The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume 1: All for Germany! Twenty-four. Attack from hell! (Seeking recommendations!), Floating Astronomy

We are attacking!

There was silence in the staff, not only General Garvitz, but no one could judge the truth of the news.

Galwitz鈥檚 voice involuntarily improved: 鈥淗ow long can you persist?鈥?/p>

“I don’t know, general, please give me the location as soon as possible!”

“Keep on, Lieutenant, your bravery will receive the highest reward! We will answer you the fastest!”

“Okay, general, my phone is hanging here. I don’t know how long it will last, but I will try my best, everything is for Germany… Hey, damn Brittish, come on!”

The phone stopped talking, and only the guns and the roar of Ernst Lieutenant came.

“Immediately understand the authenticity of this information!” General Garvitz screamed loudly: “Call me the battalion commander of the 16th Infantry Regiment Camp and let him run to me. You, look at the map immediately. Find out where he can break out!”

The reason why the general is so excited is not because he thinks that two people can win. But if there are still two German soldiers fighting at this time… No, a German Lieutenant and a Chinese worker are actually attacking the enemy of a battalion, which will be the greatest glory of the Second Group Army and the whole of Germany. No pride!

God, but this is incredible!

“General, I know this Ernst Breem!” A voice suddenly rang in the busy staff.

The general looked at it and was Sergeant Heinrich Elena of the Military Intelligence Service of the Army Staff.

“Sergeant Heinrich, do you recognize him?” the general asked doubtfully.

“Yes, the third company, Ernst Breem Lieutenant.” Elena replied very positively: “It is him who killed the spy Andreas and smashed a squad of Brittish. He also has a nickname, Somme. The creator of the miracle.”

鈥淭he creator of the Somme miracle?鈥?General Garvitz frowned.

“Ah, I think of him.” Colonel Rolle quickly yelled out: “The stalker of the G position killed twenty Britsish with a well-equipped company and captured the G position.”

General Garvitz suddenly saw some hope and could basically judge that the information should be true.

In fact, at the moment when the voice of Wang Weizhen came over the phone, Elena was sure that it was the voice of Ernst Breem.

Too amazing, when killing Andreas, Elena just thought that Ernst had better luck. Taking the position of the G, Elena has already looked at the Lieutenant, who has a slick tongue. Now, he actually used only two people to attack the most elite British sergeant Soberk battalion.

The pride of Germany! If this is the case, then he is the pride of Germany!

It seems that I have to change my mind about Lieutenant.

At this time, General Garvitz re-opened the phone to his ear…


“Left, ten o’clock, fire!”

Under the command of Wang Weizhen, the muzzle of the 20mm Breda gun turned to the 10 o’clock direction, and three rounds were ejected from the muzzle of the three Tanks.

“Boom – Boom – Boom -“

The position at 10 o’clock was suddenly submerged in the artillery fire, and the position was destroyed under the attack of a round of artillery.

“Twelve o’clock direction, machine gun, machine gun!”

The madness of the six machine guns “suddenly” spewed firepower, which was a lingering nightmare for Brittish who lost the heavy machine gun cover.

The piece of Brittish fell under the waves of the Death Scythe, and the group of Brittish had no resistance at all.

The Sub Machine Gun in the hands of Wang Weizhen and Guo Yenfeng was also screaming in horror, the muzzle kept jumping, and the lumber bombs continued to capture the life of Brittish.

This is simply a massacre!

In the face of three No. 1 B-type tanks, all resistance will be wiped out.

The Prince Soberk camp was completely chaotic.

This is not a war. This is a nightmare that can never be forgotten!

The firepower of two machine guns, the Sub Machine Gun, is enough to easily harvest the life here.

Major John was completely desperate.

This is not a human war, no! Instead, a medieval evil wizard untied the seal and let all the evil spirits from the ground emerge from hell!

The smoke enveloped here, the gunfire covered the military camp, and the Sorbok Prince鈥檚 camp completely collapsed.

“Retreat, retreat!” Major John screamed wildly.

Can’t fight anymore, can’t! Go on, all the people will die here!

The pride of the British army, the prince of Sobek, who has won numerous honors on the battlefield, collapsed under the attack of three tanks and two soldiers!

Shame, this is the shame that Major John and the Soberk Prince Camp can never forget!

The confidence of the British soldiers was completely disintegrated. When the majors gave orders, they ran wildly and turned around. If they were late, they would all die here!

Non-human offense! The hell devil’s offense! Enough to let the Prince Soberk battalion destroy 100 attacks! Now they believe in the existence of God!

Tank did not stop at all, and Brittish continued to violently sweep at the rout, and the shells were constantly launched, destroying the barracks of the Prince Soberk camp.

The fire and the smoke completely drowned everything here, and the military camp became a real hell.

Wang Weizhen emptied the last bullet in the magazine and replaced it with a new magazine, carefully and carefully searching for the position. He must make sure that he doesn’t shoot a bullet from the dark.

He did not expect that the three No. 1 B-type Tanks suddenly appeared on the battlefield to produce such terrible power. The reason why the Sorbok Prince Camp suffered such a rapid defeat was half because of the terrible power of Tank, and the other half because Brittish morale was destroyed in the face of Tank’s attack.

Guo Yenfeng鈥檚 face was also shocked.

Since arriving in France, he has witnessed a lot of battles, but no single battle can bring him such a big shock. Where did Lieutenant get these three monsters?

A part of the heavy machine gun that was blown up was scattered all over the place, and it seemed to be sad and helpless to look at everything that was miserable in front of him…

“Stop shooting.”

Under Wang Weizhen’s order, Tank’s shooting suddenly stopped. Wang Weizhen looked at the body of the land, and smiled bitterly, the cruel war: “The battle is confirmed.”

“In the confirmation of the war… Killing 187 British troops, no survivors… Repeating once, no survivors, killing the British army one hundred and eleven people!”

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