The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country 1,130. Waiting, floating astronomy

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On October 8, 1966, the Axis National Army began to increase supply, and tons of tons of steel madly rushed to London. The whole of London is burning in the war. On the same day, Elizabeth II once again published a book about Brittish:

“We are suffering before the victory, and this is to win the victory. We must endure… the subjects of England, insist that the moment when dawn comes, it will always be the darkest.” I saw that our house was burning, I saw that our land was burning, but I also saw that the goddess of victory is giving us a smile. I love this country, I love this country more than anyone else, but in order to win, I don’t hesitate to stop the Buckingham Palace in the war… If we destroy it, we can re-establish it, as long as we have such confidence… I’m begging you, I’m begging you to come up with all your determination and Confidence…”

Her Majesty’s declaration passed to Brittish, who was struggling to fight. Yes, now London is suffering tremendous damage, but what about it? Compared to victory, these can all be withheld with their most determined determination. The ruined home can be re-established!

After reading the last word of the Brittish book, Elizabeth II felt that her heart was so heavy.

“I don’t think I’m a competent queen…” Elizabeth II sighed softly: “Compared with the great Queen Victoria. I feel that I am very defeated. The monarch of a country is You shouldn’t let your capital suffer such a terrible thing.”

“No. It seems to me exactly the idea.” Adolf.Hitler, the head of the German Empire, said: “You led the Brittish people to victory. You took back your own things. If you can’t even say that this is great, Then I really can’t think of anything else that is great. Her Majesty, as you said, the home of destruction can be rebuilt sooner or later. I have experienced three world wars, for the first time, I The country failed. The German people fell into deep pain. However, we completed the reconstruction in our own unique way. The second time, we won, but we were probably stunned by the victory, and the result made me deep. The country of love is almost extinct.”

He said that he took a deep breath: “Berlin almost fell into the hands of the enemy. I can’t imagine what it would be like if it were. But fortunately we didn’t encounter this kind of thing. Nightmare, we succeeded, right? When the war is over, Berlin will complete the reconstruction with London, we will work together to dominate the whole of Europe. Germany and the UK! I promise!”

“What do you think of the French and the Italians?” Elizabeth II couldn’t help but smile: “I think they will probably protest.”

Hitler also laughed, the Queen probably still didn’t understand what she meant, but she would soon understand it all. . . . . .

. . . . . .

This is the suffering that Brittish people must endure, no matter what price they pay!

War can bring peace, but war brings more but destruction – endless destruction. The house is burning. Every Brittish heart is burning. They can only watch their homes burned and watched as they lost everything.

But the words of Elizabeth II greatly inspired their determination to endure the battle and fight to the end. As long as the light can be ushered in, what are the darkness before dawn?

Therefore, in the fire of the sky, their resistance determination has not been weakened at all, but has been maximized. Everyone throws all unrealistic fantasies behind them. The only thing in their minds is fighting, fighting, never stopping!

Someone fell down. They could no longer see the moment when the victory came. Soon, someone took over the position they left and put their lives into it in the fire of the sky.

On October 19th, the Axis National Army advanced troops into London, which means that the Fenton government and General Gandra have left only the last two choices: to start street fighting, or to surrender.

The latter result was unwilling to see at the top of the Fenton administration, and they had no turning back from the moment they betrayed the Queen. No one can forgive them. Many times they even feel that they can’t forgive themselves.

A series of orders were issued from the office of President Fenton, and until now, he is still asking his troops to continue fighting.

General Gandra refused the request for the plane to take off again an hour ago. His answer was exactly the same. In the current situation, it was not too much to rush to start the plane to transport President Fenton and others to flee the city and commit suicide. respectively.

Ok, in this case, what else can they say?

Prime Minister Wilkins also had the same idea. He was even more afraid of the failure than President Fenton. Many things, such as the operation of the entire government, are all handled by him. If he wants to go to court in the future, he may even be the first person to be tried.

Minister Kapanon’s fears were not as strong as Fenton and Wilkins. Anyway, he was just a soldier. He could defend himself. Everything he did was obeying the government’s orders. For a soldier, it is absolutely nothing.

The entire presidential palace has now become a fortress, and countless tanks and machine guns are placed around. Those who are nervous can’t know when the enemy will appear in front of them. If the gunshots in London haven’t stopped, then for them they will only fight for the last minute and a second.

On the morning of the 19th, another government army surrendered. Not everyone thinks like Fenton or Wilkins to resist. Many of them are still young. There are still a lot of days to live, why should you bury your life when you are already destined to fail?

9:00. The Axis National Army General Command issued an ultimatum to all the allies who continued to resist. Before 12:00 on October 20, 1966, the Allies must surrender unconditionally. They will ensure the safety of survivors and ensure that they comply with international conventions. If the battle in London is not over before the incident, then the Axis will have to take all necessary means to annihilate all the enemies that are still resisting.

At 9:10, all the senior officers, including the chief of the Axis National Army, Erwin Rommel, gathered neatly in their temporary headquarters. When the familiar figure appeared, every officer raised his hand. A loud call was made:

“Long live – Ernst!”

Ernst Alexson von Breem !

Now there is no need to worry about anything. The victory is firmly in the hands of the Axis, and all they have to do is wait for tomorrow.

“Ernst, we have three troops in London and have already controlled some important facilities.” Rommel didn’t have much nonsense, and soon introduced Marshal Ernst: “At the same time, we have already defined the enemy’s headquarters. Position. The SS Skulls division is heading to the area. It’s just that the entire London is being destroyed.”

“I know.” Wang Weizhen nodded. “Half of London was destroyed in the gunfire. Erwin, forget this, now the only thing we have to consider is victory. Duke Stephen, how is your situation?”

“The underground resistance organization and the Brittish who participated in the uprising all joined the ranks of the Axis National Army…” The Duke of Stephen was obviously very satisfied with his efficiency: “The news came from Lance, Coventry The enemy commander has ordered the surrender. We actually have full control over Coventry. And in other cities in the UK, the situation is probably the same, the only one that is still experiencing fierce fighting is London.”

Sir Monrington came to the map: “You, here is the so-called presidential palace established by Fenton. It is still good. He has not been arrogant to set up his presidential palace in Buckingham Palace. There are more than two divisions here. With a large number of tanks and cannons, the work is quite strong. If the storm is strong, I am not worried about whether we can succeed, but this will continue to bring harm to London. Lord Baron, do we have any other way?”

“I will try my best.” Wang Weizhen said with indulgence: “I will order the Air Force to stop bombing. While the ground forces are advancing, I will also send a large number of special commandos. Sir Monlington, we will do our best. But it is not up to us to be able to win at the lowest cost in the fastest time.”

A few Brittish nodded, and those who were still recalcitrant, why not even see the battle? Do they think there will be any miracles happening? Do they really want to make London completely destroyed to be satisfied?

“Ernst, General Gandra and his headquarters are here, the largest base of US troops in London.” Rommel pointed out on the map: “I think you can consider persuading it.”

This Marshal St Ernst Breem is best at doing the work, but unexpectedly, Wang Weizhen smiled: “Why do you want to persuade? Elwin, I am not a militant, but for people like Gandra, You have to let him make a choice. I don’t even give him a call. In these days in London, I have dealt with General Gandra, who is afraid to see me, afraid. I heard my voice, but now he is very eager to hear what I said to him on the phone.”

Having said that, his smile is even brighter: “But I just don’t give him a call, I will let him wait, wait in the torment, and then he will make his own choices.”

Rommel and his companions looked at it and didn’t know what Marshal Ernst meant. . . . . .

In fact, Wang Weizhen is too clear, what kind of character is General Gandra. When necessary, he will sacrifice himself to complete the final honor of a soldier. However, he will never joke about the lives of his soldiers. When the war entered the last minute, everything was irreparable. He is able to make the most correct choice. . . . . .

. . . . . .

Allied Command in London.

The sound of the guns was strangely scarce, and even the planes that had been raging in the sky actually disappeared. There was a terrible calm on the battlefield. Probably those in the Axis are waiting for the arrival of the ultimatum.

More than an hour ago. Enemy trails have been found near the military base, but those enemies also have no intention of attacking them immediately. The only thing they do is to monitor it closely.

General Gandra pulled down his own telescope, poured himself a glass of wine, and then looked at Hilock Comodore, the chief of staff who had just arrived in office: “Mr. Chief of Staff, it is a pity that you have been in this position for less than a month. But you have to let you see it all.”

Hilock shrugged: “Yes, all the thoughts about the romance of war have been completely shattered here… General, when I left the United States, I have had illusions, I think maybe we Together, they can create miracles, but the cold reality is always so cruel. The powerful allies are completely knocked down, and we have lost all the advantages we once had. Now I am thinking about it. We will In what way do you end the war decently?”

“Decent?” General Gandra said with a sneer: “At this time, are we still considering decent? The only decent thing is that we will not be humiliated when we are in the prison camp. Ah, the chief of staff, if you want If I leave, I can arrange the plane immediately.”

Hilock was a little surprised: “Airplane? You are not saying that the plane is no longer able to take off?”

“This is for Brittish.” General Gandra looked at the phone on the table: “The reason we fall to today is largely because of the Brittaish reasons. When they destroy it here.” After such a thoroughness, do you want to leave it? No, I will not let them go to the United States, and will not let them cause damage to the United States.”

Chilok understood the general’s meaning: “General, I will not leave. Soldiers can run away, but as commanders. They must not leave their command position at the last minute. We are not qualified commanders, but I hope We can be a qualified soldier.”

General Gandra thanked him gratefully. . . . . . Yes, they can’t be qualified commanders, but at least they can be qualified soldiers. Thinking of this, General Gandra made an involuntary look at the phone on the desk.

“Who are you waiting for?” Hilock was curious.

General Gandra pulled down the glass in his hand: “Mr. Chief of Staff, we are ready, either killed or surrendered. But what about the soldiers? They are innocent, so they are not at all in the war. Is it a vain sacrifice in the hope?”

Hilock’s silence was hungry, and that’s exactly what he has been worried about. . . . . . The soldiers have done their best, even in such a bad situation, they are still faithfully executing orders, even if they are likely to die at any time and place.

The meaning of General Gandra was no longer obvious, but why didn’t he give the order?

“It’s been a long time since the enemy’s ultimatum was issued.” General Gandra later sighed deeply: “Actually, I am ready to surrender. Nothing is more precious than life. But I still I hope to maintain the honor of the last US soldier. I hope that the phone will ring at the moment. It is the voice of the enemy commander. This way, we can give ourselves and give us a good excuse for all the American soldiers who are still fighting here.”

The “Lieutenant Colonel Moyol”, no, should call him Baron Alexson. Since he entered London, he always appears as a ghost from time to time, but when he needs to hear his voice most. Why is he as if he is missing?

Suppose he can call at this time, at least he has the bargaining capital with him, at least he can still get the biggest benefit for the US military after surrender. However, the phone didn’t ring, and Baron Alexson once again adopted a way to make him scratch his head.

Perhaps, the baron has already guessed what he thought in his heart.

“Or, we can give them a call.” Sirok said after a moment of silence: “We can discuss with them the highest commander about the method of surrender, I think, they are not willing to control in victory. When you are in your hands, you will let your soldiers suffer more casualties.”

General Gandra did not speak, and there was a final illusion in his heart. Yes, the phone will ring in the next minute. The other party knows how to do it, and must not let its own destiny completely control the place at this last moment.

But the time passed by in a minute, the phone seemed to be completely broken, and there was no sound at all. On the outside of the hungry battlefield, it is even quieter, quiet to make people feel scared. General Gandra could even hear his heartbeat.

Waiting, everyone is waiting, everyone is comparing each other’s patience. But the serious downside for General Gandra is that the time to leave the enemy’s ultimatum is getting closer.

Enemies can spend a lot of time, but they can’t!

“He won again, is he?” Finally, General Gandra broke the silence: “Yes, he once again defeated me.”

Hilock was stunned there and couldn’t understand the meaning of the general!

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