The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country 508. The battle of Ayash, floating astronomy

On July 26, 1942, the German army finally reached the last portal of Ankara – Ayash!

According to the order of Baron Alexson under the command of Ankara, the imperial division who arrived earlier attacked Ayash.

Under the cover of planes and cannons, the iron monsters in their mouths renewed their roar, and the momentum swept across the battlefield.

The old and backward cannons and tanks of the Turkish army, in the face of the roar of the Germans, are hard to show their resistance. From the beginning of the fighting, they were suppressed by the Germans.

The German officers at all levels who commanded the front line performed very well on the battlefield. The troops they commanded did not seem particularly fast, but they always firmly grasped the initiative on the battlefield.

The Turks actually have insufficient confidence at this time. They don’t think they have the ability to hold Ayas.

About 80,000 local troops gathered here showed a negative defense attitude in the first minute of the battle. They fought against the Germans in a wave of high-level offensives in various positions, and they would never take the initiative.

The situation created by this is that the Germans can take advantage of the dispatching forces and break them one by one.

The defensive side has a certain advantage in the offensive and defensive battles. However, once the weapons and equipment are completely backward, such advantages are quickly weakened.

Ayash’s front was continually broken, and the German’s Tank was on the battlefield, and Zhang’s squadron ran back and forth on the Turkish army’s position.

The firepower of the assault guns and machine guns intensively hit the enemy, and the flying bullets completely suppressed the army.

It is difficult for the Turks to find a solution. Any officer knows clearly:

The fall of Ayash is only a matter of time.

In Ankara, all the top Turkish leaders are paying close attention to the battle here. Once Ayashi can’t effectively block the German attack, Ankara will be the most directly attacked by German artillery.

Brittish and the Russians are also watching intensely.

Although they understand that the Turkish army is definitely not the opponent of the German army, at this time they still have a hint of fantasy in their hearts. If Ayash can delay the German offensive as much as possible, then there will be a slight change in the situation.

But such an illusion was quickly shattered.

On the afternoon of the 26th, two-thirds of Ayash’s positions were breached, and only a few hours have passed since the Germans launched the attack.

The difference in combat effectiveness between the two sides is really too great.

When Brittish and the Russians learned about the battlefield, they were more worried than the Turks.

The Germans can quickly launch a direct attack on Ankara without any hindrance.

Once Ankara is lost, the Turkish government can continue to retreat and even retreat to Russia, but what about Turkey?

It is bound to fall into the hands of Germany. This very important piece of chess will be completely mastered by the Germans, and all the efforts of the Allies in Turkey will be turned into water.

The British ambassador and the Soviet ambassador secretly reported everything that happened in Turkey to their own government and made recommendations for direct military dispatch.

Just relying on the army, it has completely stopped the Germans.

At 3 o’clock on the afternoon of the 26th, the invincible German army has completely broken through the defense of the army, smoothly entered Ayash, and launched a street battle with the army in Ayash.

You can’t say that the Turks are not strong enough and heroic. Although they lack the confidence to keep Ayash, they have shown their extraordinary courage in the face of the fierce attack of the Germans.

On the battlefield, there were many scenes in which the army soldiers smashed the German Tank with their bags, and they almost used their lives to block the German attack.

But this is no longer all on the battlefield.

If you use dozens of people, hundreds of people’s lives, just to blow up a tank of the enemy, then the price paid is too heavy.

After the attack on Ayash, the Germans finally put another card into their hands:

The “Unification of the Turkish Freedom Army” commanded by Marshal Goris.

The “Unified Turkish Freedom Army”, which was re-armed by Germany, performed even better than the Germans in Ayash.

They are familiar with the urban roads here, and are familiar with the local customs. They are keenly aware of their former companions, where the current enemies will be hiding, and they have ways to let the compatriots in the resistance put down their arms and surrender.

Major General Tawas, who was personally commanded on the front line, has brought this to the fullest.

Because he was born in Ayash!

The family of Major General Tawas is a well-known family in the local area, which has been the case since the Ottoman Empire.

So when Major General Tawas and his troops entered Ayash, they first contacted their family.

Soon, some families who hoisted the German and Turkish interim government flags at the door appeared.

Some German soldiers and soldiers of the “Turkish Freedom Army”, when passing through these people, saw the flags hanging at the door and did not harass them.

After getting in touch with his family, Old Tawas received an interview with General George Kepler, the Imperial Division commander.

In the meaning of Baron Alexson, General Kepler performed very friendly and guaranteed that everything in the Tawas family would not be damaged during the war.

Old Tawas let go of what kind of fate Turkey will suffer, not what he can master, but the fate of his family must be controlled by himself.

In return for the Germans, Old Tavas launched his own family and their familiar people, and in Ayash he persuaded the soldiers who were still resisting.

They promised the Germans that as long as they put down their weapons, they would never be held accountable or even allowed to enter the prison camp.

They are willing to stay in the army, and the Free Army will accept them. And if they don’t want to continue fighting, they can go wherever they want to go.

Now Ayash is full of enemies, and the soldiers who are still resisting, the mood is numb and desperate.

They don’t know at all when this kind of battle is an end.

But now a chance to live is in front of them.

Many Turkish soldiers accepted persuasion, laid down their weapons and walked out of the hiding place, surrendering to the opposing Germans.

The Germans also fulfilled their promises. For the Turks who laid down their weapons, the Germans did not even send special caretakers.

– You can go anywhere you want to go!

Sometimes war does not need to end in the form of force.

The vast majority of the army chose the method of surrender to end the battle of this curse. There are still many people who have chosen to continue the war for the sake of their beliefs.

For these bearers, the Germans have only one countermeasure:

Resolutely eliminate!

In the persuasion of the propaganda car tweeter, a team of German commandos continued to invade the most violent annihilation of the army.

The shells were unrelentingly dropped to those temporary positions, and the machine guns ruthlessly swept the bullets out of the storm.

The casualties of the army are increasing every minute and every second.

At night, such attacks have not only weakened, but have been further strengthened.

The Germans used all the means they could use, and with the help of the Turks, stepped down the space of the resistance.

The atmosphere of death flows in the air of Ayash, and the land of Ayash is shaking.

Countless local army fell in the city, their blood flowing quietly on the earth.

War, cruel war!

Some people were covered with medals on the chest because of the war, and some people lost their lives because of the war.

When the winner steps on the land of the conquered, no one will think about what the loser has encountered.

At most, there will be only a few words left in the history of the future:

“In the war against the aggressors, the Turkish army ran out of its last drop of blood.”

In addition, what traces will be left behind?

In the middle of the night, the gunshots gradually faded. A large number of resisters were killed and a large number of resisters were captured. These captives are the opposite of those of the previous surrenderers.

The battle of Ayash has gradually come to an end.

Like most of the battles that the Germans have experienced in Turkey before, the battle of Ayash is another lightning breakthrough.

In 24 hours, the Germans successfully and beautifully ended the battle of Ayash.

In the 80,000-strong army that participated in the Ayash Defence War, 25,000 people were killed, surrendered and captured as many as 35,000 people. Only less than 20,000 people fled this terrible battlefield.

When the Ankara government got this frustrating news for the first time, they did not have much anger and despair.

After the outbreak of the German-Turkish war, they have received such news of failure many times.

A large number of legions were annihilated, and the German offensive was unstoppable.

Now, Ayash fell into the hands of the Germans, and Ankara will soon be completely exposed to the German artillery attack. The Ankara defending battle of 500,000 people was attacked by the Germans from the very beginning.

There are still more than 400,000 people who can participate in the defense, but how much can they play?

In the face of the powerful attacks of the Germans, how long can they last?

Maybe not much time, in Ankara, the flag of Germany will be floated.

In the air, it seems that there is a voice of the German victory. (To be continued. Please search h astrolog W, the novel is better to update faster!)

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