The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume 1: All for Germany! Two hundred and ninety-one. The story of the Rose Baron (1410 monthly ticket plus more), floating astronomy

Nanjing, November 1937.

General Sterk took a look at the mirror, and wearing any clothes always felt that he was not as mighty as wearing a military uniform.

I turned back and sat down with a cigarette. In fact, he used to smoke, but since the disappearance of General Ernst, Sterk learned to smoke.

Thinking of General Ernst, Sterk’s heart tightened.

It has long been said in Germany that if he does not disappear in the past, the German war may not be lost.

General Ernst disappeared because he was an upright, benevolent general. He did not want the members of the Skulles commando to die in Monfort, so he gave up his idea of ​​breaking out alone and gave all the members a way. . At the same time, he hated the uprisings of the sailors, and the sailor uprising completely damaged his heart.

Of course, many people know that this is just a good idea. In Germany, resources were exhausted and it was impossible to continue the war.

However, as the years have passed, such statements have become more widespread. Especially after the re-emergence of Germany, countless people began to believe in the authenticity of this statement.

A large part of these people are young people.

There is also a saying that if General Ernst .Breem is still there, he will become the youngest marshal in Germany and even in the history of the world!

Ernst Alexson von Breem Marshal !

Under the leadership of Adolf.Hitler, Germany is re-emerging with unstoppable momentum, perhaps the government deliberately, perhaps the German people spontaneously, and missed the generals of Ernst. Breem, the Baron Skulls, re-emerged in Germany.

In the footsteps of Berlin, the statues of General Ernst .Breem were erected in various German cities.

The Alexson Manor on the outskirts of Berlin has also become a sacred place for young Germans. They came from all over the country and stood silently outside the manor with the most reverence. It seems that General Ernst also looked at them in the manor.

The butler Vedlio loyal to the baron guarding the manor, everyone can not believe, but two people firmly believe that General Ernst will definitely return:

One is Adolf.Hitler, and the other is Ved Leo.

I remember that when the baron left, he left a sum of money enough to maintain the manor for many years. With this money, Vidlio worked diligently to do his job, directing the servants to meticulously clean. Polish each set of silver cutlery in every corner.

On the day when the baron came back, it must be neat and tidy.

This is not the case in Germany, but also in many countries, including the United States.

Brittish has so far remembered the gentleman Ernst .Breem on the battlefield. The most widely circulated is that he would rather go to the military court and must release the wounded prisoners of war.

You can despise all of Germany, but you can’t ignore the Baron Skulls. It was only a few hundred years before an honest gentleman was born.

In the United States, in 1933, the New York Times ace reporter Beasley wrote his first novel, The Baron of Roses, which became the best-selling novel in the United States.

Americans are competing to buy this novel. In the book, Beasley even let the protagonist directly use the name of Baron Skulls:

Ernst .Breem !

In 1934, during the heyday of Hollywood, MGM Studios announced the purchase of the film adaptation rights of “The Baron of Roses”, which was launched in the same year.

The actor of the Rose Baron Ernst .Breem chose to star in Clark Gable with one of the most famous stars in the United States, while the heroine Heinrich .Elena was starred by another star of MGM. “The Remnant Flower” is the star of Hollywood’s first-line star, Greta Garbo.

The director is the ace director Strauheng.

In 1935, the film “The Baron of Roses” was officially staged, capturing the hearts of countless Americans. Especially when the Beasley himself adapted, the last scene of the male and female protagonist before the end of the war was praised as one of the top ten most embarrassing scenes since the film was published.

With this film, “Skulls Baron” became the first film in Hollywood history to include the Oscar five awards.

Clark Gable and Greta Garbo were one of the most popular male and female stars in the United States.

The movie emperor and the movie queen.

The American Baron’s heat that swept across the United States followed.

American street roses were swept away, and many people liked to put a rose in their jacket pocket and then say the most popular words in the Rose Baron at the ball:

“Miss XX, my current dance has been quite good. Can I invite you to dance?”

This was what Ernst. Breem said to Heinrich.Elena at the Champ de Mars in Paris.

Of course, this movie is not without negative effects. Many of the young men who are fascinated by Baron Skulls began to madly admire General Ernst. Breem. They also wear the Skulls badge on the neckline and set up the secret “Skulls Society”. The way they meet is more special, with the right hand raised and then loudly said:

“All for the Baron, Skulls will last forever.”

During the period of 1935, the influence of “Skulls” was still small, and it could even be said to be minimal.

But by 1936, as more and more young people joined Skulls, some politicians with ulterior motives began to look at this open organization.

No one knows what kind of impact will be affected in the future.

Thinking of it, Sterk’s heart was tight, and he had the feeling of wanting to cry.

Hurrying to the root of the cigarette, this barely calmed down the mood.

General Ernst should not only be respectful and nostalgic, but grateful.

After the war, many of the Skulls commando’s death and disability members received a mysterious remittance every year. No one knows where the remittance came from, but the remittance that arrives on time every year makes They crossed the most difficult and depressed stage of Germany after the war.

Only a few high-level executives in the Skulls commando know who is doing this.

Perhaps it was Manstein who had always been immersed in sorrow after General Ernst’s disappearance, and began to become silent, perhaps Richtofen, born with a big mouth. In short, the news is still leaking out quietly.

More and more people know that General Ernst. Breem made this arrangement long ago:

Properly arrange the life of each team member after the war

On November 1st every year, on the day of the disappearance of General Ernst, almost all of the former members of the Skulls Commando will come to the statue of Baron Skulls, silently commemorating the greatest general of German history:

Ernst Alexson von Breem !

Some of them have become the backbone of the German Defence Force. For example, Rommel, Manstein, Guderian, and Richtofen have become generals. Some people like Sterk, Bunkerley, and Sean have withdrawn from the army because of their disabilities. .

But all of them come here and have a common dream, although this dream seems unlikely to be realized:

Waiting for waiting

– Wait until the day when Baron Ernst. Skulls returns!

“My brothers, the war is coming to an end, Germany is defeated, but we have not failed. One day, Germany will rise. At that time, you need everyone. So you must live. This is the order. The order issued by General Ernst .Breem guarantees that we will be able to meet again one day sooner or later. This is also the guarantee of Baron Skulls!”

This is the promise made by General Ernst. Breem to his team members the day before the separation!

General Ernst has never fulfilled his promise! He said that he will definitely come back when he comes back.

And every member of the Skulls Commando had made the most solemn oath to General Ernst before leaving:

“General Ernst .Breem, we will sincerely thank you for your help, we will be sincerely grateful for everything you have done for us. We assure you that no matter how difficult, Skulls Commando will last forever! Skulls Baron will last forever! We assure you, Regardless of the passage of time, one day, the Skulls Commando will re-stun the world in the name of Saint-Ernst! We assure you that, whether it is victory or failure, we are the most determined defenders of Germany! Long live, holy Ernst !”

Now that Germany has re-emerged, the Skulls commando? Is it time to re-emerge?

Rommel has repeatedly mentioned this in front of the imperial head of state, Adolf.Hitler, but strangely, Hitler, the most determined follower and most fanatical admirer of General Ernst, shook his head and refused to re-establish the Skulls commando. . However, the head of the empire smiled and told the commanders of these former Skulls commandos:

“The Skulls commando is only owned by General Ernst. General Ernst will not come back one day. The commando will not be established in one day, but I promise that the commando will be re-established in another way.”

another way? In what way? No one can guess what the mind of the empire is thinking.

General Sterk annihilated the smoke in his hand, when Lieutenant Colonel Purman came in: “General, Kilmer. Nikolai and Hannah. Sean came back from Shanghai.”

When I heard that the old friend’s children came back, General Sterk nodded: “Let them come in.”


Kilmer.Nikolai and Hannah.Sean came in, and they were very straightforward and straight.

Sterk was very emotional. These children have grown up now, and although they are still childish on their faces, they will become the pillars of Germany sooner or later.

“Sit down, talk about the situation in Shanghai, children.” (To be continued. Please search h astronomical W, the novel is better updated faster!)

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