited the United States? But he listened quietly to Kilmer and said:

“Some times I secretly entered the United States, and I have been with him. He has visited the current US President William Wittsgentan many times, and they have exchanged each time for a long time, but the content of their specific conversation. I don’t know. Later, on many occasions, some political figures in the United States began to praise Kilmer’s outstanding talents, and thought that he could become the next leader of Germany. At the same time, the praise of Kilmer in Germany was also This has gradually made the Hitler heads and many German dignitaries believe that Kilmer has strong leadership. In 1950, Germany and the United States began negotiations on the Middle East garrison issue, and for a long time no breakthrough was made. In the case, the Hitler heads of state replaced the new chief negotiator of Germany, which is Kilmer. Surprisingly, in just one week, the United States made huge concessions on some issues that the two sides could not dispute. The negotiations were successfully completed, this time making Kilmer’s reputation famous in Germany, the United States and even Europe…”

Wang Weizhen understands that all of this must have a mystery behind him, but the shadow of great wealth and power is helping Kilmer:

Wittgenstein family!

William is his son and the future successor to the Wittgenstein family. There is no doubt that William used the power of the Wittgenstein family.

This is a deliberate plan, but why should William do this?

Wang Weizhen already has a rough puzzle in his heart. . . . . .

Oliver continued: “In the long run, Kilmer has more and more power. With the health problems of Hitler’s heads, he began to accept the actual daily tasks of the heads of state. And each one was done very well, and finally the heads of the mind were assured. He gave all his powers to him. He also successfully became the new head of Germany.”

However, once he became the head of Germany, Kilmer quickly became strange.

His request for the United States to retreat step by step, which caused great dissatisfaction in Germany. However, he suddenly became extremely tough, not only did not give up a step, but in the case that most of the generals considered the conditions are not mature, forcibly issued a combat order against the United States.

Not only that, but a large number of outstanding generals were persecuted by him, and they died in ruthlessness, and some were forced to leave the army.

For example, General Fells.

In this series of actions, Oliver and the new head of the Intelligence Bureau, Wolf, apparently played a very disgraceful role.

Wang Weizhen generally understood that there must be some kind of plot between Kilmer and William, Kilmer became the head of Germany, and William became the president of the United States.

When this happened, Kilmer’s “reward” for William was officially started. . . . . .

Oliver carefully explained everything he knew. Although there are many of Kilmer’s top secrets, he doesn’t know much about it, but it is enough for Wang Weizhen.

As long as you catch Kilmer, all the secrets will be solved. Of course, there are also related to William. Thinking of William, Wang Weizhen suddenly lost some confusion, how should he treat this son?

Oliver was taken down, and then Hannah was brought in. This is the daughter of Sean, the current foreign minister of the German government. Wang Weizhen stared at her silently: “You betrayed your father and betrayed the name of Sean.”

“Yes, Baron, I betrayed my father.” Hannah lowered her head and said.

“You, Werner, Kilmer, you all betrayed your father.” Wang Weizhen felt a little sorry: “When I first saw you in China, I felt that your father was lucky because they have such excellent Children, but after these years, I found that I made a mistake, and people will always change. Hannah, you tell me honestly, do you know Kilmer’s plot?”

“I can guess something.” Hannah didn’t hide anything: “But I have no way to stop it. Moreover, after I noticed my discovery, Kilmer immediately promoted me to be the Foreign Minister. I am the first in Germany’s history. A female foreign minister, I have to honestly admit that this is a huge temptation for me.”

“So you continue to assist Kilmer?” Wang Weizhen sighed again: “So Germany is destroyed in your hands. Power is fascinating, but if you sacrifice your own country, you make me feel bad.” ”

“I know, Baron, so I beg you for your punishment.” Hannah whispered, “I am willing to accept, I am willing to accept, I will not let the Sean family be ashamed again.”

Wang Weizhen shook his head: “You still don’t really understand the meaning of honor. The real honor is to fight like your father to wash away all the shame!”

Indeed, Hannah still can’t understand the true meaning of honor!

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