The latest chapter of the Unlimited Military Base, Volume II: My Country Sixty-six Six. The last battle (below), floating astronomy

1943 5 Month 1 Day. !

Ten days left before the end of the battle time by Baron Alexson.

The baron’s order cannot be resisted, and the baron’s time limit cannot be changed!

A large number of German generals appeared on the battlefield.

Each of them has only one common idea:

Complete their mission in the time the baron is limited.

Relying on the absolute superiority of the artillery, the Germans in Stalingrad, the last and the most insane offensive began.

This is the final battle of Stalingrad, this is the battle of Stalingrad’s fate judgment!

And the battle to launch this trial was a baron from hell:

Ernst . Alexson . Feng. Breem!

From the 5 month 1 day, the Germans launched a large-scale assault on the battlefields of Stalingrad, and the Soviet Red Army also invested in the final defensive operations.

This is a contest between steel and will. . . . . .

What the Germans are going to do now is how to avoid casualties as much as possible, and rely on strong steel power to achieve the final victory with the least cost.

The only thing the Soviet Red Army can do is how to use its last willpower to maximize the delay of the enemy’s offense in the event that the ammunition has been exhausted.

This is not a reciprocal contest at all.

Schumilov and his 64 group army are late. Now, the only thing that Stalingrad can rely on is Cui Kefu’s 62 Army and the disabled Soviet Red Army.

It is clear that Moscow has no hope of whether Stalingrad can win, and Huasilevsky is completely desperate.

Now, Stalingrad can only rely on themselves to fend for themselves. . . . . .

“Now, we no longer have any doubts about the arrival of the victory…” In the memoirs of General XUX Group’s armored group, General Haus Hauser, he recorded the final trial in Stalingrad. Battle of:

“The Russians are caught in a desperate passive defense. They are fighting a battle without hope… The street fighting is still going on, and it is still very cruel, but obviously, our soldiers are like this. The way has long been used.

We are shocked by the determination of the Russians’ resistance. We admire the sacrifice spirit of the Russians, but this will not hinder our determination to win. . . . . . The solid positions of each one were conquered by the cooperation of artillery, air force, engineering and infantry. A large number of bodies lay there in a variety of strange ways. Now, all of this for us is not horrible at all. . . . . .

Ernst . Marshal Breem once again appeared on the front line. No one would be surprised by his appearance. He is such a person, always personally commanding his troops to fight. And under his personal supervision, who else would not do everything in his power? We all have to remember one thing, the marshal is watching behind us. . . . . .

Earlier, I got a message that one of my Tank groups had annihilated one of the enemy’s divisions, and took advantage of the evolving telegraph. I didn’t feel any excitement. This is probably a new armored unit that has been transferred to the front line. They think that it is a great thing to kill a division of the enemy. In fact, such a record is now more common. . . . . . From Ernst. After General Breem came back to re-direct the Germans, the generals we killed and captured were almost unclear. . . . . .

There is still no news of Cui Kefu. It is now certain that Cui Kefu is the highest commander of the Russians of Stalingrad. His power here is even more than that of Huaslevsky. What I have to admit is that without the outstanding performance of Cui Kefu, perhaps the battle of Stalingrad has already ended. This is an enemy we are very powerful. . . . . . I have some regrets. This guy named Cui Kefu is not a German general, otherwise he will be able to play his talents better. . . . . . However, things are not so perfect. I am satisfied with the victory. . . . . .

I remember 1943’s 5 month 1 day, ten days from the time set by Marshal Ernst. In these ten days, I believe that every German soldier will explode their greatest strength to complete the marshal’s Expectation. Of course, the same is true of our senior commanders. . . . . . You know, it’s not a glorious thing to finish the marshal’s order. . . . . .

On the morning of 1, I appeared on the front line and put the last reserve team in my hand into the offense. The damn Russians are still struggling to resist. They are always unwilling to let us easily win the battle. The fighting in some places is more exciting than before. I even suspect that every Russian here is tied up with explosives and ready to go with us. . . . . . ”

At least, Paul Hauser’s suspicion is not wrong. The Russians are very willing to tie explosives on their bodies and then ring the explosives when the Germans appear.

Therefore, the battle in the last ten days must be the tenth worst in the entire Stalingrad attack and defense.

In the two days from 1 to 2, the German commando launched more than a hundred attacks. They killed more than 20,000 enemies and captured countless numbers.

The Soviet Red Army began to shrink, and their positions fell into the hands of the Germans, but until the 2, the Russians had not seen any plans to give up.

This is a thing that makes the Germans headache but helpless.

At the time of the 3, the battle entered a stage of intense heat. All Germans and the Soviet Red Army are involved in the most intense battles in every inch of land in offensive and counter-attacks. !

The Imperial Division of the SS, Skulls Division, Alco Cluster. . . . . . All the troops are suffering from the almost suicidal madness of the Soviet Red Army.

Cui Kefu used the same method as Schumilov. In the case of complete loss of gunfire support, it must be closely attached to the German army to minimize the German artillery advantage.

This is very helpless, but it is very effective. Even if the German soldiers tried their best, they could not stop the waves of the Russians.

They must hold the trigger in their hands for a second before they can barely block the enemy.

Some of the Soviet Red Army troops, after almost half of their deaths and injuries, finally approached the Germans, and the more brutal white-bladed war broke out.

It’s just that there are too few Russians who can rush up. When they rushed into the German position, they found themselves surrounded by the group.

They are facing a new round of massacre. . . . . .

When a small battle is over, even the soldiers who have been through the battle can’t help but bend down and retched. They can vomit for a long time, but they find that they can’t vomit anything.

The gap in the battle, as long as they close their eyes, they will wake up from a nightmare in less than a minute, then nervously hold the gun in their hands and look for enemies that do not exist.

If the war is over now, then what they need is not a medal, but a very qualified psychiatrist. . . . . .

The Germans are still the same, not to mention the Russians. They live in fear almost every minute.

A fear that does not see any hope at all.

The will is slightly unsettled. It has already collapsed in such a brutal battle. So on the battlefield, you can often see some Russians who waved Bobosha and shouted “Ula” in their mouths. Their expressions and actions were very weird because they were crazy!

It’s really crazy, and it’s mad by the war. . . . . .

Even Cui Kefu is almost crazy.

The string of huge casualties, the horrible battle report that the entire regiment was annihilated, and the nerves of Cui Kefu were tortured all the time.

He wanted to find a place where no one was there. Then he tore his clothes and screamed a few times, but he could not do so. . . . . .

Because, there are so many subordinates watching him. . . . . .

Now, there are not many troops around his headquarters. The most powerful force is the first guerrilla group of Soviet guerrillas.

Some ridiculous, a commander of a group army can only rely on a group of guerrillas to protect their own safety, but Cui Kefu has no way.

Now that the battle has taken place, all the troops that can be used in Cui Kefu’s hands have already been sent to the front line. Even these guerrillas are placed next to Cui Kefu after repeated requests from his chief of staff.

The Germans may appear anywhere, anytime, but this is not what Cui Kefu is going to consider now. . . . . .

Time passed by, and when the Germans reached the 5, they had already occupied more than half of Stalingrad. Even if Zhukov or Huaslevev handsomely arrived here, they could not save the fate of Stalingrad.

It is not these things that Cui Kefu thinks, but how to die directly in the most glorious way:

Just like Schumilov.

The guerrillas are still confident. They are actively taking care of the fortifications and preparing for the arrival of the Germans. Because each of them is clear, the current headquarters has been retired, and here will be their last battlefield.

If this is the case, then let all the people gloriously die in this fast land. . . . . .

On the afternoon of 5’s 5 afternoon, the German assault troops finally appeared here, and Cuikov’s last moment came.

At the 3 point that afternoon, Huaslevev sent a caller and asked about the battle situation here. Cui Kefu answered this question:

“I am about to start a confrontation with the Germans. Now I can master some guerrillas… The battle of Stalingrad is still going on, but it will end in these few days, the last winner It’s German… I’ve done my best, I’m going to shed the last drop of blood for the Soviets… If possible, please tell my wife, my children, and my comrades. We, I am worthy of my career, worthy of my country…”

This is Cui Kefu’s last words. After the telegram was finished, Cui Kefu no longer considered anything else.

The German commando who arrived here did not make too many adjustments and quickly launched an attack on the Soviet Red Army.

Cui Kefu looked at the German Tanks, and they slammed their positions once and for all. He also looked at how the guerrillas who were not regular troops fought bravely.

He is very pleased, at least until now, there are still troops who are loyal to themselves. . . . . .

Of course, failure is already doomed.

At first, the German commando did not know that this is the headquarters of the 62 Army of the Soviet Red Army. From the opposite firepower and personnel combat quality, they thought they encountered some Russian workers or women’s forces.

But the German intelligence agencies, from the telegraphs of the Soviet Red Army and the Soviet Red Army, noticed that they caught a big fish in the unusual dynamics on the battlefield.

On both wings, the Soviet Red Army, which is still fighting, is desperately moving closer to it in an attempt to tear the Germans.

The Germans who discovered this anomaly quickly plunged into the elite SS Paipa Fighting Corps. And on the same night, the Nordland battle group also joined the attack.

Some armored units also moved here and joined the attack operations.

Now, the XREDX Group Army Command of the Soviet Red Army has lost the last hope of breaking through.

On 5 day and night, the German intelligence forces made an accurate judgment: the headquarters of the Soviet Red Army in Stalingrad is here.

This has stimulated the adrenaline of the German generals.

Kill them – kill these Russians – end the Battle of Stalingrad!

The Germans rushed to launch the charge once and for all, destroying the Russian defense bit by bit.

They have effectively used the ability of the SS commando team to constantly kill the enemy’s vital forces.

Of course, the defense defensive determination of the Soviet Red Army guerrillas is also amazing, they fearlessly use their bodies to block the German armored forces, although this makes them blood.

They know better than the Germans that they are protecting who is more aware of the importance of their responsibilities than the Germans.

As long as they don’t last, they will never give up. . . . . .

The Germans made a tireless assault on one night and achieved great results. Most of the Soviet Red Army’s outside positions were pulled out, and the remaining enemies were driven to a very small place.

Until this time, the Germans on the front line still had a hint of fantasy, they tried to produce the big man of the Russian.

But the idea is at least as impractical as it seems now.

When an enemy commander has determined his mortal determination, there is no way for you to turn him into a prisoner.

Cui Kefu is such a person!

He refused the request of his subordinates to immediately break through, but told the loyal subordinates: “Stalingrad is very big. The Soviet Union is also very big, but there is no place where we can retreat.”

When he said this, his subordinates knew what each of them should do. . . . . .

The 6 and Germans decided to end the battle here. They used a large number of self-propelled artillery pieces to launch a terrible shelling at the narrow position of the Soviet Red Army.

The rounds of the shells combed the enemy’s position round and round, and the sound of the explosion continued, causing the Soviet Red Army to sneak into the first group of Russians.

Then, the German commandos began to make a final round of attack on the enemy’s position in an orderly manner.

The rest of the Russians who can fight are not much. . . . . .

They are still working hard, stubbornly trying to stop the arrival of the enemy, but now it seems that any of their efforts have become useless.

Cui Kefu put down the telescope and sighed softly.

It is over. Everything is over here.

The dream that I once had, the belief I once had, it is time to draw an incomplete end. . . . . .

If there is still an afterlife, Cui Kefu vows that he will not be a Russian soldier again. Because he can’t see so many subordinate sacrifices again, he can’t suffer so much again.

Blood, will remember Stalingrad. . . . . .

1943 5 6 Day 10, the German commando team completed an important breakthrough, where the defending Russians completely collapsed.

When they attacked the enemy’s core positions, they found the body of a Russian general:

Vasily . Ivanovic. Cui Kefu.

1900 2 month 12 day, the wind is low. In a small wooden house in the village of Sherperia in the Osher Valley of the Tsar Province of Tula, Russia, a small, skinny boy was born. He was named Vasily. Ivanovic. Cui Kefu.

In the autumn of 1927, Cui Kefu officially completed his studies in the Oriental Department of the Fulongzhi Military Academy and traveled to China again as a military consultant. During the two-year tenure of this military adviser, Cui Kefu traveled around and covered the entire North, South and Sichuan provinces. He further deepened his understanding of China and learned to speak fluent Chinese.

He is very “related” to China and is also directly involved in the aggression against China!

In 1929, the dispute between China and the Soviet Union on the Middle East railway issue has become more and more serious, and the two countries’ military forces have been gathering in the border areas. On 7’s 13 Day, the Soviet Union announced that it would sever diplomatic relations with China. Cui Kefu was ordered to withdraw with the Vietnamese diplomatic personnel.

8月6日,苏联军事委员会组建远东特别集团军,任命曾在1924至1927年在中国担任孙中山顾问的布柳赫尔――即加仑将军出任该集团军司令官;15日,苏联政府向中国发出最后通牒。16日,张学良发表了对苏作战动员令,决定以东北军的6万兵力分东、西两路抗击Soviet Red Army 。

At this time, Cui Kefu, who had just returned to China, was immediately ordered to rush to the station of the Far East Special Group Army Command. He was responsible for the collection and organization of intelligence in the army’s military staff, and was directly responsible to the group commander, Bujuhell.

From the 10 month 10 day, China and the Soviet Union fought in the Confluence of Heilongjiang and Songhua Rivers – Tongjiang and Fujin areas, and the Northeast China Army lost; 11 month 17 Day, the Soviet Red Army stormed the Mishan in the eastern part of Heilongjiang Province. The region, Manzhouli and Hailar in the west, once again succeeded. The failure on the battlefield made Zhang Xueliang have to accept the “Boli Agreement.”

Cui Kefu undoubtedly played a very important role in this war of aggression against China.

1943 5 month 6 day, Cui Kefu was killed in Stalingrad!

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