The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is seven hundred and fifty. Caesar, astronomical

Wang Weizhen has made the final preparations, and all the Germanic people are ready for the final.

They don’t care much about what kind of path they will eventually take, and even if they will eventually die under the sword of the Romans, they don’t care.

At least, they have given the Romans a lot of heavy lessons.

They told the Romans, who is the land here, and they also told the Romans that for the sake of freedom, all the Germans did not hesitate to give their own.

Self is the most precious thing. . . . . .

The children, under the leadership of Tibius, have left the river, and only a few small boats have been left to them. That is the hope of the future revival of Germania.

Except for the children, every Germanic person stayed, men, women, and the elderly.

In the evening, they still drink a lot of mouthfuls, and they continue to sing songs. Even Wang Weizhen, Guo Yenfeng, Richtofen and Elena have joined this kind of carnival. It seems that what is waiting for them tomorrow is not death, but a victory.

Enough, these days, under the leadership of the Archon, they have achieved countless victories, and countless Romans have now become corpses.

Nothing is more proud than this. . . . . .

Even the sentry has been added to such a carnival. They know that the night of the night, the Romans will not carry out sneak attacks.

Those Romans like to kill their enemies during the day.

What if the sneak attack? It’s a big deal, everyone is dying early.

Wang Weizhen is the first to feel such an atmosphere, tragic but incomparably heroic. . . . . .

When the first sun shines on Germania, every soldier is ready. They found out the wines that were not finished last night, all poured into their stomachs, then wiped their mouths and held their weapons tightly.

“The warriors of Germania, are you ready?”

When the governor Wang Weizhen asked such a question, the Germana broke out the loudest answer:

“Germania – Germania – Germania -“

Everyone is ready for every Germanic warrior!

Then, the Roman legion is gathering, and at first glance, the black pressure is boundless, but this will not let the Germans have any fear.

They are here, they are waiting for the arrival of the enemy. . . . . .

The sound of the horn pierced the sky, and the enemies of the brigade began to push the spears one by one.

In the Germanic team, there was no sound at all, and all the people were waiting for the final order of the governor.

Wang Weizhen looked calmly, although this scene seems to be Hongdae, but in his career he himself has forgotten how many times he has experienced such a scene.


In the voice of Wang Weizhen, the Germanic people knew that their last moment had arrived. . . . . .

Closer, closer. . . . . . Wang Weizhen is waiting to wait. . . . . . Closer to some, already very close. . . . . .

Wang Weizhen took off the shield, pulled out the sword one by one, and then screamed with all his strength:



The final decisive battle will finally erupt here!

This is a contest between life and death. This is the killing of blood and fire.

When the enemy is ready to impose the humiliating fate on your head, the only thing you can do is pick up the weapon!

Combat – fight with every enemy who is trying to enslave after all!

As long as there is such a spirit, sooner or later, a powerful Germanic nation will surely appear on the stage of history!

The soldiers of the Germanic countries were mad and generally slashed, completely ignoring the enemies on the layers. They do everything they can to maintain the best pride of the Germans!

A Germanic soldier fell down and soon a soldier bravely rushed up. . . . . . As long as there is still a warrior, the battle will never stop.

The tragic battles shocked the Romans. They thought that by this time these barbarians would probably put down their weapons, but they soon found themselves wrong.

They have encountered more fierce resistance than before!

Skulls, Vulcan and the Blood Devil are their beliefs, and the flying Skulls flag is their spiritual source.

This is the same in any time and space. . . . . .

Caesar was somewhat amazed by the determination of the barbarian’s resistance, but he is also very clear that the battle will end today. He swears that he will never let go of any barbarian here!

He will let these blood flow into a river, and he will let the body of the barbarian pile up in every corner of the place!

The encirclement of the Romans is getting smaller and smaller. At this time, it is the turn of the reserve army of Germania!

Elena and Sihiya, two brave female warriors, glanced at each other, and then took the women and children, and made no more inferior to the most brave warriors of Germania:


The last force of the Germanic state was also sent to the battlefield. . . . . .

This will also be their final contest!

“Women and the elderly are coming, the barbarians have no reserve power.” Caesar muttered: “Very good, today we can finally see the victory.”

Suddenly, his brow wrinkled, and then he said to himself: “Children? Those brutal children?”!

He did not see the children of the barbarians, which could not help but make him feel an ominous feeling in his heart. . . . . .

You know, although Caesar is not willing to admit it, his heart has already regarded the barbarian as his greatest enemy, and now is the best time to destroy all the barbarians and completely eliminate the roots.

But why are there no children in these people who have seen it? Did you run away last night? If this is the case, it will be a very big hidden danger for the Romans.

However, Caesar does not have time to consider this for the time being. . . . . .

The Germans on the battlefield were already very struggling. Under the strong impact of the Roman legions, they were divided into several pieces. Many Germanic soldiers fell under the Romans’ butcher’s knife.

But even at this time, no one of them is willing to let go of the weapon!

They are warriors from birth, even if they die, they must die like a warrior. . . . . .

The screams rang out in their mouths, and the weapons were picked up and down again and again. The blood was filled on the battlefield, and life could be deprived every second.

Wang Weizhen’s sword in his hand, even he himself can’t remember how many Romans were killed. He said vaguely, every time he slashed, accompanied by his own blood.

He saw that Richtofen was surrounded by several Romans. Wang Weizhen didn’t hesitate, and immediately rushed over with red eyes.

The Romans had already had the deepest fear for the person wearing the Skulls mask. When the swords were raised, these Romans not only did not stop him, but instead rushed to both sides.

When Wang Weizhen approached Richtofen, a sudden scream came from behind him. He turned back and saw that he was a Roman ten commander who wanted to sneak himself. He had been smashed by two short swords.

Guo Yenfeng pulled the dagger from the enemy’s body and grinned.

The Devil’s Three Messengers are here:

Skulls, Vulcan, Blood Devil!

They are all enemies around them, and they are all surrounded by Germanic people who are fighting, but they are always the nightmare of the Romans!

For the Romans, they are invincible!

“Ernst, look at Elena!” Richtofen exclaimed.

Wang Weizhen saw Elena and several female warriors being surrounded by a group of Romans. His eyes showed a cold look: “Kill the past!”

― Kill the past!

The devil’s messengers lifted their weapons again. . . . . .

They are invincible, they are unstoppable. When they rushed out of a bloody road, Wang Weizhen slammed, and the sword swelled high and struggling to fall.

In the scream of trembling, a Roman soldier fell to the ground with a broken arm that was bleeding.

Then he heard the last sentence he heard in this world:

“This is my woman, no one can touch my woman!”

Wang Weizhen said coldly as he looked at the body on the ground. . . . . .

That is my woman – no one can hurt my woman!

Kill the gods in general!

There was another group of Romans around who surrounded them and surrounded them.

Even if the individual is brave enough, it is impossible to recover the failure of the entire battle.

The Germanic people are completely surrounded by enemies. Without reinforcements, they are no longer able to win. Even, they have nowhere to retreat.

Nothing, they are ready for this. . . . . .

From the first minute of the battle, they are ready and willing to give everything for their faith.

Now, this moment has finally arrived.

Wang Weizhen did not give up at all. He took Elena, took Guo Yenfeng, took Richtofen, and rushed into the Romans again and again, and solved the precarious companions again and again.

He worked hard to regroup most of the Germans to his side. . . . . .

Whether they are born or dead, they are always a group, and no one can change this!

The battlefield suddenly became quieter, and the quiet was a little scary.

In the middle of the battlefield, there are a group of Germanic people who have been fighting all the time. Around them, they are densely populated by the Romans. There is no gap in the surrounding.

But what does this matter? From the beginning of the battle, who ever thought about running away?

“It is our greatest honour to fight with you.” Anlius respectfully said: “Although we are all going to die, we will never forget this day!”

“It is my greatest honor to fight with you,” Wang Weizhen said with a smile.

At this moment, he seems to have returned to Germany and returned to the blessings that he would never forget. . . . . .

The Romans began to press. . . . . . The last moment has arrived. . . . . .

Wang Weizhen took a long sigh of relief and he firmly held the knife in his hand. . . . . .

Suddenly, Richtofen’s ears were on the side: “What have you heard, Ernst?”

It seems that some voices have come, but it is not particularly clear. . . . . . At the time, the Romans on the periphery seemed to have some strange commotion. . . . . .

Wang Weizhen I listened hard. Yes, there is really a voice. . . . . .


Suddenly, the sound of countless tides sounded outside the battlefield. !


Yes, they heard that everyone heard it clearly:


The general call for the tsunami in the mountains resounded through the battlefield. They not only heard clearly, but also saw clearly:

A large number of “barbarians” appeared on the battlefield!

That is the Vandals, that is the Goths, there are the Teutonic and the Simbren!

Ah, even the Franks came. . . . . .

Arrived, finally arrived, when the Germans were in the most difficult time, their reinforcements finally arrived!

The leaders of these Germanic alliances, they did not betray their promises, although they came late, but when the Germans were the most difficult, and everyone was ready to die here, they still appeared on the battlefield in accordance with the covenant. !


Wang Weizhen is struggling to scream: “- for the Germanic!”

“-For the Germanic!”

At this moment, Germanic finally broke out the most powerful cry, which shouted enough to make every Roman tremble.

When all the Germans are united, this will be an insurmountable force!


When such a screaming resounded through the battlefield, Caesar’s face changed completely.

What he fears is not how many reinforcements the enemy has come from, but a unified Germanic is appearing quietly. . . . . .

Although they still seem to be fighting each other, Caesar knows that soon, each of them will truly unite to launch the most powerful impact on their Roman legions.

And all this is brought by which damn person:

Ernst . Breem!

When he appeared here, everything was changed and everyone’s destiny was changed. . . . . .

The barbarians who came from all directions, the unstoppable impact on the formation of the Romans, and the Roman legions that had already won the victory, began to appear chaos under the sudden arrival.

They put all their power in the face of the Germans who lacked the necessary protection behind them and behind them.

And the speed of those barbarians is too fast, so fast that people don’t even have time to react.

They screamed and rushed to the back of the Roman soldiers. It was unreasonable that an axe fell, blood splattered, and life disappeared with sorrow.

Inside, the Germanic people launched a counterattack against the Romans. Under the internal and external attacks, the Romans did not know what to do at this time.

If these Roman soldiers were not well trained, if they were not calm, they would have completely collapsed under such an impact. . . . . .

Caesar knew that she had lost the best chance. He had the opportunity to kill all these barbarians here.

On the other side of the battlefield, Gaius was somewhat gloating. There is still a little bit of luck. In the fighting power, his legion did not make full effort. When the barbarian was desperate, he was ready to join the battle, but at this time the barbarian reinforcements appeared, which made him finally not offended. Become the biggest helper of Ernst.

They are at least “friends.” . . . . .

And Caesar? I am afraid that he will fail again, and he will fail if he can see it with victory. His prestige will once again be severely hit.

Now, Gaius is thinking, when should he find a chance to meet Ernst again, and see if the agreement between them is not counted, see if Ernst can fulfill his promise.

Gaius played his own small abacus, and Kaleni, who had been fighting at the forefront, was somewhat unbearable. Under the impact of the barbarians, he lost too many soldiers, and several squares were completely The barbarian was destroyed, and the Roman soldiers were screaming under the slaughter of the barbarians. . . . . .

He has no way to reorganize the troops. . . . . .

“Is it really hard to hold on?” When she saw Caleni appear in front of her, Caesar quickly understood what was going on.

“Yes, the barbarian’s reinforcements are too sudden.” Kaleni lowered his consistently high head: “We are now very difficult to reorganize the square. If we continue, I am worried about our loss.” It will be more serious.”

“It’s a pity, right, Carney?” Caesar said with a bitter smile: “We are one step away from victory.”

Then, he struggled to get out of his mouth that he had issued numerous orders in this battle, but he was the least willing to give orders:


The battlefield is so quiet, all the noise and stifling have been dispersed.

The rest, there is only one body lying there.

Barbarians stand on the battlefield, and today, victory belongs to them!

They looked at the bodies of the land, and they looked at the Germans who had been bloody to the present with the most respectful eyes.

Without their fighting, it is impossible to achieve such a victory.

Then, they saw a man wearing a Skulls mask slowly appearing on the battlefield, and all the barbarians watched silently, and then suddenly burst into a voice of shaking clouds:

“”Baron Alexson – Baron Alexson – Alexson Baron!”

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