The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: Six hundred and fifty of my country. Fight for him and die for him! Floating astronomy

All Brandenburg commando players are bound to remember this day:!

―From this day on, everyone in them has already belonged to Baron Alexson!

Fight for him and die for him!

Every member of the Brandenburg Commando has been prepared for sacrifice from the first day of the battlefield, but this time it is not the same:

They found the reason for the sacrifice and found out where the faith is!

Ernst . Breem is their belief!

They quietly crouched on the ground, motionless, waiting patiently. In the woods opposite them, the commando was commanded by Marshal Ernst.

Edim, Heisenberg, or any of the commandos did not dream of one day fighting Marshal Ernst.

Until now, they still thought they were in a dream. . . . . .

In the distance, the sound of the car has already been heard. Then, as we approached, some Russian words gradually came. . . . . .

Heisenberg took the gun in his hand and he swears that the gun must shoot the most beautiful shot anyway, not for himself, but for Baron Alexson!

Fight for him and die for him!

A truck approached slowly, sitting above a Russian soldier who was completely unprepared. They shouted loudly, and some people still carry bottles of wine in their hands, constantly pouring the wine from the bottle into their mouths.

In this winter, nothing is more able to dispel the chill than spirits. . . . . .

If you drink alcohol, no German here will be a Russian opponent.

“Heisenberg, let’s start together.”

Edim’s voice came over.

Heisenberg adjusted his breath and held the gun steady. He couldn’t let himself tremble. . . . . . Near, and closer. . . . . . Then, Heisenberg pulled the trigger in his hand. . . . . .

The bullet has drawn a perfect arc. . . . . . Eventually fell to the Russian driver. . . . . .

The trucks rushed like a wild horse, and the Russians in the car made a terrified cry. Then, the “Tong” truck hit the big tree.

The gunshots suddenly sounded.

The intensive bullets stormed the Russians, and the completely unprotected Soviet Red Army soldiers saw countless deaths and injuries.

The screams continued to sound with the gunshots, but it was even more attractive to the bullets.

Several grenades were thrown out at the same time. In the explosion of “rumbling”, the Russians were completely chaotic. . . . . .

After at least 20 deaths and injuries, the Soviet Red Army reacted and barely organized a defense. A black car in the ranks also stopped, and it was far from being able to see that two Soviet officers escaping from the side of the prisoner.

Now, it has become a battlefield.

The two sides used different weapons to shoot each other. However, German soldiers had already taken the lead in occupying favorable terrain. Grenade, machine gun, and Sub Machine Gun all burst out of the most insane catharsis, and they could fight every one they could see. Russian. . . . . .

Chaotic battlefield, chaotic situation, chaotic death and injury.

About the Soviet Red Army soldiers wouldn’t think of it anyway, there are so many enemies here, and the other side has such a strong firepower.

The German commando began to firmly control the situation.

Heisenberg pulled a bolt and he had shot three Russians. In fact, to be realistic, although he is a SS soldier, he is not fanatical and even numerous battlefields, which makes him have a disgust on the battlefield.

However, today is completely different. . . . . .

He knows why he should fight and know why he should die.

Even if an enemy bullet hit him now, Heisenberg vowed that he had no regrets.

Have you seen a marshal like Baron Alexson? At least Heisenberg has not seen it.

He believes that Edim around him has never seen it.

The Sub Machine Gun in Edim’s hand continually spits the tongue, especially his eyes are a little scary, red, full of anger and the will to fight.

Probably Edim is the same as he thinks, he is also fighting for that person – Baron Alexson!

Fight for him and die for him!

At this time, the Russians on the battlefield had been tangled up under the fierce firepower of the German commandos. They could not even take care of themselves, let alone the German prisoner who was transferred to the woods.

What the Russians even more think is that the enemy here is for the German prisoner. . . . . .

Under the protection of more than a dozen soldiers, a Russian captain and a Russian Lieutenant, hurriedly escorted the German captive Brandenburg sergeant Keller, who was running wildly in the woods.

It is said that this prisoner is very important.

When I ran into the woods, the Russian captain suddenly felt that a crisis was approaching. He let the soldiers stop and watched the surroundings with vigilance.

But at this moment, the gunshots sounded, and Lieutenant standing beside him fell into a pool of blood.

“Enemy!” The snoring screamed and screamed.

But it was too late, a group of German soldiers hiding in the woods, the gunshots sounded almost simultaneously. This includes Wang Weizhen.

When Guo Yenfeng around him killed the Russian Lieutenant accurately, the Sub Machine Gun in the hands of Wang Weizhen also blew out the bullets. !

As for Klingenberg, this guy who is crazy not inferior to Wang Weizhen, when he heard the first shot, the whole body seems to be boiling.

War is the full meaning of his existence.

There was a low-pitched curse in his mouth that he could not understand. The weapon in his hand did not stop shooting for a minute. Only a short time, several Russians have fallen under his gun.

Only the 10 came to the woods, but they faced the most elite group of soldiers in Germany. Without a minute, the gunshots had stopped.

Throughout the woods, the Russian captain suddenly found out that he and the German prisoner were left.

What about people? Those who ambush their enemies? there?

The woods are quiet, not even one person, this is the most fearful. . . . . . The captain’s gun was slammed against Keller’s head, and there was still no sound around him. . . . . .

“Come out, come out!” the captain hysterically shouted: “If you don’t come out, I will kill him!”

Several German soldiers came out and their guns were facing the captain. . . . . .

Wang Weizhen stood in front of his eyes and stared at each other: “We are out, now?”

A captain, yeah, they came out, now? Are you stupid, why should you call them out?

“Let’s go, let go!” The captain held the gun in his hand. Now this is the only thing he can save his life: “If you don’t let it go, I will kill him!”

Wang Weizhen did not pay attention to him at all, but asked Sergeant Keller to ask in Russian: “Sergeant

Are you ready for sacrifice? ”

Although Sergeant Keller did not know who to save himself, he understood why the other party asked in Russian, so he replied without hesitation: “Yes, from the first day of joining the Brandenburg Commando I am ready to sacrifice!”

“Very good, sergeant.” Wang Weizhen nodded with satisfaction, then fell on his eyes on the Russian captain: “You, Captain, are you ready for death?”

Wang Weizhen and Keller’s dialogue all entered the captain’s ears.

He is pretty sure that these crazy Germans don’t care about death at all, and his hands start to pick up.

“Death is not an interesting thing…” Wang Weizhen’s voice is not slow: “You will be hit by bullets first, but you will not die immediately. You can feel that life is one by one. Point away from your body and then there will be hallucinations in front of your eyes… I promise, you will feel the endless pain and torture…”

The captain’s hand began to tremble violently, and he even felt that he could not hold the gun.

At this juncture, Sergeant Keller’s ass slammed back and slammed into the captain, and then he slammed forward.

The gunshot sounded again. . . . . . When the gunshots stopped, the Russian captain was beaten into a horse. . . . . .

Sergeant Keller sighed with relief and stood up from the ground. Two German soldiers quickly untied him. He came to Wang Weizhen: “I am Sergeant Keller, are you?”

“Ernst .Breem.” Wang Weizhen answered this sentence and immediately said to his men: “Signing, evacuating immediately, the enemy’s reinforcements will soon arrive.”

Ernst . Breem? Keller didn’t react at the moment. He asked Klingenberg around him: “The major, which Ernst.Breem?”

Major Klingenberg glanced at him: “Baron Alexson.”

Saying this, I also hurriedly left here.

Sergeant Keller is completely stupid, is he dreaming now? Baron Alexson? Could it be that Baron Baron Alexson saved himself?

Dreaming, I am dreaming. . . . . .

Sergeant Keller determined that he was not dreaming, after successfully withdrawing from the battlefield. In this rescue battle, the German commando killed a total of about 70 to 80 Russians, and here they have paid six casualties.

Luck is really good, except for the elite of the German commando, these Russians are recruits who joined the army soon. Their strengths when drinking, but they have never been on the real battlefield.

On the way back to Volklingin, Sergeant Keller wanted to express his gratitude several times, but there was no chance to speak. When entering Volklingin, Sergeant Keller made up his mind:

I will not say thank you to Marshal Ernst in the future, but whenever the Marshal Ernst is willing, I will dedicate this life to the Marshal anytime and anywhere:

Fight for him and die for him!

“Marshal Ernst, welcome to Volklingin.”

General Ludwig of the SS Skulls division had long been welcoming his own boss, Baron Alexson. When he met, he said with a regrettable tone: “Marshal, all officers and men of Skulls and I know that you are returning to Germany. Re-directed us to fight. And, I got the news that you want to inspect Volklingin, I have been waiting for you. Just now, Major Klingenberg entered early, he told me everything you did. Unfortunately, I did not Fight with you…”

“You are a general, your task is to manage your army, Ludwig.” Wang Weizhen replied.

“Don’t the marshal have no adventure zone to save people…” Ludwig was very unconvinced! He snorted. . . . . . !

Entering the headquarters, Wang Weizhen immediately asked: “Report the situation here.”

“Yes, Marshal.” Ludwig pointed to the map and said: “Since I was ordered to enter Volklingin, the Russians launched more than eight attacks in two days, but my troops successfully repelled them. ….. From the battles of these days, the Soviet Red Army on the battlefield is obviously not very strong. It is about their newly formed army… If it is only the enemy opposite, I am completely Can stick to March…”

“Yes, the Russians did use a lot of recruits on the battlefield.” Wang Weizhen nodded. “When I rescued Keller, I also found this. But I don’t think Russians are Refering to the remaining recruits, they know very well what we have to do after the spring is coming. And they may use all the elites in the future decisive battle… Ludwig, who is defending here?”

Ludwig looked in the direction of Marshal Ernst’s finger: “Oh, it’s a squadron of the Brandenburg Commando…”

“Ludwig, did you not receive the order I gave?” Wang Weizhen’s expression became serious: “I solemnly warned you that forces like the Brandenburg Commando are strictly forbidden to send them to the front. Use as a combat force!”

Ludwig is a little embarrassed: “You have to listen to me, Marshal… At present, our defense force is weak, I have to use one of their squadrons… Please believe that my reinforcements will come. Rear……”

“Don’t explain it to me, Ludwig.” Wang Weizhen interrupted him: “Don’t you understand the significance of this commando now? Well, I think I can compare with you. For example, the past Skulls Commando…”

Upon hearing the words “Skulls Commando”, Ludwig and all the officers in the command became nervous and excited.

“Every member of the Skulls Commando is carefully selected. We can kill ten or even more enemies…” Wang Weizhen said slowly: “We kidnapped traitors and created an explosion. In our special way, the enemy has suffered a heavy blow… such a team member, not much sacrifice is a loss… The Skulls commando team is not used in the frontal battlefield, but when The battlefield deadlock can’t be opened, it can play the most useful role… The same is true of the Brandenburg commando. Don’t let these elite special operations soldiers sacrifice in the cruel frontal battlefield… ..”

“Yes, I understand!” Ludwig replied loudly immediately: “I immediately arranged for people to replace them!”

Wang Weizhen This nodded.

The German army has never paid much attention to the special forces, especially the frontline officers. They can’t wait to drive every special soldier to the front line to fight.

Despite having his own strict orders, it is not a day or two to change this situation.

“Oh, yes, Marshal, there is an inspection team in Volklingin, do you need to meet them?” Ludwig said after the introduction of the battlefield situation.

The Volklingin inspection team, Wang Weizhen, fought earlier than he left, mainly to check the deployment of Volklingin and the delivery of supplies.

There are many similar inspection teams, and the Germans must ensure that every job is done well before the final battle.

Wang Weizhen thought about it there: “Yes, I will meet them here.”

Not long after, the head of the inspection team, Colonel Van Deco, came to Marshal Ernst.

Wang Weizhen has not seen this colonel. He probably asked about the inspection team. Colonel Van derke answered them carefully.

“Very good, you are doing very well.” Wang Weizhen is obviously very satisfied with their work: “Yes, are you the first inspection team?”

“Report, third inspection team.”

“Ah, belonging to the first inspection brigade, where is General Ennik now?” Wang Weizhen asked casually.

“General Ennik?” Colonel Van derco said: “Marshal, please forgive me, but I think you are probably mistaken. The first inspection team is under the responsibility of General Maris.”

“Oh, yes, General Maris, it is indeed my mistake.” Wang Weizhen smiled.

Ludwig and Guo Yenfeng glanced at each other and smiled. Marshal Ernst was impossible to remember. He did nothing but temptation.

After all, from the headquarters to Volklingin, there is a dangerous route that may be attacked by the Russians. Marshal Ernst is so cautious that he has his reason.

Now, there is no doubt about Colonel Van der Kos and the inspection team he leads.

Ludwig took a look at the time: “Marshal, the time for dinner is here, are you eating here, or are you going to eat me?”

“Military canteen.” Wang Weizhen stood up: “I used dinner with my officers. Ludwig, are you coming with me?”

“of course.”

“Ah, there is you, Colonel Van Deco, come with you too.”

“Okay, Marshal, my greatest honor when I can dine with you!”

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