The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is five hundred and fifty-two. “Ace spy”, floating astronomy

“Is there any news yet?”

“No radio station with only Germans is working properly. I have not found any suspicious signals.”

Xiao Ling’s words made Wang Weizhen frown.

Three hours later, the time has passed for three hours, but the “warrior” did not send any information at all.

Does the “warrior” feel that the “Xi Yao” intelligence has no effect? Or is he already aware of the danger?

Impossible, never possible!

The importance of “The Kraken” is exactly the same as that of Colonel Fells. The spy created by Wang Weizhen will definitely attract the attention of the “Warrior”!

He also cannot discover that the Germans are secretly monitoring themselves.

But why is there no signal yet?

In order to send this information out in time and give Brittish plenty of preparation time, the “warrior” should have a secret radio station in his hand.

As long as this radio station reports, it is absolutely impossible to get through Xiao Ling!

Which part of the problem has gone wrong?

Wang Weizhen, who has always been confident and calm, is now somewhat faintly worried.

There must be something hidden in it that you don’t know.

Colonel Fells walked in, and the secret intelligence department he was responsible for did not find anything. Everything was as usual.

Wang Weizhen feels that he should have neglected something.

“Keep in touch with Klingenberg.” Wang Weizhen frowned and said: “Once he was attacked in Mayum, it means that the ‘warrior’ has sent the information out.”

Colonel Fells hesitated: “Marshal, is it possible that the ‘warrior’ is not on the list of the participants? Or does he have other, more subtle ways to convey intelligence?”

“All the troops who can learn about the internal situation of the German army are among the participants. No one is missing.” Wang Weizhen replied very positively: “The more subtle ways may exist or they use pigeons to transmit information”

Under such a tough situation, Marshal Ernst still made a joke, which made Colonel Fells laugh.

He likes Marshal Ernst, a successful general who can always keep his own calm in any critical situation. This is very important for the battlefield.


The sky is completely dark.

Klingenberg and his squad have arrived at the designated location, and after waiting for half an hour there, a black shadow appeared through the moonlight.

“Captain Klingenberg?”

“Yes, the Kraken?”

“Yes, Captain.”

The man who appeared in front of Captain Klingenberg, about forty years old, was dressed in a military uniform of Brittish.

“The Kraken, we got you, let’s get out of here now.”

“Captain, someone!”

Klingenberg’s voice has not yet fallen, and the voice of the team’s vigilance has come.

“砰-砰-” Two sharp gunshots broke through the night sky, followed by a sound:

“Fritz Klingenberg, you have been surrounded, I am Lieutenant Colonel Lewis, I am ordering you to let go of your arms and surrender, you have five minutes to consider.”

Klingenberg didn’t panic. This is exactly what I want: “I’m going to report to Marshal Ernst, we are surrounded by Brittish in Mayum”

He can now be sure that there must be spies inside, and that the spy has already sent out the information of himself and the squad.

It’s terrible to hide a spy at the top, and hope that your efforts will completely expose this spy.

“Marshal, Klingenberg’s telegram, they were surrounded by enemies in Mayum!”

Wang Weizhen’s face is blue!

In the end, the “warrior” still sent the information out, but Xiao Ling, who is omnipotent, did not notice any suspicious radio station!

What is the “warrior” used?

If you can’t figure out how the “warrior” is passing intelligence and capture this Brittish super spy, the efforts of Klingenberg and his squad will become meaningless!

What is the way?

Wang Weizhen suddenly said: “After the end of today’s meeting, all the telegrams will be brought to me! At the same time, from now on, the radio is silent!”

Radio silence! This means that the Afrikaans Army will be cut off from the outside world without knowing the “warrior” and the approach he has taken.

“Captain Klingenberg, please come here with me.”

Outside is a lot of Brittish, and at this time the “Zero” is very calm.

As he came to the side, “The Kraken” looked to the side: “Captain Klingenberg, my name is Miller Bach. I am a German spy in Aris, Egypt. I have gotten some over the years. Intelligence, but not important”

This is the first time Klingenberg knows the other person’s name, but he doesn’t understand why Miller wants to say this to himself in such a critical moment.

“Captain, I am temporarily receiving this task, asking me to pretend to be a super spy in Germany, and must make the enemy believe that I am the ‘Siren’, now, please do something for me”

Miller said that from the carrying bag, he took out a bunch of things that looked like documents, and then lit them with a match, watching the fire, Miller said with a smile: “There is nothing worthwhile.” There is nothing in the above.”

When the document burned to ashes, Miller carefully took out a piece of the document that had been burned from the bag and buried it in the pile of ash more carefully.

Klingenberg glanced at the fragment of the document with the words “The 8th Army Armed”.

“It looks like it’s like several important British materials that were burned in a hurry, aren’t they?” Miller smiled and said, “I should have done what I should do. Now, I ask you to play. Die me, Captain Klingenberg.”

“What? You let me kill you?” Klingenberg couldn’t believe the other person actually made this request.

“Yes, kill me.” Miller’s expression was very serious: “It’s very simple, we have been surrounded by Brittish, in order to avoid more important information falling into Brittish’s hands, so you killed Germany in an urgent situation. The ace of the person is the spy ‘The Kraken’.”

“No! No!” Klingenberg shook his head. “I can’t get my hands, how can I kill a person?”

Miller said faintly: “Captain, you don’t understand, I have been a spy for many years, but I have never got any valuable information. I have always been an outside spy. I think this time my superior has chosen me. What I am looking at is my infinite loyalty to Germany. You have to kill me, understand? Otherwise, once I fall into the hands of Brittish, I don’t know if I can persist, I want to face the cruel trial. I will reveal all that I know, so that this action has no meaning.”

Klingenberg was silent, and he knew that all Miller said was true.

However, how can I get my hands on my own?

At this time, the five minutes set by Brittish had arrived, and the Germans who refused to surrender quickly attracted the enemy’s attack.

In the gunshots, Miller became anxious: “Fast, Captain, fast! I am not a strong person, I can’t shoot myself!”

Klingenberg took a long breath and slowly pulled out the gun: “You are called Miller Bach, are you?”

“Yes, Captain.”

“German will remember you. When we win, I will tell everyone, tell your family, you are the real German, ace spy!”

Miller laughed. This is what he dreamed of and he could become a real ace spy.

“The Klingenberg detachment is being attacked by the enemy. After the radio is silent, the only secret radio station we are still working on, received a telegram from the captain, he has killed the ‘Siren’, destroyed all the documents, and is preparing to break through!”

Wang Weizhen, who was buried in a pile of telegrams, moved.

“The Kraken” died, and the “Zi Yao” that was fabricated was dead. Even Wang Weizhen did not know the name of the “Zi Yao”.

The telegrams must have been intercepted by Brittish, who will be convinced of the existence of the “Sierra” and firmly believe that their super-spy “warrior” is omnipotent.

A copy of the fake information will continue to be sent to Brittish.

Everything seems to be perfect, but the only problem is that I don’t know who the “warrior” is, and I don’t know what kind of information he is using.

At this point, even Xiao Ling can do nothing.

Find him, be sure to find him, otherwise the sacrifice will become meaningless!

Suddenly, Wang Weizhen’s gaze stopped on a telegram. He picked up the telegram and looked at it carefully.

A more general telegram with the number of supplies required by the 90 light armored division.

Quite ordinary, everyone knows that the 90 light armored division and the Afrikaans Army all have the same urgent need for a large supply. The only difference is that the number of light armored divisions required to be replenished is very carefully written.

It is accurate to the number of fuels needed for each connection.

The Germans have always been rigorous.

Wang Weizhen handed the telegram to Rommel: “Elwin, have you found something wrong?”

Rommel looked carefully for a long time, then shook his head: “I don’t think there is anything wrong with it.”

Wang Weizhen stood up and smiled: “It’s a smart way to pass information through secrets!”

Now, he finally knows what kind of method the “warrior” uses to deliver intelligence! (To be continued. Please search h astrolog W, the novel is better to update faster!)

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