The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country 744. Skulls, Vulcan, Blood Devil, Astronomy

The banner of the Roman legion can already be seen. !

From here, a large number of Romans have appeared, and they are acting in an orderly manner, and the echoes are very good. And more importantly, this time, they did not start attacking as hurriedly as they did last time. Instead, the camp was first set up, and then the scouts were constantly dispatched to find out the enemy’s situation as much as possible.

Caesar has attached great importance to the Germans.

Repeated failures, although Caesar’s heart is full of anger and humiliation, but did not lose their reason. He is very clear that in order to completely defeat Germania, any impatient emotion will only bring defeat to himself again.

Caesar can no longer tolerate his own failure. . . . . .

The preparation of the Germanic people is very full, and the performance is completely different from the past. This is the most worrying Caesar. Once the barbarians become organized and disciplined, they will quickly become the most feared enemy of the Romans.

At least Caesar thinks so. . . . . . Never rush to attack

When Caesar observed the Germanic people, Wang Weizhen was also observing the Romans. The Romans who have suffered several losses now become much smarter. They seem to be ready to use their power together and break through the defenses in one go.

But soon they will find themselves wrong. Under the command of Wang Weizhen, the defense of the Germanic people will become very powerful.

Maybe they are still not rivals of the Romans, but offense and defense are completely different concepts. Wang Weizhen is convinced that the defense he deployed here is enough to persist in the arrival of the reinforcements. . . . . .

Throughout the day, the Romans did not have any attempt to attack. They just constantly adjusted their forces there, and the war, but quietly came in such a relatively calm atmosphere.

Andreus and Tibius made several suggestions for night attacks, but they were rejected by Wang Weizhen.

The last night attack was successful, let them taste the sweetness but there are great accidental factors. Once the Romans pay attention to this point, they will never make a second mistake.

The rushing night attack will only cause the Germanic people to suffer heavy losses. . . . . .

When the dawn came, Wang Weizhen knew that today must be the beginning of the war, and Caesar, who is fully prepared, will not continue to wait.

Sure enough, when the sun rose, the Romans began to assemble.

A large number of soldiers were organized into squares, and the cavalry swam back and forth. The atmosphere of chilling shrouded the entire battlefield. . . . . .

The screams also sounded at the same time as the Germanic people. They didn’t know what the offensive formation was and didn’t know what a defensive formation was. The only thing they know is that when the enemy rushes to the front, they take their lives with the weapons in their hands.

It’s that simple!

Now, on this battlefield, Wang Weizhen finally stood face to face with Caesar.

Caesar’s unbeaten myth has been broken, but the unbeaten legend of Baron Skulls will re-emerge in this era. . . . . .

Wang Weizhen silently watched the Romans who lined up the array of soldiers, with a hint of smile on his lips. This smile is hidden behind the terrible Skulls mask, no one can see it.

This is not a confident smile. He just thinks he can meet Caesar and feels curious when he chooses Caesar as his first opponent of this era. . . . . .

For this era, Caesar is like a god, and now a baron from hell is about to break the existence of this god!

He will always remember his name!

The horn began to sound and it was the Romans ready to attack.

“The Germanic warriors, are you ready for the challenge from the Romans?” The voice rang from the Skulls mask.

“Respected Archon, we are ready! We are willing to die for German!”

“It’s not dead to be alive!” Wang Weizhen said for the first time in this era: “No matter how difficult, you must live. Only when we live can we completely defeat the Romans!”

The Romans’ horns grew louder and the Roman soldiers of the brigade’s brigade finally began to move. . . . . .

“Prepare – prepare for preparation -“

A long, long voice came out of the mouth of the Germanic people, who were going to face the Romans of Fully blown, who would face the pride of the Romans:


The Roman soldiers took their steps and pressed it one by one. From here, the black pressure could not see the head.

Wang Weizhen pulled out his own sword: “Manfred, will you be willing to attack the Romans with me for a while?”

“That’s my pleasure to Ernst.” Richtofen yelled: “But actually I still want to pick up the Sub Machine Gun and give them a ride.”

Wang Weizhen laughed: “There will be such an opportunity, Manfred, a long time and space will give you the opportunity to use weapons!”

The Roman legion gradually approached. . . . . . The Germanic people’s team was silent, and everyone was waiting there quietly. . . . . .

The earth seemed to tremble under the neat pace of the Romans, and the brushed footsteps and shiny weapons represented the determination of the Romans to achieve this victory.

Getting closer and closer. . . . . . However, the Germanic people still have no movements. . . . . . Some bad feelings are rising in the hearts of the Roman generals. . . . . .


Suddenly, the front of the earth cracked, and a large number of Roman soldiers who had reached the forefront made a scream, and they fell into the big holes that suddenly broke.

The Roman soldiers who had no time to take hold of their footsteps also screamed and fell down with their companions. The orderly team suddenly became confused. . . . . .

It was easy to stop the chaos, and the Roman soldiers who had escaped from the trap looked in the trap, but almost vomited.

The trap was covered with a sharp wooden stake, and almost all the Roman soldiers who fell into it died. Some of them were still suffocating, and the body squirmed on the stakes, and dying mourning in the mouth.

It’s terrible, the scene in this scene is really terrible.

“Regrouping, regrouping!” The excellent centurions made such a loud call.

The chief centurion Sukers did not panic in the face of the offense: “Re-arrange the team, assist the soldiers, fill in these traps!”

The auxiliary soldiers quickly appeared, and the sorrowful screams of those who were still alive in the traps threw a lot of stones and wood into the trap.

“The Romans are still very combative.” Wang Weizhen, who witnessed all this, said faintly: “They probably encountered this situation in previous battles. I thought they would spare these traps so that their team There will be short-term chaos, and I can take the opportunity to attack them, killing them a few, but it seems that I still underestimated the Romans…”

“Yes.” Richtofen fully agrees with him: “The reason why the Roman legion can run this era, in addition to the bravery of the soldiers and the sophisticated weapons, their strict discipline is also the biggest guarantee for continuous victory. But even if they can cross Those traps will also disrupt their pace, and we can have a beautiful attack like this…”

Wang Weizhen pointed to the front: “Who can throw the javelin there?”

For a time, the Germanic people were silent, and it seemed unlikely that they would throw such a long distance.

But Tibius stood up. He took a javelin and put it in his hand: “The Archon, let me try.”

Wang Weizhen nodded.

Tibius took a few steps back with the javelin, and then began to speed up the run, suddenly stopped, and exhausted the whole body to fight, the javelin flew straight out.

As the lightning hit the target accurately, a Roman auxiliary soldier sent a sad cry to death on the battlefield with a javelin. . . . . .

“Tibius – Tibius – Tibius -“

The earth-shattering voice of the Germanic people rang.

It’s terrible, and the strength of Tibius is astonishing.

The Germans were cheering, the Romans were shocked and stunned. They had never seen anyone who could throw a javelin from such a distance and accurately kill the target!

However, the panic and the mistakes only lasted for a short time, and the Romans quickly invested in the landfill work. . . . . .

Their organization and discipline are truly amazing.

“This is not an easy fight…” After seeing the amazing shot, Caesar made a sigh: “It seems that there are all kinds of warriors in the barbarian. I want to be here. I have encountered unprecedented hardships.”

“But the victory still belongs to us.” Kaleni respectfully said: “Because we have your command!”

Caesar is doing it because of this. . . . . . He knows very well that the hard battle of the Roman legion is coming soon. . . . . .

The traps were quickly filled in with the help of the auxiliary soldiers, and the Roman soldiers who had been closely monitoring the enemy and protecting the auxiliary soldiers re-instood the pace of the attack.

“Are you ready, my warriors!” Wang Weizhen shook hands in the sword.

“Listen to your command of Ernst.” This is Richtofen’s answer.

Guo Yenfeng did not say a word, but slowly pulled out his own sword.

“It is our pleasure for the Germanic people to fight with you.” This is the answer from Andreus and Tibius.

“So, let us prepare a new lesson for the Romans!” Wang Weizhen said faintly.

The Romans continued to advance towards this place. . . . . . Soon, the deer villages and the obstacles that were everywhere were blocking their offense.

“Auxiliary soldiers -” Sukos once again made such a call.

Those auxiliary soldiers reappeared, however, this time they are facing a very different situation.

“Archer!” Wang Weizhen shouted: “Give them some lessons!”

The well-equipped archers appeared. They opened their bows, and the arrows made a gorgeous shape in the sky, and then the rain fell.

The screams quickly spread among the Roman auxiliary soldiers, and one after another auxiliary soldiers fell under the attack of the Germanic bows and arrows!

“second round!”

In the scream of Wang Weizhen, another row of arrows fell. . . . . .

“Protection, protection!” Huge death and injury, so that Sukos had to make such a life

The Roman soldier holding the shield hurriedly blocked the front and hardened the bow of the Germanic rain.

Those assistants who gnashed their teeth began their difficult cleaning work.

They are a very special group of people in the Roman legion. As long as the Roman legions are responsible for combat, these auxiliary soldiers, in addition to fighting, must undertake some work. !

It’s easy to clean up a road time that has already consumed most of the past.

Sukos retorted with a sigh of relief: “Re-attack, re-attack.”

The Romans passed by on a wide road. Although they passed these obstacles, the formation has been completely disrupted. . . . . .

Wang Weizhen knows that it is my turn to shoot!

The voice of “German–” sounded like a thunder in the ears of all Germanic soldiers.

“German -” The triumphant cheers resounded through the clouds!

Wang Weizhen first rushed out. . . . . . Followed by Richtofen and Guo Yenfeng. . . . . .


All the brave and warlike Germanic warriors, following their heroic and fearless leader, bravely rushed out to the Romans!

The Romans, who are still re-listing in formation, have to rush to meet the offensive from the barbarians!

These barbarians come so impassioned that they are so daunting.

Only one sprint, the Germanic people have rushed to the front of the Romans, the sword and the sword began. . . . . .

“What is that?” Caesar, who was concerned about the battlefield, suddenly raised his hand and asked.

“It seems to be a banner…” Calenie tried to look at it: “Hell, the barbarian also has his own flag? The one above, like… Ah, I see clearly. It’s a huge Skulls…”

Caesar is silent.

―Skulls battle flag!

He did not know the history of this banner, and it is absolutely impossible to know, but he has the feeling that he feels that this banner should represent something, perhaps with any special meaning.

Just like the warrior who fought bravely among the Romans with the Skulls mask. . . . . .

That is Ernst. Breem!

His sword has been raised numerous times and countless times. Every time he rises and falls, there is always a Roman who will be killed because of this!

On his left is Richtofen with the Vulcan Rocket mask. On his right, there is a guy who is more afraid of the Romans:

Blood Devil – Guo Yenfeng!

The combination of these three people is really terrible. All the enemies who attempt to block them are dying under their weapons.

No one can survive!

In fact, after repeated failures, the Romans have begun to spread a story:

The barbarian was sheltered by the devil.

The devil sent Skulls, Vulcan and the Blood Devil, they got the curse of the devil, they have endless power.

The story of Skulls, Vulcan and the Blood Devil is spreading rapidly among the Romans. . .

This is the spread of rumors of the headaches of the Roman generals. It is often very fast, and in the short term, there is no solution at all unless you can defeat the enemies in the story.

Now, Skulls, Vulcan and the Blood Devil are here, and they live in front of all the Roman soldiers, and as they are rumored, they are constantly harvesting the enemy’s life.

The Germanic people also performed so well. These brave warriors constantly rushed in the Romans and constantly used the weapons in their hands to capture the enemy’s life.

They try not to let the Romans form a formation, as close as possible to the Romans, and try not to let the Romans play their strengths.

Sukos is very worried about the situation at hand. The huge strength of the Romans is unable to exert an advantage in such terrain, but the barbarians can form a superior force to encircle the Roman soldiers who have placed the orders.

However, Sukols could not find a solution. . . . . .

“Manfred, Four-Knifes, cover me!”

At this time, Wang Weizhen discovered the Roman chief centurion who commanded the battle at a glance. He is too close to the front line, which gives Wang Weizhen the best chance.

Richtofen and Guo Yenfeng were protected by Wang Weizhen, and the squad of three people, the team of three people, unstoppable approach to Sukos.

Sukos also found that the danger is approaching towards himself.

Are these damn Romans still ready to kill themselves?

But the current problem is that the Roman soldiers can’t resist the fast and fierce charge of the three squad, especially after the discovery of the Baron’s behavior, the Germanic soldiers of Anrugus and Tibius also joined. In the action of the Baron adults.

More close, let Sucors stunned that he could not even escape.

Once escaping, it will have a great psychological impact on your subordinates.

Sukols bit his teeth and caught a spear.

He was also a famous warrior among the Romans, and he decided to compete with the guy wearing the Skulls mask for the last face-to-face contest.

Already able to see the Skulls mask man, Sukos a horse, gnashing his teeth toward the Skulles mask man.

The lance was lifted straight in his hand. . . . . .

As soon as he approached, Wang Weizhen rolled toward the ground, and then the sword in his hand quickly cut off the horse’s legs.

The horse made a long whisper and threw down Sucors to the ground!

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