The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country 639. The ball held by the Duke, floating astronomy

There is an irreconcilable contradiction between Britain and France. When war comes, such contradictions will be hidden, and once the crisis is over, all contradictions will surface.

Degaule is facing such troubles.

It wasn’t too late for Baron Alexson to come, and his appearance disrupted all the steps that Degaule and his organization led.

Brittish’s attitude has now become so embarrassing, especially after the Royal Rowing, and even some of the French people are ignored.

Degaule has clearly felt the arrival of the crisis.

In addition to the United Kingdom, France itself is full of unknown variables.

After the return of Baron Alexson, the Germans adjusted their way of rule in France, becoming softer and more human.

The French, who were not strong in resisting the will, began to accept the current status quo as the attitude of the German rule changed.

And this is what Degaule is most worried about.

A completely Germanized France.

The current situation made Degaule so bad that even if he didn’t want to, he had to continue to put his hopes on Brittish.

However, these damn Brittish one. Degaule asked for three times before finally seeing British Prime Minister Winston Churchill again.

However, when he talked about the “storm” that occurred in the royal rowing, Churchill had interrupted his words and emphasized the word “royal”.

This is a traditional sports meeting organized by the British royal family for all Brittish and to cultivate Brittish’s tenacity. Even the British government has no way to intervene. As for Baron Alexson’s sudden appearance, even he himself did not know.

Churchill is telling the truth, to know that Baron Alexson suddenly appeared at the Royal Rowing, which made Churchill and the government he led into a great passive. However, Degaule did not want to believe Brittish at all.

Deception, this is simply cheating!

Degaule didn’t want to put his unhappiness on his face. He said his opinion with patience. Probably meaning that Britain and France are the most determined alliances, and they are the central force against the axis-centered country headed by Germany. The current practice in the UK is likely to destroy this sturdy alliance.

When Churchill heard it, he just smiled coldly.

Britain and France are the most determined alliances. Is it the central force against the axis-centered country headed by Germany?

When the French government announced its surrender, if it were not the United Kingdom, Churchill could not think of any other countries that would like to treat the Free French movement. For France, the UK can be said to have paid almost

But now, France actually put itself in a position that is equal to the UK.

This is really ridiculous.

Although not happy, Churchill is not prepared to let the guests see this: “Mr. Degaule, I must remind you once again that we have never participated in any events and never thought about breaking the traditional friendship between Britain and France. Everything we do is helping France. I must also solemnly declare that everything at the Royal Rowing has nothing to do with us. Are you ready to blame a girl who is only 16?”

Degaule doesn’t believe it at all. But now he still has to rely on the British infinitely, but he has to force control over his inner discomfort: “Mr. Prime Minister, I believe every word you said, but the war has already reached this point, Germany is our common The biggest enemy. Even if you are not going to arrest Baron Alexson, I still recommend that you be able to expel him.”

Churchill is silent: “Mr. Degaule, do you know how popular Baron Alexson is in the UK now?”

Seeing Degaule shaking his head, Churchill smiled a bit: “Today’s Westminster Duke Wicks Langton will prepare a dance in his own home. He also invited. I was not prepared to go, but now I have to invite You go with me to one.”

Degaule didn’t know what the dance hosted by the Duke of Westminster had anything to do with the conversation, but when he saw Churchill saying so serious, he couldn’t help but nod.

Although, he did not know what he would see at that dance.

When the night fell slowly and the war-torn London, it regained its firepower.

Even though London’s nightlife can’t be compared to American cities like New York or Las Vegas, in some specific places, it’s just a feast.

For example, in the manor of the Duke of Westminster.

Almost all of the characters in London’s upper class gathered here, which is their greatest enjoyment in the war.

When Degaule and Churchill stepped into the manor of the Duke of Westminster, they felt that the British Prime Minister was not really a great person here.

Those who arrived early, all surrounded a young man. They were constantly asking questions and listening to the young man answering their questions.

And this young man is without a doubt the most distinguished guest invited by the Duke of Westminster:

Baron Skulls – Ernst. Alexson . Feng. Breem!

Degaule heard someone ask: “How do you think about the relationship between the British and German?”

Then, Gao Le heard Baron Alexson answer: “I always think that Germany and Britain should be friends. The two countries have always had traditional friendship in history.”

“But there were two terrible wars between Germany and the UK!” someone interrupted Baron Alexson.

Degaule saw a smile on Baron Alexson’s face: “Between brothers, I often fight for some contradictions, but this does not hurt the friendship between each other. Ah, when it comes to this, I suddenly remembered, Britain. There was a one-hundred-year war between France and France, but every time France was in danger, it was always the first to be rescued in Britain. Is this still a problem?”

Brittish, who was always proud, had a smile on his face.

The best thing about Brittish is that they helped their former enemies twice during the most difficult times in France.

So, many Brittish think of themselves as benefactors of France, and now Baron Alexson talks about their hearts.

But Degaule’s mood has become heavy. He clearly felt the provocation of Baron Alexson.

But looking at the enthusiasm of Brittish, he couldn’t help but worry more.

However, the problem of Brittish is obviously not over. They are constantly asking about the relationship between the three countries of Britain, Germany and France and the existing problems. It seems that they will never give up.

And that damn Baron Alexson, but I don’t seem to know that fatigue, no matter what kind of problem, I answered very carefully, and I am targeting France.

After all, I finally waited until the damn problem that Degaule didn’t want to hear. Another person who looked like a British lady asked: “Lord Baron, have you regretted having released British prisoners on the battlefield?”

“No, I have never regretted it, ma’am.” Baron Alexson is polite. Said: “Even if I come again, I will still be like this. I heard that some people in the UK called my last gentleman. Gentlemen are absolutely not allowed on the battlefield, but I will not hesitate to make the right choice in the spirit of the Cavaliers. I have no choice but to release all the people I am willing to release. Even if this person will eventually take my life.”

When Wang Weizhen said this, there was actually no truth in the half sentence.

But now he has to do this one.

Sure enough, his words won a round of applause from Brittish.

“Hey, gentlemen, ladies, the dance has already begun. Are you ready to be so entangled with Baron Alexson?” At this time, Mr. Wicks Langton, the Duke of Westminster, appeared with a smile on his face: “Well, please give the baron some free time..”

The laughter rang and the gentlemen and gentlemen dispersed. Of course, there are a lot of beautiful ladies’ eyes, and they are constantly coming to Baron Alexson here.

“Come on, Mr. Baron.” Wicks Langton invited Wang Weizhen to the side: “Our Mr. Prime Minister, I think you have already recognized it. And this, the leader of the Free French movement, Mr. Degaule.”

This is the first time that Wang Weizhen stood face to face with Degaule. He smiled and reached out: “Mr. Degaule, hello.”

“Marshal Ernst, hello.” Degaule held out his hand reluctantly.

He specifically called the other “Marshal”, just want to remind Brittish not to forget the military status of Baron Alexson. Don’t forget that Baron Alexson is now the enemy of Britain and France.

Churchill understood the other side’s meaning, but the veteran politician did not look at it: “An enemy full of charm in a country that is hostile to him, is it?”

Wang Weizhen A faint smile, nothing to say.

“Mr. Prime Minister, can you come to see me? I have something to say to you.” The Duke of Westminster seems to be deliberately leaving free time for Baron Alexson and Degaule. ”

When the Duke of Westminster and Churchill left, the atmosphere between Wang Weizhen and Degaule was awkward and no one knew what to say.

In the end, Degaule couldn’t help but ask: “Mr. Baron, do you really think that the war will soon end?”

“You said, Mr. Degaule?” Wang Weizhen asked.

“No matter what the situation develops, I will fight for the freedom of France!” Degaule replied without hesitation: “For example, the Free French Movement and the French National Liberation Committee, I am not coveting any rights, but I understand that I am Responsibility. There must be a new regime to take up the heavy responsibility of commanding the French. The situation has given this sacred duty to me, and I will live up to it. I want to exercise my authority in the name of France and just to defend France. .”

An impassioned sensation, heard Wang Weizhen drowsy, and finally he waited for Degaule to say: “Mr. Degaule, I do not deny that you are a brave person, but I think peace is the first. If there is no peace, everything is a vain castle in the air. Now, peace is coming, are you not ready to welcome peace?”

“Real peace, I welcome my hands and I will defend my life.” Degaule said with impoliteness: “But I doubt your peace.”

“Is it?” Wang Weizhen smiled. “I don’t quite understand what you mean. Mr. Degaule. All the people have seen the sincerity of Germany’s peace. Is it only you haven’t seen it? For peace, Germany has given up a lot.・We don’t care to give up more. At this point, the United States and the United Kingdom have already seen this.”

Degaule sneered, and there are many words that cannot be said directly.

In fact, Wang Weizhen and his Germany are trying to make an idea. The United States can see that the United Kingdom can also see it, but for the benefit of each other, these two countries have accepted Germany’s “peace.”

Even they will change from an enemy to an ally. But what about France? Who is going to guarantee the interests of France?

Perhaps in order to get the energy out of the British battlefield as early as possible, and to pull the United Kingdom and the United States to the side of their own alliance, Germany will make some concessions on the French issue, but these concessions absolutely have nothing to do with the free French movement. The Degaule is convinced.

Wang Weizhen suddenly asked: “Mr. Degaule, what do you think of the Mise Montpellier Event?”

Degaule stunned, “Mise Montpellier Event”, a deep hidden scar between Degaule and the UK, especially Churchill.

Admiral Mesili is the highest-ranking general in the first batch of people who have gone to Degaule, and is also a person with a “difficult to get along” character. When he arrived in London, he had a flower, but his beard was dark, his eyes were stunned, and he was relaxed all day. He showed a big pirate style. In his field of expertise, he is really talented, so Degaule appointed him as the commander of the Free French Navy. However, this lieutenant is a self-respecting character with a strong desire for power and a face to die. He believes that his rank is higher than that of Degaule, but after he arrived in London, he became a subordinate of Degaule both politically and militarily. He has always been dissatisfied, and he has often done something that is beyond the authority to give orders. It is very unpopular in Free France.

On the early morning of 1941 New Year’s Day, the navy lieutenant was suddenly arrested by the British authorities. The British Intelligence Agency obtained four documents, one of which stated that Miserière sold the plan for the expedition to Dakar to the Vichy authorities; the other was his attempt to hand over the submarine “Surcouf” to the Vichy government. The plan; the third is his certificate of 2000 sterling compensation for the destruction of the African Navy’s recruitment plan.

Because Degaule was in the country with his wife and children on New Year’s Day, Churchill decided to immediately put Miselier and several of his men into prison.

Whether this is true or not, it is an act of ignoring the sovereignty of Free France. Degaule was informed by the British side the next morning. I immediately expressed great indignation and asked the British to release immediately. But in the anger of Churchill, no one could listen to it, yelling, “I really want to hang him right away!” Three days later, Degaule submitted a memo to General Spears, pointing out that those who proved that the Navy was guilty. The documents were forged, and the British side was flustered and the investigation was stepped up. On 1’s 8 Day, Degaule issued an ultimatum to the UK, demanding the immediate release of General Miseri, otherwise Free France will not hesitate to cut off all relations with the UK! However, the British side has already found out that these documents were indeed forged by two intelligence officers who had personal grievances with the Navy lieutenant! To this end, the British had to release the Navy Lieutenant very embarrassed, and Churchill personally apologized to Degaule on the morning of 9, and handed the two spies to Degaule. Degaule might have forgiven the matter at the time, but he has always been guilty of ignoring the freedom of French sovereignty.

Soon after, he ordered the dismissal of all British nationals who worked for Free France. The British and French sides spent a lot of money on diplomacy to bring the stubborn general back to life.

Although this matter has been resolved, it has become a difficult scar between the United Kingdom and France, just like several previous events.

Wang Weizhen suddenly mentioned the “Mise Montpellier Event” at this time. In fact, he told him not to have such confidence in the British-French alliance. Brittish appeared in front of the French as a savior.

Degaule looked at Wang Weizhen for a long time, then sneered: “Mr. Baron, I am sorry, I think we will have the opportunity to continue face to face in the future, but I don’t want to be on the battlefield.”

“Even on the battlefield, I don’t have any worry.” Wang Weizhen said with a smile.

Looking at Degaule’s angry back, Wang Weizhen smiled lightly. At this time, a waiter came to his side and whispered after handing Wang Weizhen a drink: “Everything is arranged.”

Wang Weizhen “Well”.

“The plan is a bit dangerous. It will be forced to use another of our trump cards. It may also be exposed. After all, this matter will completely involve the Free French movement.”

“What can be worried about?” Wang Weizhen took a sip of the wine in the cup: “To solve these problems, the Free French movement must be solved first, otherwise they will continue to make trouble. But let us be thankful The alliance between Britain and France is definitely not as strong as outsiders think.”

“Yes, I understand, but I am still worried about the stubborn Degaule.”

“Degaule? Don’t worry, this person will be handled by me!”

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