The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: my country 685. The land of life (on), floating astronomy

The battle of the land of life was cruel on the day of 21. On this day even Ernst. Marshal Breem also personally appeared in the most direct battle on the front line.

The soldiers on both sides are sighing in the middle of a contest between life and death, and no one wants to give up.

The Tank and the self-propelled artillery are constantly facing each other, and the shells have thrown out numerous pits on the ground.

The fire was everywhere, and the entire battlefield really turned into a big stove, and everything was burning inside. . . . . .

There was no time to eat, and no one felt hunger at all.

If life is gone, what else should the food do?

In the encirclement, the Desu soldiers are carrying out a cruel contest. Outside the encirclement, the Desu soldiers are also carrying out the most brutal contest.

Race against time and race against death!

Everyone doesn’t know what will happen in the future, everyone is waiting for what will happen in the future.

The flesh is suffering here, and the soul endures it here. . . . . . There is nothing more painful than waiting for the fate of the judgment. . . . . .

On this day, the two sides had a total of 70 battles of amazing size. The number of casualties is not counted at all. . . . . .

Many positions have directly faced a white-bladed battle. At that moment, humans returned to the era of cold weapons from the era of hot weapons. The soldiers armed with the machine gun Sub Machine Gun instantly became beasts and bitten each other. . . . . .

The battle of the land of life seems to be in jeopardy of the Germans, and there is always the danger of being broken. But the Soviet Red Army has been battling for a whole day, but the position is still stubbornly in the hands of the German assault cluster.

At this time, the Germans on the outside line also launched a powerful assault. The fastest-running SS Skulls division has broken through the block of the Soviet Red Army.

Now, the situation has begun to become somewhat detrimental to the Russians. . . . . .

Voroshilov was forced to withdraw some troops from the battlefield to block the German assault, but he was also very clear that with the assault power of the German SS, his own blocking forces could not delay their time.

Every minute, it adds another minute of danger. . . . . .

Because of this, even if it was at night, Voroshilov still issued the command of the storm.

He can’t wait, the Germans won’t leave him much time, maybe a minute, the German armored car will appear in front of him.

The Germans were also not idle. After the night, they stood firm and sent a surprise squad to the night attack.

The focus of defense is not on the ground, but on the appropriate opportunity to launch anti-assault, using Thunder to completely disrupt the deployment of the enemy.

The German elite SS SS commando attacked. . . . . .

Use the chaos to win the most precious time every minute!

Now the battlefield has become a mess, and it is impossible to tell who is the offensive party. Who is the defender, everyone has become a ghost in the night.

In fact, it is not a real night, the burning fire ignited the battlefield, and when the two sides approached, they could even see each other’s faces.

The jumping bullet penetrated the jumping heart, and the sharp bayonet opened the bloody artery. . . . . .

When the soldiers who were pierced by the body fell down, there was no regrets and fears, but they were relieved and relieved. . . . . .

Go to the fucking war. Never disturb me anymore, let me sleep here.

A large number of German snipers appeared directly in front, and it has become their hunting battlefield. The ones that are running one by one are their prey! Aiming – then shooting – then, a life is ruthlessly deprived!

Without the pleasure of success, God knows if he will be the next target to be hunted. . . . . .

The Russians obviously still can’t adapt to the assault methods of the German commando. They can’t find a good solution, and some are passively beaten.

Now, what they want most is that the night passes as soon as possible, so that the ubiquitous Germans will return to their original defensive position.

Throughout the night’s assault operations, the German commandos that were everywhere were clearly doing quite well. They killed a lot of enemies and seriously damaged the deployment of the Soviet Red Army.

Under normal circumstances, the enemy who was attacked overnight after the arrival of the day will have a long period of rest.

But it is a pity that here is the Terek River, here is the land of life:

Not only for the Germans, but also for Voroshilov and the Soviet Red Army he is commanding, it is also a vital place to live!

Voroshilov did not allow any time for the troops who had been attacked overnight to make any adjustments and quickly issued an order to re-launch. . . . . .

It looks a little unappealing, but it is also a pretty good choice. . . . . .

Quite simply, time means life, time means victory, and the German external troops are fiercely pushing forward here. Any time delays are what Voroshilov does not want to see.

He must accurately grasp every minute.

Under his strict orders, the hordes of Soviet Red Army reappeared on the battlefield.

They have to fight, just like the Germans, fighting for their own survival.

Now, they don’t fight for any faith, they don’t fight for the belief, but they want to make sure they are not destroyed by the Germans. .

The soldiers who fought for survival on both sides spurred their greatest fighting enthusiasm here.

There are people who are dying, but there are people who constantly set up machine guns on the bodies of their companions, not to avenge their companions, but to let themselves:

― Live!

The war spread across every corner of the battlefield. . . . . . At first, I was able to hear the shouts, but then, the shouts could not be heard at all. Everyone was silently attacking, silently defending, and then silently dying.

Can’t ask them more, because they have done more than ten times their ability!

Viking under the constant impact of the Soviet Red Army’s Terek River Corps, also completely retired to the core array

The best hope – the German soldiers are doing their best to defend their last hope:

The land of life!

Regardless of the final outcome of the war, it is bound to become a land that is stained with blood!

At this time, Voroshilov and his soldiers would not know that their biggest enemy, Baron Alexson’s command, was set at the forefront of the battlefield:

F position!

Even, Marshal Ernst himself fought the enemy several times and several times after entering the F position. . . . . .

If a marshal is so crazy, is there any reason for his soldiers not to be crazy?

Since you will die here sooner or later, then please fight with Baron Alexson.

The Russians also believe that the Germans also have a firm belief. . . . . .

“The leader of the SS Skulls division has broken through our blockade.” In the highest command of the Stalingrad army, Khrushchev said with anxiety: “According to their speed of assault, we are afraid it is difficult to stop them. Comrade Commander, I am worried about those troops on the front line…”

“Not worried, but terrible things are about to happen…” Huasilevsky’s face looked so dignified: “Comrade Voroshilov played on the front line for so many days, although the Germans were forced. A small area, but it was too late to win the final victory. Now, Ernst.Breem’s plan is likely to succeed… so many troops, military commissioners, so many of our troops are about to be German. Surrounded…”

Khrushchev tempted and asked: “Is it possible to withdraw them now?”

Huasilevsky shook his head: “It is already late. At this time, the retreat and the command caused our chaos. Instead, it made it easier for the Germans to completely break through. Moreover, we have used so many troops, but not succeeded. Instead… do you think Moscow will promise?”

Khrushchev sighed.

Dawamirsky has been shot, he has become a new scapegoat. So where is the scapegoat?

“Command, Comrade Voroshilov must overcome all difficulties and unsuccessfully launch a surprise attack against the Germans. · A major breakthrough must be completed today!” The voice of Huasilevsky became firm: “Don’t be afraid to sacrifice, we have sacrificed so much. Comrade… Command, Comrade Malinowski splits the part into two, and repairs the work on the other side of the Terek River…”

Khrushchev glanced, is the Marshal already doing the worst?

“If the Germans win, they will soon cross the Terek River. When the Terek River is lost, it will be related to whether Stalingrad’s new defense can be established. This is very important….. “Husileevsky’s words confirmed Khrushchev’s judgment, but then Huasilevsky smiled again: “In fact, even if we can get enough time, what about us? Most of our troops have already invested.” In the attack on the assault cluster in the German army, the defenders in Stalingrad were very few.

Once Voroshilov is defeated, we have no trustworthy troops in our hands. . . . . . ”

“Gather all the people of Stalingrad together.” Khrushchev made his own suggestion: “Especially workers and peasants, distributing weapons to them, relying on ideological and political mobilization, I believe they can also become a unit.” Great power!”

At this level, Huasilevsky can only do this: “There are women, old people and children who must launch all the forces that can be mobilized. Let them know the importance of defending Stalingrad, let them be Stalin. Geller surrounded the battle to shed his last drop of blood!”

“Yes, Comrade General Commander, I will arrange it.”

Looking at the back of Khrushchev’s hurried departure, Huasilevsky sighed deeply.

This was originally a perfect offense, a perfect siege, but too many factors caused unpredictable results.

Although the fighting is still going on, Huasilevsky has become more and more strongly felt that his troops have been hard to win again.

Now, what if you can defeat the German assault cluster?

Voroshilov and his troops will be surrounded by the Germans. . . . . .

On the front line, Voroshilov was in a hurry, and the officers of the Soviet Red Army were also in a hurry.

The German external forces were pressing hard, and the assault clusters in the Germans in the encirclement were still fighting hard.

The Soviet Red Army has broken through the two wings of the Germans, but the Germans quickly began to shrink their forces and concentrated on several major core areas for defense. !

The corpse on the battlefield, with Germans and Russians.

The dead bodies are different, but each has the same point:

They don’t see any regrets on their faces. . . . . . It seems that they are just tired and sleep. . . . . .

A shell flew over, and God knew where it was flying out, just in the middle of the Russian offensive team. In a flash, a large group of Russians were blown up and flew into the sky.

However, their companions did not seem to notice the general. Even the bodies of these people fell to the ground and no one took a look.

What is good looking? This will only increase the added fear. . . . . .

Sooner or later, they will die the same sooner or later.

The days of the Germans are also no better than anywhere. All of their positions are suffering from the crazy attack of the Soviet Red Army. Every minute and every second is increasing.

This cursed offense, this cursed defense. . . . . .

“Hey, Malister, where are you still grenades?”

“There are some, Marshal!” Malister handed the grenade to Marshal Ernst: “Marshal, when will our troops arrive?”

“Come on, trust them.” Wang Weizhen put the grenade on the table: “They are all good soldiers, aren’t they?”

Malister nodded. “Marshal, I have experienced a lot of battles with you. I have always wanted to ask you, but I am afraid I will offend you…”

“Hey, Malister, we are fighting together now, what else can’t you ask?”

“Marshal, are you the most crazy marshal of all time?”

Wang Weizhen first stunned and then “haha” laughed: “I think so, I am probably the most marshal of the marshal in history!”

“But we all like to fight with you… Hey, the Russians came up and all went into battle!” Malister was laughing too, then greeted the soldiers loudly.

The Sub Machine Gun in his hand rang, and the Malister seemed so happy: “Marshal, do you know? I never dreamed of fighting with you before.”

Wang Weizhen was still laughing at his muzzle, and he wanted to tell Malister that he never thought that he would face such a battle one day.

Thanks to Violet Light Military Base, I have brought myself to such a bloody era. . . . . .

“General Moder, Manstein Marshal Telegraph. He asked where our troops arrived and whether they needed his support. The telegram also said that if they could not arrive in the battlefield in time, all the people would be sent to the military court!”

“Please call back to Marshal Manstein, I don’t want to take up the military court!” Model, who was holding the telescope, said coldly: “My troops have completed the breakthrough and are advancing rapidly towards the Terek River, asking Marshal Manstein to complete his own. Mission, I don’t need his assistance.”

After that, he put down the telescope: “Go ask General Ludwig, where did he arrive, and tell him, I am ready for two bullets, once I can’t get to the Terek River in time, then a bullet is given to him. There is also a bullet that is reserved for my own use.

“Please call General Modr, and his two bullets can be saved.” Ludwig, who looked expressionless, answered this question: “My Tank is breaking, my soldiers are breaking, I am about to see Skulls. It is time to ask Colonel Vanderbilt, is it necessary for my Tank to personally break through the Russian defense…”

After that, his hand waved: “For Ernst, Skulls division – go forward!”

For Ernst, Skulls division – ˉ – advance!

“Hell, let General Ludwig stay where he should be! What? Meet the Russians’ blocking? Tank? Send the Tanks! Where are the commandos? What are the commandos doing?” Vanderbilt didn’t even look at it. telegram.

Very close, very close to the battlefield of the Terek River.

Just a while ago, Ernst. A telegraph by Marshal Breem will be known to every German who is fighting, and there is only one sentence on the telegram:

“The land of life is still full of life!”

It is also from this telegram that the Terek River battlefield was called by all German officers and men.

The land of life!

Blooming the battlefield of life!

Now, what Vanderbilt and his troops have to do is to get to the battlefield where many lives have been buried as soon as possible, but there are still countless lives!

His regiment completed a breakthrough one after the other, sometimes encountering the strong resistance of the Soviet Red Army, but the German soldiers desperately attacked, or achieved incredible results.

Marshal Ernst is very close, and now, what they have to do is to continue to accelerate their pace.

Until now, Colonel Vanderbilt could not believe that Marshal Ernst really used himself as a bait. Moreover, this bait was swallowed by the Russians!

Then the following things should be handed over to yourself to complete!

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