The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: my country is 676. Voroshilov, floating astronomy

!16 Day of the day, the loss of the Soviet Red Army is unacceptable.

The German Central Assault Cluster used the general line of defense of steel to tell the Russians what is the real war.

Yes, these Russians are not afraid of death, at least from the first minute of the battlefield. But as more and more companions die, more and more casualties appear, and the fear of the inner human beings will inevitably appear.

Who is really not afraid of death?

During this day, the casualties of the Soviet Red Army’s Terek River Corps reached an astonishing 12,000. The loss of the German army is extremely slight.

This is simply a naked massacre.

Of course, this is not to say that the German combat power has reached such a terrible level, but that the Soviet Red Army’s unchanging assault mode has given them such brilliant achievements.

The Germans have fully understood the Russian offensive mode. . . . . .

Before the war, the first shot was fired. Then, the Russian soldiers who were instigated would use the sea tactics to rush without charge.

They did not know how to avoid the intensive bomb rain of the enemy, but took their own body and greeted the baptism of the bullet. . . . . .

This is not a war, it is simply sending death.

The evening breeze seems to be mourning for those who died. The shells continued to pass through the night sky, with a screaming whistling sound. . . . . .

There are constantly commandos appearing on the battlefield. . . . . . At night, they are the best chance to camouflage. . . . . .

The snipers also like the night, they are hidden in the dark, holding their own guns, patiently waiting for the next target to appear. Maybe they have no gains in one night, maybe they can kill many enemies one night. . . . . .

The officers are checking the loss, re-directing the repair position, and welcoming the new battle tomorrow after the day. . . . . .

Everyone is busy, mechanical. They don’t have to tell their superiors to know what they should do at this time.

The loss is not very big, at least for the mid-shock cluster, but Wang Weizhen did not dare to take it lightly.

He knows that today’s day-long battle is not the main force of the Soviet Red Army. It is to prevent the Chinese assault cluster from attacking the initiative of the Russians on the Terek River.

He does not think that the Russians are doing the right thing. The Chinese assault cluster does not have any plans to cross the Terek. . . . . .

“The more brutal battle is about to begin tomorrow…” Wang Weizhen whispered after checking out his troops: “Our aerial reconnaissance shows that a large number of Russians can reach the battlefield tomorrow. And today The battle is different. Starting tomorrow, we will face attacks from all sides…”

“The soldiers are all ready, Marshal.” Herbert. Gillette always seems so confident: “We have the ability to defeat any enemy attack.”

“Marshal, the secret information that I just got.” At this time, Sade, who had become a general manager of Ernst’s battle cluster intelligence, came over and took a secret message: “Soviet Red Army suddenly changed, by Klee Martín Yevremovich. Marshal Voroshilov served as the former commander-in-chief.”

“Who?” Wang Weizhen was there.

“Climet. Yevremovich. Voroshilov!”

Wang Weizhen stunned again. Then he burst into laughter: “Okay, okay! Even God is helping us! Whether it is Malinowski or Dawamirsky, these people are actually After a hundred wars, very good Russian generals, their existence has always been a huge threat to us…”

“But we just repelled them.” General Gillette was not very convinced.

Wang Weizhen said with a smile: “My general, this is different. Although Dawamirsky did not stop us, Malinowski did not break through our position. But you can’t deny their excellence.

They know how to adjust their combat ideas based on sudden changes in the battlefield. They also try to change their combat mode in battle. This has been very obvious this afternoon. The Russians are no longer so crazy. The body came to attack. But this Clemente. Evremovich. Marshal Voroshilov is not the same! ”

His smile looks so splendid: “What kind of person are you blocking this Marshal Voroshilov? Ah, his nickname is ‘Red Marshal, of course, not his firm belief. It is undeniable・He was quite brave when he was fighting, but he was not worthy of being a marshal. At best, he could only be a colonel. Yes, the colonel, when he was faithfully executing the superior command, commanding a colonel of the regiment, he was still qualified.”

Wang Weizhen’s words are full of contempt: “My generals, the fitter’s birth, boasted himself as the red revolutionary fitter, Comrade Voroshilov, he is not a real military strategist. He is just a martial artist. In his political and military career, it is not as hardworking as Molotov, as Kamenovich is good at organizing. It is not as good as Marinkov’s expertdom inside the officialdom. It is not as good as Zhdanov’s theory, and it is not as smart and capable as Khrushchev. There are a lot of ideas, but what sets him apart is that he obeys orders and listens to the command, stepping on the heads of other senior Red Army generals, and actively participates in the suppression of the evil activities of the senior military cadres. He publicly admits that he is small and touts the military of Stalin. Genius, publicly declared that Stalin was the founder, organizer, and inspiration of the Soviet Red Army. He was the greatest person on our planet…. Because he actively participated in cleaning the Red Army generals, Stalin needed this kind of red. Marshal, so he can stay in the high position of the party, government, and military groups for a long time…”

The German generals glanced at each other and listened with relish.

Wang Weizhen threw this topic to Sade: “General Sade, when you are working for France, must you study this red marshal very thoroughly?”

“Yes, we have studied all the seniors of the Soviet Red Army carefully.” Sadr was not modest: “Voroshilov participated in almost all the cleaning of the Soviet Union. In the large cleaning movement of the 1936 to 38 in the Soviet Union, when Stalin made it After the opening of the bloody purgatory, Voroshilov did not hesitate to ignite the brutal suppression. The intermediate commander who directly participated in the killing was 5,000, and his family was also subjected to inhuman torture. After he approved the arrest and shooting There are countless messages, including the famous Harvard Huck, Bliuhull A. 88, the trial; Sverdlovsk, Gorbachev, A. 39 granted arrest; Polar, Arctic Fleet Commander, answer 212, try and give due punishment; Tbilisi, Kuibyshev, Apshe, answer 344, trial and shoot… not only so much his closest first The deputy, deputy defense people’s member I. Fei. Fejiko and the colonel’s deputy, Langovoy, were asked to rescue him before being arrested and executed. He even stood up and told them a fair word of courage. No …… This shows that his conscience long before his physical death is dead …… “

萨德的大脑便如同一个资料库一般记得着所有的资料:“1938年11月29日,Voroshilov 在军事会议上作报告:‘在1937-38年红军清洗过程中我们清除了四万多人;而在1938年十个月中,我们根据斯大林同志教导的‘学会重视人才、重视干部,的最高指示中,我们提拔了十多万名新的指挥员。”

“40,000 people, these are the best officers in the Soviet Red Army.” Wang Weizhen sighed involuntarily: “Issued 100,000 new commanders? The 100,000 people and the four who were washed away by him. The 10,000 commanders are not at all in a grade. If the 40,000 Soviet Red Army commanders are still there, maybe the war is not the case… The Sufen war is precisely because of Voroshilov’s incompetence, and The lack of a truly outstanding military commander of the Soviet Red Army caused the previous defeat of the Soviet Red Army. Now that Voroshilov has come here, it is God who is helping us, let us be the Soviet Union Revenge for the soul!”

The German generals smiled and looked at each other. The words of Marshal Ernst are really humorous. The Germans actually have to avenge the Russians.

Wang Weizhen Some don’t quite understand, Huasilevsky can’t help but know Voroshilov’s incompetence, and Voroshilov was at the enlarged meeting of the Soviet Supreme Military Committee after the end of the Sufen war. General Director of the Political Department, Mehlis, according to Stalin’s intention In his long speech, he publicly criticized the mistakes he made in his command. The meeting decided to dismiss the post of Defense People’s Committee, which he served as. Kang. Hemu Xinge succeeded him and he was appointed as the vice chairman of the Soviet People’s Committee. Tiemu Xinge undertook the command of the commander-in-chief, and Zhukov was given the responsibility of leading the General Staff.

After the outbreak of the Soviet-German war, Voroshilov was sent to the western front but failed to prevent the Germans from attacking wildly. Voroshilov was recalled to Moscow to lead the defense of the northwestern defense line; he was then sent to Leningrad and assigned to train the Red Army reserve forces in the military zones of Moscow, Volga, Central Asia and the Urals. These are undoubtedly used for demotion.

But now how could he suddenly appear on the frontal battlefield and take on such an important job as the former commander-in-chief?

Seriously, Wang Weizhen is puzzling about this.

In the same way, Huasilevsky is equally powerless to change suddenly.

He suddenly received such an appointment, and the order was issued directly by Comrade Stalin, which made Huasilevsky have no chance to resist.

If Voroshilov is to command a division, or even a group army, Huasilevsky does not have any opinion, and his bravery can be fully qualified. But let him go to command so many front-line troops, which is far beyond his ability.

“The order issued by Comrade Stalin personally, we can’t refuse at all. Comrade Voroshilov has already reached the front line.” Khrushchev was overwhelmed by the order from Moscow: “Comrade Commander, you don’t have to ask me, I also I don’t know why this happened…”

Huasilevsky’s brows were tightly locked together. He believes that Khrushchev does not know the inside story. The only hope he hopes now is that Voroshilov can follow his own operational guidelines instead of blindly sacrificing the life of the Red Army soldiers in exchange for a vicious victory. . . . . .

Perhaps this change will be a turning point on the battlefield. . . . . .

However, what can Huaxilevsky do? No one can violate the orders of Comrade Stalin. . . . . . Voroshilov, who has already reached the front line, Voroshilov is proud of his own-enablement, but he also sees it clearly, this may be the last chance he can grasp!

What happened in the end, Voroshilov knows best. . . . . .

The commanders of the Soviet Red Army were summoned together and had a chilling feeling for the infamous Marshal of the Great Cleansing.

Voroshilov did not leave any feelings to the commanders. He severely criticized the series of “errors” committed by the Soviet Red Army commander in the previous battle, and then said with enthusiasm:

“On our opposite side, the strength is far less than our German fascist army. We will organize the most powerful artillery, the most powerful force, under the guidance of Comrade Stalin, annihilate this German fascist, for the Soviets. Welcome the greatest victory! So, I will command you to attack in the most brave spirit!”

The commander of the Soviet Red Army looks at each other, how can they be attacked with the most brave spirit?

Dawamirsky, despite his fear of Voroshilov, stood up and said: “Comrade Marshal Voroshilov, I have no doubt that we can achieve the final victory, but the German combat power can not be underestimated. I fought with them, they have powerful armored units, powerful artillery and powerful fires.

“Comrade Dawamirsky!” Voroshilov severely interrupted his words: “Any fear is not a commander of the Red Army, let alone you are a senior commander. All the superior weapons are paper tigers. Don’t be afraid of sacrifice. The spirit will win us all! Your failure in Krasnodar has proven this very well. In the face of enemy charges, we must defeat them with more fierce charges! When you don’t have this The spirit will not bring victory to the troops!”

The humiliated Dawamirsky also wanted to argue for it, but Straf, who also suffered a defeat in front of the German army, quietly pulled him. . . . . .

Dawamirsky sighed in his heart and then sat down slowly. He thanked Starraf for his kindness and knew what it would be like if he continued to drink Voroshilov.

Voroshilov, who completely controlled the situation, said with satisfaction: “Tomorrow, it will be the day to decide the outcome. Tomorrow, I will completely defeat the German fascism. Comrade Dawamirsky, Comrade Straf!”

Dawamirsky and Straf stood up.

“You have suffered defeat in the hands of the Germans, and I will give you the opportunity to wash your shame.” Voroshilov is very eloquent: “Know that shame can only be washed on the battlefield. So 56 Group Army and 81 Armor The army will serve as the leading force of the whole army!”

For the battle, Dawamirsky and Straf are not afraid, but Straf said: “Comrade Marshal Voroshilov, I am very glad that you can give us this opportunity. But for the 81 armored army, the previous battle We lost a lot of Tank, we urgently need to add…”

“Comrade Straf, I said just now, weapons are not omnipotent!” Voroshilov looked a little displeased: “The sacrifice of the soldiers is the most important! The lack of Tank? Then use them as infantry! Germans In the encirclement, their ammunition is limited, and each soldier bears a bullet on his body. We can also consume the German ammunition!”

All the Soviet Red Army generals are stupid.

“Every soldier has a bullet on his body, and we can also consume the German ammunition!” What kind of combat theory is this?

Still thinking about the theory of Straf, this time was pulled quietly by Dawamirsky. . . . . .

When coming out of the conference room, Straf sighed long: “We will all die here.”

“Yeah, we will all die here.” Dawamirsky repeated his words: “Using armored soldiers as infantry to use to charge is a suicide. Comrade Staraf, in tomorrow’s battle, my first The 56 Group Army will be at the forefront, and your troops will be the cover support mission.”

Straf is grateful to the goodwill of the other party. He knows that Dawamirsky is trying not to let his troops go to death as much as possible.

However, Voroshilov will never allow such things to happen.

“Compared to death, I am more afraid of the insults of my reputation.” Straf looked at the night sky in disappointment: “If he finds that I am not attacking, I will be dismissed and then sent to the military court.” Comrade Dawamirsky, I am not afraid of death, but I am afraid to be judged by my own comrades and then be slammed into the shame of history.”

Dawamirsky is silent there, yeah, who is not thinking like this? But they have no way to change this. They can’t even control their own destiny, and this is their sorrow.

The question is, which damn rumored Comrade Stalin and brought Voroshilov back to the battlefield!

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