The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country seven hundred and eighteen. Marshal’s surrender, floating astronomy

The outcome of the battle is no longer a matter to consider. !

Everyone knows that the Kremlin’s fall is only a matter of time. What the Russians are doing at this time is nothing more than a stretch of sorrow.

How long is it possible to delay?

The German attack began to increase significantly, and they have controlled more than half of Moscow. It does not seem to want the war to continue.

On 9’s 7 Day, under the strong impact of the Germans and the Allies, the 2 Army of the Guards collapsed completely. Commander Chamilov was killed and most of his department was defamed.

On 8 Day and 9 Day, the Germans broke through the first and second lines of the Soviet Red Army and rushed to the core of the Soviet Red Army.

Zhukov, Huasilevsky, Maslennikov. . . . . . All the commanders appeared on the front line and commanded the final battle.

No one of them has hope for victory, and all of them have made the final and worst preparations.

The bad news one by one was passed on to their ears. On the afternoon of 9, the commander of the 30 Group Army, Lieutenant General Lyuliusenko, was unfortunately killed by the German sniper when he was on the front line. . . . . . On the same night, a German commando raided the 22 Group Army Command, and Commander Lieutenant General Wosterruhof was captured. . . . . .

At noon on the 10, the Germans had been besieging the Soviet Red Army. Now, the Russians have lost any chance to break through.

When the news reached the Stalin ear, the Soviet leader was not too scared, just let his men do their own things.

He knows that since the trial of fate is unavoidable, then only accept it.

The sound of the guns outside has become more and more clear. Perhaps the Germans are now continually winning attacks. Stalin shook his head and seemed to have been afraid until now that the Soviet Union would have reached the point of today.

What can I do? No one can change this anymore. . . . . .

Beria stood by his side, this loyal subordinate, almost stabbed by Stalin, but he did not have any complaints but has been doing his duty to protect Stalin’s final security.

“Are you afraid? Raf Lianji. Bavlovich. Comrade Beria?” Stalin suddenly asked.

“Yes, I am afraid.” Beria replied calmly: “Comrade Stalin, I am really afraid that no one will not be afraid of death. No one will not worry about the arrival of failure. But I think that there is no fear at this time. used.

All we can do is wait for the final fate. . . . . . ”

“Yeah, the last fate.” Stalin sighed: “Comrade Beria, I think, by my side, out of Comrade Zhukov and Comrade Huasilev, you are the only one who dares to tell me. The person who talks…”

Yes, this is the supreme leader and the sorrow of a dictator. . . . . . Half of his people are flattering him, and the other half are afraid to say anything because they fear his dignity. . . . . .

Sometimes Stalin really feels that he is very sad. When a person can’t even hear a truth, what more can he say?

“I don’t want to be a prisoner of the Germans, I don’t want to…” Stalin muttered. “When all the Germans rush in, I hope someone can help me with my mission. Can you help me?” Lavlian Ji. Bavlovich. Comrade Beria?”

Beria stunned and understood the meaning of “assisting” in Stalin’s mouth.

He said in a panic: “No, Comrade Stalin, I can’t complete the task you told me. No one can hurt you, no. My hands can’t get your blood!”

Stalin smiled: “Oh, I just talked about it. Comrade Beria, go to your own business. I want to stay alone here, think about some questions quietly.”

Beria left, and Stalin sat there for a long time, then took a small bottle out of his pocket and looked at it.

It contained poison, which was enough to make people die without pain in the shortest possible time. Stalin knew that he would definitely not be able to avoid this step sooner or later. . . . . .

If this is the case, then let yourself die like a warrior. . . . . .

9 month 11 Day Moscow’s final battle reached its climax, or more prepared to say that it has come to an end. On this day, the last available forces of Zhukov and Huasilevsky were sent to the battlefield, but they suffered exactly the same fate:

歼 annihilation, constantly being annihilated!

Zhukov and Huasilevsky almost ordered the numbness, and the soldiers of the Soviet Red Army were all numbly executing orders.

Under the fierce and powerful attack of the Germans, the entire front of the Soviet Red Army has been devastated. They have no way to organize effective defenses, and they do not know how to block the German offensive. What they have left is only numb to calculate when the time of failure will come.

Time is passing, and every minute of the past, every hour of the past means that the final failure of leaving the Russians is closer.

Huasilevsky also deeply cleared this point.

At present, there are only two defeated divisions in the hands that he can master. In the face of a wave of attacks by the Germans, he has already reached the point where he can win. !

General Maslennikov is by his side, they will see the failure of Russia and see the victory of the Germans. . . . . .

At the point of 10 in the morning, the Germans defeated a division of the Soviet Red Army and killed most of their commanders.

Huasilevsky remembered very clearly that at the final stage of the division, their teachers were still pleading for reinforcements, but Huasilevsky could no longer find even one reinforcement. Therefore, all he can do is watch the division being completely destroyed.

The earth was shaking there, and the Kremlin was shaking there. . . . . .

A wave of enemies is in front of them, and with the support of Tank, they continue to attack here. Countless Soviet Red Army soldiers went down and down, and countless Russians died helpless here.

It will soon be his turn, and Huasilevsky suddenly thinks so.

“Please leave here, Comrade Maslennikov.” Suddenly, Huasilevsky said.

“What, do you want me to leave, Marshal Comrade?” Maslennikov asked in an incredible way: “No, my combat position is here, I will never leave my comrades, I can’t Let you fight here alone!”

Huaxilevsky smiled and said: “I think the situation you and I have seen very clearly. There is no possibility of victory. The Germans will break through the whole line in about two hours. Comrade Stalin needs more. Please accept my order, Comrade Maslennikov.

Maslennikov knows that all he said is true, but he is still not too reconciled: “So what are you, Marshal Comrade?”

“I?” Huasilevsky smiled faintly: “I want to witness the arrival of a period of history…”

He did not go on any more, and his real thoughts inside him can only be known by himself. He looked at how the regime that he fought for himself collapsed. He wanted to see for himself how his enemy won. From the outbreak of the war to the present, he has considered countless times, how did the Germans do all this? Where is the root of the failure of the Soviet Union?

He hopes to have a calm place to consider for himself. Perhaps the prison camp is a good choice. No one there will come to disturb themselves, outside the German interrogation. There is no need to think about anything on the battlefield, where you can let yourself observe the Germans most faithfully. . . . . .

If you have the opportunity to see the Baron Skulls, you can satisfy your wish.

He even wanted to talk to Baron Skulls. . . . . .

“About this evening we can end the main battle…” General Modal said in the headquarters: “Russian resistance has been very weak so far, they are increasingly occupying the battlefield. Right, around 15. Until the 18 date, we will be able to end the battle…”

“I want to thank you for your hard work.” Listening carefully to the reports of the men, Wang Weizhen nodded silently: “I always think about what kind of excitement I will have when the victory comes. But when the victory really appears I found myself so calm.”

“I am the same, Mr. Marshal.” Mordel smiled and said: “There are also the commanders and soldiers on our front line. The same is true. The more we come, the calmer we are. It seems that everything is logical. “”

Wang Weizhen stood up. Looking at the battlefield not far away, his mouth showed a smile: “Look at Moddle, seeing our soldiers so brave and fearless, I really can’t think of any power to stop it. Their attack. I have even seen that our soldiers have attacked the Kremlin and are celebrating their victory in the heart of the enemy.”

Yes, they saw it. They saw the German soldiers, who were moving from one victory to another, and were there to win the final glory for Germany. . . . . .

“Lord Marshal, Berlin is secretly charged.” At this time, General Paul Hauser came over and handed a telegram to Wang Weizhen.

Wang Weizhen looked at it, and the corner of his mouth reappeared with a smile.

“What is it, Mr. Marshal?” asked Moddle curiously.

“Early this year, we completed the first test of the Burning Day Plan, and the results were very satisfying…” Wang Weizhen said faintly: “Now, the Burning Day Plan, The second phase will also be completed, and some powerful bombs will be completed.”

“Burning Day Plan”? A powerful bomb? Modr and Paul Hauser face each other and don’t understand what it means.

Indeed, they have heard from some sources that Berlin’s secret military research base is inventing new weapons that have not been heard before, including a fearsome bomb.

But Modr and Paul Hauser are not too concerned. In their view, even if the power of new weapons is huge, the end of the war must rely on the efforts of the soldiers.

But now look at Ernst. The expression of Marshal Breem seems to have been waiting for the emergence of this “powerful” bomb. What kind of bomb is it?

Moreover, even if the power of such a bomb is so great that it is incredible, but the battle in Moscow will end, what is the meaning of the bomb? En-Marshal is also preparing to use what kind of bombs are being mass-produced.

Wang Weizhen knows what they are thinking, he can tell them that the name of the bomb is called “Atomic Bomb”. Germany, which has completed development and successfully tested, is mobilizing human and material resources to produce more atomic bombs on a large scale.

But at the moment, he still doesn’t want to tell his subordinates what he is going to use for these atomic bombs. . . . . .

Not only the atomic bomb, but the first carrier of the German Navy also completed the launching test. And the German negotiators are secretly discussing some agreements with the US government.

He will soon leave this era, and before that he must do something.

He represents Germany and also represents another country:


He has done a lot of things for Germany, and now it is time to do something for China.

Yes, Adolf. Hitler is the head of Germany, but it is He-Ernst who really holds all the rights of Germany. Breem!

He can give any order in Germany as he pleases, and he can do whatever he wants to do whatever he wants.

No one can stop him. . . . . .

The German soldiers did not know that their Marshal Ernst had begun to plan military operations after the end of the Moscow War. There were still some enemies in front of them that needed them to destroy.

Their final offensive against the Soviet Red Army is unfolding.

In the 1943 month of 9, the moment to determine the destiny of the world has arrived.

A large number of German soldiers and their allies, Romanians, Bulgarians, or Russians, appeared in batches on the battlefield, completing a breakthrough after another. Moscow, has been stormy, and there is a possibility of collapse at any time and place.

No – the current Moscow has actually collapsed!

The blood of the civilians washed the earth, and the blood of the soldiers washed the earth.

Even in the air, all the blood is filled with blood. . . . . .

The desperate resistance brought more despair to the Russians. They exhausted the final charge from the enemy and exhausted their final mission.

They are confused and helpless. Everything they do is so mechanical and numb. Many of them don’t even know that at this time, why should they do this?

In the afternoon of 11, the German Skulls Division completed a beautiful breakthrough. The entire outer perimeter defense of the Kremlin was completely collapsed.

The Russians were running on the battlefield. They died in a piece of film under the shooting of the Germans. Many of the Soviet Red Army soldiers who lost their last hopes, under the powerful attack of the Germans, finally put down their weapons and raised their hands.

In fact, at this time, surrender is no longer a shameful thing, and most of them have worked hard to complete their tasks.

They have nothing to worry about. . . . . .

Ludwig looked at everything on the battlefield, his mood was so excited at the moment.

As a member of the former Skulls commando, he experienced the failure of Germany during the First World War. He will never forget the day when Germany announced its surrender, and will never forget the heartbreaking scene on the battlefield of Monfort. .

When the Germans re-emerged, he saw the hope of revenge, and then De Minyanoski, he almost failed again.

But at the most critical time, he came back: Baron Skulls!

At the moment when the Baron returned to Glory, Ludwig told himself that Germany will no longer fail afterwards!

From De Minyanoski to Kharkov, from Stalingrad to Moscow, following the pace of Baron Skulles, he and his troops have won such brilliant success again and again.

Now, the final battle is over. . . . . .

What else can you regret? No, no more. . . . . . All people, everyone, will always remember the infinite efforts of the German soldiers for the honor of the country. . . . . .

Among the Soviet Red Army soldiers who surrendered on the battlefield, Ludwig and his Tank did not panic.

At this time, he saw Colonel Vanderbilt appear in front of himself: “General, a Russian marshal surrendered.”

“Oh, is it?” Ludwig didn’t feel anything to be surprised. Since the outbreak of the Moscow War, too many Russian marshals and generals have been killed or surrendered.

He saw a Russian marshal being brought to himself, and then the Russian marshal calmly said: “I am Alexander Mihajlovic. Huasilevsky handsome.”

Ludwig finally couldn’t help but be surprised.

Huasilevsky? Was Sislevsky, who has always brought countless troubles to the Germans?

He took a deep breath: “Hello, Huaslevsky handsome, I am Ludwig, the teacher of the Armed SS Skulls division, I am honored to see you.”

“I am very honored to be able to see you,” Huasilevsky said calmly.

He did not choose to commit suicide. He thought that suicide-type cowards would do things.

He chose to surrender and he knew that he still had a lot to do.

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