The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: my country is six hundred and sixty-two. Never betray the faith, floating astronomy

Moscow has not known the news of the disastrous defeat of Volklingin until now. Of course, some uninformed people do not include any high-level.

The ordinary people in Moscow, the news they get every day is almost unchanged. The great Soviet Red Army has achieved a brilliant victory on the front line and destroyed tens of thousands of German fascists. The victory is not far away.

But what is the real situation? These ordinary Russians will never know.

When Wang Weizhen entered Moscow, the streets were full of slogans, and the crowds cheering the parade were everywhere. They were celebrating this great “Volklingin”.

Yes, Wang Weizhen They did not hear the mistake: Volklingin is great!

In the official announcement of Moscow, the great leader Comrade Stalin, the most trusted comrade, Huasilevsky, led the Caucasus army to a great victory. They annihilated 80,000 German fascists in Volklingin!

Wang Weizhen has long been accustomed to it, but Heisenberg has completely listened to it? Is it really possible to reverse black and white?

Looking at the happy smiles on the faces of the Russians, the Germans can only make a smile. . . . . .

These sad and poor Russians. . . . . .

With the cover of these marchers, Wang Weizhen did not attract the attention of the Russians, and in Sidney. With the cooperation of Riley, they successfully reached a safe place.

“The baron, I haven’t seen each other for a long time.” Looks like Sidney. Riley mixed well in Moscow, he actually put on a military uniform:

A major of the Soviet Red Army!

“Hey, Riley, you have to tell me how you became a major in the Soviet Red Army.” Wang Weizhen asked with interest.

“Ah, there are some coincidences in this.” Riley’s face also showed a smile: “Before entering Moscow, we killed a Russian major and I pretended to be his identity. I was later censored. God, the troops belonging to the major were defeated by the Germans… I thought this time was over, but who thought it was not like this… The major’s troops were completely defeated. His superiors When I was dead, most of my subordinates were captured. My identity could not be proved. Well, I used some money to bribe the person who examined me. I was proved to be innocent… Hey, Baron, It seems that they are not so determined…”

Wang Weizhen smiled a little. He knew that Riley was easy, but the danger was that only his own talent knew it.

“Fei Peergen, Smith, Cromanson, etc., all found their way to hide themselves. They are now no different from an ordinary Russian.” Riley continued: “In Moscow, we collected A lot of intelligence, and three blasts and several assassinations at the same time, the Russians have never solved the case…”

Listen carefully to Riley and introduce the situation. Wang Weizhen is very satisfied.

The excellence is beautiful, just like the First World War, Riley is still a super spy that can be fully trusted. Of course, this is based on rich material returns.

People like Riley are completely hired spies. . . . . . Wang Weizhen suddenly found himself inventing a new term – hiring spies.

Hire spies when you give them full rewards, and their loyalty is completely trustworthy.

“Well, I think the secret telegram that I have given you has already been received.” Wang Weizhen went back to the topic: “Tell me about your arrangement.”

“Okay, Baron.” Riley nodded. “I went to check out the Third Army factory. There is indeed a 26-year-old named Aurora Luna. I am unmarried and have no boyfriend. It is said that I have been in the last two days. Going to the review and being restricted, I think it’s probably because of Linderluof’s relationship…”

“Is it restricted?” Wang Weizhen frowned. “Is it possible to see her alone?”

“Yes,” Riley said immediately. “Although she was restricted from travelling, she still went to work every day. She did the inspection work, but because of the review, she was transferred to the mechanical working group, who was a man. I can help you get into the Third Army Factory and use my identity to let you meet alone. But time can’t be long.”

“Twenty minutes is enough.” Wang Weizhen was very pleased with Riley’s work: “I have to see Aurora Luna tomorrow afternoon.

“Good Baron.” Riley’s answer was very easy: “I will take her time to eat and bring her.”

“What about Kashniya?”

When Wang Weizhen asked this question, Riley silenced: “The baron, because Kashniya is the daughter of Linderluof, her surveillance is very strict. Until now, Kashniya still does not know that his father was captured… … her side is always followed by Russian agents, we have no way to approach…”

Wang Weizhen knows that Riley has tried his best, even if it is a super spy, he can’t do what he wants.

In the absence of a way to approach Kashniya for the time being, only save Aurora Luna first, and then find a solution. However, it seems that this also has some difficulty.

Fortunately, Riley had done a good job before: “The Baron, I got a map…”

He said, he took out a sketch: “Look, here is the collective dormitory where Aurora Luna lives. There are seven floors. Her dormitory is on the third floor. All the women live here. It is said that there is a big man once! Order, no man is allowed to enter here, to avoid some male and female style problems, so Russian agents can only be monitored outside, I think we can quietly enter Aurora Luna’s dormitory from here, and then take her away…. .. As for the agents outside, we are responsible for dealing with…”

Wang Weizhen looked at it for a while: “How many people live with Aurora Luna?”

“A total of four, every dormitory is like this.” Riley quickly gave the answer: “As long as you can enter, I don’t believe that women will carry this weapon.”

“Very good, you are doing very well.” Wang Weizhen once again showed his satisfaction: “Go ready to act.”

When Riley left, Wang Weizhen lit a cigarette. I don’t know why. For this action, he always felt that something was wrong, or more accurately, he felt that there was any danger of getting close. . . . . .

The military factory is the lifeline of the Soviet Union, and such a place is heavily guarded to the point of horrific.

But for Sidney Riley, it is not impossible to break through. Such a super spy always has its own special way to bring the people in need into the factory.

When I entered, it was just the time for lunch. The Russians who had been tired for a day could finally take a breath of this rare opportunity.

“Masalov Major, that person is Aurora Luna.” In the canteen, Major Jimikov, who is responsible for the safety of the place, pointed out that a young woman who was cooking was talking to Colonel Masalov, Riley.

“Okay, my boss is waiting for her in the Security Department’s office. I need to review the trouble immediately and bring you to the Office of the Department of Political Affairs, Major Jimikov.” Riley whispered.

Jimikov shrugged. Although I didn’t know what the real insider was, I had a big problem with Aurora Luna. In the past few days, I was a member of the Political Department, a member of the Intelligence Bureau, and a rebel. People, always come in secret to interrogate Aurora Luna.

Poor girl. . . . . .

Jimikov came to Aurora Luna’s side and said a few words. Aurora Luna’s look dimmed and randomly left Jimikov and Aurora Luna to leave the cafeteria. .

In the Ministry of Security, Jimikov met the superior of Major Masalov, a colonel. He paid a tribute: “The comrades of the comrades, Aurora Luna brought you.”

“Thank you, Comrade Jimikov.” Wang Weizhen nodded. “I need to ask her some questions. Without my order, no one is allowed to walk into this office.”

Major Jimikov agreed to retreat with Major Masalov and closed the door. . . . . .

Wang Weizhen This is a clear view of Aurora Luna.

This is a young, pretty Russian beauty, probably because of the long-term work, the body looks very fit. Especially when she took off her hat, a long blond hair set off his charming blue eyes as if he could talk.

“Comrade Colonel, I have already explained it many times.” Aurora Luna seemed anxious: “I don’t know what happened, which caused me to be censored one after another, but I swear, I am a determined revolutionary. I will never betray my country, no matter what happened…”

“Don’t be excited, Aurora Luna.” Wang Weizhen interrupted her: “They didn’t tell you, but I can tell you what happened, General Linderluof was captured.”

In a word, let Aurora Luna stay there. . . . . .

Is your brother-in-law captured? God, is there any worse news than this? No wonder, so many people continue to interrogate themselves, and they even want to go outside after work to be blocked.

Since my sister died, my brother-in-law has become the closest person to me. . . . . . But now it is terrible. . . . . .

“Aurora Luna, I was commissioned by General Linderluof to rescue you.” Wang Weizhen lowered his voice and said.

Aurora Luna is another look.

Wang Weizhen took out a letter and handed it to her: “This is a letter that General Linderluof wrote to you.”

After Aurora Luna read it carefully, her eyelids jumped and she carefully took the letter carefully: “Thank you, although I don’t know who you are. So how are you going to save me?”

Wang Weizhen gave a general explanation about the rescue plan. Aurora Luna quickly replied: “Okay, I will definitely wait for you at the appointed time, sir.”

“General Linderluof is waiting for you,” Wang Weizhen said, standing up and then zooming in on his voice: “Comrade Aurora Luna, I will report it in time for your account.”

When he finished, he went to the door and opened the door. Before leaving, he smiled at Aurora Luna. . . . . .

However, when he left, Aurora Luna hurriedly said to Major Jimikov, who was preparing to take him away from here: “Major, I have an important piece of information to report to your superiors…”

“Comrade Hodovic, this is Aurora Luna.

Inhaled the rebel committee, the Director of the First Operations Division of the Security Bureau today, Hodwich, turned around.

Since the last time Baron Skulls! has been swaying into Moscow, and the family of General Carcorochk! has been taken away, Hodwich has been most severely reprimanded by Comrade Stalin. If there is no Dimitriv Illiyanko deputy director to protect himself, maybe he has been I threw it into the labor camp.

The rebel committee must not continue to stay, but the deputy director of Dimitriv Illiyanko took Hodwich to the first action, which was equivalent to giving him a disguised appearance.

While grateful to Deputy Director Dimitriv Illiyanko, Hodwich also vowed that he could never make the mistakes. . . . . .

“Aurora Luna ・What do you want to report to me?” Harderchi asked seriously: “Know, my time is very precious!”

The woman standing in front of him, but a relative of the captured general, has no power, and he does not have to say anything polite to them at all.

“Comrade Colonel, I believe that Moscow has entered the German spy.”

In a word, let Hodovic’s attention be concentrated: “What do you say? Moscow entered the German spy?”

“Yes.” said Aurora Luna, who had carefully said everything that happened, and then took out the letter that Linderluof wrote to himself and gave it to Hodwich.

Hodwich looked at it and his tone finally became polite: “Ms. Aurora Luna, first of all, I want to thank you for your loyalty to the Soviets. Then, I can tell you that the Germans are not wrong, your brother-in-law Linderluof The general was indeed captured.”

When the news was confirmed, Aurora Luna’s heart was bleak.

“But…” Hodwich said slowly: “Know, because of the capture of Linderluof, your situation has become very difficult, and the Germans have saved you. This is a great good, but Why are you giving up this opportunity?”

“Because of my brother-in-law’s letter…” Aurora Luna’s eyes flashed with tears: “Have you seen the last few words?”

Hodwich’s gaze fell back to the letter:

“…I want to be like your childhood, when the sun shines on the earth, I will feed you an apple… Please believe that you will come to meet you… with Kashniya go away……”

Howard had been watching for a long time and didn’t see anything: “What does this mean, can you tell me? Ms. Aurora Luna?”

“That was when I was a child, General Linderluof gave me, and Kashniya said a story…” Aurora Luna said with a red eye, slowly:

“他告诉了我们关于米哈伊尔.库图佐夫的故事。著名的奥斯特里茨战役之后,亚历山大一世认为他是失败的主因。1806年9月被降任基辅督军。1808年3月被派往摩尔达维亚军队任军长。因和总司令亚历山大.亚历山德罗维奇.普罗佐罗夫斯基元帅在有关继续作战的问题上发生分歧,1809年6月调任立陶宛督军。第七次俄土战争期间,从1806年到1811年・俄军先后调换了几个总司令都未能取得胜利。此时,拿破仑正在加紧准备侵犯俄国・形势对俄国十分不利,亚历山大一世不得不任命库图佐夫对土作战的总司令官。库图佐夫努力的利用自己的才智让整个局势彻底改变,他的策略获得成功,立即组成一支7000人的轻装部队迅速迂回到多瑙河南岸,突袭土军军营,然后从多瑙河南、北两岸包围土军,大获全胜。接着和土耳其签订了有利于俄国的布加勒斯特和约,这项条约保证了俄国西南边界的安全,并使土耳其不能参加拿破仑对俄国的远征。这是军事和外交上的一个重大胜利,它改善了俄国在1812年卫国战争开始前的战略形势。虽然俄军在对土战争中战绩辉煌,但由于亚历山大一世对库图佐夫怀有恶感,再次撤销了他在军队的领导职务。卫国战争初期,库图佐夫于7月先后当选为Peter 堡义勇军和莫斯科义勇军司令,在俄国局势严重不利的情况下,他大胆的放弃了莫斯科,成功的击败了不可一世的拿破仑......”

Speaking of this, Aurora Luna said with full emotion: “General Linderluof told me that although Kutuzov was greedy, gluttonous, greedy, snoozing, and repeatedly treated unfairly, there is always no one. Changed, that is his unchanging loyalty to the motherland… When he told us this story that day, when the sunset shines on the earth, while feeding us eating apples, I always remember On that day, even the day before General Linderluof went to the battlefield, we talked about the scene of the day…”

Aurora Luna’s tears finally couldn’t help but fall down: “Linderluof specifically mentioned this in the letter. He just wanted to tell me and Kashniya, no matter what unfair treatment, never change his belief, forever! Forever Don’t betray your country, forever! Never sell your country forever!”

Understood, this time, Hodwich fully understood!

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