The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is forty-six. The power of speech, floating astronomy

The military victory did not allow any barring Ernst. Breem to relax.

Now, he decided to start with politics.

It’s not just a simple public bombing, the effect is limited.

Instead, use Soviet means to deal with Russia!

Bijournouski is doing a great job, and his special talents in some areas, even Marshal St Ernst Breem can’t match.

He has a super memory, and all the names he has recognized, seen, and heard are recorded in his mind. The character of this person is also recorded in his mind.

In a few days, he picked out a group of people he needed.

The vast majority of these people have served as political commissars of the Soviet Red Army or have done propaganda work.

They are the people who need Marshal St Ernst Breem

Work started soon

Wang Weizhen, accompanied by several German generals, quietly appeared in the temporary prisoner of war camp.

He saw thousands of Russian prisoners of war sitting on the ground, and opposite them, stood several supervisors of the newly established “Freedom Army Political Supervision Office.”

Said to be a supervisor, actually a political commissar in the Soviet Red Army.

And Berdanowski, sitting in the middle of these people.

The German generals were very curious and did not understand that Marshal Ernst needed those who would not fight at all.

A supervisor in his thirties is shouting loudly to those of the Soviet Red Army.

How red Moscow is brutally suppressing dissidents, how the high-ranking Moscow leader cleans his opponents

Then, after he finished speaking, he was a supervisor. He told the prisoners the meaning of freedom, equality, and justice. He told the prisoners why Russia had no future and no hope under the leadership of Red Moscow. Tell them why they must stand firm against the storm* and build a brand new Russia.

Their voices are impassioned, and gestures are constantly accompanied by their voices dancing there to enhance the effectiveness of the speech.

The prisoners, with the speeches of several supervisors, seem to have some changes in their mood.

At this time, Bijournouski stood up.

Now, even Wang Weizhen’s attention has been attracted to him. He has to look at what the general political commissar of the Soviet Red Army 72 division has. It is worthy of the ones he has given him.

As soon as the “comrades” opened their mouths, Bijournouski’s tone was very heavy:

“I know that all of you are very sad now, defeated, captured, and lost in pride and dignity. But what I am more worried about is our family. Many of you, more clearly than I, when we become captives. The family will face some terrible things. Political review, unfair treatment, contempt, blindness, isolation. Our wife will be forced to go hungry to engage in those heavy physical activities to feed our children. The children are forced to follow behind the mother to engage in work that is not at all suitable for the children? Because they have a husband who is a captive, they have a father who becomes a prisoner.”

“Marshal, will they really do this?” Ludwig asked softly.

“Yes, they will do this.” Wang Weizhen nodded. “In the Soviet Union, the treatment of death and captivity was completely different. I am now in love with Beryanowski.”

Some of the prisoners of war have already bowed their heads, and some people even quietly rubbed their eyes because they thought of the family’s experience.

“But this is not our fault!” Bijournouski’s voice suddenly improved a bit:

“We fight for our own country, and we have been fighting until we are able to become a prisoner. In any country, there will always be captives in any battle! In the Russians we overthrew, the families of the captives Will be comforted, will be properly placed, and when the prisoners come back, they will get a heroic cheer. This is true in old Russia, or in Britain, France, and even our enemy Germany! But only in Moscow This will be an abnormal and terrible situation! Even if we are all released now, you all know what kind of things are waiting for you, review, review, and will never be censored! They will let us explain to prisoners of war. What has been said in the camp will let us explain each other, and then each of us will be re-enlisted into the army, but not for us to fight, but for us to step on the mines, to use our flesh and blood to block the enemy. Tank! There is no difference between life and death! And our family will still suffer from the tragic experience that never stops.”

His voice gradually became excited.

The emotions of the prisoners of war also became excited with him. Someone asked aloud: “What should we do?”

“I can’t tell you what to do” Bijournouski lowered his voice again: “I only know that our food is state-owned, our houses are state-owned, everything is state-owned, including our lives. They Let’s die, we have to die, let them give us everything, we all have to give us everything. If these are worthwhile, they are really fighting for our country, then we I am willing, but when we are fighting at the front line, what are the senior leaders doing?”

Speaking of this, his eyes slowly swept through the prisoners:

“At this time they are on vacation, our top leader, Comrade Stalin, is drinking the best vodka in our villa that we will not drink for a lifetime, eating the most delicious caviar that we have never seen in our lifetime. And we are taking life to protect his enjoyment. We are not fighting for free Russia, we are fighting for the enjoyment of Stalin”

Prisoners of war have some commotion

“This guy is a genius.” Wang Weizhen turned back to his generals and said: “The real genius! Ludwig, specially assigned a group of German soldiers to protect his safety, if he lost a hair, I must shut your confinement! ”

“Yes, Marshal.” Ludwig watched the reactions of the prisoners, and now some understand why the Marshal did this.

This guy is really too encouraging.

On the war, he can easily kill him, but let him tell the words he said, he can’t do it anyway.

Perhaps as the Marshal said, this guy is really a genius in these things.

Gradually, Bijournouski has gradually talked about the era of great famine and eradication. With his excellent speech, the emotions of prisoners of war are constantly fluctuating.

Sometimes they are filled with indignation, sometimes crying, Bijournouski has completely controlled the situation on the field.

Wang Weizhen did not expect such an excellent effect.

“Now, an opportunity has appeared in front of us!” Bijournouski suddenly said loudly after the emotions on the field gradually reached the apex:

“Join the Free Army! We don’t fight for any kind ofism. We only fight for our own freedom, only for our own family! Go to solve our wife and save our children! They are waiting for us! Wife Waiting for the return of her husband, the child is waiting for the return of his father! For the family, for freedom! Fight!”

“For the family, for freedom!”

More than a dozen “owners” who had been arranged by Bijournouski among the prisoners of war, stood up and shouted for such a slogan.

The emotions of the prisoners of war were completely ignited: “For the family, for freedom!”

The loud voices are coming and going, and they are endless.

What Sude war, what defends Moscow, and now have nothing to do with them.

They have to fight for their wives and children!

“Genius, genius!” Wang Weizhen repeated these two words again: “What does this guy need to give him anything? He doesn’t care what he does, he closes his eyes. Hey, I am going to be him. Said it.”

“This kind of person can’t appear in the German team.” General Crest said with a sigh: “Otherwise, it is terrible, let him stay in the German for a year, I have at least half of it. The soldiers will follow him.”

“Not the same.” Wang Weizhen shook his head: “The political system between Sude and Germany is different. Their set can only be used on specific occasions, so we don’t have to worry too much. Today I bring you to Here, it’s not for you to listen to this speech, but to tell you that military victory must be accompanied by political agitation. If there are twenty people in one hundred Russians who support us, then It will lead to more Russians. Gradually, there will be more and more people who support us. This is what I have said many times, bread, sometimes more useful than bayonet.”

“Yes, we will do it, Marshal.”

At this time, a large number of prisoners of war have begun to sign up for the “Freedom Army.”

For the wife to fight for the children!

General Carcorochk took great pains to form a brigade, but now Bijournouski can build the power of one or more divisions with just one speech.

The pen can play a more terrible power than the knife and gun, and the speech can also achieve such an effect.

Wang Weizhen used the right person, and Bijournouski did not live up to the expectations of Marshal Ernst.

Now Wang Weizhen, need more such special talents to appear! (To be continued. Please search h astrolog W, the novel is better to update faster!)

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