The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is 454. Bloody stone, floating astronomy

“The sacred kings of Egypt and Sudan, the rulers of Nubia, Kordofan and Darfur, King Muhammad. Farouk!”

With this sound, the audience applauded.

Muhammad.Farouk I and his wife, Queen Faridah, appeared in front of the guests.

Wang Weizhen also stood in the welcome crowd, and he suddenly found that Queen Faridah was looking at himself and had some sadness in his eyes.

About the two guards she sent, have told the Queen what happened yesterday.

Farouk I was very considerate of the guests. His speech was very brief, and then he ordered the music to ring and let himself and the guests re-enter the carnival.

At this point, the Egyptian king is still quite good.

Farouk greeted the important guests one by one, and he also stopped in front of “Baron Andrew” Mr Tokensen, and invited the baron to have a chance to play again.

When he left, Wang Weizhen found that many guests were just like themselves, and quickly checked if they had lost valuables.

Wonderful, Farouk I is really a wonderful work in the post of the king.

Wang Weizhen doesn’t have much thought at the ball now, he is thinking about how to rescue Colonel Fells, which is crucial for Germany.

Colonel Fells has too much intelligence in his hands. In another history, it was because of the arrest of Colonel Fells that the German Afrikaans Army and some of Germany’s top-ranking intelligence fell into the hands of the Allies. Since then, the Afrikaans Army has been beaten in Africa.

Now that Colonel Fells is still in Cairo, you must find ways to rescue him and even have to kill him if necessary.

When I was thinking about finding a chance to leave the dance, a maid suddenly came to Wang Weizhen: “Baron Andrew, there are some things for the Queen to discuss with you. Can you take some time?”

“Of course.” Wang Weizhen knows why the Queen is looking for herself.

Quietly left the ball, as the maid came to a very hidden place in the palace.

It’s really hidden. If someone doesn’t deliberately lead the way, I don’t think there is such a place hidden here. About any palace is like this.

“Mr. Baron, the Queen is in the majesty,” the maid said, and left in a hurry.

Wang Weizhen walked in and was keenly aware that someone was ambushing nearby, and he sneered in his heart. Should it be the guardian in the palace? These guys who stayed in the palace for a long time will never know that a real soldier who came out of the rain of bullets is not something they can deal with.

The surroundings are very dark, which gives Wang Weizhen the perfect environment to cover.

The two guards of the palace watched nervously about the person who came in. It was the goal of the queen to order the killing.

Suddenly, they found that they were losing their target. When they were surprised, the left-hand guard’s neck was suddenly stuck, and then they twisted hard. A slight “beep” sounded, and the guard fell softly on the ground.

The defender on the right was shocked and hurriedly pulled out the pistol, but it was already late. A hand with a metal tongs stuck his throat and then the other hand caught his mouth.

The guards struggled desperately, but in any case they could not get rid of the gradual, his physical movement stopped.

On the ground, two more bodies were found.

Wang Weizhen looked at the body and shook his head. Queen Faridah is as beautiful as Cleopatra, but her heart is similar to Cleopatra. She will kill herself for a gem.

“There are four more people.” Xiao Ling’s voice rang in his ear.

Wang Weizhen nodded and quickly hid his body in the dark.

In a few minutes, all the guards arranged by Queen Faridah died. Wang Weizhen doesn’t worry about whether this will expose himself.

Arranging these guards, Farouk I must not know that he had no courage to kill a British baron. Everything is arranged privately by Queen Faridah.

After cleaning up these killers neatly, Wang Weizhen saw that the light of a house was bright in the distance. He sorted out his clothes and walked calmly toward it.

He pushed open the door of the house, and the woman who had been waiting for a long time turned back: “Gemstones”

It is Queen Faridah.

But her words below could not be said because she saw “Baron Andrew” standing right in front of her.

“Ah, Mr. Baron, you are here.” Queen Faridah quickly regained his calm, as if nothing had happened.

“Yes, I am coming.” Wang Weizhen smiled.

“The slaves who are not sensible, no one has notified me.” Queen Faridah is very dissatisfied: “I will let you drink some of it”

This woman looks so beautiful and sexy, but why is it so? Wang Weizhen could not help but shook his head: “Queen, if you are looking for the guards, you don’t have to find them, they are all dead.”

Queen Faridah was shocked

In order to recapture the gems, she risked being dethroned after being exposed. She sent two guards before and after, but did not expect to fail.

And outside the room, there are six people, is it killed by this “Baron Andrew”?

It’s terrible, if it’s true, it’s terrible.

“What are you talking about? I really can’t understand.” Queen Faridah tried his best to keep his own calm.

“Yeah, you don’t understand, but I think you know more than anyone else.” Wang Weizhen took out the necklace from his arms and swayed in front of his eyes. The gems exude a charming light: “This jewel is very valuable. But not at the expense of human life. There are already six people who died for this jewel. How many people do you want to die, Queen?”

Looking at the swaying jewel, Queen Faridah couldn’t wait to get it back immediately, but she knew she was definitely not the opponent in front of the man. She took a deep breath: “Six people? Do you think that only six people died on this gem? You are wrong, this gem carries the history of the sixteen-year war, and 30,000 Egyptians died for it. “”

This gem? Wang Weizhen asked the gems to look at them in front of them. In addition to being precious, Wang Weizhen does not feel that it has anything particularly magical.

“This is called ‘Kadesh Stone’, also known as ‘Blood Stone.'” Queen Faridah slowly said: “It belongs to the ancient Egyptian nineteen dynasty Pharaoh Ramses II, it comes from the battle of Kadesh.”

The Battle of Kadesh was a battle between the ancient Egyptian Pharaoh and the Hittite King for the right to rule in the Syrian region. In the 14th century BC, the rise of the Hittite power in Asia Minor gradually advanced to Syria in the south, threatening Egypt’s vested interests in the region. At the end of the 14th century BC, Egypt’s 19th Dynasty Pharaoh Ramses II mobilized the squad, plus more than 20,000 foreign mercenaries such as Nubians and Shaldans, and 2,000 tanks, marching toward Syria. The goal is to capture the Hittite army’s main base and military fort in the area, the Kadishi on the west bank of the upper Orontes River.

King Hathad Muwatallis assembled about 20,000 troops near Kadesh, including the Syrian princely army and the Asia Minor tribe mercenaries, with 2,500 chariots. In order to induce the Egyptian army to ambush, Muwatallis sent a “fugitive” to the Ethiopian army to report that the main force of the Hittite army was still hundreds of miles away, and claimed that the Kadesh garrison was weak.

Ramses II mistakenly thought that the first squadron crossed the river and entered the south of Kadesh. As a result, he was surrounded by the Hittite ambush troops. A follow-up unit was also attacked by Hittite troops and suffered heavy losses. The trapped Ramses II struggled to resist, and put the lions in the body to “protect” and urged another follow-up force to rush. After the Egyptian reinforcements arrived, they attacked the other side of the wing with a rigorous battle formation.

King Hittite also invested in infantry and chariots, stormed the Egyptian army, and made the fortress guards 800 people cooperate and the battle was fierce. The two sides are evenly matched and have not won. The Hittite army retreated to the fortress, and Ramses II was unable to seize the fortress and decided to return to Egypt.

In the next 16 years, the two sides continued to fight, but they failed to achieve a decisive victory. Around 1280 BC, Ramses II and Hittite King Hattusilis III concluded a peace treaty to end the war.

It is generally believed that this is the earliest and written war and covenant. The peace treaty stipulates that Hittite and Egypt have entered into a military alliance and have the obligation to extradite each other’s fugitives.

This war is also one of the earliest battles recorded in ancient military history.

Wang Weizhen, the battle of Kadashi, has been faintly heard, but it is not particularly clear. At this time, listening to Queen Faridah’s arrival, I felt some bloody that lasted for 16 years.

“The war ended with no victory, but 30,000 Egyptians died in this war.” Queen Faridah was ecstatic: “On the night of the decision to retreat, it was said that Ramses II collected it in 16 years. The blood of every fallen soldier, soaked a gem, this is the ‘Kadesh Stone’, the origin of the bloody stone. It is said that with it, you can have the power of 30,000 grievances, of course, you must untie this jewel The seal is only fine.”

Although knowing what 30,000 grievances are absurd, Wang Weizhen holding this jewel can’t help but fight a chill. (To be continued. Please search h astrolog W, the novel is better to update faster!)

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