The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is 571. British prisoners, floating astronomy

The two reached some consensus.

Wang Weizhen promised Rosen, no matter when he wants to leave.

As they spread and talked, they saw a large group of British prisoners being escorted.

It was almost noon, and the British prisoners were neatly arranged according to the previous troops, waiting for dinner.

These are their own compatriots, and they have caused great concern from Rosen. He has to go and see how the British prisoners’ food is being abused.

The food is not refined, but it is enough to make people full. These are very satisfying for the prisoners.

British prisoners strictly distinguish between officers and soldiers. Officers have separate meals, and officers can talk about problems while eating, and soldiers are absolutely not allowed to make a sound.

Wang Weizhen and Rosen decided to dine here, among a group of British prisoners.

This is what the British and British officials did not even think of, and even some people’s hearts began to get excited.

They are dining with them, one is the army general of the British Empire, the other is even more unfortunate, the Skulls Baron – Ernst .Breem.

“I have never eaten a captive meal. I ate it today. I hope this is not a bad sign.”

The first sentence of Ernst .Breem caught the smile of the British officials.

The Skulls Baron, who is invincible on the battlefield, is not so harsh and ruthless in life.

“I have to say a little.” General Rosen said: “The German army is very good, but your chefs should pull out and shoot, they are really too bad.”

Wang Weizhen fully acknowledges this. German cuisine is only the worst in Europe, and German chefs are really Unpresentable.

If compared with the French, there is a world of difference.

“At least, at this point the British defeated Germany,” a colonel named Kettering muttered.

Suddenly, this led to a laugh.

“Well, for the humiliation of you, I can only bear it.” Wang Weizhen smiled and said: “To be honest, I also don’t like to compliment our diet. I ate a fried trotters while I was in Berlin. It is said to have been loved by many Germans. At that time, I went to taste it with Richtofen. Then I ate it in the first place. We rushed out and you can imagine it, a food that looks very attractive. There is a strange smell in my mouth.”

Another laughter was made in the mouth of the British officials, and the Skulls Baron was so interesting.

The German diet does not need to be said by anyone, and this is recognized as poor in the European continent.

Because the Germans who are as precise as the same machine never waste time on food.

“What about you? Baron?” General Rosen couldn’t help but curiously ask: “What about the chef you use?”

“I am a German Marshal’s position, I must tell you strictly, I only use the German chef,” Wang Weizhen replied in a serious way, but then the voice went down again: “But I have to tell you that my housekeeper is still quiet. I hired an Italian chef and my German chef had nothing to do all day.”

The laughter is even louder, which is completely different from the serious stereotypes of the British officials.

This interesting baron

General Rosen said with a smile: “Although the Italians’ fights do not pose any threat to the enemy, I have to say that the Italian cuisine is enough to defeat Germany many times.”

“Yeah, if they put half their energy on the battlefield,” Wang Weizhen sighed.

“Speaking of the Italians, I remembered another interesting story.” Colonel Kettering said at this time: “At the time of the El-Alamein campaign, my subordinates caught 1,500 prisoners, you can imagine At that time, my subordinates had fewer than one hundred people. But what did the Italians actually surrender to the name of the officer? Ah, yes, Colonel Tavasic, I didn’t have so many people to look after them, only temporary. Draw a circle as their prisoner of war camp. Surprisingly, this temporary painting circle, 1,500 captives only had an ‘escape’ incident.”

Painting the ground for prison? Wang Weizhen smiled in his heart. But the only escape incident also aroused his curiosity.

“The colonel Abigail knows best, because the Italians are running to them,” Colonel Kettering said, pointing to the companion around him.

Colonel Abigail also smiled on his face: “I can’t imagine the ‘fug’ incident that evening, I was preparing to command the army to enter the battlefield, and suddenly I saw a large number of Italians appearing. I thought I was attacked by the enemy. I was trying to order the soldiers to enter the battle preparation. Who thought that things were not like this at all. I saw the Italian colonel Tawaschi. He told me that he fled from Colonel Kettering. The reason is very simple. Brittish doesn’t actually offer coffee to them!”

Wang Weizhen and all the British officials were stunned. Is this the root cause of the flight?

But the words of Colonel Abigail confirmed this, which is the root cause of the Italian escape:

“I wouldn’t believe it. I asked again and again, confirming that the only reason they ran away was that we didn’t provide coffee, so the Italian decided to flee to another prisoner of war camp and be able to provide a prisoner of coffee camp. But we didn’t have a real prisoner of war camp at the time. Therefore, the Italians can only temporarily find a British team. To be honest, I have never heard anything more ridiculous than this. Gentlemen, I have to get in touch with Colonel Kettering because these people It was his captive Colonel Kettering who promised to provide coffee to them as much as possible, which satisfied the Italians’ demands and returned them to the previous ‘crash’ location.

“This is also the most ridiculous story I have ever heard.” General Rosen shook his head again and again: “These Italians clearly have the opportunity to escape, but the only choice they have made is to find another prisoner of war camp that can provide coffee?”

“Unlucky Germany chose such a bad allies.” Wang Weizhen sighed helplessly: “I really hope that the Italians are your allies.”

“No, no, I am resolutely opposed to such a country becoming our ally.” General Rosen said quickly.

The British officials did not know that this was the first time they made a laughter today.

The Skulls Baron on the battlefield is terrible, but the Skulls Baron is so funny and humorous at this time.

It is no wonder that General Rosen and he will be good friends. This is not a secret in the UK.

In the first European war, everyone knew the stories between Baron Skulls and Colonel Rosen. Instead of defying General Rosen, they were also amazed at the heroic performance of his testimony to Berlin.

“Well, gentlemen, let’s go back to a more realistic question, and I don’t have so much coffee to entertain you.”

Wang Weizhen was only open, but a laugh came out.

Wang Weizhen smiled and immediately said: “I am thinking about when to release you.”

In a word, the laughter stopped, and every officer’s gaze was cast on Baron Alexson.

Wang Weizhen was immersed in it: “Time, way, I will carefully consider it. For example, both parties can exchange prisoners, or at a certain time, you will be released.”

Now, the British officers know that the Baron is serious.

It is no surprise that exchange captives are the most common thing in war.

The only thing that is a bit worrying is that the Germans have captured more British soldiers. Obviously, there will be a large number of Brittish that cannot be released.

This depends on how the British government can solve these problems.

“General Rosen will soon return to the UK.” Wang Weizhen said slowly: “I will select a few officers from among you to return with him, tell your government, what happened in Africa, and What kind of treatment you have received for the captives, gentlemen, I can’t promise you, when you return to the UK, maybe Egypt is already ours, and the British government will be more clear about the situation in Africa.”

“This is impossible.” Colonel Kettering said loudly: “Although we have failed, Egypt still has a strong defense force. I don’t think Germany, which is as tired as us, has the ability to capture Egypt.”

“So I can’t guarantee that” Wang Weizhen said frankly: “But what I want to tell you is that when you set foot on the British soil, you don’t need to be surprised if you hear the news of Egypt’s fall.”

The British officials were silent and they thought of one thing:

Sitting with myself is the Baron Skulls, there is nothing to do with the Skulls Baron!

Miracle is synonymous with him!

If Egypt really fell into the hands of the Germans, it would be terrible for the Allies.

“Gentlemen.” Wang Weizhen sighed with relief: “I hope that you will assure me that no matter who of you is selected for the first release, you must tell the British what is happening here. Don’t hide, don’t deceive, the people of your own country have the right to know the truth. Can you guarantee this?”

“I promise.” General Rosen replied without hesitation.

“We promise.” All the British officials said so. (To be continued. Please search h astrolog W, the novel is better to update faster!)

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