The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume 1: All for Germany! The first ending: I swear, floating astronomy

Please leave alive!

The request of Baron Skulls Ernst .Breem was approved. Colonel Nikolai will leave with all the living Skulls commandos, while Major General Ernst .Breem will stay here.

Meng Fukong has become a network, and the Baron Skulls can’t fly out even if he has wings.

Every commando is very clear that the general is left for them. He uses his own life to save everyone’s life.

Beasley faithfully recorded all of this.

This is a great general, his name will last forever!

November 1, 1918.

The morning sun shines sadly on Montfort, and this day will be the saddest day for the Skulls Commando:

They will leave their beloved generals:

Ernst Alexson von Breem !

– Skulls Baron!

Wang Weizhen’s eyes slowly swept over the players:

Sterk, Bunkerley, Sean, it’s horsepower, Ludwig.

“All have, salute!” In the order of Colonel Nikolai, all the players raised their right hand straight:

“Hey, Ernst! Hey, Ernst!! Hey, Ernst!!!”

Beasley’s camera faithfully recorded all this.

“Hey, Germany!” Wang Weizhen also raised his right hand.

Horsepower strode out of the team:

“General Ernst .Breem, we will sincerely thank you for your help, we will be sincerely grateful for everything you have done for us. We assure you that no matter how difficult, Skulls Commando will last forever! Skulls Baron will last forever! We assure you, Regardless of the passage of time, one day, the Skulls Commando will re-stun the world in the name of Saint-Ernst! We assure you that, whether it is victory or failure, we are the most determined defenders of Germany! Long live, holy Ernst !”

“Long live, Saint-Ernst! Long live, Saint-Ernst!! Long live, Saint-Ernst!!!”

Wang Weizhen’s expression has never been so dignified:

“My dear team members, I assure you that I will leave alive! I assure you that I will come back one day! I assure you that I will lead you again to fight! Now, I command you – -go away!”

This group has been here for more than 30 days, and the exhausted commandos slowly left the Montfort hole under the leadership of the officers.

There, all the Allied forces have been lined up.

The reporters are also waiting

When these German soldiers appeared, the Allied officers made a loud voice:

“All have, salute!”

The officers and men of the Allied forces raised their hands in a brush.

Yes, they are enemies, fighting on the battlefield! But the Skulls commando, with their most tenacious fighting spirit, won the respect of their own enemies!

They will leave here and return to Germany. Take their pride and bring their unbeaten myth!

Their heads are arrogant!

When the last Skulls commando left the line of sight, Colonel Rosen couldn’t help but ask: “General Ernst, are you really ready to stay here?”

“Yes, Colonel Rosen, I decided to stay here.” Wang Weizhen smiled slightly: “Now, you can go, I am here.”

I am here!

Colonel Rosen solemnly awarded a military ceremony to General Ernst .Breem: “I will remember your general!”

“I will remember you, general!” This is Beasley: “I will let everyone in the world know your heroism and spirit!”

No one will forget him:

Ernst Alexson von Breem :

— Baron Skulls – St. Ernst!

Now, only Wang Weizhen is left alone in the entire Montfort Hill. Wang Weizhen glanced at the Skulls flag flying on the ground, and carefully took her away.

“The Drifter, the base self-renovation upgrade 100% complete the ‘Y’ element to restart your mission in this era has been completed”

“I know, let me take another look here.”

Wang Weizhen looked at it silently and silently watched the 1918 that was about to die.

No, 1918; don’t, Germany; don’t, my dear brothers!

Rommel, Manstein, Goodrian, Modr, Adolf. Hitler, the faces that are eagerly awaiting seem to be appearing in front of their eyes.

Rommel, you will sweep the battlefield! Manstein, you will become a new invincible myth! Guderian, you will illuminate the sky like lightning! Moddle, you will cut off the enemy’s hopes like a wall of iron!

And you, Adolf.Hitler, remember what I said to you, don’t make so many mistakes!

The Allies have slowly approached them here and they are not in a hurry. They know that Baron Skulls has no place to escape.

In the grove, the door of the Violet Light Military Base slowly opened.

Wang Weizhen walked in, the door of the base quickly closed, and Xiao Ling’s voice sounded: “The Drifter, welcome home.”

The “Y” element is changing the mysterious light, and soon, it will take them away from this era.

Where will I go? No one can give an answer

In the two closed rooms, Elena and Guo Yenfeng, who have not yet recovered, are lying.

“We, go home.” Wang Weizhen whispered, but said firmly.

“Violet Light Military Base starts the ‘Y’ element to function normally. It is now November 1, 1918, The Drifter completes the mission time and space to cross the starting destination is unknown”

With the bang, the earth suddenly swayed.

Everyone is shocked and doesn’t know what happened.

Then everything is quiet

what happened? Earthquake? No one can give an accurate answer

However, when the Allies came to the hills of Montfort, but did not find the shadow of the Baron Skulls, the Allies made a crazy search, but nothing.

Baron Skulls – missing!

The Allied officers were stunned, damn, where did the Skulls Baron go? This is impossible. The neighbors are surrounded by the Allies, and even a fly can’t fly!

However, the Skulls Baron is really missing.

“Is it?” When he heard the news, Colonel Rosen smiled: “We still can’t catch him. No one can catch him. He is the Baron Skulls. Maybe we will meet him in the future.”

Despite this, Colonel Rosen was still wondering, where did the Skulls Baron go?

No one can give him this answer

In November 1918, German sailors rebelled in the port of Kiel and quickly spread throughout the navy and the country. On November 9th, the German capital Berlin also took place in November**. The German Emperor William II had to declare his abdication and fled to the Netherlands. The German Social Democratic Party formed an interim government and announced the establishment of the Weimar Republic.

On November 11, the “Gongbine Forest Armistice Agreement” was signed and Germany surrendered. The 1st World War, which lasted 4 years and 3 months, ended with the victory of the Allies

The parliament and treaty signed by the countries and Germany – the “Versailles Peace Treaty”, in response to the French request, joined the extremely harsh terms, imposed huge cede compensation and restrictions on arms in Germany. But at the same time, it did not punish the wars of the German Emperor William II, Marshal Hindenburg, and General Ludendorff.

The Treaty of Versailles pushed all responsibility for war to Germany, and imposed extremely harsh economic and military sanctions on Germany. Germany lost 13% of its territory and 12% of its population. Germany was disarmed and the German army was controlled. Under 100,000 people, the Air Force is not allowed. Although Germany was defeated in the first battle, the German spirit has not been greatly harmed, the industrial system is still intact, and the German mainland has not been affected by the war.

This also laid the seeds for the re-emergence of Germany in the future.

Skulls Commando is announced to keep the number forever

Germany, Berlin.

“Is there still no news from Ernst?” Rommel could not wait to ask.

Manstein and Guderian shook their heads.

“Hell the Ernst, where are you going?” Richtofen screamed in a hurry.

“General Ernst, you lied to me, you lied to me, you said you will come back!” Adolf.Hitler cried and cried out: “You promised that you will definitely come back, why are you lying to me!”

“Adolf, calm down.”

“No, I am not calm!” Adolf.Hitler became a little crazy, his eyes flashing a terrible light that never happened before:

“I know that General Ernst was caught by them, but they refused to admit it! Yes, Brittish, the French and the Americans captured General Ernst! General Ernst is suffering from them!”

Several people in Rommel looked at each other and suddenly felt that such a possibility existed.

Maybe Ernst is really in the hands of the Allies now?

“I swear, I will never cry again!” Adolf.Hitler’s voice was so cold: “I swear, I want to get the highest rights in Germany! I swear, I want to build a huge statue for General Ernst in Berlin! I Swear, one day, one day to lead Germany to re-emerge! I swear, I want to lead the Skulls commando, no, I want to lead the entire German army to defeat France, defeat the United Kingdom, defeat Germany! I swear, I will definitely save General Ernst from!”

I swear!

“If Ernst really fell into the hands of the enemy, we also vowed – must rescue Ernst!” All the people said.

Hitler’s hand lifted straight: “Everything for Ernst!”

– Everything for Ernst!

(The first volume of the infinite military base “All for the Germans” is finished.) (To be continued. Please search h astronomical W, the novel is better updated faster!)

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